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Pastor s Corner. Esquina Pastoral


Academic year: 2021

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Office (Staff - Contacts) Main Number (770) 923-6633

Mily Andrews

Administra ve Assistant (bilingual)

mily.andrews@sjnlilburn.com 470-508-9843

Paul Suwak,

Communica ons Coordinator paul.suwak@sjnlilburn.com 470-508-9846 Jim Cur ss Liturgy Coordinator, 470-508-9836 jim.cur ss@sjnlilburn.com Paul Hayes, Business Manager paul.hayes@sjnlilburn.com 470-508-9845 Mitzi Richardson, Accounts Payable mitzi.richardson@sjnlilburn.com 470-508-9844 Kevin McClusky Facility Maintenance, 470-508-9838 Kathy Laskodi, Accounts Receivable kathy.laskodi@sjnlilburn.com 470-508-9837

Deacon Mike Hayward,

Stewardship/Safe Environment Coord. mike.hayward@sjnlilburn.com 470-508-9842

Maria Tro er, Preschool Director maria.tro er@sjnlilburn.com, 470-508-9841

BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS are to be sent to Paul Suwak at paul.suwak@sjnlilburn.com NO LATER THAN noon on Friday,

two weeks prior to the weekend requestedfor the bulle n. Late submissions may or may not be able to be placed.

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

On September 30th, 2019, Pope Francis declared the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary me as the “Sunday of the Word of God.” This Sunday is meant to reawaken in the clergy and the faithful the importance and the value of Sacred Scripture in the celebra on of the Liturgy and for the Chris an life. God con nues to speak His Word and to break bread in the community of believers. As Catholic-Chris ans, we are called to develop a closer rela onship with the Sacred Scripture, otherwise our hearts will remain cold and our eyes shut, inflicted as we are by so many forms of blindness.

All the three readings of today’s liturgy reveal the urgency of the mission and invite us to be messengers of the WORD. There is a need for more and more people to hear the Word of God, to repent and to return to the Lord our God. The Prophet Jonah was asked to go to the people of Nineveh to preach repentance. And when he did preach to them the WORD, they repented, and God spared them from the punishment. In the Gospel, we hear the inaugura on- speech of Jesus as He began his public ministry. His first Words were, “The Kingdom of God is at hand, repent, and believe in the Gospel.”

The Word of God is powerful and relevant even today. But unfortunately, many people ignore the Word, while keeping themselves busy with the affairs of this world. St. Paul in today’s 2nd reading tells us, “brothers and sisters, the me is short, for this world in its present form is passing away.” God invites us, the Catholic-Chris ans, to bring the Word of God to unfamiliar places and to difficult situa ons. The good news is that there is no such thing as “hopeless cases.” For, if the ancient evil city of Nineveh could turn back to God, so can the modern Nineveh of today.

Tercera Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

El 30 de Se embre de 2019, el Papa Francisco declaró el tercer domingo en empo ordinario como el "Domingo de la Palabra de Dios". Este domingo pretende despertar en el clero y en los fieles la importancia y el valor de la Sagrada Escritura en la celebración de la liturgia y para la vida cris ana. Dios con núa hablando Su Palabra y par endo el pan en la comunidad de creyentes. Como cris anos católicos, estamos llamados a desarrollar una relación más estrecha con la Sagrada Escritura, de lo contrario nuestros corazones permanecerán fríos y nuestros ojos

cerrados, infligidos como somos por tantas formas de ceguera. Las tres lecturas de la liturgia de hoy revelan la urgencia de la misión y nos invitan a ser mensajeros de la PALABRA. Hay una necesidad de que más y más personas escuchen la Palabra de Dios, se arrepientan y regresen al Señor nuestro Dios. Se le pidió al profeta Jonás que fuera al pueblo de Nínive para predicar el arrepen miento. Y cuando les predicó la PALABRA, se arrepin eron, y Dios los salvó del cas go. En el Evangelio, escuchamos el discurso de inauguración de Jesús al comenzar su ministerio público. Sus primeras palabras fueron: "El Reino de Dios está cerca, arrepiéntase y crean en el Evangelio". La Palabra de Dios es poderosa y relevante incluso hoy en día. Pero desafortunadamente, muchas personas ignoran la Palabra, mientras se man enen ocupados con los asuntos de este mundo. San Pablo en la segunda lectura de hoy nos dice:

