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Democracy in the country and in the home: the women's movement in Chile


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(1)Latinoamericana cb Ciencias -. DOCUMENTOS, DE TRABAJO. SERIE. Estudios. ["DEMOCRACY HOME".. IN. THE. THE. Sociales AND. IN. THE. MOVEMENT. IN. CHILE. COUNTRY. WOMEN'S. Alicia. Frohraann. Teresa. Valdés.

(2) BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL DE CHILE. Sección Chilena. «cadan Año Ed. J:ñIoé¿:-J/.; íl..J.4..p...^.... Copia. Registro. Seaco. Registro. Notis. /...r.>J~/.y...L..^^. ff¿ZL..L.¿Z./...... BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL. 0300235. /..

(3) /. Documento FLACSO. -. de. /. Trabajo. Programa Chile. Estudios Sociales NS 55 Santiago, diciembre de 1993.. Serie. SERIE. Estudios. Sociales. "DEMOCRACY IN THE COUNTRY AND THE WOMEN'S MOVEMENT HOME".. Alicia. IN. THE. IN. CHILE. Frohmann. Teresa. Valdés. escrito para en inglés el libro sobre el movimiento de porque fue está el Foro del de la de la Fundación Ford para la Mujeres que Mujer preparando Programa sobre la Mujer a realizarse en Beijing, China, en 1995. Cuarta Conferencia Mundial Rogamos disculpar los inconvenientes que esto pueda ocasionar. Este. Documento está.

(4) 65979. serie de Documentos. Programa de la Facultad en Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Santiago de Chile. Las opiniones que en los documentos se presentan, así como los análisis e interpretaciones que en ellos se contienen, son de de la sus autores no exclusiva refleja responsabilidad y necesariamente los puntos de vista de la Facultad. Esta. es. editada. por. el.

(5) RESUMEN. Este artículo recorre sintéticamente el por el proceso vivido movimiento social de mujeres de Chile desde su rearticulación en los años 70 hasta de los antecedentes históricos hoy. Entrega años del la vivido describe el bajo sufragismo y proceso dictadura militar para detenerse en el período de transición a la. democracia Tras. situación. su. y. caracterizar. las. logros alcanzados que. ha. sufrido de. exigencias los. cuenta. movimiento través. del. medios. de. Al. iniciarse. en. el. esta. valora. y. en. distintas. al. vertientes. la. las. Si. bien. de. esferas. la. de. y. evalúa de. las. críticamente. decisiones,. da del. demandas. temas. los. cambios. partir de. a. toma. los. incorporación y a políticas públicas, particularmente los en el debate muy especialmente público y. algunas. SERNAM. y comunicación.. interior. del. movimiento. inst. la. analiza. los. variedad. de. itucionalización, formular propuestas capacidad de regiones y sus grados y formas de. Concluye. analiza. democrático. situación.. en. movimiento. del. transición,. contexto. nueva. alcanzados. avances. actual.. que,. si. en. mujeres. actor. como. bien. los. visibilidad. social. éste ha articulación, diversidad, extensión,. inst itucionalización.. ha. medios y. de. tiene. sus. en. niveles. de. abordadas, la ampliación a. temáticas políticas, la. articulación.. habido de. cambios. una. clara. comunicación. deficiencias. en estos florecido prof esionalización. disminución. del en. su. años. y. de. movimiento. la de. capacidad de en ganando de grados.


(7) TABLE. OF. CONTENTS. Pág.. 1. Introduction The. Early Stages. The. Struggle against. The. Transition. The. Women's. to. of. the. Women's. the. Movement. 7. Dictatorship. 16. Democracy. Movement. in. a. Democratic. 3. Context. 23. Conclusión. 46. Bibliography. 48.


(9) Introduction. The. discr imination since. ever. of. the. excluded. institutions based. system. Colonial. Marianismo. cultural. ("acuerdos. the. the. the. on. vhich. tightly-knit political élites, other. social. The the. in. the. soon,. women,. to. participation women.. of. living,. did. Upper. not. were. also. suffrage,. which. but. class. economies. áreas.. Very. pushed. into. low-paying. Urbanization. and. work-force. to. automatically help middle. and. urban. of. the. affected. subsistence. the. in. were. jobs.. women.. centuries. from. labor. women. manufactur ing. and. of. informal. considered. industr ializat ion. early. shifted. whom. working-class. however,. and. of. agreements"). s. a. compromise. only marginally. twentieth. early. of. many. countryside. service. and. '. definitely excluded. urbanization. nineteenth. of. .lives. of. process. late. and. sectors,. and. negotiation. "gentlemen. or. century created. twentieth. of. politics. caballeros". de. and. nineteenth. democratic. of. development. peculiar. the. to. enshrined. both. -vhich. ethos2. pervasive. addition. In. period.. been. have. societyl. the. determining. forces. political. Chilean. in. women. women, in. and. Hispanic. the. heritage of and. social. cultural,. enjoyed. women. discr iminated. condition. change the. higher standard. a. against socially. and. politically.. Female. did. struggle, taken. 1. much. Today,. not. the total. to. situation. this. alter. longer. obtained. was. population. 1949. is. of Chile. after. decades. signif icantly. traditional. the. modify. in. and. 13,2 million.. .. It. of has. patriarchal. Its 1992 GDP. was. capita GDP is just under US$ per of the fifth income the population receives over 55 per 3,000; highest fifth less than 5 per cent. the lowest and cent of the national income,. almost. 2. See. US$ 38. bilí ion.. The. et. al.,. Sonia Montecino. Chile",. yearly. "Identidad femenina. in Centro de Estudios de. la. Mujer,. mariano en y modelo Mundo de mujer. Continuidad y. cambio, CEM, Santiago, Chile, 1988; and Evelyn Stevens, "Marianismo, the other face of Machismo", in A. Pescatello (ed.) Female and Male in Latin America, Üniversity of Pittsburg Press, Pittsburg, 1977. I.

(10) aspects of Chilean society which When. levéis. of. participat. achieved. in. the. higher and. sought needs. and. society the. demands. as. whole.. a. would. also. The that. redefine. military. with. a. author itarian. new. traits. society. and. women's. movement.. The. an. for. specific very. mobilization, from. the. The. role. and. transition. to. and. troubled-. of. links. the. democracy. the. in. the. with. women's in. the. the. within. some. gender. 3. We. a. democratic. eighties. based. define. public. the women's. after. regime. policies and. movement. as. a. but. the. level. and. of. women. the. of. the. process. to. significant. and. empowerment. However,. comprehensive. both. cióse. was. legislative. the. political. the. the. even. inroads. and. of. as' its. such of. of the. context. some. of. to. in. 1990.. and. also. political parties. movement. late. in. class,. abuses,. impulse. movement. middle. The. .. patriarchal. movement,. the. Socialism-. dictatorship. explains. considerable. was. moment. rights. the. flourished. Chilean. Chilean. expectat ions. encouraged considerable expectations regarding women. to. strong. This. specific. of. that. human. a. where. whatever. long. those. gave. women.. women.. regarding. and. grew. of. popular sectors. center-left.. of. against. Chile,. participation. left. at. 17-year. dictatorship.. nature. often. and. in. the. although. that. only of the military regime,. movement3. the. and. consciousness. characteristics. political. status. to. not. struggle against. the. abrupt end. those. transition. the. the. survival. within. or. of. the. 1970s,. system. and. family life. women's. 1973. of. coup. status. democratization. granted. political. improve. the. early. for. taken. growth. and. put. struggle. together. the. economic. followed. women's. of. and. subsumed. were. was. and. ion. 1960s. women. It. driving forcé. modernization,. the. of. molded. have. of if. were. heterogeneous. social process, which includes individual as well as collective actors, the awareness and which defines of a shared identity, itself through women. of condition the social the and will to transform conflict, 2.

(11) made,. and. women. the. women's. politics and government. What. has. disappeared, of. the. structures a. státe. but. latency. crisis),. but. presence. in. the. women's. and,. of. cultural ever. The. if. its. today,. issues. very. the. is. and. seems. of. stronger. arena.. (in. s. ). system is. is. issues. pubíic. implicat ions and. the. there. ,. Gender. .. loóse. .. The. dispersed,. only indirect. prevailing social and. on. to. moment. increased. an. its. diverse,. long-term impact. patterns. NGO. newspaper. political. in. everywhere '. organic. exísts. a. political. unions,. there. and. a. have. today. the. women's. a. become. and. and. in. universities,. and. on. still. movement. thriving. are. media. impact. médium. than. sphere. discr imination. has. parties and. not rules. the. to. adjusting. politics. has. movement. political. women's. and. groups. gender. its. women's. where. in. context.. organize articulately in. may. the. democratic. largely absent. have. than. potential. more. .. of. Early Staqes. in. efforts. struggle minina. by. better. towns. of. around. FLACSO,. feminismo. en. en. class. 3er. can. to. countries, to. be. traced. the. of. política. the. Chile,. women. workers. gender. issues. around. en. Chile. and. Las. Chile,. unionize. organize,. In. and. in. early twentieth. working conditions.. Santiago, Chile, 1986;. nitrate. feministas. Elizabeth. and. began 19104.. v. los. Hutchinson, "El emancipación de la mujer feminista, 1905-1908", Contribuciones N280, FLACSO,. el movimiento. la prensa obrera. and. north. both. movement. working class. wages the. Movement. women's. American. the. Julieta Kirkv""^1. partidos.. Women's. the. Latin. for. organizing. See. other. the. of. origins. many. century. 4. in. mores. The as. (and. been. have. difficulties. political. station. movement. even. had. neighborhoods, radio. awareness. A. cultural. discussed. are. new. The. context,. women's. workplace, women's. has. women's. Today,. a. it. prevail.. of. the. happened?. political. new. in. movement. obrero chileno:. ?. la.

