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Academic year: 2024



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Historically, multi-use trail design has largely neglected intersection treatments, affecting the overall quality and continuity of the facility. The intersection concept presented here integrates the bend/bend concept and appropriate conflict zone markings in multi-use path design. The multi-use path intersection should be designed as a Combined Pedestrian and Cyclist Crossing (refer to Section 7.0 for details of pavement markings).

In some cases, cyclists may cross the road to use the multi-use path on the other side (for example, to reach a major destination). Where this is provided, an intersection may be added to the perpendicular legs of the intersection in addition to the parallel legs (refer to Section 5.2.3, Figure 5-29 for an illustration of an intersection with intersections on all legs) A yellow line separation shall be applied on the multi-use path approaching the intersection to reduce conflicts. Multi-use paths should be curved (0.5-2 m) or curved (4-7 m) from the parallel edge of the road, depending on the context of the road and.

The multi-use path should be made of a different construction material than the sidewalk to mark the beginning of the shared space and emphasize pedestrian priority. A separate pedestrian pole with a button for cyclists approaching from the right side of the multi-use path to reduce conflicts with pedestrians and facilitate crossing. When a multi-use path approaches an intersection, it is important that the facility is properly positioned for safe crossing.

At a distance of 2-4 m from the curb it should be curved in or out as illustrated in Figure 5-8 and Figure 5-9 below.

Urban Intersection with Sidewalks and Conventional Bike Lanes (Retrofit)

Where a right turn lane is provided at an intersection, a preferred approach to accommodate the turn lane is to drive the cycling facility up into the boulevard (refer to Exhibit 5-11) and to transition to an elevated or in- boulevard bike lane through the intersection. This can be accompanied by separation in time (by signal phasing) or space (bend-out design). Where right-of-way or cost constraints do not permit these alternatives, the following concepts may be considered.

This is a proposed treatment where the cycle path is widened to accommodate a 0.5m painted buffer with optional bollards. The vehicle stop bar is located 2 m behind the cyclist stop bar to improve visibility. This treatment should be implemented in conjunction with a separate bicycle signal that can be used to separate the vehicle's right turn from the ongoing bicycle movement (where a dedicated right turn lane is provided).

Major Urban Intersection with Sidewalks and Raised Cycle Tracks

It is recommended that two-stage left-turn queue boxes be installed along Regional Roads where they will provide a benefit to cyclists, based on the approaching facility type, road and intersection context and the characteristics of the intersection road. Should only be provided at signalized intersections along Regional Corridors with cycling facilities appropriate to the street context. Where a two-stage queue box can facilitate access to a major destination within 500m of an intersection, regardless of whether cycling facilities are available on the intersecting road.

Where there is a regional road to be crossed, it is six lanes or wider as a means of accommodating cyclists wishing to exit the regional road. Please note that signs or other design interventions may be required to allow bicyclists to safely enter the intersection.

Major Urban Protected Intersection

Unsignalized Intersections

Crossings at unsignalized intersections must include curb ramps or recesses with tactile walking surface indicators. Along regional roads, there will most likely be unsignalized intersections where a local or collector road intersects a regional road. In these cases, motorists on the crossing street must stop and identify a gap in the traffic on the Regional Road in order to complete their movement through the intersection.

As a result, it is essential to increase the visibility of conflicting movements by cyclists and pedestrians to ensure the safety of these users. This is perhaps most important where cyclists and pedestrians will be traveling in the opposite direction of oncoming traffic, as motorists will focus on picking a gap in oncoming traffic. Accessible Curb Ramps Per York Region Standard DS-100 Series Drawings Transverse Pedestrian Marking. Bicycle and diamond pavement markings after intersections in addition to cycle path signage (RB-91 - TAC).

Custom RB-37 signs to warn drivers to yield to through cyclists - refer to Section 7. In special cases, a green conflict zone marking may also be considered in addition to the sharrow markings. Sharrows spaced at 3-5 m (urban areas) or 8-10 m (rural areas) to alert drivers to the cyclist's path of travel.

Separated Bikeway with Sidewalk

The "bend-out" design depicted in Exhibit 5-26 may be applied to bicycle facilities located anywhere within the boulevard, including raised bicycle lanes located adjacent to the curb at the beginning. Where lack of space precludes the use of this treatment, cycle facilities should be "curved in" to between 0-2m from the curb face. Crossride markings for cyclists must incorporate elephant foot markings and bicycle symbol with arrow to indicate direction of travel. Corner radii will vary depending on control vehicles, but 7.5m is preferred to reduce the speed of right-turning vehicles.

The Crossride must be set back from the Regional Road 4-7 m to allow for a swing carriage space to give way to crossing cyclists without the risk of being rear-ended. Delineation of cycle and pedestrian spaces where the two facilities approach each other through the application of paving stones or other high contrast treatment Adapted RB-37 signage to warn turning motorists to yield to cyclists - see Section 7.

In-Boulevard Separated Bikeway with Sidewalk

Facility Transitions

These transitions are likely to occur where a road passes from one classification to another or where regional roads intersect municipal roads. These transitions can be challenging for users, especially where unidirectional devices meet bidirectional devices. Designers should strive to minimize the discomfort of these transitions wherever possible, while ensuring that movements are controlled and predictable.

Whenever possible, facility crossings should occur at signalized intersections to provide adequate opportunities for pedestrians and bicyclists to safely cross streets, as needed. Each facility transition will require detailed consideration of the context, however some generalized examples likely to have applications in York Region have been developed to assist designers in these cases. Separated bike lane on one side of an intersection crossing into a multi-use path on the other side of the intersection.

Multi-use Path on the other side of the Intersection

For cases where a sidewalk and bicycle path intersect a multi-use path, it is important to clarify pedestrian priority through a combination of material changes, signage and sidewalk markings. The same treatment shown here can also be applied where a (specialised) roadside facility meets a multi-use path by walking up the cycle path to the boulevard and applying this treatment. For further details on the width of facilities, see Section 4.10, or for details on the geometry of intersections, see Section 5.2.1.

AODA – compliant curbs and feel plates per York Region Standard DS-400 series drawings (see section 7.2.4) Custom 'Turning Vehicles Yield To Bicycles' (RB-37 – TAC) signage to alert turning motorists to yield to the passage for cyclists. WC-44L should be placed in the median to warn left-turning people of an intersection on their left, and WC-44R should be placed on the right side of the roadway to warn right-turning traffic. The cycle path intersection should be designed as a cyclist intersection, with elephant foot markings and chevrons to indicate the direction of travel (see section 5.2.1 for details).

The multi-use path intersection should be designed as a Combined Pedestrian and Cyclist Intersection (refer to Section 5.2.1. for details). Yield signs warning cyclists approaching with priority over pedestrians should be applied to segregated cycling facilities. A yellow dividing line should be implemented on the multi-use path approaching the intersection to reduce conflicts.

Cyclists yield to pedestrians signage (Rb-73-OTM) can be used where there are challenges with interactions between users. Common path should be made of a different construction material than the pavement to mark the beginning of a common area and to emphasize pedestrian priority. In cases where two multi-use paths cross each other, it is important to reiterate the priority of pedestrians within the shared space of the intersection.

AODA – compliant curb ramps and tactile plates per York Region Standard DS-400 series drawings (See Section 7.2.4). Crossing the multi-use path should be designed as a combined pedestrian and cycle crossing (see Sections 5.2.1. & 7 for details). Separate push-button pedestrian bar for cyclists approaching on the right side of the multi-use path is preferred to reduce conflicts with pedestrians and facilitate crossing.


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