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Personal information


Academic year: 2020

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(1)TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRUJIILLO FACULTAD DE EDUCACIÓN Y CIENCIAS DE LA COMUNICACIÓN ESCUELA PROFESIONAL DE EDUCACIÓN SECUNDARIA. Personal information. Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional para optar el Título de Licenciada en Educación Secundaria Mención: Idiomas: Inglés-Alemán. AUTORA: Br. Gerónimo Sanes Antonella Elizabeth. Trujillo - Perú 2019. Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(2) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. DEDICATORIA. Dedico este trabajo a mi familia.. ii. Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(3) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. JURADO DICTAMINADOR. ___________________________ Dr. Aldama Flores, Claver Julio Presidente. _________________________________ Mg. Del Rosario Alfaro, José Leonardo Secretario. __________________________________ Lic. Gómez Dextre, Yona María del Pilar Vocal. iii. Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(4) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. CONTENTS. Dedicatoria ............................................................................................................................................... ii Jurado dictaminador ................................................................................................................................ iii Presentation ............................................................................................................................................ vi Resumen ................................................................................................................................................ vii Abstract ................................................................................................................................................. viii Introduction...............................................................................................................................................9 I. LEARNING SESSION DESIGN IMPLEMENTED.............................................................................. 10 1.1. General information ................................................................................................................... 10 1.2. Lesson plan: .............................................................................................................................. 10 1.3. Capacities .................................................................................................................................. 10 1.4. Learning strategies .................................................................................................................... 10 1.5. Learning development ............................................................................................................... 11 1.6. Chart values .............................................................................................................................. 12 1.7. Evaluation .................................................................................................................................. 13 1.8. Observation guide ..................................................................................................................... 14 1.9. Bibliography ............................................................................................................................... 15 1.10.Websites ................................................................................................................................... 15 II. THEORICAL SUPPORT ................................................................................................................... 16 2.1. Thematic aspect ........................................................................................................................ 16 2.1.1. “Verb to be in the present simple” ................................................................................... 16 2.1.2. Structure.......................................................................................................................... 16 III. PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT .............................................................................................................. 17 3.1. Psychological theory.................................................................................................................. 17 3.1.1. Individualization ............................................................................................................... 17 3.1.2. The motivation principle .................................................................................................. 17 3.1.3. Socialization .................................................................................................................... 18 3.2. Didactic support ......................................................................................................................... 18 3.2.1. Communicative approach................................................................................................ 18 Language theory ................................................................................................ 18 Principles for Teachers .............................................................................. 19 iv. Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(5) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. Principles for Learners ............................................................................... 19 3.2.2. Techniques...................................................................................................................... 20 questions ................................................................................... 20 pictures ................................................................................................. 20 and following instructions ......................................................................... 21 ............................................................................................................. 21 work ............................................................................................................. 