(12) That. initial. associat. ions,. issues. on. labor. lecture. the. unions.. The. of. through. women's. emancipation. that. discr iminat ion of. system also. about. bring. Another to. access. to. women. just. for. movement. the. universit. the. women. of. a. of. and. Mili,. doctors, Other. Marx. and. Engeis.. of. the. nitrate. crisis. political. and. ideological polarization. women's. quite of. and. issues. political. political. The. charities number. the. within. large number. a. of. first. the. Revolution,. most or. of. women. were. and. of. increased. a. of. allowing. 1877,. impulses. tradition. of. interested. in. from. carne. in. the. the. the. of. following women. struggle decreased. part icipat ing. organization. in the. -. early. increased. period. importance. the. writers. European. and. economy. relative social. participation. and. By then,. the. new. labor. forms unions. parties.. visible. women's. cultural. groups bilí. the. of. lawyers-. influence. the. the. Russian. was. change would. women's. ing movement. With. the. the. was. initiated. f ree-think. from. about. general. more. a. social. Amunátegui. ies,. women.. and. lay. century,. Decreto. -educators,. condition. Zárraga. belief. predominant. overall. that. de. ideas. new. part of. and. parties. women.. enter. Stuart. as. was. The. development. such. to. the. and. injustice. equality. time,. women. the. women's. put. Belén. lecturer. spreading. North,. the. of. first. women's. of. emerging progressive. education.. the. twentieth. At. .. impulse. professional. improving. nitrate. the. social. the. number. a. newspapers-. f ree-thinking. Spanish. traveled. the. and. groups. agenda. in. resulted. -which. impulse. assoc. demanding. advocating. groups. iat ions. civil. .. and. female. were. political. 4. was. and. there. However,. suffrage. Santiago, Chile, 1992.. middle. upper-class also. were. rights. for. introduced. in. a. women:. 1917.

(13) by. the. Conservative. parties. created. were. elemental. women's. suffrage:. limiting. women. and. family would. be. in. women's. de. de. when. (and. present. of. the. that. part icipat. forcé, massive. and. 5. the. to. in i. highl. f. were. with. ghted. Chile. in. ir.ally. Chilena. in. of. period. long. de. Partido. the. also. but. culminated. in. to. vote. legislative. and. the.. cjranted. for. Emancipación. and. vnich. women-. carne. struggle. pro. a. vote. women's. the. 1944,. the. in. 3nd. Federación. candidateeO. as. content. -mcstly suffrage of. status. right. the this. ion. of. with. sphere.. political hurdle. the. change.. See E.Ga-iola et. beginning of. status. women. T-';~. ai., T. "". u. Queremos votar a. sense. ano.. to. in. en. seemed. given. the. system and be. in. avaiiable. Chilean. incremantal. Apparently,. See Edda Gavióla et. Conmon. seemed. par t. increased. ed ucat icnal. the. control. birth. and. overeóme. vas. in. women. ion. had. rights. political. emane:i paz. the. to. of. lack. the. Morada-Fe;:,:-.--6. wibh. issues. women's. women. time,. scale,. definitely. fcrties. the. in. electionsS.. in. once. movement. 1935,. 1947. themselves. impediiz.ent. women. in. related. Chilean. presidential. major. Chile. vote. adversarles.. the ir. Movimiento. the. lacked. favor. home. women's. ÍFECHTF). .. not. the. that. fesred. the. of in. (MEMCh). around. 1949. the. creation. Femeninas. de. issues. At. The. Chile. in. and. the. to. were. the. in. or.ly henefit. and. impulse. parties rolas. parties. ,. system cid. political. trad it ional. still. tornen. political. they cr.ly began to. conservative. thirties. mobilization other. big. The. vomen'.s. first. two. and. rights,. 1934,. the. th-. early 193Qs,. conservative. Instituciones Femenino. in. their. suffrage.. Mujeres. twentiez-5.. the. Progressive. second late. the. 'to. the. very. The. in. political. elections. municipal. and. by the. Nevertheless, most. Party,. rather. icipat ion. 5. díctate. to. increasing the on. labor a. more. society would than. radical. las próximas elecciones.. Lila-Pemci/CEM, Santiago, Chile,. al., cr.iit.. the. 1986.. La.

(14) needed. change. was. of. women. the. forties,. who. joined. fifties. and. political. to. trade. unions the. in. participated. and. and. women,. many. in. the. during. the. movement. suffrage. and. parties. political. sixties,. the. in. mobilized. had. of. emancipation. the. complete. general. more. struggle.. WORKFORCE. RATE,. PARTICIPATION. 1976-1990. 1976. 1978. 1980. 1982. 1984. 1986. 1987. 1988. 1989. 1990. 47.1. 48.6. 48.4. 47.2. 48.2. 50.9. 51.1. 52.5. 53.0. 52.8. Women 25.2. 27.2. 27.6. 27.4. 28.8. 29.6. 29.7. 31.2. 31.7. 31.8. 68.9. 73.6. 73.9. 75.2. 75.8. 75.1. Total. 70.2. Men. Source. 71.2. 70.3. 68.3. INE, Encuestas Nacionales de Empleo, 1976-1990.. :. FERTILITY. 1950-1995. RATE,. 1950. 1960. 1970. 1980. 1990. 1955. 1965. 1975. 1985. 1995. 5,1. 5,3. 3,5. 2,9. 2,7. Number of children per. (1). woman. Note. (1) Global fertility rate. :. Source. :. CELADE, Boletín. Demográfico,. Año XXVI. NQ. 51,. Santiago, Chile,. 1993.. Gender social Even. were. political. only seldom raised. turmoil. of. the. sixties. during and. the. period. of. had. social. democrat ization. ever. before. (or. basically. the. same.. The. centers). were. first. created. movement. for. women's. and. since), centros. suffrage,. in. the. status. de. madres. the. but. 6. political. forties,. they. became. of. early seventies.. though during this period Chilean society experienced. levéis it. and. issues. higher. part icipation than of. women. ( CEMAs. ,. parallel. remained. mothers to. '. the. inst i tut ional ized.

(15) in. the. which. government, urban. and. rural. slightly modernized ef fective. were. very. also. acted. one. million. as. the. at. enroled. the. this. time,. did. the. during Poder. not. early seventies,. Femenino-. who. and. These. women. organized. Women's. for. Chilean. survival their. 7. Movement. except. as. but. women,. for. and. for. not. them. of. political were. concerns. mold. to. by themselves. actors. the. right-wing. the. Allende the. before so. women. -El. regime with. military for. much. and. families. their. women,. and. who. -defending. families. and. Struggle. the. coup.. themselves, the. "patria". misery for most. were. human. especially and. rights. subsistenceS. .. Dictatorship. the. against. period. of. Chileans,. andrmore. so. the. struggle. for. (1973-1990). dictatorship. repression. hardship,. ic. about. years.. political. as. but. .. Pinochet. The. later. during 1971-1973,. pans. Socialism. against. ( fatherland ). The. of. organized against. pots. many and. social. gender-specif. were. organizat ional experience helped. mobilize. their. as. their. and. 1973,. existing. grass-roots women's movement. Women. in. CEMAs. the. in. Although. .. the. in. There. control7.. social. of. a. they. community affairs,. in. women. on. female role;-. traditional. the. engaging. actively. organizations scarce. in. mechanism. a. women. participated. of. versión. both. focused. centers". "mothers. These. women.. poor. of. organization. communal. the. advocated. Democratic. Christian. the. with. especially. sixties,. a. was. in. active. organizing' for their. During. the. first. decade. own. and. of. the. "Chile, Centro de Madres. ¿La mujer popular en Nuestra Memoria, Nuestro Futuro. movimiento?, in Isis Internacional, de las Mujeres Historia, Ediciones Mujeres e N°10, Santiago, Chile, See. E. Gavióla -et. al.,. 1988. 8. general overview dictatorship, see María under Military Rule", in. For. a. the. of Elena P.. role of. Valenzuela, "The. Drake and I. 7. during .;• the Pinochet Evolving Roles of Women The Struggle for (eds),. women. Jaksic.

