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TítuloA BEM approach for grounding grid computation


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Preprint of the paper

"A BEM Approach for Grounding Grid Computation"

I. Colominas, F. Navarrina, M. Casteleiro (1994)

En "Boundary Element Method XVI", Sección 4: "Electromagnetics", pp. 117--124; C.A.

Brebbia (Editor);

Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, UK (ISBN: 1-85312-283-1)


I. Colominas, F. Navarrina and M. Casteleiro

Depto. de Metodos Matematicos y de Representacion

E.T.S. de Ingenieros de Caminos,Canales y Puertos

Universi dad de La Coru~na

Campus de Elvi~na, 15192 La Coru~na, SPAIN


Groundingsystemsare designed to preserve human safety and grant

theintegrity ofequipmentsunderfaultconditions. Toachievethesegoals,

the equivalent electrical resistance of the system must b e low enough to

ensure that fault currents dissipate (mainly) through the grounding

elec-tro de into the earth, while maximum p otential gradients b etween close

p oints on the earth surface must b e kept under certain tolerances (step

and touch voltages) [1,2].

In this pap er, we present a Boundary Element approach for the

nu-merical computation of grounding systems. In this general framework,

former intuitive widespread techniques (such as the Average Potential

Metho d) are identied as the result of sp ecic choices for the test and

trial functions,while the unexp ected anomalousasymptotic b ehaviourof

these kind of metho ds [3] is mathematically explained as the result of

suitable assumptionsintro duced in the BEM formulation to reduce

com-putationalcost. Ontheotherhand,theuseofhighorderelementsallowto

increase accuracy, while computing time is drastically reduced by means

of new analytical integration techniques. Finally, an application example

to a real problem is presented.


Faultcurrentsdissipationintotheearthcan b emo delledby meansof

Maxwell'sElectromagneticTheory[4]. Onaregularbasis,theanalysiscan

b econstrainedtotheobtentionoftheelectrokineticsteady-stateresp onse,

and the inner resistivity of the earthing electro de can b e neglected. In

these terms, the 3D p otentialproblem can b e written as



gradV; div() =0 in E;


nnnnnnnnnnnnnn E




n n n E

its normalexteriorunit eldand0the earthingelectro desurface[5]. The

solutiontothisproblemgivesthep otentialV andthecurrentdensity


an arbitraryp ointxxxxxxxxxx x x x x

when theearthing electro de is energizedto p otential

V 0

(GroundPotentialRiseorGPR) withresp ect toremoteearth. Onthe

otherhand,b eingnnnnnnnnnn n n n n


density atanarbitraryp ointontheearthingelectro desurface,thetotal

surge current I


leaked into the earth and the equivalent resistance R


of the earthingsystem can b e written as

= t

n nnnnnn

nnnnnnn; I 0




d0; R

eq =

V 0

I 0

: (2)

For most practical purp oses [3], the soil conductivity tensor

e can

b e replaced bya meassuredapparentscalarconductivity (hyp othesisof

homogeneus and isotropic soil). Since V and

are prop ortional to the

GPR value, the normalized b oundary condition V


= 1 is not restrictive

atall. Furtherpracticalsimplications(atearthsurface)allowtorewrite

problem (1) as a DirichletExterior Problem[4,5].

In most of cases, the earthing electro de consist of a numb er of

in-terconnected bare cylindricalconductors, horizontally buried and

supple-mentedby a numb erof verticalro ds, whichlenght/diameterratio usesto

b e relatively high ( 10


). Because of this kind of geometries,

analyti-cal solutions to problem (1) can not b e derived for practical cases. On

the otherhand,standardnumericaltechniques(suchasFiniteDierences

or Finite Elements) require discretization of domain E, which leads to

unacceptable memorystorage and computing time.

Since computation of p otential is only required on the earth surface

andtheequivalentresistancecanb eeasilyobtainedintermsoftheleakage


would only require discretizationof the earthinggrid surface 0.


Further analytical work [5,6,7] on problem statement (1) allow to

express the p otential V at an arbitrary p oint xxxxxxxxxx x x x x

on the earth E in terms

of the leakage currentdensity , in the integral form

V(xxxxxxxxxx xx x






k(xxxxxxxxxx x x x x;


) d0; (3)

k(xxxxxxxxxx xx x x;



r (xxxxxxx xxx x x x x;


+ 1

r (xxxxxxxxxx x x x x;



; r (xxxxxxxxxx xx x x;


x x x x


j; (4)

where 0

is the symmetricof

with resp ect to the earth surface.

