Supplementary Figure Captions
Figure S1. Nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms of pristine MSNs. Inset: pore size
distribution determined by the BJH method. The adsorption-desorption plot shows a type-IV isotherm, which is indicative of the presence of uniform cylindrical mesopores, as it was expected for MCM-41 nanoparticles (J. Saudi Chem. Soc. 2018, 22, 405–415). The mesoporosity was further validated by looking at the pore size distribution, which yielded a size of ca. 2.6, i.e., in the mesoporous range according to the IUPAC (Central European Journal of Chemistry 5(2):385-395).
Figure S2. DLS and zeta potential analysis of the different nanomaterials synthesized in this study.
Figure S3. FTIR spectrum of Arabic gum.
Figure S4. Schematic representation of the action mechanism of AG+CO-coated MX-loaded
MSNs (red). Aspect of a E. coli biofilm mainly composed by viable bacteria (green) embedded in the biomatrix (light blue) (a). Aspect of E. coli biofilm treated with 31.25 (b) and 62.5 µg/mL (c) of AG+CO-coated MX-loaded MSNs. Pink bacteria represent dead cells by the MX effect.
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