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St. William Catholic Church 929 Gunter Avenue Guntersville, AL


Academic year: 2021

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St. William Catholic Church 929 Gunter Avenue Guntersville, AL 35976



Capilla de la Santa Cruz 1534 Whitesville Road

Albertville, AL 35950 256-891-0550



Deacon Ken Hall 256-673-1024

Music coordinator

Kevin McGarrahan 256-586-6784

St. Vincent de Paul

Tim Higgins

*for Assistance 256-582-4245 ext. 201


Mary Fritts 256-582-7389

Ladies Sodality

Janet Bright 256-603-2008

Knights of Columbus

Council 12618 Kevin Young 256-508-2794 Assembly 3328 Sean Landry 256-878-0966

Marshall County Homeless Ministry

Janice Slaughter 256-738-1677 Respect Life Judith Hyatt 256-200-0148 Alice Beck 256-593-4764 Young at Heart Jeanette Seppamaki 256-656-0662

Parish School of Religion

Coordinator— Debbie Klan 256-582-4245 ext. 104 debbie@stwilliamchurch.com

Pre-K through 8th Grade

Children age 4 through 15. Catholic Youth Formation meets on Sundays in Mary’s House from 9:30 am to 10:45 am. Please see the calendar for the full schedule.

Senior Youth Catechism

High School Catechism is held each Sunday in Angel House from 9:30 am to 10:45 am. Please see the calendar for the full schedule.

Adult Formation

Interested in learning about the Catholic Faith? Classes meet on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in Craven Hall. Please see the calendar for the full schedule.



Couples must contact Fr. Tim at least 6 months prior to setting a wedding date at the parish.


Please contact Fr. Tim for schedules and preparation information.

Bulletin Deadline

Monday 12:00 pm


Coro Santa Cruz: Ensayo los viernes a las 6 pm en la Capilla.

*Coordinador: Raúl Garduño, 256-558-5286

Coro Alabanza y Gloria: Ensayo los jueves a las 6 pm en el centro.

*Coordinador: Tomás Ackerman, 251-402-3626

Coro Fuego Divino: Ensayo los viernes a las 6 pm en el centro.

*Coordinador: Gustavo Pérez Macario 256-572-0498


Preparación para la recepción de los sacramentos y para el crecimien-to en la fe. Clases los viernes, sábados y domingos en el centro. Se requiere dos años de clase para la recepción de la Primera Comunión y para Confirmación. Para la recepción de Comunión el/la estudiante necesita tener 7 años de edad antes del primero de octubre. Para em-pezar la clase del primer año de Confirmación, necesita tener 12 años antes del primero de octubre. Y para la recepción de Confirmación, necesita tener 13 años antes del primero de octubre.

*Contacte: María López o Yolanda Nieto, 256-891-0550

Clases de Crecimiento. Para los jóvenes y adultos que quieren

aprender más de su fe. “Cuando era niño, hablaba como niño, pensaba y razonaba como niño. Pero cuando me hice hombre, dejé de lado las cosas del niño” (1 Corintios 13:11).

*Coordinador: Santiago Vásquez, 256-960-7095


Cursos Pre-Matrimoniales. Dichoso quien ama de corazón los

Man-datos del Señor. Anímate a recibir la bendición de Dios en tu matri-monio. Te esperamos.

*Contacte: Diácono Edwin y Paola Santos, 256-738-6153

Clases Pre-Bautismal. Cada segundo sábado del mes a las 1:00 pm.

*Para más información contacte: María López 256-891-0550

Preparación Quinceañeras. Son solamente tres veces al año.

*Para más información contacte: Ramona Solís, 256-202-9164.