(16) military Chilean. of. femin.ization the. process. levéis. "motherhood who. women. to. for. (headed. by. Nacional. de. military. Pinochet's la. Mujer. and. mid. that. eighties,. and. regime. Thus. Lucía. wife,. (the. to. wage. the. present. first. years. of. the. military dictatorship,. which. groups. modern. women's. Democracv in. movement. have. movement. Chile,. NB, See. P.Chuchryk, Protest,. Feminism. in. a. women's. is. right-wing female. network. of. though. the. CEMAs. Secretaría. the. and. voluntary. in. Latin. ,. movement. can. be. in. the. mid. almost. contributed. 1982-1990. 1991.. the. on. .. of. Chilean. the. Agency),. roots. The. of. and. ions. building. Hiriart),. Women's. National. a. structured. was. organizat. women,. activism. against Allende.. mobilized. the. depoliticize. The. 1970s.. 9. the. increasing employment. ideáis. fatherland". charity organizations9. three. the. ing and modernizat ion began. and. and. discipline. and. had. support. the. only after. restructur. growth. the. affected. additionally through. government developed special. Pinochet. discourse. and. economic. was. deeply. .. The a. It. poverty. suffered. women. poverty. economic. of. about. bring. the. and. people,. and. unemployment. regime,. to. the. AmericalO. Dictatorship.. late. of. the. formation. of. the. -i.e.. Universitv of Nebraska. Politics and Personal. Military. and. in. case. textbook. a. found. Life:. women. from. Press, Lincoln,. The Emeroence. Chile. of. Ph.D.. 1973-1983r 1984; N. Lechner and S.Levy, "Notas sobre la vida cotidiana III: el disciplinamiento de la mujer", Material de Discusión NQ57, FLACSO, Santiago, Chile, 1984; G. Munizaga and L. "Mujer in Letelier, y régimen militar", CEM, Mundo de mujer. Continuidad v cambio, La CEM, Santiago, Chile, 1988; M.E. Valenzuela, Dissertation,. mujer. en. York. el Chile. Üniversity,. militar.. Canadá,. Todas. íbamos. a. ser. reinas.. Santiago, Chile, 1987; T. Valdés et al., "Centros de ¿Sólo disciplinamiento?". Documento de Trábalo NS416, Chile, 1989. 10. See. Jane. in Latin. Jaquette, "Introduction", America:. Feminism and. in. J.Jaquette,. the Transition. Press, Boulder, Co., 1991.. 8. CESOC-ACHIP,. Madres 1973-1989. FLACSO,. Santiago,. The Women's Movement. to Democracy,. Westview.

(17) human. rights. also. were. after. and. the. in. child-care had. Agrupación. de. to. in. for. to. the. stressed. by. specifically of. presence. would. be. with. democracy of. Another in. poor. women,. 11. P.. the. in. central. a. developed. gender. women. mid. the. time. issues,. but. they. .. ). ,. The. See T.. Valdés and. de pobladoras. en. M.. groups.. It. has. precisely. was. them. to. concerned. not. initiated the. the. strong. dictatorship, of. women's. the. of. .. They. in. which. transition. to. dictatorship driven. were. Latin. movement. Politics: to. to. urban. organize. The Role. Democracy", America:. were. which. in. by. of Women's J.. Feminism. Jaquette and. the. p.156. Las organizaciones in, Mujeres que sueñan. 1973-1989, FLACSO, Santiago, Chile, 1993.. We inste. Chile:. give. help. 1980s.. Movement. Transition to Democracy,. Mujeres. extremely dangerous. process. during the military. Women's. order. political. allowed. were. groups. the. of. late. pobladorasl2. the. "it. was. struggle against. important component Chile. it. when. These. aspect and. rights. in. de. and. funds. that. Chuchryk, "Feminist Anti-Authoritarian Organizations in the Chilean Transition ( ed. 12. a. so"ll.. do. to. Agrupación. invisibility which. public at. the. human. the. of. victims. scholar. feminist. a. actors. political. of. initiatives. Políticos,. etc.,. the. collect. to. created. traditional. anyone. organization,. support was. with. work. in. Detenidos. de. Presos. Políticos,. Ejecutados. de. de. Familiares. families. joined. abuses. Familiares. de. and. workshops,. whose. women. rights. Agrupación. solidarity. Democráticas,. visibility. the. as. human. sought. multiplied. handicrafts. The. groups.. from. work. parrish. for. organize. Initially they. soup-kitchens,. health. Familiares. A. repression.. women's. in. military regime.. began to. women. rights. and. the. of. end. 1973,. human. Agrupación de. Desaparecidos,. engage. of. directly such. of. although troubled,. parties,. the. churches,. and. centers. until. feminists.. and. women. poor. political. coup. resulting. organizations. become. the. of. suffered. been. the. defense. protection. diversified. the. least. strong,,at. Shortly survival. with. links. the. However,. urban. organizations,. 9.

(18) the. families.. their their. home. learned. to. third. The. feminist. the. had. been. la. de. in. exposed. there. of. these. few. A. thinking.. 1977. in. Mujer. feminist. movement,. impact of. and. and. women's. the. feminist home". the. in. of. then. the. the. these. organizations social like. them, a. and. successor. and. feminist. de. la. 13. from. the. Mujer. See. the. has. been. strong.. was. North. and. rallying. "Democracy first. cry. movement,. created. in. the. La. Estudios. numerous. Kirkwood,. in. women. specifically and,. even. to. the. the in. qualitative the. country. feminist. women's. women. issues. de. la. Mujer. in. the. wake. of. 1983-1984.. Some. of. 1983. as. in. (created. toward. política. partidos. 10. feminist. en. Chile.. ~.nd. groups. in. women's. offspring of the Círculo,. engaged. Ser. of. early eighties,. oriented. was. Another. Morada,. Estudios. combinig gender. political protest movement of. research.. de. dictatorship.. mind,. Círculo),. feminist. synonymous. onward,. and. and. as. first. been. the. America. Círculo. the. linked. discr imination. condition. early 1980s. who. in. active. movement. was. the. military. the. of. gender. the. in. never. in. de. a. as. were. and. contemporary Chile. in. objectives. the. Julieta. had. their. This. women's. entire. Centro. of. the. thinking. became. were. the. that. women's. discuss. movement. oppression. issues. to. Europe. joined. groups.. struggle against. With. the. in. the. women. them. of. many. prof essionals. gender. experienced. organization created. feminist. and. women. exile to. of. isolation. movement. class. specific. had. to. consciousness-raising. though. middle. these. and. been. had. others. there;. left. the. of. of. Some. dictatorshipl3.. parties. them. of. women,. women's. patriarchal oppression. of. critique. Chilean. because. movement. the. joined. of. many. women;. the. of. component. the. own. and. themselves. action.. political. for. point of departure. other. their. articúlate. and. recognize. left. women. with. join. to. workplace. or. for. provide. these. once. However,. to. need. the. and. crisis. economic. activism,. La*. studies the. Casa. offered. feministas. y. —. lps. —.

(19) counseling and the. Two. for. in. and. feminist. a. Pobladoras. feminist. feminist". of. Movimiento. the. de. Mujeres. with. autonomy. process"15. of. initially-. and. and. the were. left,. two. but. Mujeres. gender. need of. de. collective. Chile. See. 15. See P.. for. as. its. upon. into. a. feminist. (MUDECHI). Chuchryk, "Feminist Anti-Authoritarian. debated and. the. combined. "an. the. and in. the. which. need. grew. the. -at. .. out. of. least. Comité. de. and. T.. Politics...";. Politics. ..". for. political. analysis and. in. socioeconomic. major. patriarchy. P.. 11. act. Furia. which. Anti-Authoritarian "Feminist Chuchryk, Valdés and M. Weinstein, Mujeres que sueñan.... 14. beginning. issue. an. were. organizations. without. an. Mujeres. gradually developed. self -determinat ion women's. de. and. discuss. various. developed. Movimiento. Socialismo,. the. and. .. socialist. analysis. an. Another. and. el. por. capitalism. transí ormation women's. feminist. as. of. analysis. class. to. women,. poor. organizationl4. dialectics. such. urban. as. need. included. the. how. of. organization which,. the. by. the. of. individuáis,. movement. The. leaders. rest. groups. and. examples. women's. another. is. Both. .. the. and. women. the. to. unity. organizations. perspective.. motivated. condition. The. parties. establishment. Chilean. the. of. example. an. interesting. are. (MOMUPO). "popular. groups. set. to. political. well-known. 16. of. of. all. coordínate. to. Vida. la. por. dictatorship,. the. opposed. Mujeres. and. 1930),. established. was. who. non-feminist. initiative. members'. first. group. order. of. increasingly. a. as. histories. components. an. The. which. previous organization. the. the. in. suffrage. anti-Pinochet. political. their. honoured. organizations. began. joined. organizations created during this period. ñame. Life).. women's. second who. (the. for. umbrella. the. became. and. women,. Feminista.. important. sought women's. (Women the. other. MEMCh'83. were. had. Movimiento. incipient. for. workshops.