"Hermanos y hermanas, el empo es corto, porque este mundo en su forma actual está desapareciendo".Dios nos invita a nosotros, los cris anos católicos, a llevar la Palabra de Dios a lugares desconocidos y a situaciones di ciles. La buena no cia es que no existe tal cosa como "casos desesperados". Porque, si la an gua ciudad malvada de Nínive pudiera volver a Dios, también lo puede hacer la moderna Nínive de hoy

Padre Sunny Punnakuziyil, MSFS


Fr. Sunny Punnakuziyil, MSFS



7pm Vida en el Espiritu 7pm Servidores de Cristo 5pm Apóstoles de la Palabra Monday January 25 6:30 am 9:00 am Deana James † Helen Gajewski † Acts 22:3–16 Ps 117:1-2 Mk 16:15-18 Tuesday January 26 6:30 am 9:00 am

Thomas Agustin & Baby Thomas †

Andrea Malta Cardona†

2 Tm 1:1-8 Ps 96:1-3, 7-8a,,10 Mk 3:31-35 Wednesday January 27 6:30 am 9:00 am Joan Lott † Joseph Gajewski † Heb 10:11-18 Ps 110:1-4 Mk 4:1-20 Thursday January 28 6:30 am 9:00 am Rick Lange † UNBOUND (s) Heb 10:19-25 Ps 24:1-4b, 5-6 Mk 4:21-25 Friday January 29 6:30 am 9:00 am

Isabel Tapales Silos † Marilyn A. Hug † Heb 10:32-39 Ps 37:3-6, 23-24, 39-40 Mk 4:26-34 Saturday January 30 9:00 am 5:00 pm Francis Cardona † Gary Innarelli † Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 Ps Lk 1:69-75 Mk 4:35-41 Sunday January 31 8:30 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm 5:00 pm

Paul Kooran family (s) thanksgiving Sophie Chirackel (s)

Edwin Crespo Ortiz † Priest Intention.

Dt 18:15-20 Ps 95:1-2, 6-9 1 Cor 7:32-35 Mk 4:21-28

Date Time Mass Intention Daily Scripture

28 Jueves





25 Lunes

29 Viernes

30 Sábado

31 Domingo

28 Thursday 26 Tuesday 27 Wednesday

25 Monday 29 Friday 30 Saturday

Eucharistic Adoration

4 domingo del tiempo Ordinario

10am Clases de Crecimiento del grupo

de oración 10:30am Clase de


31 Sunday

Our Parish Week-at-a-Glance:

Mon., Jan. 25


- Sun., Jan. 31


, 2021

10am Walking w/

Purpose 10am WCBS Class

6:30pm EDGE; Confirmation Session #2 7pm Finance Council; Prison Ministry 6:30pm SPROUTS 1st Reconciliation 7pm GriefShare Ministry 12pm WCBS Facilitator Mtg. 6:30pm SPROUTS 1st Reconciliation 7pm RCIA; Adult Eve. Bible

4thSunday in Ordinary Time 8:30am RCIA 9:30am G.I.F.T. Mtg. 9:40am SPROUTS/ GIFT 1st Communion Class #1 6:15pm Life Teen

Nuestra Parroquia La-Semana-en-un-Vistazo:

lunes, 25 de enero., - domingo 31 de enero., 2021

To donate flowers for your special occasion or to remember a deceased loved one, contact:

Mary Marder at (678) 549-0188 or


† Deceased (s) Special Intention *en español ~Nursery at all weekend Masses.~

5:30am Men of Faith

7:30pm La Divina Misericordia Thursdays, following the

9:00 am Mass till 9 pm in our Marian Chapel.


Eucharistic Adoration:

Thursdays of each week following morning Mass, 9:45 am - 9:00 pm Confessions: Saturdays, 8:00-8:45 am and 3:30-4:30 pm in the Parish Conference

Room until further notice. Confessions can also be done by appointment.

Bap sms

— Prepara on Classes in English are normally held on the

third Monday of the month from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm in room 6. Contact the Parish Office for further informa on and to register for class. Bap sms are held on the first and third Sundays of each month at 3:00 pm.

Bap sm classes in Spanish are held on the second Friday of the month from 7pm to 9pm in room 3. Contact Parish Ofc. 770-923-6633, ext. 116 to Register.