Grupo Juvenil Reuniones Miércoles 10:00 am a 12:00 pm, y

Domin-gos 5:00 pm a 7:00 pm

*Contacte: Maricela Nieto, 256-572-6613

Caballeros de Colón

*Contacte: Joe Castillo, 256-744-0232 Luis Rivera, 256-630-4395

Grupos de Oración. “Eran asiduos a la enseñanza de los Apóstoles, a

la Convivencia fraterna a la fracción del pan y a las oracio-nes” (Hechos 2:42). Domingos desde las 2 p.m. hasta las 5 p.m. en la capilla.

*Coordinador 1: Baltazar Zamarripa, 256-293-2599 *Coordinador 2: Pedro González, 256-486-7890

Comité Organizador de los Eventos de la Iglesia

*Contacte: Rosalinda Vega, 256-572-1642 Church Office

256-582-4245 www.stwilliamchurch.com Monday-Friday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Office Manager—Laura Hodge laura@stwilliamchurch.com Mass Schedule Monday—Friday 8:30 am Vigil Mass—Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday—8:30 & 11:00 am Confession - Saturday 3:45-4:30 pm

St. William Catholic Church,

929 Gunter Avenue, Guntersville, AL 35976

Pastor—Rev. Tim Pfander

256-582-4245 ext. 102

Capilla de la Santa Cruz

1534 Whitesville Road, Albertville, AL 35950 Padre Guillermo Aristizabal 256-505-1584

Diacono Edwin Santos 256-738-6153 Oficina de Iglesia 256-891-0550

Directora—Yolanda Nieto Horario de Oficina

lunes - cerrado

martes - viernes 9:00 am - 1:00 pm & 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Miércoles, jueves, & viernes

sábado Misa de Vigilia domingo en Español

6:00 pm 6:00 pm

8:30 am,11:00 am & 6:00 pm

Horario de Misas:


“Pope John Paul II says to the laity: “There

can-not be two parallel lives in your existence as

lay men and women: on the one hand, the

so-called ‘spiritual life’, with its values and

de-mands; on the other, the so-called ‘secular life,’ that is life in

a family, at work, social relationships, in the responsibilities

of public life and in culture…. Every activity, every

situa-tion, every precise responsibility are the occasions

or-dained by Providence for a ‘continuous exercise of faith,

hope and charity.” (US Manual of the SVDP, p.59)

Respect Life Judy Hyatt

“Our Lord calls us to imitate him more perfectly by witnessing to the inherent dignity of every human be-ing, including those whose actions have been despicable. …we are called to oppose the culture of death by witnessing to something greater and more perfect: a gospel of life, hope and mercy.”

— “Life Matters: A Catholic Response to the Death Penalty”

Within the tradition of the Christian church, there are differing ways of observing a Lenten fast. For Eastern Catholics and Orthodox, the discipline is close to our u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f “abstinence.” Certain foods are eliminated from the diet entirely. The rules are basi-cally monastic rules, and the customs of a monastery table are embraced in the home. This year, “Meatfare Sunday” is February 26, and it is the last time that meat is admitted to the diet until Easter. The following S u n d a y , k n o w n a s “Cheesefare Sunday,” takes cheese and all dairy prod-ucts from the table. It is also known as “forgiveness Sunday” because a true fast

is about crowning life with love, holding back harsh words, and cutting off an-ger.

The Eastern churches fast even from celebrating the Eucharist from Monday through Friday. We don’t count Sundays as fast days, but Eastern Christians fast through the weekends. Peo-ple are expected to come as close to the ideal as possi-ble, and the Lenten services keep reminding them not to take pride in their fasting, since the devil himself never eats! What’s left on the menu? Grains, vegeta-bles, eggs (maybe), and fish. Imagine the joys of the Easter table after such a fast! —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


Each Friday during Lent Stations of the Cross will begin at 6:00 pm with a meatless meal to immediately follow in Craven Hall.

March 6 St. Vincent de Paul TBA March 13 Confirmation Students Pizza March 20 Knights of Columbus Fish Fry March 27 Pro-Life & Young at Heart TBA


The Ladies Sodality will host a St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Party featuring a traditional Irish dinner! For: All Adult Parishioners

Place: Craven Hall

When: Saturday, March 14th Time: 6:00 p.m.