(20) Defensa. de. los. into. developed. Chile. and. has. influence. also. had. other. feminist. socialist. from. abroad,. ana. and. in. women's. movement. international in. feminists. points. have. of. viewl6. to. opportunity the. the. The. Latin. the. the. December. In. at. 16. an. the. of. seen. in. movement.. and. March. fact,. which. Mujeres. Caupolicán. inaugurated. Theatre.. E.. Sternbach" Alvar ez,. Bernardo", NS21, 1992.. Marysa. i,. ?jgns:. Journal of. the. 12. vis. vis. áas. to. nature. "heroic". the. a. Day became. these Encuentros,. America: in. Cultura. From. year. .. In. women's. huge. people. Patricia. in. military. political. 10.000. account of. Wom^n. an. most. Women's. organized. About. in Latin. also. well. as. against. Navarro-Aranguren,. "Feminisms. and. were. the. as. International. Vida. ideas. movement.. protest. la. por. Caribbean. as. participated massively. Women. 8,. and. homogeneity. retrospect. political. served. ant i-author itar ian. and. Chilean. che. have. feminisms,. Americsn. interesting analytical. Saporta Sonia. are. celebration. 1983,. meeting. For. legacy. women's. social. annual. relative. own. women,. Encuentros. exchange they. an. was. countries,. The. 1993). and. feminists. specifically political. dictatorship. the. of. mid-eighties. period of all. their. eighties. American. other,. Chilean. discover. leftist. strong. each. know. to For. great diversity. confirm and. come. and. 1990. Latin. where. places. meeting. 1987,. 1985,. 1983,. (1981,. The. (1975-1985).. elsewhere.. initiatives. those. others,. many. developing. the. and. to. happened concerning. whatever. and. did. as. and. this. accentuated. Decade. s. (which. left. the. of. no. was. oartly similar. seventies. the. and. debates. Feministas. regular. of. '. Woman. U.M.. the. ideas. to. movement. tradition). movement,. industr ialized. the. influenced. of. women. least. at. were. Chilean. The. movement,. of. on.. open. very. women's. the. predominan.ee. debates. wake. the. country. a. internat ionalist. countries.. developed. both. the. later. organization. also. latter. The. (CODEM).. Mujer. been. local. The. la. ionally. strong. a. tendeney.. de. tradit. Exile. exception.. of. a. Derechos. assisted,. see. Nancy. Chuchryk, Bogotá to. and Society,. Vol.. and San. 17,.

(21) showing. a. f. It. orces.. place. became. set. 1986,. the. women's. withinwhich. Civilidad, The. society. public. demands. the. representative. -María. jail,. with. strike.. general. of. signified. a. struggle. against. a. The. aided. in. the. in. the. with. and. organizations. which. created In. movement.. de. Instituto. ■. all. instrumental. its. own. worth. in. example, and. 17. a. very. active. by. RIDEM,. channel late. it. it the. to. moment. of. bringing about. in. engaged. a. a. the. in. issues. also. was. for. legitimacy:. gender. of. control. Casa. This. network. the. and. media. only. movement. had. the. a. served. mutual. after. women's. few-. a. sense as. a. support. state. been. the. Domos,. ñame. also. non-. most'of. the. above,. women's. of. women,. in. -to. undoubtedly. network. a. towards. Sofíal7. early 1985, of. of. mentioned. Communications and. were. women. oriented. giving the. in. of. participants. those. potential.. 1984. strict. point. development. (NGOs). Mujer,. were. effective. the. to. and. forces. the. addition la. highest. link. s. in. months. calling. political. while. mobilization. and. governmental were. to. effort. dictatorship,. creation. the. for. movement. '. women's. the. after. colleagues, the. organization. several. spent. Chilean. Chile.. organization. by. Saa-. la. de. of. and. Chile,. possibly. was. involvement. regime change. male. women's. momentum. active. very. the. de. the. time. first. the. sectors in. taken. had. Asamblea. the. body,. included. were. Antonieta. This. struggle. opposition. gatherings.. for. was. different. Pliego. her. such. as. cross-party. represented. statement,. together. movement. future. for. high yardstick. a. a. women's. the. in. then. largest opposition meeting which. the. and. represented. until. unknown. unity. far,. so. In. of. degree. of. imposed. of. very For. siege once. comprehensive list of these organizations, see A.M. Arteaga and R. Delsing, Directorio Nacional de Servicios y Recursos para la Mujer, and for an analysis of the role of the CEDEM, Santiago, Chile, 1992; E. Largo, "Los ONG en el área de la women's NGOs, see A.M. Arteaga and in Taller de al la mujer desarrollo", Cooperación al y cooperación no gubernamentales en Desarrollo, Una puerta que se abre. Los organismos la cooperación al desarrollo, Santiago, Chile, 1989. For. a. 13.

(22) again,. Las. women's. NGOs-. with. and. Chile. also. this. this. network.. the. period,. effective. An. course,. channel. felt. of. the. women's. not. do. to. need. see. whether. they. traditional. in. also. and. the. world),. the. early for. to. engaged. not. of. among. socialist. about. whether. the. of. (Socialists,. organized. Some. or. to. the. Catholic. Church,. of. their. women's. the -both. defense. of. however,. did. movement.. word. "feminist". men. and. debates. elsewhere. were. the. sectors,. class. to. Long as. primary. especially. were. control,. more. considered. same. feminists. women-. the. committed. gender. birth. the. were. (the. other. of. part. Within. not.. or. themselves. party activists. others,. the. feminists class. saw. working class.. those. viewed. divorce. as. and. .. However, women's. were,. were. sufficiently. Within. abort ion. movement. feminists. society.. because. and. they. people. left,. and. interests. if. within. immoral. most. fastest. women. eighties,. many. politically. Many. contradict ion cióse. during. but. members. feminists;. belonging. as. ideological. the. waged. organized. others).. and. even. not. were. "bourgeois" and elitist,. were. that. explain. connotation were. struggle and. members. parties. political. movement.. women's. themselves. negative. a. of. plain party. were. Especially during had. women's. the. of. Democrats. they. movement,. even. the. was. the. of. organizations within the party -often with great. wider. a. were. in. so.. members. others. iculties-,. part. network. Christian. specific women's. as. women's. issues. gender. efforts. joint. mobi 1 izat ions. women. many. the. to. important componente. Communists,. dif f. due. Whatever. to. ongoing political. the. early publications about. possible. and. male. (both. leaders. about. informed. Columna,. La. bulletin,. news. by opposition. readers. Many.of the. were. clandestine. a. several. of. by members. composed. group. interviews its. keeping. debate.. -a. circulated. articles. female),. of. Mensajeras. together. movement,. and. with. during. the. growth. and. final. and. the 14. consolidat ion more. liberal. of. stage. the of.

(23) the. relative. legit imation this. transition, movement. The. and. on. putting. status. of. of. política. the. end. an. to. in. for. all,. lo. político. (the. practice. of. of. women's. there. redefining. a. in. and. own. the. party,. the. unión. the. locus. of. to. 18. the. hacer. parties vis. success :. was. a. life. and. the. of. the. the. neighborhood. in. addition. In. workplace.. in. the. particular.. everyday and. á. vis. distrust. la. obiectives. political. in. equal. fact,. the. after. period. to. these. activity deeply affected. movement. women's. the. the. changing the. two. activity"18,. and. and. last. political. family. political. and. the. stopped. better. the. family,. the. suited. Chuchryk,. party,. to. was. practice an. the. or. not. of. their. for. others. -the. fatherland.. however,. successful,. politics.. egalitarian. "Feminist Anti-Authoritarian 15. in. actors. political. exclusively. acting. movement the. became. also. women. process,. women's. See P.. changing. democracy.. effectively changing style,. the. home,. political. right,. The. the. the. is. polit icization of. of. this. children,. what. of. cómo. feminists. the. "locus. of. and. unease. a. character istics transition. of. process. of. included,. of. and. These. operandi. and. at. State,. In. their. attempt. became. shifts. modus. general. prívate sphere,. the. politics).. in. was. They. least-. not. political). of. justice. society, but. years. the. during. broad.. very. the. for. society.. movement. -last. movement. The. Chilean. military dictatorship,. (the. and. much. the. and. the. for. were. Chilean. definitely challenged account. women's. struggle. women. opportunities nature. of. of. women's. condition. a. as. of. democratic the. that. advanced. process. a. the. of. time. obiectives. modernizat ion. obiectives. experienced. the. far. so. feminist. also. at. 1990, was. process. anti-author itar ian course,. By. .. advancing. was. democrat izat i. also. feminism. military dictatorship,. A. more. social. in. democratic. movement,. Politics...", p.175.. was.