Sincethisexpressionholdson0,theb oundaryconditionV



Moreover,this problem can b e written in the weaker variational form:



w (

) (V(

)01) d0 = 0 (5)

for all memb ersw () of asuitable class of test functionson 0.


For given sets of 2D b oundary elements f0

; = 1;:::;Mg, and

trial functions fN

i (

);i =1;:::;Ng dened on 0, the earthing electro de

surface 0 and the leakage current density can b e discretized as


M [

=1 0

; ()= N X


i N


(); 20; (6)

which leads tothe following discretized formof (3):

V(xxxxxxxxxx x x x



i=1 M X


i V


(xxxxxxxxxx x x x

x); V


(xxxxxxxxxx x x x







x x x x;


i (

) d0:


Finally,foragivenset fw j


);j =1;:::;Ngof testfunctionsdened

on 0, variational statement (5) is reduced to the linearequations system


i=1 R





; j=1;:::;N; (8)

R ji

= M X

=1 M X





j ()V


()d0; j

= M X








Itcanb eeasilyveriedthattheN2N matrixin (8)is notsparse. In

addition,computationofco ecientsR



domain, since 2D integrationmust b e p erformed twiceover the electro de

surface [8]. Again we must intro duce some additional simplications in

order to reduce computational costunder acceptablelevels.


Withthisscop e,it seemsreasonable toconsiderthatthe leakage

cur-rent density is constant around the cross section of the cylindrical

elec-tro de[8,9]. Thishyp othesisiswidelyusedinmostofthepracticalmetho ds



2L b e the orthogonal projection of a generic p oint

2 0. Let (


) b e

the conductordiameter, andlet b(


)b e theapproximatedleakagecurrent

density at this p oint(assumed uniform around the crosssection). Inthis

terms we can writeexpression (3) in the form

b V(xxxxxxx

xxx x x x x)= 1 4 Z b 2L ( b ) k(xxxxxxx

x x x xx x x; b ) b(


)dL; (10)

b eing k(xxxxxxx

x x x xx x x; b

) the averageof kernel (4) around crosssection at

b [8,9].

Because the leakage current is not really uniform around the cross

section,variationalequality(5)do esnotholdanymoreifweuseexpression

(10) insteadof (3). Therefore,we mustrestrict theclass of trialfunctions

to those with circumferentialuniformity,obtaining

1 4 Z b 2L (b )w(bb

) " Z b 2L ( b ) k(b ; b )(b

b )dL # dL= Z b 2L (b )w(bb



for all memb ers b

w (b

) of a suitable class of test functions on L, b eing

k(b ; b

) the averageof kernel(4) aroundcrosssections at

b and b [8,9].


Forgivensets of 1Db oundaryelementsfL


functionsf b N i ( b

);i=1;:::;ngdenedonL, thewhole setof axiallines of

the buried conductors L and the unknown leakage current density b can

b e discretized as

L= m [ =1 L

; b(

b )= n X i=1 b i b N i ( b ); (12)

which leads tothe following discretized formof (10)

b V(xxxxxxx

x x x xx x x)= n X i=1 m X =1 b i b V i

(xxxxxxx x x x x x x x); b V i

(xxxxxxx x x x x x x x)= 1 4 Z b 2L ( b ) k(xxxxxxx

x x x xx x x; b ) b N i ( b ) dL: (13)

Finally,fora given set fwb j

(b); j=1;:::;ng of test functions dened

on L,variationalstatement(11)is reducedtothe linearequationssystem

n X i=1 b R ji b i

=b j

; j=1;:::;n; b

j = m X =1 Z b 2L

(b)wb j

(b) dL; (14)

b R ji = 1 4 m X =1 m X =1 Z b 2L (b )wb


Extensive computingisstill requiredto evaluatethe averaged kernels


x x x xx x x; b ) and k (b ; b

) by means of circumferential integration around cross

sections atp oints b


. Thecircumferentialintegrationcanb eavoided

by means of thefollowing approximations [8,9]:


xxx x x x x; b ) 1 b r(xxxxxxx

xxx x x x x; b ) + 1 b r(xxxxxxx

xxx x x x x; b 0 ) ! ; k(b ; b ) 1 b b r(b;

b ) + 1 b b r(b ; b 0 ) ! ; (16) b r(xxxxxxx

x x x xx x x; b )= s

jxxxxxxx xxx x x x x0 b j 2 + 2 ( b ) 4 ; b b r(b ; b )= s jb 0 b j 2 + 2 ( b )+ 2 (b ) 4 :

Now, forsp ecicchoicesof the trialandtest functionsweobtain dierent

formulations. Thesimplest ofthesecanb e identiedwithwidespread

pre-viousmetho dsbased on intuitiveideas, suchas sup erp osition of punctual

current sources and error averaging [1,2,3]. Thus, for constant leakage

currentelements,aGalerkintyp e choiceforthetrialfunctionsleadto the

Average PotentialMetho d [1,2,3].