Cost: $13/person or $25/couple

Attire: Wear green!!

Dinner Party Ticket includes One beer or glass of wine per person. Additional available at cash bar. Tickets may be purchased in the church office weekdays March 2-13 or after all Masses February 28-March 1 and March 7-8.

Tickets will be available during the St. Patrick’s Day dinner for $1 each for a 50/50 drawing to be held after dinner. 50% for the winner and 50% for the Sodality!




“This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.” And listen they did. From that moment on, Peter, James, and John were ardent followers, forsaking everything to follow in their Master’s footsteps. Like the psalmist crying, “O Lord, I am your servant,” the three disciples committed themselves to lives of incredible hardship and indescribable joy. After that day on the mountain, they never again wavered in their cho-sen vocation.

Though our tests may not be as severe as Abraham’s and our peak experiences not as dramatic as the Transfigura-tion, we all face the daily challenges of walking “before the Lord in the land of the living.” As we follow our varied calls to love and serve, let’s be comforted by Paul’s reminder to the Romans: “If God is for us, who can be against us?”


Kelley's Rainbow (El Arco Iris de Kelley) La Coalición Contra Violencia de Marshall County

Kelley's Rainbow ofrece muchos servicios para las víctimas de violencia doméstica y para sus familias. Si usted es víctima o co-noce a alguien que es víctima, por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros y permítanos ayudarle.

Oficina: (256) 891-9864 Hotline (Linea directa): (256) 891-0019

o al número gratuito: (888) 582-6883 ¡24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana!

Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma

Cuando Jesús se trans-figuró sobre la cima de un monte, Pedro, reco-nociendo que algo sa-grado ocurría en ese lugar quiso construir tres chozas. Como si buscara hacer un san-tuario, un lugar santo, donde Dios se manifes-tara de manera particu-lar. El santuario puede ser el lugar entero o sólo parte de un edifi-cio. En nuestras igle-sias, el santuario es el presbiterio donde se encuentra el altar ma-yor, donde son consa-grados el pan y el vino. iglesias antiguas como las Basílicas romanas tienen un segundo san-tuario que es la capilla donde se reserva el Santísimo Sacramento en el tabernáculo o sa-grario.

Los santuarios más im-portantes de la cristian-dad se encuentran en Palestina. Europa tiene varios santuarios como la tumba de Santiago en Compostela, España. Algunos santuarios fa-mosos de América son los de Guadalupe (México), Teresa de los Andes (Chile), Señor de los Milagros (Perú), Cristo Negro de Esqui-pulas (Guatemala), Montserrat (Colombia) y el de la Divina Miseri-cordia (Chicago). Todo santuario es un lugar donde se une el recuer-do y la vivencia con-temporánea de la fe, son lugares donde la Iglesia institucional y la religión popular convi-ven y se enriquecen mutuamente.

—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Colectas de la Capilla

Cantidad necesaria cada semana Colección la semana pasada


$6,460 (incluyendo miércoles de ceniza)

Primera colecta: Fondos de operación para los servicios públicos, empleados, programas suministros, mantenimiento, etc.

Segunda colecta: Fondo de construcción (Para pagar la deuda) Cantidad total de la deuda

Pago mensual de la deuda Colectado este mes

Mas venta de comida este mes Colecta total en febrero

$307,001 $ 12,294 $ 9,989 $ 2,816 $ 12,805 La regla general de la iglesia es: "Todas las

per-sonas que han completado su 14 º año están obligados por la ley de la abstinencia; todos los adultos están obligados por la ley del ayuno hasta el comienzo de su 60 aniversario. Sin em-bargo, los pastores y los padres deben velar por que los menores de edad que no están obliga-dos por la ley del ayuno y la abstinencia son educaobliga-dos en un auténtico sentido de la penitencia". (Canon 1253)

 La abstinencia significa abstenerse de comer carne. Ayunar es una comida completa al día, con dos comidas más ligeras en el transcurso de un día para mantener la fuerza.