(24) sought but traits. of. the. where. the. political leaders. women. movement. to. leaders. in. their. expand. party. almost. the. "politics the. democracy, the. but. over, an. of. days. there. seemed. Women's. The. period. Patricio rule. Movement. which. Aylwin. the. seriously questioned.. was. in. no. (. wo. )mansland. :. apparently. were. movement. women's. the. to-. transition. the. with. for. place. no. they. in. the. to. Transition. played. democracy,. defeated. was. a. to. Democracy. significant role from. Pinochet-. to. 1988. -the. 1990,. inaugurated after almost. 17. during the of. year. the. President. when of. military. women's. movement. years. .. Before. the. played mostly level the. f "ve. and. movement. transition. plebiscite. be. sought. if. setting.. women's. of. to. the. without. 22":. mobil izat ions. and. their. were. itself. found. their. for. improve. ... and. leadership positions. returned. movement. protest. public. inst itut ional. The. of. women's. movement. maintain. to. and. "catch. however,. party loyalty usual". as. a. their. maintain;. their. be. peers. women's. the. opted. women. maintain to. proved. to. representative. women's. the. in. Many. their. for. difficult. very. to. movement,. to. support,. when. Thus,. women's. impossible. movement's. order This. political visibility. of. it. legitimacy.. in. and. women. political groupings.. larger. both. active. were. political. allegiance,. support. affect. and. party found. political. a. with. negotiate. legitímate. Without. in. who. strong egalitarian. increasingly difficult. became. particípate. Women. and. it. could. they. parties.. the. fact,. conspired against raising. movement. women's. leadership positions in. In. really achieved.. never. and. October. a. plebiscite,. mobilizing role,. organizing. through public demonstrat ions. apparently are. 1988. 5,. more"). invincible became. the. and. to. the at. bring about. omnipotent dictator.. rallying 16. cry. grass-roots. the. during. the. defeat. "Somos. this. más". period,.

(25) expressing -both the in. the and. dictatorship. ¿the. baliots the. to. against Pinochet.. vote. became. author itar ianism. introduce. Feminist. women. mujeres. a. also. and. la. introduce. in. demands. and. issues).. The. Convention. of. 1988. rights. at. of. inequality through. equal. rights ammendment. time. that. legitímate. 19. 20. feminist. .. to. the. of. the. democracyl9. to. b). women. and. women. the. ministerial the. of. .. the. This. presented. political. as. de. as. mothers workers. as. creation. of. level,. to. All. educational. Constitut ion. women. ratification. of. elimination. a). the. proposed. .. Democracy"),. áreas:. also. the. Demandas. the. Demands. issues),. organizations. interlocutors. and. issued. Elimination. the. discr iminat ion. overeóme. for. public policies;. against Women;. and. and. family issues),. Discr imination sexism. the. and. mere. different. three. the. on. to. the. agenda. ("Women's. Demandas. in. gender. mid. ageney,. issues. also. "no". say. to. necessary. the. in. (civil. parental. gender. U.N.. be. in. democracia20. executive. special. to. began. organized. to. the. to. publicizing. women,. patriarchy. ion,. helped. get people. feminist. opportunity. NGOs. to. society.. issues. citizens. rights. For. denounciation. women's. reproductive,. the. Chilean. women's. presenting. a. of. and. description. (labor. discr iminat. it. However,. excellent. an. to. order. opposition. women's. of. network in. registration,. gender. persons. The. women.. of. sexism,. (. of. the. of. superiority. process. No-vote. las. quantitative. Forms. of of. reproduction. system; was. the. and. an. first. themselves. as. parties.. study of the different analyses and proposals vis á vis political parties and women's organizations in to the period the transition before democracy, see Natacha Molina, de cambio en la situación de la "Propuestas políticas y orientaciones Propuestas políticas v demandas sociales, mujer", in M.A.Garretón (ed.) Vol. III, FLACSO, Santiago, Chile, 1989. For. an. excellent. the different. women. of. This. document. belonging to the Movimiento Feminista and a group of well-known women. It was published full-length in the newspaper La Época, in Santiago, Chile, on July 1, 1988. was. issued. by. 21 colectives. 17.

(26) Even. disliked. military. ambitious, did. the. though. not. issues. specific women's. presented. movement. government. demand. one. during the. response. included. on. to. transition. for. women's. all. government dec is ion-mak ing positions).. Another effort I. have. Mujeres-. for. While 1988. the. did. the. No,. they. the. Concertación. elections. The. play. 1989. throughout. of. a. more. de in. order. allegiances. 21. See. of. and ). ,. women's. grass-roots. hard. very. to. T. Valdés and. of. for. women. with. significant role. to. la. por win. that. the. year. Nacional. in. support. unique experience, feminists. it. Partidos. created in. de. the. showed. initiative. between. woman,. Sociales. Organizaciones This. a. am. grass-roots women's. urban. oppositon coalition of. Concertación. coalition. de. 198821.. found. December. was. ( I. NGOs.. women. within. of. network. colaboration. and. organizations. (CNMD). in. developed. potential. the. -Coordinación. organizations. in. that. rights). of. percent. consciousness-raising. tengo derechos. campaign Soy mujer,. called. which. (30. apparatus. and. mobilizing. interesting. the. was. state. empowerment within the. that. s. of. kind. any. '. 1990.. March. after. was. by the. up. Concertación. the. receive. democracy. the. of. many. taken. were. in. not. did. which. the. excessively. time,. policies. becoming public. program, the. However,. later. and. Demandas. the. in. opposed. opposition forces- and. that. at. it. to. which. considered. was. the. of. divisive. and. attention. much. -it. initiative. this. sectorial. pay. establishment. political. early. the. Mujeres. 1989. as. it. included. which. el. influence. campaigned legislative. (many. que. of. Democracia. autonomous. political. aim. M.Weinstein, Mujeres. an. la. por. Concertación.. NGOs. 18. trying to. por. .. de. explicit. in. Concertación. presidential and. overall. the. the. Democracia,. the. from. organize autonomously. of. It. sueñan...,. quite. was. party. a. a. members,. with. them. preparing. women's. mixed. government. pp. 230-232..

(27) supporting. program, the. political. publicizing. candidatos,. women. of. agenda. women's. the. issues. including gender. transition. discr iminat ion. to. all. in. and. democracy,. sectors. in. Chilean. of. society.. Their. first. definitely. the. objective. greatest. political. spheres,. in. commissions. eleven. and. diagnostic health,. family,. political. The. and. The. at. public. specific. Concertación the. even. Pinochet's his. -. of. CNMD. the. women's. on. and. for. organized. expertise,. the. gender-speci. a. of. áreas. and. urban. f ic. education, labor,. culture,. working-class. women,. Women.. programmatic efforts. CNMD's. can. be. and. women. This. presidential to. had. include. to. implement genderthe. forced. also. issues. gender. need. the. in. their. rights. of. the. programs,. and. parties. own. candidate, equal. included. Partidos. de. Concertación. the. policies22.. Büchi. Hernán for. women. into. discourse.. prepared. eleven. in. different. from. Women. .. both. make. arts. Office. the. of. program. dauphin-. CNMD. was. levéis:. right-wing. political. The. of. include. to. to. rural. National. different. special chapter. a. order. Communications,. the. government. the. recommendations. ef f ectiveness. observed. -. in. government program-. a. professional. great. part icipat ion,. legislation. of. success. with. policy. -preparing. an. elabórate. commissions23. movement. offered. Chilean. 22. Concertación de Partidos por Santiago, Chile, 1989.. 23. S.. Montecino and J.. This. .. Rossetti. de la Concertación de Mujeres. was. the. society. the. first. recommendations time. proposal. a. that. for. the. change,. Democracia, Programa de Gobierno, p.31,. la. ,. with. program. Tramas oor. para. un. nuevo. la Democracia,. 19. destino.. Propuestas. Santiago, Chile, 1990..

(28) and. it. and. for. has. served. the. Most. of. the. development. of. democratic. the. were. and. in. special. outlined. Service, the. to. policies regarding. heads. households-. of. had. issues. feminists. the. presented by. abuse. and. these. of. Many. Demandas. -creation. 1988.. Thus, the. is,. issues. to. in. visible. in. only. the. the. o:. political. achievement. in. presidential. candidate. and. Christian. "Democracy were. in. "women. the. this. "Discurso de Don. to. for. the. and. arena. during. and. the. the. the. Patricio Aylwin",. p.4. 20. gender in. fact. democracy.. issues. gender. (a. campaign-. greatest. demand. own24.. social. Teatro Cauoolicán,. '. s. traditional. women's. his. or. Concertación. Aylwin the. of. were. women's. the. home". constituency. to. the. presidential. that. made. of. CNMD. and. women. -Patricio. in. many. the. Possibly was. -that. elected. women. transition. -making. Democrat)-. of. least. CNMD. facilítate. to. seem. political sphere. number. movement. himself. the. the. at. office-,. field. country. added. the. achieved.. partially. Catholic. in. public agenda. aim. in. women. by the women's. the. Another. of. increase. government. raised. included. was. empowerment. substantial. a. change did not. though regime. even. immediate. appointed. 24. the. in. the. 1994. violence. of. female. CNMD.. the. by. that. ammendment. iminatory. for. programs. initially proposed been. discr. prevention. education,. women,. already. of. women. Women's. (National. rights. equal. and. 1990. between. Mujer. la. an. elimination. Constitution,. against. of. proposal. employment. de. Nacional. policies. public. ic. implemented. vis. á. proposals.. further. of. vis. public policies. of. basis. gender-specif. government. Servicio. SERNAM),. the. as. Not. actors. August. to. for. only whom. 20, 1989,.

