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Fourth Sunday of Lent


Academic year: 2021

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Fourth Sunday of Lent

March 22, 2020


Sunday Mass in English Saturday 4:30 PM

Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM & 12:15 PM Daily Mass

7 & 8:30 AM (Saturday 8:30 AM)

Reconciliation Saturday 3-4:00 PM Misas en Español

Miércoles 7 PM

Misas Dominicales en Español Sábado 6 PM, Domingo 2 & 6 PM


Miércoles 6-7 PM, Sábado 3-4:00 PM

21250 Hesperian Blvd, H ayward, CA 94541 | 510 -783-2 766 | www.stjoachim.net

Adoration ~ Benediction/ Adoracion ~ Bendicion Friday—9 AM till 1 PM

First Friday— 9 AM till 6 PM


Sherlock Holmes y su asistente inteligente, el Dr.

Watson, van de campamento, disfrutan de una cena de barbacoa con una botella de whisky, preparan su tienda de campaña y se duermen. Algunas horas después, Holmes despierta a su fiel amigo. "Watson, mira hacia el cielo y dime lo que ves". Watson responde: "Veo

millones de estrellas". "¿Qué te dice eso?” Watson reflexiona por un minuto ". Astronómicamente

hablando, me dice que hay millones de galaxias y potencialmente miles de millones de planetas.

Astrológicamente, me dice que Saturno está en Leo. En cuanto al tiempo, parece que son aproximadamente las tres y cuarto. Teológicamente, es evidente que el Señor es todo poderoso y que somos pequeños e insignificantes. Meteorológicamente, parece que

tendremos un hermoso día mañana. ¿Qué te

dice?" Holmes guarda silencio por un momento, luego habla. "Watson, idiota, alguien ha robado nuestra tienda". Watson había pasado por alto lo más obvio. Era lo suficientemente inteligente como para darse cuenta de la complejidad de las estrellas, pero extrañaba lo que era claro y simple. La lectura del Evangelio de hoy trata sobre mucha gente que no entiende el punto. En la curación de Jesús de un hombre ciego , los fariseos

perdieron el punto más evidente de que fue un verdadero milagro por intervención divina.

--- El libro El amor molesto de Dios por las personas imperfectas de Michael Yaconeli cuenta la historia de un hombre recientemente convertido a Jesús y cómo un amigo incrédulo intentó "ver" por qué. "¿Entonces te has convertido a Cristo?" "Si." “Entonces debes saber mucho acerca de Él. Dime, ¿en qué país nació? "No lo sé." "¿Cuál era su edad cuando murió?" "No lo

sé." "¿Cuántos sermones predicó?" "No lo

sé." "Ciertamente sabes muy poco para un hombre que dice estar convertido a Cristo". "Tienes razón. Me da vergüenza lo poco que sé sobre él. Pero esto lo sé: hace tres años era un borracho. Estaba endeudado, mi familia se estaba cayendo a pedazos; me temían verme. Pero ahora he dejado de beber. Estamos sin deudas. El nuestro es un hogar feliz. Mis hijos esperan ansiosos mi regreso a casa cada noche. Todo esto ha hecho Cristo por mí. Esto lo sé de Cristo ". ¿No suena como las respuestas dadas por el ciego sanado por Jesús?

--- Hay una historia sufí sobre un musulmán en un caballo que estaba decidido a matar al enemigo que perse- guía. En medio de la persecución, el llamado a la oración sonó desde una mezquita. Al instante, el musulmán se bajó de su caballo, desenrolló su estera de oración y rezó las oraciones establecidas lo más rápido

que pudo, luego volvió a su caballo y continuó la persecución. Había cumplido los requisitos de la ley

pero estaba ciego a lo que la ley realmente requería: un cambio de opinión.

Nota de nuestro pastor:

Sherlock Holmes and his smart

assistant Dr. Watson go on a camping trip, enjoy a heavy barbeque dinner with a bottle of whisky, set up their tent, and fall asleep. Some hours later, Holmes wakes his faithful friend.

"Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see."

Watson replies, "I see millions of stars." "What does that tell you?” Watson ponders for a minute. "Astronomically speaking, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, it tells me

that Saturn is in Leo. Time wise, it appears to be approximately a quarter past three. Theologically, it's evident the Lord is all powerful and we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, it seems we will have a

beautiful day tomorrow. What does it tell you?” Holmes is silent for a moment, then speaks. "Watson, you idiot, someone has stolen our tent.” Watson had missed the most obvious. He was clever enough to notice the complexities of the stars but he missed what was plain and simple.

Today’s Gospel reading is about a whole lot of people who miss the point. In Jesus’ healing of a blind man, the Pharisees missed the most evident point that it was a real

miracle by Divine intervention.

--- The book God’s Annoying Love for Imperfect People by

Michael Yaconeli tells the story of a man recently converted to Jesus and how an unbelieving friend sought to

“see” why. “So you have been converted to Christ?”

“Yes.” “Then you must know a great deal about Him. Tell me, what country was he born in?” “I don’t know.” “What was his age when he died?” “I don’t know.” “How many sermons did he preach?” “I don’t know.” “You certainly know very little for a man who claims to be converted to Christ.” “You are right. I am ashamed at how little I know about him. But this much I know: Three years ago I was a drunkard. I was in debt. My family was falling to pieces;

they dreaded the sight of me. But now I have given up

drink. We are out of debt. Ours is a happy home. My children eagerly await my return home each evening. All this Christ has done for me. This much I know of Christ.”

Does it not sound like the answers given by the blind man healed by Jesus?

--- There is a Sufi story about a Muslim on a horse who was determined to kill the enemy he was pursuing. In the middle of the chase the call to prayer rang out from a

mosque. Instantly, the Muslim got off his horse, unrolled his prayer mat and prayed the set prayers as fast as he could, then got back on his horse and continued the chase.

He had fulfilled the requirements of the law but was blind to what the law really required: namely, a change of heart.

From the Pastor’s Desk:



Readings for the Week

of March 22, 2020


1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a/Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 [1]/Eph 5:8-14/Jn 9:1-41 or 9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38


Is 65:17-21/Ps 30:2 and 4, 5-6, 11-12a and 13b [2a]/Jn 4:43-54


Ez 47:1-9, 12/Ps 46: 2-3, 5-6, 8-9/Jn 5:1-16 Wed/Mier:

Is 7:10-14; 8:10/Ps 40:7-8a, 8b-9, 10, 11 [8a and 9a]/Heb 10:4-10/Lk 1:26-38 Thurs/Juev:

Ex 32:7-14/Ps 106:19-20, 21-22, 23 [4a]/

Jn 5:31-47 Fri/Vier:

Wis 2:1a, 12-22/Ps 34:17-18, 19-20, 21 and 23 [19a]/Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30


Jer 11:18-20/Ps 7:2-3, 9bc-10, 11-12 [2a]/

Jn 7:40-53

Next Sun./Dom:

Jer 11:18-20/Ps 7:2-3, 9bc-10, 11-12 [2a]/

Jn 7:40-53


Parish Office 783-2766 Parish Fax 783-2760 Parish Email

office@saintjoachim.net Parish Office Hours

Monday-Friday 10 AM-7:30 PM Bilingual available T,W,F 4-7:30 PM Saturday 10 AM-4 PM

Bilingual available 10 AM-4 PM Sunday 12 PM -4 PM

Bilingual available 12 PM-4 PM


Rev. Joseph Antony Sebastian, SVD Pastor

Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,&Friday 10 AM to 12 PM

5 PM to 8 PM (with appointment) lunes, martes, miércoles, y viernes 10 AM a 12 PM

5 PM a 8 PM (con cita) Rev. Danh Pham, SVD Parochial Vicar

Monday,Wednesday,Thursday,&Friday 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