 Los viernes de Cuaresma en los Estados Unidos son días de abstinencia de carne.

Miércoles de Ceniza (18 de febrero) y el Viernes Santo son días de ayuno y abstinencia de carne.


“Este es mi Hijo amado; escúchenlo”. Y sí que lo es-cucharon. Desde ese momento, Pedro, Santiago y Juan fueron sus ardientes seguidores, desechándolo todo para seguir las huellas del Maestro. Tal como proclama el sal-mista, “Señor, he aquí tu servidor”, los tres discípulos se comprometieron a vidas de increíbles penurias e indes-criptible gozo. Después de ese día en la montaña, nunca más dudaron de la vocación escogida.

Aunque nuestras pruebas no sean tan severas como la de Abraham, ni nuestros momentos sublimes tan dramáti-cos como la Transfiguración, todos confrontamos los re-tos cotidianos de caminar “en presencia del Señor en el país de la vida”. Mientras seguimos nuestros diversos lla-mados a amar y servir, seamos confortados por lo que Pablo les recuerda a los romanos: “Si Dios está a nuestro favor, ¿quién estará en contra nuestra?”


Primera lectura — Dios estableció una alianza con Noé y sus hijos y les prometió que nunca más habría un diluvio devastador (Génesis 9:8-15).

Salmo — Descúbrenos, Señor, tus caminos (Salmo 25 (24)).

Segunda lectura — Aquella agua representaba el bautismo que ahora nos salva (1 Pedro 3:18-22).


March 21-22 Ministers of Communion Lectors Servers Ushers Saturday 5:00 pm Robert Crowell Norb Patla Billie Simpson Kevin McGarrahan

John Summers Zack Summers

Dewon Simpson Sean Landry


8:30 am Rick Hoepfner Chris Andreae Shawn O’Harra Dianne Thomas William McLaughlin Frank McLaughlin

Dale Lee Jackie Todd Kevin Young Sunday 11:00 am Jim Curtin Kay Nolan Melinda Mitchell Kristen Skaziak Matthew Skaziak Maggie Skaziak Jimmy Chavez Mark Etu Joseph Snead

Catholic Family Services and Project Rachel

Gadsden (256) 546-4883 Huntsville (256) 536-0073

Crisis Pregnancy Center

Albertville (256) 878-1300 National Hotline (800) 395-HELP (4357)






To St. W il liam Cath olic Ch urch

To become a member of St. William Catholic Church, please complete one of our registration forms located:

At the entrances of the church, in the parish office, on our website at www.stwilliamchurch.com or you may complete the form below and we will mail you one. Welcome to the parish!

CURRENT MEMBERS PLEASE USE THIS FORM TO UPDATE ADDRESS, PHONE, OR EMAIL INFO Place this form in the offering basket or mail to the church office at:

St. William Catholic Church, 929 Gunter Avenue, Guntersville, AL 35976 Name________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________ City__________________________________State_________ZIP_______ Email________________________________________________________ I would like to join St. William Catholic Church. Please send me a registration form. I would like more information about becoming Catholic.

Minister’s Schedule

(schedule available online at www.stwilliamchurch.com)

Kelley’s Rainbow Marshall County

Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Kelley’s Rainbow offers many services for victims of domes-tic violence and their families. If you are a victim or know someone who is, please contact us and let us help you.

Office: (256) 891-9864 Hotline (256) 891-0019 or toll free: (888) 582-6883 24 hrs. 7 days a week!! Pregna nt? Need H elp?