(29) Aylwin. 's. campaign in. oppression feminist of. never. been. Chile. (. have. signify. a. had. to. There. as. all. we. by. might, had. it. campaign discourse,. in. presidential campaign know),. did. thus. and. it. for. the. advantage. certain. a. role. the. political. Chilean women's. occurred. in. 1989. particularly open. was. take. the. regarding. What. really.. different. the. women's. factors. from. the. discr imination. and. when. the. of. movement. the had. moment. -a. to. new. ideasof. women. considerable. with. recognition. women's. which. leadership. was. CNMD. the. success:. and. important political had. a. during the struggle. military dictatorship.. discr. Gender. Did. of. was. mobilizing. seen. this. Although. ideological breakthrough. revelation. Not. combination. -. drawn. sphere,. pri'-ate. other. any. for. America,. establ ishment. political. against. in. way. happened?. sudden. oppression?. managed. political. mere. this. Latin. the. between. parallel. .. What. have. in. in. the. but. 25,. implicitely accepted.. was. important. an. and. public. been. used in. or. movement. the. thinkers,. course,. addressed". was. imination,. anachronism,. an. in. most. its. incompatible. blatant. forms,. with. modern,. a. to. began. be. democratic. society.. Women. were. conservat. ively;. include. -. A. the. few. 25. thus. a. women. from. the. particularly. as. proposal. which. elements. some. presidential. directly. perceived. CNMD. eandidate. for. change. enjoyed and. were. a. to. necessarily. especially appealed. to. vote. had. to. women.. personal relationship with. thus. able. to. influence. him. .. Anti-Authoritarian "Feminist Chuchryk, versión, prepared for the second edition of See. prone. P.. Women's. Movement. in Latin. America:. Democracy. 21. Feminism. revised Politics...", The J. Jaquette (ed), and. the Transition. to.

(30) Women. demands. and. concerns. process:. oo-ed. regularly. in. the. was. distributed. woman?"). The. to. promote. CNMD. negotiate the and. the. Concertación. to. incapacity. When. of. women. government. most. included. gender. of. to. Party. promote. (PS). and. affirmative. posts. presidential presidents. locus. to of. reach. to. in. for. and. 1990 and. be. else, made. where within. Humanist. who. for. and. 2 2. and. the. left. had. in. also. their to. power. included. an. decision-making even. the. had. had. a. first women. even. always. Whenever. parties. the. Socialist. woman. female. as. though. vicewomen. leadership positions,. absent.. political. for. and. The. all. However,. political. were. and. change. Party. parties. formal. more. the. prevailed.. center. also. was. other. defend. fatal. (PPD) of. to. movement. paying lip-service. cent. elections.. women. the. per. The. Rodríguez,. more. the. Democracy. (20. women).. the. parties. least. than. better. and. leadership positions.. Party. decision-making. somewhere had. after. at. women,. special. a. candidates. proved. propositions. were. for. representat ive. and. legislative. of. quiere". women's. negotiate. political. and. and. candidate). of. parties. program. to. go. (Laura. president. seemed. the. action. should. the. the. women. to. te. political parties. the. legitímate. difficulty. concerns. political platforms, need. of. for. price. carne. lists. this. interests. By 1989,. moment. the. on. the. payed. on. media.. the. within. women. strong,. the. posts,. traditional. It. develop. leaderships. presence. of. empowerment. report. adequate channels. find. to. however,. appear. candidates;. be. could. the. in. all. developed. ("Who. candidates. women. failed,. CNMD. the. to. rights. seeking equal. ,. mujer?". una. que. ). and. nationwide;. "¿Quién mejor. campaign. you". election. the. Chile. "Mujer,. gender. put. began. for. prepared. was. called. campaign pamphlet wants/loves. to. statistical. a. newspapers;. Chile. in. women. issues. gender. on. opposition. of. Chile. ("Woman,. a. the. condition. special. a. articles. hard. political agenda during. the. on. worked. CNMD. the. without. and. within. shifted. the to. tough decisions. regarding political.

(31) the. the. positions,. power. that. was. political. "citizens,. the. and. of. the. as. to. been. and. ically. Women's. The. shoved. or. See paper. borne. into. their. hearth. The. in. the. of of. the. agenda. of. feminist. However,. remained. by. the. of. the. Catholic. women,. roles. of. and. had. groups. were. issues,. such. mainstream. agenda. and. others,. Church),. were. movement. which. issues. crucial. some. off. of. women's. Many of. policy.. creation. inequality. the. few. time. formally and. home",. fruit.. a. first. "traditional. and. efforts. the. campaign. taken. up. only. .. in. in. 1990. Chuchryk,. a. of. Democratic. the. can. oerspect ives28. P.. the. in. 19S9. the. for. women. existence. empowerment. achievements. different. of. "the. on. to. of. participants. as. only. pressures. Movement. democracy27. 27. not. abortion, of. the. as. rethor. and. women"26. had. difference. appeaied. guardián. State. because. (mainly. and. only. become. divorce. such. of. CNMD. previously about. parties. recognizing. discr iminat ion. 26. again absent. once. important. workers. as. mother. publicly. and. the. democracy". new. wife,. The. were. background.. Nevertheless,. as. women. women's. be. -and,. Context. movement in. fact,. after. the. are-. viewed. return. to. within. .. Anti-Authoritarian. "Feminist. Politics...", revised. .. disagreement among political analysts about whether the or has been completed not, whether the post-1990 period or should be "consol idat ion of democracy" qualified as of "incomplete can be rnade for or "semi -democracy" one democracy" Arguments it is ication or the true that a other. qualif However, certainly regime change did take place in Chile in 1990. There. is. transition. .. 28. Some. of. these. positiva.. abruptly. The from. perceptions are very negative and others self-perception of the women's movement. one. to the. other. .. 23. are. extremely to swing. seems.

(32) On. the. women's. issues. government; Servicio. hand,. one. executive. Nacional and. Antonieta. Saa,. movement,. de. women. legislators. who. been. had. the. divorce,. in. active. the. were. were. introduced. in. (domestic. because. Congress,. legislators. to. all. in. Congress,. the. in. representatives. legislators.. This. coup,. accounted. for. councils. in. cent. of. par. 29. Laura. 3 0. See. when. of. 10 the. women. 6. per. less. fact,. were. of. the. bills30.. there. has. to. than. in. much. sphere.. senators total. 1973,. and. in. in. 1993.. 6 of. before. the. elected. 1992,. In. number. Women. representatives.. individuáis. candidates. organize. been. political. the. of. passed by. not. women. elections. municipal. liamentary. these. the. rights,. support among the. able. of. 14. been. been. 3'. cent. per. cent. in. only. were. there. .. of. passage. about in. not. process. status. adultery,. sufficient. considered,. there. is,. only. local. the. the. empowerment. -only. military. have. things. 1993,. have. not. women. government. to. labor. not. have. however,. women. lobby for. However, progress. do. they. and. -. effectively. them,. long-time. legislative. law,. Muñoz. professional. violence,. marriage. seven. -Adriana. appointed the. of. out. been. had of. number. A. María. women's. the. two. Representat ives and. to. largest working-. -the. and. área;. order. in. of. -the. level. policies;. public. leader. movement. rights. of. Many. f ic. feminists. were. therapeutic abortion,. children).. of. House. democratic. new. created. was. Conchalí. Santiago. movement.. in. bilis. of. mayor. the. women's. regarding. (SERNAM)-. the. of. many. ministerial. the. at. the. of. agenda. gender-speci. the. women's. Several. posts.. in. Rodríguez29of. the. f eminist-social ist. a. municipality. members. in. Mujer. designated. was. Laura. la. level,. governmental. agency. implement. class. and. included. were. an. introduce. the. on. and In. to. the. 11. per. the. new. Rodríguez died in 1992 and was not able to finish her legislative term; Adriana Muñoz stood for reelection in 1993 and lost, due -at least in part- to lack of support within her own party.. en. also, Instituto la. Chile,. democracia?. de. la. Mujer, ;Cómo les. Balance. v. propuestas:. 1993. 2 4. ha. ido. a. las mujeres chilenas. mirando al. 2000,. Santiago,.

(33) Parliament,. (7.5. representatives women's. movement-. to. undemocratic. the. in. inaugurated. invisibility. of. cent). per. and. 3. March. women. nature. women. in. WOMEN. IN. of. -two. of. senators. the. the. there. 1994,. leaders. them This. electoral. political. 9. are. is. only. laws31;. sphere. is. women. the. of. partly the. due. virtual. once. again. gender-related.. Chamber of Year. Total. Women. 147. 1. 1953-1957. 147. 1. 1957-1961. 147. 3. 1961-1965. 147. 5. 1965-1969. 147. 12. 1969-1973. 150. 9. 1973. 150. 14. 1990-1994. 120. 7. 1994-1998. 120. 9. :. %. Total. Women. %. 0,0 2,2 0,0 0,0 4,4 2,0 2,0 5,4 5,4. 0,7 0,7. 45. 0. 45. 1. 2,0 3,4. 45. 0. 45. 0. 8,2 6,0 9,3 5,8 7,5. 45. 2. 50. 1. 50. i. 47. 3. 47. 3. Servic io Electoral.. The. political. traditional. role. still. society, The. parties. is. found. do. in. reinforce. as. not. by. which. after. 1990. between. the. State. strongly against. women. metíiators. only reproduce. Chilean. it32.. distrust. parties,. discrimínate. positions within and. Senate. Deputies. 1951-1953. Source. 1951-1994. PARLIAMENT,. Even the their. society though. parties, male. at. the. they. peers,. but. have are. who. and. still. are. some. viewed. bothered. which. aggravate and. they. gained. civil. candidates.. gender discr imination. large,. women. recuperated their. leadership with. unease. by the women's. 31. The. peculiar. system devised by the Pinochet regime was aimed at securing the representation of the right -a numeric in minorityCongress, well beyond its share of the ballot.. 32. For. a. binomial electoral. interesting analysis of the dynamics of sexism and see Eugenia Hola and Gabriela Pischedda, Mujeres, poder y política. Nuevas tensiones para viejas estructuras, CEM, Santiago, Chile, 1993.. highly. political. power,. 25.