21 3.2.3. Teaching aids .................................................................................................................. 21 Body language ................................................................................................... 21´s voice ................................................................................................... 21 ......................................................................................................... 22 The board ........................................................................................................... 22 Sticky tac ............................................................................................................ 22 Video .................................................................................................................. 22 3.2. Evaluation .................................................................................................................................. 22 3.3.1. The formative evaluation ................................................................................................. 22 CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 23 BIBLIOGRAPHY..................................................................................................................................... 24 Appendixes............................................................................................................................................. 25 Appendix 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 26 Appendix 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 27 Appendix 3 ........................................................................................................................................ 28 Appendix 4 ........................................................................................................................................ 29. v. Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(6) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. PRESENTATION. The present lesson plan entitled “Personal Information” has been designed for 1st grade students to introduce themselves and people in the third person. In the beginning I will show a video, so the students will deduce the topic of the lesson. During the lesson, the main goal is to make the students use their writing skills. The method I am going to use in the class is the Communicative Language teaching. The materials have been chosen considering some students’ factors such as their age and grade to maximize their English language learning.. vi. Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(7) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. RESUMEN. Este trabajo fue hecho para que los estudiantes sepan cómo presentarse a sí mismos y a una tercera persona. Al comienzo de la clase, el maestro mostró un video sobre información personal y los estudiantes trataron de adivinar el tema de la clase. El alumno sabía lo que tenía que hacer en cada actividad modelando, practicando, y haciendo preguntas de comprensión. Además, los alumnos crearon un párrafo utilizando el vocabulario que se les enseñó e interactuando con sus compañeros de clase. El objetivo de la clase es enseñar la forma correcta de dar información personal, lo cual será muy útil en sus vidas.. Palabras clave: Nombre, Edad, Nacionalidad.. vii. Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(8) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. ABSTRACT. This work was made to make students know how to introduce themselves and a third person. In the beginning of the class the teacher showed a video about personal information and the students tried to guess the topic of the class. The student knew what they have to do in each activity by modeling, coaching, asking comprehension questions. Also, the students made their conversation using the vocabulary they were taught and acting their conversation with their classmates. The goal of the class is to teach the correct way to give personal information, this learning is going to be so useful in their lives.. Keywords: Name, Age, Nationality.. viii. Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(9) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. INTRODUCTION. Methodology in language teaching has been characterized in a variety of ways. Within methodology we have methods and approaches, in which methods are the fixed teaching systems with prescribed techniques and practices, and approaches are language teaching philosophies that can be interpreted and applied in a variety of different ways in the classroom. Before, classrooms were dominated by traditional methods of rote learning of grammar rules. Nowadays, the emphasis is developing student’s communication skills; they can use the language in real situations to communicate their ideas, opinions and emotions. The topic for the lesson plan is “Personal Information” and this lesson plan aims to students to introduce themselves and a third person. The theoretical support is based on: The psychological support which refers to the cognitivist theory and the pedagogical support which is based on the communicative approach. It is focus on the idea that learning language successfully comes through having to communicate real meaning. Likewise, the techniques are showing pictures, checking, questioning and answering, following instructions, individual work and team work. The teaching aids are board, flashcards, word cards, teacher’s voice, worksheets, etc.. 9. Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(10) TSP UNITRU. I.. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. LEARNING SESSION DESIGN IMPLEMENTED 1.1. General information 1.1.1 School. : “Modelo”.. 1.1.2 Subject. : English.. 1.1.3 Grade and Class. : 1st “A”.. 1.2. Lesson plan: 1.2.1 Lesson Topic. : “Personal information”.. 1.2.2 Date and Time. : September, 26th - 2.30 p.m.. 1.2.3 Class duration. : 45 minutes.. 1.3. Capacities 1.3.1. General competences. 1.3.2. Specific capacities. Text Comprehension. Recognize the vocabulary given in class.. Text Production. Write a paragraph about personal information.. 