March 14-15 Ministers of Communion Lectors Servers Ushers

Saturday 5:00 pm John Bannan Linda Hodge Kevin McGarrahan Norb Patla

Tony Sorcic Erin Summers Al Summers Gene Doyle Flo Stamm

Sunday 8:30 am Lupe Kirby Terri Rushing Jack Hahn Shawn O’Harra Matthew Laski Breanna Laski William Busic Harold Davis Kevin Young Sunday

11:00 am Mary Traynor Mary Rusk Chris Wallace Nancy Curtin George Uchaker Payton Uchaker

John Eason Jimmy Lester Vincent Riggs

March 7-8 Ministers of Communion Lectors Servers Ushers

Saturday 5:00 pm Robert Crowell Billie Simpson John Summers John Bannan

Kevin McGarrahan Zack Summers

Norb Patla Sean Landry Sunday 8:30 am Mary Cattadoris Ed Cattadoris Chris Andreae Finie Higgins William McLaughlin Frank McLaughlin Dale Lee Jackie Todd Kevin Young Sunday

11:00 am Kristen Skaziak Kay Nolan Cindy Hammond Melinda Mitchell Matthew Skaziak Maggie Skaziak

John Eason Rickey Hammond


St. William Calendar of Events

Capilla de la Santa Cruz Calendario de Eventos

Sun, Mar 01, 2015

Following All Masses Ticket Sales/St. Patrick Dinner Vestibule

9:30 AM Music Rehearsal St. William

9:30 AM Coffee & Doughnut Social Craven Hall 9:30 AM PSR Class Mary's House 3:00 PM Vietnamese Mass St. William Mon, Mar 02, 2015

7:00 PM Society of St. Vincent de Paul Mary's House Tue, Mar 03, 2015 1:00 PM Renew Angel House 6:30 PM Meeting Craven Hall Wed, Mar 04, 2015 9:15 AM Scripture Study Craven Hall

12:30 PM Pastor's Prayer Group Angel House

6:30 PM Adult Religious Ed (RCIA) Craven Hall

Thu, Mar 05, 2015

6:00 PM St. Thomas More Assembly Craven Hall

Fri, Mar 06, 2015

9:00 AM Young at Heart Angel House

12:00 PM Pro-Life Committee Meeting Angel House

6:00 PM Stations of the Cross St. William 6:45 PM Lenten Meal Craven Hall Sat, Mar 07, 2015 8:00 AM Confirmation Retreat CHAPEL IN ALBERTVILLE 4:30 PM Rosary St. William

Following Mass Religious Articles Sale Vestibule

Following Mass Ticket Sales/St. Patrick Dinner Vestibule

Sun, Mar 08, 2015

Following All Masses Ticket Sales/St. Patrick Dinner Vestibule

Following All Masses Religious Articles Sale Vestibule

9:30 AM Music Rehearsal St. William

9:30 AM Coffee & Doughnut Social Craven Hall

9:30 AM PSR Class Mary's House

domingo 1 de marzo

9:30 AM Catecismo

Centro sala grande, mediana, y chica 9:45 AM Reunión de Monaguillos

Capilla 12:30 PM Catecismo

Centro sala grande, mediana y chica 2:00 PM Clases de Crecimiento

Sala Grande, mediana, y chica 2:00 PM Grupo de Oración

Capilla 5:00 PM Niños de Jesús

Centro - Sala Mediana 5:30 PM Caballeros de Colon Sala Mediana 5:30 PM Jóvenes Pastoral Sala Grande lunes 2 de marzo 8:00 AM Oficina Cerrada martes 3 de marzo 5:00 PM St. Vincent de Paul Centro

6:00 PM Coro: Fuego Divino Centro Sala Mediana 6:00 PM San Juan 23 Centro miércoles 4 de marzo 10:00 AM Grupo (Jóvenes) Centro 4:30 PM Confesiones 5:30 PM Rosario 6:00 PM Misa 6:00 PM Francesca (Lessons) jueves 5 de marzo