(34) "otherness",. and. politically discr. whenever. in. Often. this. who. women. in. the. of. The. member. been to. male. have. the. political. the. de. of. an. before. period. accumulated. where. caballeros" the. within. (. this. representat ion,. suspensión. of. political. it. is. outside. the. political. cohesión. to. raise. women. The. easy. all. difficulties of. become. once. of. lot. a. to. access. of. years. have. again. an. in. the. pressure. had. as. positions. of. rule. and. military. true. that. party. the. system-. confront. these. women's. lacked. has. -which. movement the. and. challenges,. internal. effectively. leadership positions.. process. either.. through. style. to. 17. trustworthy. tightly-knit. all-male,. regain. them. make. transition. agreement"). s. are. .. have. 1990,. after. more. democratic. '. few. a. posts. to. own. them. make. to. or. though these. Even. their. of. elitist,. to. quite. Thus,. leader.. parties.. -implicit. decision-making. to. the. By. political. the. male. their. of. to. rights.. also. developed. subject. spouse.. politics. élite. political. However,. a. "gentlemen. 1960s.. only. establ ishment. of. political establishment, "acuerdo. or. seem. dynamics. resurgence. not. practiced. political. links. them. are. is. credentials. family. push. within. nominated. a. political. encouraged. and. aside. and/or. political control. the. office,. family. a. have. eyes. to. by. their. eligible,. Women. can.. control. certainly. women. avoid. political. related. directly. they. government. explicitely-. to. try. also. but. imination,. peers. will. The. of. few. these because. political. acquiring women. has. political expertise leaders. barriers. who. have. they lacked. managed. encountered. experience. negotiation -tough,. 26. have. to. the. in. the. last. not to. been break. additional. predominant. consequences-,.

(35) and. financial. itself. SERNAM. The. think. others. by some;. has. has. co-opted. displaced. the. movement. finally, exist. complaints. It. is. State. true that. itself34;. it. if. issues. which. the. Aylwin. the. home,. of. creation. 33. issues-,. on. the. of. it. a. and. limited. its. have. great. implement. to. the. variety of. great. Some. of. a. attempts. of. examples the. are. campaign. national. to. prevent. initiative. to. violence. cáncer. of. the. public officials, Women's. Rights. in. heads. -including. issues. of. f ic. during. female. ic. Network. with. against. support pregnant teen-agers,. National. deal. work. to. for. its. SERNAM 's. policies. -. of. some. gender-speci. policy for. educational. of. program. program. direct. strong. which. revisión the. the. shown. also. has. legitimizing. autonomy within. which. control. links. organic. time. institution. women.. gender-specif. of. endurad. has. is. State;. SERNAM.. and. relative. a. the. with. and. difficult. a. political muscle. most. the. had. political. development. the. has. only. administrat ion. cervix,. programs. no. organizations. only. concern. households,. sexuality and. of. the. articúlate. that. that. the. is. it. made. However,. lacks. plans- and. interlocutor. enjoys and. action.. main. has. it. that. and. discourse. fluid. the. through which. instrument. the. the. as. SERNAM. mechanisms. of. scope. and. it. is. the. within. conservative. and. cautious. too. feminist. the. are. that. it. criticism. for. target. a. considered. women's. apparatus,. indirect. even. the. between. been. that. Government. campaigrs33.. political. is. It. movement.. women's. the. of. aspects. the. to. attention. given sufficient. not. traditionally. have. uterus. training the. and. Information. react in institutions within the women's movement have been quick to numerous and they have developed order to overeóme these shortcomings, of social and courses for women at different levéis. The. leadership. training participation, organizations. political". many. of. them. from. women's. grass-roots. .. 34. organizational task SERNAM had to carry out in a short time-span most of very large: regional offices were created in 13 regions, and. The. personelí. had to be. especially trained. and. prepared. for their. new. was. the. work..

(36) Centers.. to. present most. The. Plan. the. for. Gender. administrat ion. Frei. agenda for. comprehensive. which. Equality in. is. 1994,. women's. rights. probably. will. SERNAM. ever. the. be. to. likely. developed. in. only. a. Chile.. role. The. of. SERNAM. should. not. the. neither. ñor. replaces. represents It. government.. organizations,. demands. and. be. aspirations,. enhanced. and. women's. movement,. to. advance. further. which. agency of. been. has. there. is. no. We. context. the. movement. and. SERNAM. government. a. combination. a. could. movement. in. the. be. lobbying would. active. from. what. even. go. develop with the. author itar. regime, movement. ian,. which. (and. far. before.. been to. as. say. that. democracy co-opted. movement.. We. strongly. .. together with the. from. democratic. new. had. it. so. the. demobilized. the. that. and. more. any. interpretation. that. women's. support.. expect. Possibly,. only. can. active not. their. with. clout. envision. ñor. movement. activists. believe. democratic. open,. women's. former. this. an. the. of. touch. should. hand,. and. interlocutor. political. movement.. the. the. future.. discourse. with. disagree. lose. itself,. quite different. women's. feminist. has. it. support,. the. of. analysts and. Some. of. the. in. role. context. other. relationship. agency. The. the. criticism,. effective. women's. than. the. "represents". pressure,. most. on. to. movement's. the. with. cióse. its. because. and. reinforced. The. not. order. in. a. be. within. movement. women's. It. empowerment.. women's. the. the. ideally,. should,. women's. of. locus. government agency,. is. it. distorted:. be. not. change. in. the. repressive dictatorship respects. civil. movements). social. other. rights,. political to. more. a. the. nature. has. also. changed.. The be. "heroic". over,. patriarchy. at. least are. not. of. days for so. barricades the. easily. time. being.. identified 28. demonstrat ions. and. and. seem. Author itar ianism. fought against. to and. as. in.

(37) the. past.. and. Pinochet. 1993. that. of. and. President. the. continuity. social. Eduardo. of. the. the. -which. kind. issues. of. of. are. much. of. movement. urging. a. urban. the. the. Pinochet. cooperatives. social. and. change .. also This. movement 's. leadership,. of. a. more. which. ,. i f ic. achieved. in. context. ideological. which. within. i f ic. these. the. of. ies,. remains. an. roots. movement ;s. result. taint. uncer. Poverty. the. among. general. more. for. Strategies. the. of. concerns. become. or. poverty. the. with. links. flux.. of. micro-bus inesses and. seeking?). Chilean. gender-spec. changes. movement.. as. from. of. The. .. thinking. the. on. strong. general. gender-spec. the. into. had. the. disappeared. also. evolved years. of. because. poverty. subsistence. organizations. stuctured. initiatives. with. the. of like. women's. support. of. overall. concern. NGOs.. anti-author itar ian. establishment the. of. and. organizations. The. either. with. we. feminist. agenda. an. perceive. transí ormat ions. impact. ionally. more. are. non. feminization. have. the. state. a. both. women,. alleviation. by. in. have. concern. problem of. social. together. redefinition. poor. the. grows. change. is. women's. important. course,. social. mark. will. general-. affected. definite. a. in. society. has. tradit. but. The. .. smooth,. was. 1994. March. dramatic. of. women-. placed. Thus,. has. is,. also. -and. had. peonle. process.. suffered. has. most. authorities in. completely,. consol idat ion. of. process. scene. but. remain,. inauguration. Socialism. which. There. condition. (what. it. movement. left.. issues. also. political. ically elected. women. and. and. the. democratic. which. has. in. Frei's. the. Marxism. world-wide, women's. of. in. way. change. crisis. democrat. the. enclaves". is. democracy. renewal. The. left. not. "author itar ian. many. perceive. has. struggle. lack. might. of of have. a. the. with. links. provided. absence. and. common. denominator. legitímate. provided. 29. the. and adecúate. for. political. was. worsened. representat channels. ive of.

(38) communication. parties. and. the. feminist. it. has. there. not. social. and. struggle. is. women's. those. to. these there. context, been. movement of. category by. in. the. a. of. of. the. 90s. and. one. if. the. the. itself.. articulation. -all. categorize. low. developments the. nineties; These. variety of or. of. high). of. the. in. transition. dimensions. which. in. variations. are:. issues, show. 30. the. nature. eighties period. are. of. policy. the. compared. (1988-1989). inst itutionalizat. varying. development.. where. dimensions. five. basically. are. and. political. the. in. changes. significant. regionalization,. as. facing. place. framework is. This. change.. to. resolved.. addition. have. complex. more. conceptual and practical. agenda within the. ideological. a. become. challenges the women's movement. In. with. has. it. context. present. anti-authoritarian. which. political. the. .. In. great. and. State. the. with. negotiation. proposals. levéis. (which. is. ion, and we.