The unrealistic results [3] obtained with this kind of metho ds when

segmentationofconductorsis increasedcanb e mathematicallyexplained,

since approximations (16) lo ose accuracy when the size of the elements

is in the order of magnitude of the diameter of the bars, and linear

sys-tem (14) b ecomes ill-conditioned. However, results obtained for low and

medium levels of discretization have b een proved to b e suciently

accu-rateforpracticalpurp oses[8,9]. Ontheotherhand,ends andjunctionsof

conductors are not taken intoaccount in this formulation. Thus, slightly

anomalous lo cal eects are exp ected at these p oints, but global results

should not b e noticeably aected.

Computation of remaining integrals in (13) and (15) is not obvious.

The cost of numerical integration is out of range, due to the undesirable

b ehaviour of the integrands. For this reason, it has b een necessary to

derivesp ecic analytical integrationtechniques [11].

For Galerkin typ e formulations the matrix of co ecients in (14) is

symmetric and p ositive denite [10]. Because of this fact, a conjugate

gradient metho d can b e used, and the non-sparsity of the matrix can b e

partiallyovercome. Atthesametime,linearandparab olicleakagecurrent

elementsallowtoincreaseaccuracy,andlargeproblemscanb esolvedwith

acceptable computing requirements [8,9,11].


A Boundary Element approach for the analysis of substation

earth-ing systems has b een presented. Some reasonable assumptions allow to


practi-ments. This formulation has b een implemented in a Computer Aided

Design Systemdevelop ed during the last few years.

This approach has b een applied to a real case: the E. Balaidos II

substation grounding (close to the city of Vigo, Spain). The plan and

characteristics are presented in Figure 1. Results are given in Figure 2.

Each barwasdiscretizedin onesingle parab olicelement. The mo del(174

elementsand315degreesoffreedom)requiredonly 94secondsof cputime

on a Vax-4300 computer. At the scale of the whole grid, results are not

noticeably improvedby increasing discretization.


Thisworkhasb eenpartiallysupp ortedbytheSubdireccionGeneralde

Produccion Hidra ulica , Transporte y Transformaci on de \Union Fenosa",

and by a research fellowshipof the Universidad de La Coru ~na.


1. SverakJ.G. etal{\Safe SubstationsGrounding.PartI",IEEE Tran.

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2. SverakJ.G.etal{\SafeSubstationsGrounding.PartI I",IEEETran.

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5. Navarrina F., Moreno L., Bendito E., Encinas A., Ledesma A. and

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6. StakgoldI.{BoundaryValueProblems ofMathematicalPhysics,

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7. Dautray R. and Lions J.L. {Analyse Mathematique et Calcul Num

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8. Navarrina F., Colominas I. and Casteleiro M. { \Analytical

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9. Navarrina F., Colominas I. and Casteleiro M. { \Una Formulacion

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11. ColominasI.,NavarrinaF.andCasteleiro M.{ \FormulasAnalticas


EarthResistivity: 6;000cm

GroundPotential Rise: 1V

Installation Depth: 0:800m

Numb er of Horizontal Bars: 107

Horizontal BarDiameter: 1:285cm

Numb er of Vertical Bars: 67

Vertical BarDiameter: 1:400cm

Vertical BarLength: 1:500m


Typ e of Elements: Parab olic

Numb er of No des: 315

Numb er of Elements: 174

Vertical barsmarked withblack p oints

Figure 1.|E. Balaidos I I Grid: Plan (Scale=1:1000), Problem Characteristics


Fault Current: 2:46462A

Equivalent Resistance: 0:40574

CPU Time: 94sec

Computer: VAX{4300

Surface p otential contours plotted every

0:02V. Thick contoursevery 0:10V.

0.50 V

Figure 2.|E.Balaidos I IGrid: ResultsobtainedbyBEM(1parab olicelement


Figure 1.|E. Balaidos I I Grid: Plan (Scale=1:1000), Problem Characteristics
Figure 2.|E. Balaidos I I Grid: Results obtained by BEM (1 parab olic element


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