5 PM a 8 PM (with appointment) lunes, miércoles , jueves y viernes 10:00 AM a 12:00 PM

5 PM a 8 PM (con cita) Ariel Mayormita

Music Director/Director de Música Phone Ext. #223

amayormita@aol.com Flor Herce

Bookkeeper Pat Ludwig

Administrative Assistant


St. Vincent de Paul 783-0344

Office hours 1:00-2:30 PM ONLY Monday-Friday

San Vicente de Paul

Faith Formation Office

Oficina de Formación de Fe 785-1818

Glenda Aragón

Director of Faith Formation glendaaragon@comcast.net Braulio Gomez

Faith Formation Coordinator/

Youth Minister

550-6878 / stjoachimym@gmail.com Bertha Cruz

Administrative Assistant


St. Joachim School Escuela de San Joaquín 783-3177

Armond Seishas Principal

Sandra Garzon School Secretary

St. Joachim Pre-School 783-0604

Marisa Melgarejo Director



Consuelo Diaz Miriam Alarcon

Cebrero Family Ellie Samelson Erlinda Enrique-Saludares

Moman Chan Dolly Cruse Tina Gonzales

Angel Gonzales Arsenio M. Reyes, Sr.

Celestina J. Enrique Leila Nocon Daniel Sarinas III Shelia Bacallo Fides Castaneda Mary Eloine Reyes Marina & Fidel Almaraz

Carl Street



March 15th

The Plate Collec!on

$ 4,017.00

EFT Collec!on

$ 180.00

On Line Giving

$ 220.00

TOTAL for the WEEK

$ 4,417.00

DONATIONS St Vincent de Paul

offering for next week:

Cereal or Tuna

cereales o atun

Dona ons are very much appreciated—but please no expired

food. ~ Thank You

The Following was received from Bishop Michael Barber, SJ on Friday March 13, 2020:

Because of the heightened concern for the

well-being of all our people in light of the Coronavirus,

especially the elderly, I am dispensing from the obliga!on to a"end Sunday Mass for all Catholics in the Diocese of Oakland. Effec ve immediately, the dispensa on will remain in effect un l further no ce. We will con nue to monitor the recommenda ons of public health officials and re-evaluate as the situa on warrants.


As of this wri ng we will no longer have any public masses here at St. Joachim—or anywhere in the Oakland Diocese , by order of the Bishop on Monday March 16th.

This is due to the Shelter in place in our county through April 7th. Of course there are no other events or gather- ings here un l further no ce. Watch our Facebook page and website saintjoachim.net for further informa on. On behalf of the en re parish staff — Our fellow parishioners will be in our prayers during these difficult mes.

What can you do if you are not able to a"end Mass ?

If we are unable to a$end Mass here at St. Joachim all parishioners are encouraged to con nue to have a prayerful hour with our families in our homes. Some of

the things that you could do would be

~ watch mass on television on EWTN, or other television


~ you can find other masses live streamed on facebook or

other on line sites

~ say the rosary together as a family

~read the readings of the day that you can find here in

the bulle n or online at USCCB.org

~ explore FORMED.org This is a great site for movies, educa onal videos, readings , talks, bible studies and much more. It is available in English and Spanish This site is paid for by the

parish for all parishioners.


Pope Francis composed a prayer to the Virgin Mary, to ask for her protec on for Rome, Italy and the en re world during the Covid -19 coronavirus pandemic. On March 11, 2020, a video of his reading the prayer was broadcasted at the beginning of Mass held at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Divine Love near Rome. Seventy five years earlier, Pope Pius XII went to that same Sanctuary to pray before

the statue of Our Lady to plead for the salva on of the city of Rome when the Nazi

troops began to withdraw from Italy during World War II: Pope Francis’ prayer:

O Mary, you shine con!nuously on our journey

as a sign of salva!on and hope. We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick. At the foot of the Cross you par!cipated in Jesus’ pain, with steadfast faith. You, Salva!on of the Roman People, know what we need.