1.4. Learning strategies SPECIFIC. CONTENTS. CAPACITIES. TECHNIQUES. COMMUNICATIVE. LINGUISTIC. FUNCTION. GRAMMAR. - Describing personal. - Verb to be:. information.. - I am …. - Describe personal information.. - You are…. - Showing a video.. - He is…. - Asking and answering. - She is… NOTION - Personal information. TOPIC - Personal Information.. VOCABULARY - Name. - Age.. questions. - Class participation. - Individual work - Worksheet. - Occupation. - Address.. SITUATION. - Nationality.. - Students introduce themselves and a third person.. 10. Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(11) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. 1.5. Learning development Learning Activities. - The teacher shows a video.. For the students. - Greet the teacher.. 4. Guided practice. For the teacher. - Greets the students. - Introduces herself and tell the date.. R. 1. Previous knowledge 2. Introducing the new knowledge 3. Describing the new knowledge. DEVELOPMENT. MOTIVATION. Motivation. Resources. - The students deduce what is the topic of the class.. - Give Ss sentences describing a third person.. - Listen to the teacher and watch the video.. - Shows video.(appendix 1). - Pay attention to the video. - Put the flashcards in the correct order. - Participate actively.. - Presents an activity (appendix 2) - Asks students to participate (appendix 2). - Introducing the topic asking: The Personal Information.. - Pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.. - Gives a worksheet to Ss to show a description about a third person . (appendix 3). . - Praises the Ss with encouraging words.. - Keeps a positive attitude. - Gives Ss a sense of control. - Praises the Ss with - encouraging words.. - Makes them practice the pronunciation.. - Pay attention to the instructions given. - Complete the worksheet. - Create sentences describing themselves and a third person.. TIME. Moments. - Gives the Ss a worksheet (appendix 4).. - Teacher’s voice. - Student’s voice. - Board. - Markers. - Video.. - Teacher´s voice. - Student’s voice. - Flashcards . - Board.. - Teacher´s voice - Student’s voice - Pictures - Worksheet - Board. 5. 10. 10. - Teacher´s voice - Student’s voice - worksheet. 11 Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(12) 5. Free practice. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. 7. Extension and consolidation. 6. Classroom transfer. CONCLUSION. TSP UNITRU. - Oral practice. - Keeps a positive attitude. - Involve students in the activity.. - Describe personal information about a classmate.. - Tells the students to describe personal information about a classmate.. - Teacher´s voice - Student´s voice.. - Provides opportunities for students to participate.. - Raise their hand and answer the question orally.. - Asks students what they have learned.. - ‘Teacher’s voice. - Praises students with rewarding expressions.. - Listen to the teacher.. - Thanks the students for - Their attention and - participation.. 10. - Participate as volunteers.. - “Say goodbye”. 5. - Student’s voicee - Teacher’s voice - Student’s voice. 5. - Says “goodbye”. 1.6. Chart values Values Responsibility. Cooperation. Respect. Attitudes -. Do the activities in class.. -. Do the tasks.. -. Participate in class.. -. Help and support their classmates.. -. Share knowledge with their classmates.. -. Respect the teacher.. -. Respect their classmates.. -. Follow teacher’s instructions.. 12 Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(13) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. 1.7. Evaluation Expected learning - Students give information about themselves and a third person.. Achievement indicator. - Recognize the. Signs of performance - Answer. Tools - Voice.. questions.. - Video.. - Class.. - Do exercises.. - Board.. - Use vocabulary about age,. - Work in pairs.. - Markers.. - Address and nationality.. - Work. - Worksheets.. - Students create sentences. - Individually.. - Pictures.. - Vocabulary given in. about the topic.. -. Flashcards.. 13 Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(14) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. 1.8. Observation guide. INDICATORS. STUDENTS. - Select the appropriate vocabulary given in the class A. B. C D. - Give ideas - Pronunciation to describe and fluency. personal information.. A. B. C D A. B. C. D. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.. Descriptive Scale: A. EXCELLENT. B. GOOD. C. REGULAR. D. BAD. 14 Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(15) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. 1.9. Bibliography 1.9.1. For teachers: Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary, (2003). 1st. Ed. Cambridge University Pr ess. New york. Harmer, J. (2005). “How to teach English”, Longman. England.. 1.9.2. For students: All the materials will be provided by the teacher.. 1.10. Websites https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbusyteacher.org%2F4011-firstlesson-how-to-introduceyourself.html%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1DTLmgPspCjvuOMjGWQ_c4GeSwLj5JH1_Te9 JY1cfkbNlTNxGHk4fU6TI&h=AT3T6V9jFIbXQK08XvDKimFA2dYMqCiYR0zSJcij cvvGNe_qjgffI9MbGO4m7Mu1e8gvgaieK8gsDlGBYLL3tC5M3TK1Qn196P9KziwoAa1GHXBNwYzC8sm-MCArj6t-CpN https://en.islcollective.com/english-esl-worksheets/grammar/present-simple-tense/thirdperson-singular-personal-information/9662 https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgjkjsqAzvo&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR3ORtoT5T upL7N4YvrTsvayjddj84BZLKd5A0hlaoT33D5s12nHeqVll3M. 15 Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(16) TSP UNITRU. II.. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. THEORICAL SUPPORT 2.1. Thematic aspect 2.1.1. “Verb to be in the Present Simple” In this topic we use the present simple to describe personal information and we use the verb to be to describe the first person and third person. 2.1.2. Structure The basic structure of the verb to be in the present simple is: Subject. +. Verb to be. +. Complement. Subject. Verb to be. Complement. I. am. Antonella Geronimo.. She. is. 25 years old.. He. is. Peruvian.. 