4:30 PM Exposición del Santísimo 5:00 PM Ensayo del coro: Tomas

Centro - Sala Grande 5:30 PM Rosario

6:00 PM Misa viernes 6 de marzo

4:00 PM Exposición del Santísimo 5:00 PM Catecismo

Centro Sala Grande, mediana y chica 5:30 PM Rosario

6:00 PM Misa

7:00 PM Coro: Santa Cruz Centro

sábado 7 de marzo No Catecismo 8:00 AM Confirmación Retiro

Centro and Capilla 4:30 PM Confesiones 7:00 PM Adoración 7:30 PM Consejo Pastoral


Flo Powers Phillip Worley Billie Kim Smith

Anna Caliguire Our homebound parishioners Glenda Carboni Dottie Browne-Peck Donna Mitchell Sally Goerss Stuart Howell Carmen Collazo

Please pray for…...

Our Parishioners

Our Friends and Family

Saturday, February 28th

5:00 pm St. William—Phillip Mangina, RIP Sunday, March 1st

8:30 am St. William—St. William Parishioners 11:00 am St. William—Irene Snead, RIP

Monday, March 2nd

8:30 am St. William—Scotty McMillan, RIP Tuesday, March 3rd

8:30 am St. William—All Souls in Purgatory Wednesday, March 4th

8:30 am St. William—Mass of Thanksgiving Thursday, March 5th

6:00 pm Chapel—Permanent Closing of Alabama Women’s Center in Huntsville

Friday, March 6th Saturday, March 7th

Sunday, March 8th

8:30 am St. William—Peter Robbins 11:00 am St. William—Early Horton, RIP 11:00 am Chapel—St. William Parishioners

Ian Fernandez Casey Roberson Cameron & Cheyenne House

Louise Cowart Aaron Spurlin Paula Butler Thomas Traynor Venice & Katie Brassell

Jim Wainwright Isabella Montgomery

Davey Joe Roberson Sam Gibson Enoch & Zenaida Yii

Brooks Family Eva Shahan Tony Williams Jimmy Trammell Bill McManamy Helen Edmonds Those Recovering from Surgery

Julius J. Befort

Cecilia McClure Claud Pendergrass

Dave Johnson Gloria & Rodolfo Rabin

Julia Draps Virginia Culver Janet Mata William G. Stevens Marcus Gross Kimberly Browder Nancy Noble Sharon Cheshire Amber Sabala Joy Hildebrandt Nancy Sewell Sherry Johnston Byron Fricks Claudia Chaplow Margaret Keegan Jan Payne Mary Todd

Our Soldiers Stationed Overseas

$ 5,090 $ 12,294 $ 12,805 $ 307,001 $ 206

Matthew 25: “I was sick and you visited me.”

If you or a loved one is sick or hospitalized and would like a visit from a priest, please contact the office at (256) 582-4245 or via e-mail. They will be happy to arrange a visit. Offertory Last Weekend St. William

Mortgage Payment per Month

Building Fund Collections Current Month Parish Debt

Poor Box

Wednesday Night 6:30 pm in Mary’s House

3/4 The Way of the Cross & The Nicene Creed 3/11 The Lord’s Prayer & the Meaning of Holy Week 3/18 MAKE-UP

3/25 The Dignity of Life & the Consistent Ethic of Life

Wednesday Morning 9:15 am in Craven Hall

3/4 Dynamic Catholicism 3/11 Dynamic Catholicism 3/18 Dynamic Catholicism 3/25 Dynamic Catholicism

Weekly Collection


The general rule of the church is: “All persons who have com-pleted their 14th year are bound by the law of abstinence; all adults are bound by the law of fast up to the beginning of their 60th year. Nevertheless, pastors and parents are to see to it that minors who are not bound by the law of fast and abstinence are educated in an authentic sense of penance.” (Canon 1253)  Abstinence means abstaining from meat. Fasting means

one full meal a day, with two lighter meals in the course of a day to maintain strength.

 The Fridays of Lent in the United States are days of absti-nence from meat.



St William Church

929 Gunter Ave

Guntersville AL 35976


Contact: Laura Hodge


Software Using:

Win 7

Pub 2007



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