We are certain that you will provide, so that, as you did at Cana of Galilee, joy and feas!ng might return a"er this moment of trial. Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform ourselves to the Father’s will and to do what Jesus tells us: He who took our suffering upon Himself, and bore our sorrows to bring us, through the Cross, to the joy of the Resurrec!on. Amen. We seek refuge under your protec!on, O Holy Mother of God. Do not despise our pleas – we who are put to the test – and deliver us from every danger, O glorious and blessed Virgin.

Less than one day a&er Cardinal Angelo De Dona s, the vicar-general of Rome announced the closure to

the public of all Roman churches, for a period of three weeks, in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus and comply with the na onwide quaran ne, he reversed himself. He said that he would leave

that decision to parish pastors instead. The infec on has been spreading exponen ally with 17,500 cases in Italy so far and more than 1,250 deaths since Feb. 22. One great fear is that the healthcare facili es may be overwhelmed with the sick. The reversal came a&er more discussion with Pope Francis and a&er Francis spoke out against taking dras c response measures. The concern was that because of church closures, the

“least ones” could feel even more uncertain, confused and isolated. Francis said, “Let’s pray for this, that the Holy Spirit may give to pastors the ability for pastoral discernment so that they might provide measures which do not leave the holy, faithful people of God alone, and so the people of God will feel accompanied by their pastors, comforted by the Word of God, by the sacraments, and by prayer.” The suspension of Masses un l April 3 s ll stands, but Catholics will again have access to some parishes for private prayer. Currently, wherever people gather, there is the risk of catching the coronavirus. Eightly thousand people normally fill St. Peter’s Square for Easter Mass, therefore it has been decided that liturgies for Holy Week and Easter will be held this year without public a$endance! Sources: va!cannews.va, catholicnewsagency.com


Give your Church dona!on the Easy Way

Go to our website saintjoachim.net

~ select donate/pay ~ select monthly/weekly/one me offertory It is easy to do—and easy to change if you want to —

Call the Parish Office if you need assistance ge(ng set up



March 21-28, 2020

Saturday 4:30 PM Danilo L. Villegas † (1st anniversary) Francisco Camaclang † Margaret Strelow † (8th anniversary) Ildefonso & Cris na Tambun ng †

Rudy & Dolores Apriesnig † Cresencia Yu † Souls in Purgatory Saturday 6:00 PM Salvador Saavedra † John Stuart † Julio Hernandez † (aniversario)

Luis Alonso Marquina † (40th day)

Rosan na Manzo † (aniversario) Sunday 7:30 AM

Rus co & Rosario Udan † Josefina Acorda † Nguyet Ancestors † Sunday 9:00 AM David A. Tayco † San ago Gonzalez † (9th anniversary)

Evelyn Geronimo †

Ildefonso & Cris na Tambun ng † Sunday 10:30 AM

Tess Leynes (birthday)

Yolanda Varela (healing) Jocelyn A. Alcantara †

Sunday 12:15 PM Maris Rancap (birthday) RJ Ramos (birthday)

Milo Tolen no (birthday) Elena Albaniel † (anniversary) Cresencia Yu † Souls in Purgatory †

Sunday 2:00 PM Angelina Hernandez †

(39 meses aniversario) Francisca & Fidencio Avilez †

Rosendo & Celia Pulido †

Sunday 6:00 PM Familia Mar nez-Guzman

(intencion especial) Rosa Velarde † Esther Guevara †

Monday 7:00 AM Maria Nguyet †

Monday 8:30 AM Bienvenido Ablaza Icasiano ( † birthday)

Ildefonso & Cris na Tambun ng †

Cresencia Yu †

Souls in Purgatory † Tuesday 7:00 AM

Mariano & Bonifacio Paranada †

Tuesday 8:30 AM Lazaro Arquero † (anniversary) Alexa Joy Huang † (40th day) Ildefonso & Cris na Tambun ng †