16 Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(17) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. III. PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT 3.1. Psychological theory Cognitivism is the learning theory that focuses on inner mental activities, how the information is received, organized, stored, and retrieved by the mind. Instructions should be organized, and presented in a manner that is understandable and meaningful to the learner. James Hartley has usefully drawn out some of the key principles of learning, as he puts it: 'Learning results from inferences, expectations and making connections. Instead of acquiring habits, learners acquire plans and strategies. The principles he identifies are: Instruction should be well-organized: Well-organized materials are easier to learn and to remember. Instruction should be clearly structured: Subject matters are said to have natural structures and logical relationships between key ideas and concepts to link the parts together. The perceptual features of the task are important the way a problem is displayed is important if learners are to understand it. Prior knowledge is important previous learning must fit with what is already learned. Differences between individuals are as important as they will affect learning: Differences in 'cognitive style' or methods of approach influence learning. 3.1.1. Individualization Students have needs and abilities that are unique. There are differences in their speaking, listening, writing, reading activities; differences in the way of thinking; feeling; etc. This principle tells that the center of the educational action is the person who has to adapt himself some interest and procedures. Each person wants the greatest perfection to develop whatever he wants individually. 3.1.2. The motivation principle Motivation may also denote cravings, incentives, drives, desires, urges, or satisfactions. Motivation is effective only when it gives a mental set toward learning. The teaching approach that is made a part of the regular teaching procedure often serves as the most effective form of motivation. 17 Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(18) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. 3.1.3. Socialization The human infant comes into the world as biological organism with animal needs. He is gradually moulded into a social being and he learns social ways of acting and feeling. Without this process of moulding, the society could not continue itself, nor could culture exist, nor could the individual become a person. This process of moulding is called ‘Socialization’. 3.2. Didactic support 3.2.1. Communicative approach The communicative approach is based on the idea that learning language successfully comes through having to communicate real meaning. When learners are involved in real communication, their natural strategies for language acquisition will be used, and this will allow them to learn to use the language. Language theory The communicative approach in language teaching starts from a theory of language as communication. The goal of language teaching is to develop “communicative competences”. Learning a second language was similarly viewed by proponents of Communicative Language Teaching as acquiring the linguistic means to perform different kinds of functions. At the level of language theory, Communicative Language Teaching has a rich theatrical base. Some of the characteristics of this communicative view of language follow: - Language is a system for the expression of meaning. - The primary function of language is for interaction and communication. - Language techniques are designed to engage learners in the use of language for meaningful purposes. - Activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful task promote learning. - Communicative approach seeks to use authentic resources. - Errors are a natural part of learning language.. 18 Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(19) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. Basic Principles for Teachers - A teacher's main role is a facilitator and monitor rather than leading the class. In other words, "the guide by the side" and not "the sage on the stage". - Lessons are usually topic or theme based, with the target grammar "hidden" in the context e.g. to say some activities in the past. - Lessons are built round situations/functions practical and authentic in the real world e.g. asking for information about students' activities in the past. - Activities set by the teacher have relevance and purpose to real life situations - Students can see the direct benefit of learning. Dialogues are used that Centre around communicative functions, such as socializing, asking and giving information about past activities. - Emphasis on engaging learners in more useful and authentic language rather than repetitive phrases or grammar patterns. - Emphasis on communication and meaning rather than accuracy. Being understood takes precedence over correct grammar. The fine-tuning of grammar comes later. Basic Principles for Learners - Learners are often more motivated with this approach as they have an interesting what is being communicated, as the lesson is topic or theme based. - Learners are encouraged to speak and communicate from day one, rather than just barking out repetitive phrases Learners practice the target language a number of times, slowly building on accuracy Language is created by the individual, often through trial and error. - Learners interact with each other in pairs or groups, to encourage a flow of language and maximize the percentage of talking time, rather than just teacher to student and vice versa. - Unless the focus is on the accuracy stage of the lesson, learners are corrected at the end of an activity so as not to interrupt their thought process.. 19 Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(20) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. “Communicative Language Teaching means little more than an integration of grammatical and functional teaching; one of the most characteristic features of communicative language teaching is that it pays systematic attention to functional as well as structural aspects of language. For others, it means using procedures where learners work in pairs or group employing available language resources in problem-solving task”. Some characteristics: - Focus on communication rather than structure. - Emphasis on functional uses of language in different social settings. - Use of classroom activities that relate language forms with functions - Focus on meaningful tasks - Collaboration - Focus on the whole learner - Teacher is a guide, organizer and facilitator. - Provides learners with opportunities to share and explore their attitudes, feelings and opinions. - Creates a genuine, realistic, learning situation. 