(39) WOMEN'S. THE. MOVEMENT. Levéis. of. IN. 9 Os. AND. Transition. Dictatorship. (1978-1987)" Institutionalization. 8 Os. THE. Development Democracy (1990-1994. (1983-1989). Low. High. High. Low. High. High. Policy Proposals. Low. High. High. Regionalization. Low. Low. High. Articulation. High. High. Low. Variety. Of. rather. Issues. defined. serve. of. the. women's. development. of. number. women's. and. networks),. have women. 35. the. the. and. For. to. evalúate. helos. the. of. women's. return. most. the. .. However,. it. the. more. the. nature. to. need. last. change. and. decade. the. of. the. is. the. ( inst itut ions. grass-roots to. recent. .. aspect. organizations and. :. democracy.. salient. during. organizations, the. reveal. the. non-governmental. oualitv. as. paper. movement. to. are. on. after. reacting. is. they look. movement. women's. it. dimensions. it. Perhaps. caveats. or. especially. social. mushroomed,. as. many. periods. instrument. an. and. the. reality. Institutionalization.. of. of. has. table. comparative. none. in. as. developments, role. this. course,. schematic,. clearly does. of. groups. the. which. status. of. lives35.. description of these hundreds of organizations, see T. Valdés, Avances de latinoamericanas en cifras. Mujeres (Coord.), de acción de la Investigación, Chile, VIII, "Organismos y promoción mujer", Estudios Sociales NQ37, FLACSO-Chile, 1992. a. E. Gomar iz. 31.

(40) WOMEN'S. 1991. NGOs,. Special i zed. Total. Proorams. within NGOs. NGOs. ". 23. 92. 115. action oriented. 15. 29. 44. Total. 38. 121. 159. Action oriented. Academic and. Source. CEDEM, Directorio Nacional de Servicios y la Mujer, Santiago, 1992.. :. WOMEN'S. SOCIAL. Type of organizations. ORGANIZATIONS. Number of. 1991. (1), Number. organizations. Mothers' Centers. Recursos para. of. Federations. members. 4.243. 93.346. 13. Organizations Organizations. 575. 7.668. 48. Santiago (2). 1.968. 17.415. 51. Rest of the. Country Organizations. 1.986. 24.229. 1.524. 27.432. 182. nd. Popular. Economic. Urban Poor Women's -. -. Rural Poor Women's. Feminist Groups and Collectives Unions. nd. Professional Associations. 17. nd. Voluntary Organizations Solidar i ty Groups. 32. 35.938. 2. 3.730. 0.541. 209.758. Total. :. Sources. (1). Only some of belonging (2) Aproxímate. :. these. —. '. 12. Notes. 3 —. organizations perceive themselves. -■■. ;. .—. —. _w. 115 as. to the women's movement.. number.. INE, PET, PRODEMU, INDAP, CEDEM, GUIA SILBER 1991, El Telar, Alamedas, SEPADE, CENPROS, Instituto de la Mujer, IDEL, Tierra Nuestra, SUR Profesionales, Tideh, Municipalities of the themselves. Santiago, organizations. Las. These. against the. the. organizations. began. dictatorship,. transition. and. also. to. and. they. after. the. 32. during the. appear. flourished return. to. struggle. especially during democracy.. Many of.

(41) them. established. workshops. and. women's. centers. summer. schools. leadership training income. These. women.. different. and. handicrafts,. work,. against. women,. specific. concern.. among. CASAS. DE. have. solidarity,. reasons:. education,. human. others. they. LA. -but. MUJER. ÑAME. for. courses. organizations. (Women's. la. offered. mujer),. consciousness-rais ing,. for. other. many. de. (casas. middle. gathered. and. low-. for. very. health,. participat ion, food,. rights, all. share. Centers),. a. violence. common. gender-. 1991. ACTIVITIES. SANTIAGO Casa de. la Mujer La Morada. Education, training, legal aid, mental health care, domestic and sexual violence. Radio Tierra.. Casa Sofía. Alphabetization, mental health. Casa Malén Casa de. la Mujer Gabriela Mistral. Casa de. la Mujer Población Chacabuco. care,. physical fitness. Education, physical fitness. Education, psychological aid. Education, workshops for women leaders, technical training, dissemination, extensión.. Casa Comunal de. Casa de la Mujer. la Mujer de Conchai i "Ruca Domo". Casa de. la Mujer de Huamachuco la Mujer Quinta Normal. Casa de. la Mujer de Villa. O'Higgins. Casa de. la Mujer. Señora de. Casa -de. Psychological and legal aid, education, counseling, training. Training, personal development. Training, education. Education, folklore, dancing, physical fitness.. "Nuestra. Education, technical training, dissemination, extensión. Education, organizational development.. Guadalupe" Casa de. la Mujer La Pintana. Casa de. la Mujer de Ruñoa. Education, technical training, credit, small workshops, dissemination and extensión.. Dissemination and extensión, cultural activities. REST OF THE COUNTRY Casa de. la Mujer de Arica. Education, dissemination, extensión, activism, solidarity, research.. 3 3.

(42) Casa de. la Mujer de. Education, services, research,. Valparaíso. dissemination. Casa de. la Mujer de. Casa de. la Mujer. Education, technical training, credit, small workshops, dissemination,. Julia. Sta.. extensión.. Worshops and community workers training. Education, technical training, credit, small workshops, dissemination,. "Yela". Casa de la Mujer de. Ñonguen. extensión. Education and. training. Training, organizat ional development, health care, marketing support.. Casa de. la Mujer de Coronel Casa de la Mujer Mapuche. In. into. popular. sectors,. cooperatives. (for. example,. level. or. in. The. trend. movement. the. organizations. the was. women's not. goals,. the. of. more. a. rest. their. a. question it. trustfui. in. However,. effective. very. visibility and. of. of. for. and. to. relate. cases,. women's. will. result. the. to. NGOs. a. We. 34. and. vis. organizations of. the. more. movement.. and. á. It. existed,. to. achieve. .. also. enhanced. believe maintain. toward. and. budget. a. on. once. cases,. legitimation. another,. ionship. more. effect. organizations. have. trend. stronger. rest. strengthen. the. many. organizations. which. movement.. the. the. one. relat. the. and. more. organizations. purposes, in. the. the. meaningful. many. if. with. In. structure,. made. to. However,. survival. also. numbers:. became. ic. fact. need. the. involvement. gender-specif in. internal. an. networks,. the. long-term,. organizations.. society,. in. difficult. cióse,. of. community'. the. at. helped. directly symmetrical.. had. inst itutional. also. recycled. support. serving meáis. PROSAN),. institutionalization. toward. the. was. the. been. public schools.. diversify. cautious. and. Raíces. and. vis. with. micro-bus inesses. or. have. soup-kitchens. many. that and. developed. the in. the. expand. public médium their. institutionalization. powerful movement..

(43) WOMEN'S. 199. NETWORKS,. Red ínter institucional Mujer y Trabajo ¡Labor): created in 1988 Red Nacional contra la Violencia Doméstica -y Sexual (Domestic and Sexual. "-Violence): created in 1990 .... Red de Educación Popular 1988. entre Mujeres. created in. (Popular Education):. Foro. Abierto de Salud y Derechos Reproductivos (Health and Reproductive Rights): created in 1992 Red de Salud de la Mujer (Health): since 1984 in all América Latina. *. *. Coordinadora de ONG Mujer Mapuche (Indigenous Rights): created in 1985 de Mujeres de y Programas Valparaíso: created in. *. Coordinación de ONG 1989. *. Consejo Regional de la Mujer del Bío-Bío:. Institutionalization it. institutions, in. voiced. in. the. political. public debate. created. their. transmitting. and. in. of. the. or. station. since. Alta.. formerly. limited. small. -rather. have. introduced. research. de. la. centers. Mujer). institutions, SERNAM. áhd. have. and. other. creative. manifests Women. and. presence. renewed. itself. have. even. which. has. been. there. is. research. de. .. and. services. Mujer,. were. small. Instituto. productive. very are. a. centers,. former. The. la. also. which. studies,. solid. professional. in. academia, f ic. ever. been. in. often. sought by. expression within. 3 5. oroduction, and. manif estations Part. before. a. increase. tremendous. literature,. cultural. had. a. cultural. and. expression. they. freedom of. has. there. gender-speci than. Estudios. included. are. women. and. marginal-. become. now. government agencies.. Simultaneously, women's. de. become. now. their. 1991,. public universit ies. the. Centro. (e.g.. streets,. new. formerly. were. Tierra-. Gender. Marea. in. which. Feminist. -Radio. newspaper,. been. creating. organizations and. feminist. to. in 1984. mean. the. on. media.. discourse. feminist. only. demands. meetings. platforms. radio. own a. in. not. that. means. forms. simpler. formal. more. also. does. created. of. this. democratic. in. the. have. a. is. due. context,. in. which arts.. greater to. but. the it.


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