Cresencia Yu † Souls in Purgatory †

Wednesday 7:00 AM The Community of St. Joachim

Wednesday 8 :30 AM Anunciacion Parras ( † Birthday) Ildefonso & Cris na Tambuning †

Wednesday 7:00 PM Roberto Escalante † (aniversario) Almas del Purgatorio †

Thursday 7:00 AM Irene & Andres Casiano †

Mark Anthony Castro † ( anniversary) Thursday 8:30 AM

Flores Family (thanksgiving) Lucrecia R. Sabinano † (40th day) Ildefonso & Cris na Tambun ng †

Souls in Purgatory † Friday 7:00 AM

The Community of St. Joachim Friday 8:30 AM

Ildefonso & Cris na Tambun ng † Souls in Purgatory †

Saturday 8:30 AM

Maria Consolacion Nunez † (anniversary) When no “public masses” are said and

you can’t a"end the mass what happens to your mass inten!ons?

All Priest say mass everyday — Since our Bishop has instructed us to have no “Public Masses, our Priests will have private mass (just themselves) every day and they will offer that mass for all of the inten ons requested on that day.

Lo qué pasa cuando no se dicen "Misas públicas"

y no puedes asistir a la misa, ¿qué sucede con las intenciones?

Todos los sacerdotes ofrecen misa todos los días. Dado que nuestro Señor obispo nos ha dado instrucciones de no tener “misas públicas, nuestros sac- erdotes aun tendrán una misa privada (ellos solos) todos los días y of- recerán esa misa por todas las intenciones solicitadas ese día.

Did you know?




The Paschal Triduum

The Easter Vigil ~~The most beautiful liturgy of the year

The entire liturgical year culminates in the Easter Vigil, an ancient liturgy celebrated on the night before Easter Sunday. It was initially an all-night vigil that started in the middle of the night and didn’t end until the first rays of dawn when the celebration of Mass began. It was eventually shortened and pushed back earlier in the evening, but many of the same rituals are performed with great solemnity. The Easter Vigil is a beautiful experience, one that immerses a person into

the very heart of the Paschal Mystery.

First Part: The Liturgy of Light (Lucernarium) The church is shrouded in darkness as a fire is lighted outside the

church and the Easter candle is lit from it. The candle represents Jesus Christ, the light of the world. The priest processes into the dark church and stops three times, proclaiming “Christ, our Light!” By the time he reaches the sanctuary the entire church is starting to blaze in

light with candles lit from the Easter candle.

The Easter Proclamation When the Easter candle arrives in the sanctuary, the “Easter

Proclamation” chant begins (also called the Exsultet, from its first word in Latin, “Rejoice”), an ancient hymn that speaks of the many

mysteries of this night.

Second Part: The Liturgy of the Word A number of readings are read, still in the darkness of the church.

From Genesis through the New Testament, God’s marvelous plan is unfolded. The readings are often interspersed with chanted passages

or hymns.

Third Part: The Baptismal Liturgy

Depending on the circumstances of each parish, a baptismal liturgy is performed. This is the liturgy at which all those who have been preparing to join the Church, or to complete their sacraments as older children or adults, are initiated into the Christian community. The celebration of Baptism (for those who were not Christian) or a Profession of Faith (for those Christians already baptized in a Protestant tradition who are becoming Catholic) and Confirmation can take place at this time.

Later on in the Mass, the neophytes, as they are now called, will receive their First Communion.

Regardless of whether someone will be baptized or not, the water of the baptismal font is blessed in order to prepare for those who will be washed clean from their sins and reborn in the death of Christ. Those present renew

their baptismal vows.

Fourth Part: The Liturgy of the Eucharist The liturgy draws to its culmination and conclusion with the celebration of the holy Eucharist, in which the newly baptized will partake for the first time.


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