3.2.2. Techniques Comprehension questions “It helps the teacher to see if the students have truly understood”. (Richards & Rogers, 2003, p. 54) The teacher asks some comprehension questions to make sure if the students have understood the tasks.. Showing pictures Pictures are the most useful visual aids available to the teacher. They can result a good way to engaged to the learners with new situations or vocabulary and practice many aspects of the language. When the teacher shows different visual aids about the topic. For example, when the teacher presents health problems, explains the new vocabulary. These visual aids are good way to engage to the students 20 Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(21) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. Giving and following instructions This is a simple but valuable communicative activity. This is the use of the language at work. During the whole class, the teacher gives instructions for the activities. For example, the teacher explains what they have to do with the work material given. Checking Teacher is circulating or guiding the correction of student’s work, providing feedback. When the teacher walks around the class helping them if they have some doubts and have to do some tasks. Pair work It is suggested to encourage students to use and practice functions and forms. (Richards & Rogers, 2003, p. 82) Students work in pairs to introduce to his/her classmate.. 3.2.3. Teaching aids Body language It is a type of non-verbal communication in which physical behavior, as opposed to words, are used to express or convey information . The teacher smiles and makes mimics to explain the instructions better during the whole class. Teacher´s voice We rely on our voices to a great extent, and with it, we transmit not only information but also mood, atmosphere, and emotions. Moreover, how we speak and what our voice sounds like have a crucial impact on classes.. 21 Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(22) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. Worksheets It measures the student´s learning and understanding. The teacher gives them a work material according to the lesson and that allows the students to reinforce what they have learned.. The board It´s the most helpful visual aids. Working on the board should encourage students to think and take actions rather than just remain them of what they have learned. The teacher uses the board to project some slides related to the topic. Sticky tac A sticky substance which is used for joining things together permanently, produced from animal bone and skins or by a chemical process. The teacher uses this substance to stick on a piece of paper the formal and informal expressions. Video It is a very useful tool that can help to have a better understanding and expose the target language. 3.2. Evaluation 3.3.1. The formative evaluation It is accomplished through the measurement and appreciation of the results during a program, from the moment of its initialization to the one of its closure. It consists of the estimation of different phases, sequences of the process and the results that have been obtained, by accomplishing them using successive stages, analyzed in detail. Therefore, the formative evaluation presents itself as a continuous preoccupation of all the people involved in the evaluated activity to submit the effects of the action (feedback).. 22 Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(23) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. CONCLUSIONS. -. Students knew how to ask direct questions and wrote them on the board.. -. The student knew what they have to do in each activity by modeling, coaching, asking comprehension questions.. -. The students made their conversation using the vocabulary they were taught and acting their conversation with their classmates.. -. The video about personal information consolidated structures.. -. When a student made a mistake the teacher said it again as many times as possible during the class, trying to make an example but not telling the student that he or she made a wrong answer.. 23 Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(24) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. BIBLIOGRAPHY. THEORICAL SUPPORT Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary (2003). 1 st. Ed. Cambridge University. New York. Raymond Murphy (2004). English Grammar in use. Cambridge University.. PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT Hartley, J. (1998). Learning and Studying. London. Richard, J. Rogers, T. (2003). Approaches and Methods in languages teaching. Cambridge University Press. Harmer, J. (2009). How to teach English, Longman. England. Larsen - Freeman, D. (2002). “Techniques and Principles”. 2nd. Ed. Oxford University Press. New York.. WEBSITES http://languagelearningbase.com/93575/english-expressions-formal-informal-language-difference https://www.slideshare.net/LeilinhaM/jeremy-harmerthepracticeofenglishlanguageteaching https://dictionary.cambridge.org/grammar/british-grammar/types-of-english-formal-informaletc/formal-and-informal-language} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgjkjsqAzvo&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR3ORtoT5TupL7N4Yvr Tsvayjddj84BZLKd5A0hlaoT33D5s12nHeqVll3M. 24 Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(25) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. Appendixes. 25 Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(26) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. Appendix 1. VIDEO. 26 Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(27) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. Appendix 2. Put in order the following boxes to make sentences.. 27 Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(28) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. Appendix 3. 28 Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(29) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. Appendix 4. 29 Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(30) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. 30 Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.

(31) TSP UNITRU. Biblioteca de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación – UNT. 31 Esta obra ha sido publicada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 2.5 Perú. Para ver una copia de dicha licencia, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/pe/.



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