Saint John Neumann Catholic Church

801 Tom Smith Road, Lilburn, Georgia 30047-2299

Ph: 770-923-6633; Fax: 770-381-7856; www.sjnlilburn.com Parish Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Religious Educa on Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday, 11:30am - 5:30 pm

Fr. Sunny Punnakuziyil, MSFS, Pastor


e-mail: father.sunny@sjnlilburn.com

Fr. Dairo Rico, Parochial Vicar


e-mail: father.drico@sjnlilburn.com

Permanent Deacons:

Rev. Mr. Mike Byrne; e-mail: mike.byrne@sjnlilburn.com Rev. Mr. Mike Hayward; e-mail: jmikehayward57@yahoo.com

Rev. Mr. Manuel Echevarria; e-mail: manuel.echevarria@sjnlilburn.com Rev. Mr. Joe Odom;email: joe.odom@sjnlilburn.com

Mass Schedule:

Sunday 8:30 am; 11:00 am; 1:00 pm (en Español); 5:00 pm (Life Teen) Monday—Friday 6:30 am & 9:00 am

* Wednesday - 6:00 pm (* First Wednesday of the month) Saturday9:00 am & 5:00 pm Vigil Mass

* Nursery is available at all weekend Masses.

SJN Preschool:

Program Director: Maria Tro er, 470-508-9841

Maria.Tro er@sjnlilburn.com

Office of Religious Educa on

Religious Educa on Secretary:

Ariana Dominguez, 470-508-9833


Parish School of Religion:

Coordinator /Coordinadora: Sue Balcom, 470-508-9847


Growing In Faith Together Program:

Sue Balcom, 470-508-9847


Director Faith Forma on

EDGE / Life Teen

Linda Koerner, 470-508-9839


EDGE Middle School Program

Coordinator/Coordinadora: Linda Mauge, 470-508-9840


LIFE TEEN High School Program

Coordinator/Coordinadora: Allana Joseph 470-508-9832


Adult Educa on:

Deacon Mike Hayward,


Dr. Julie Broom, Principal, 770-381-0557


Take-Out BBQ Dinner

& Family Pack

For Super Bowl Sunday

Proceeds to benefit SJN parish & Ministries

Sunday, February 7


(All orders must be placed by

January 31st)

Dinners Include -

Pulled Pork, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Roll for Only



Family Packs Include -

2 lbs. Pulled Pork, Quart Baked Beans & Cole

Slaw, & 6 Rolls for Only



Pick-up instruc ons: Pick up your orders on Sunday, February 7th from

3 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Reynolds Hall, 801 Tom Smith Rd., Lilburn, GA.

(Place Order by going to link noted below:

h ps://www.kofclilburn.org/bbq-sale

Lenten Fish Fry Returns February 19th!

Order / Drive Thru Pick-Up


There have been some 60 million unborn Americans killed by abor on since Roe v. Wade was decided 47 years ago — more than the death toll of all of America’s wars put together, plus all

the execu ons in American history back to colonial mes, plus 9/11 and all other terrorist a acks on Americans, plus all the deaths from this pandemic, plus all the

deaths from the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918. In 2019, abor ons dropped to 862,000 — the lowest figure in decades, but s ll four mes the death toll of the COVID-19 pandemic here

so far, and more in each year than the death toll of the en re American Civil War.

Dan McLaughlin, Na onal Review, November 2020

Life Matters

Respect Life Commi ee

40 Hours Eucharis c Adora on

takes place on the first Thursday of each month immediately following the 9:00 a.m. Mass and con nues thru Saturday at 8:45 a.m.

Adora on will be held in the Marian Chapel and all are required to follow the present prescribed guidelines of wearing a mask as well as

maintaining social distancing. Guardians may sign -up for an hour of prayer by using the sign-up book located in the chapel narthex area or you may text message to

404-663-8519 as well. The sign-up book is in the Chapel Narthex during the 40 Hours Adora on, but will be in the Church Narthex for the rest of the month.

Note: The next 40 Hours Adora on will be taking place star ng this Thursday, February 4th ll Saturday, February 6th.

Lord, Teach Me To Pray is a three-part prayer series for men and women based on Igna an

Spirituality. Part 1, “Praying Chris an Virtues” offered star ng in mid January 2020, helps deepen prayer life, and helps discover what to do for dryness and obstacles in prayer. It also introduces the different methods of Igna an prayer, medita on, contempla on and Consciousness Examen. Small groups will meet with 2 facilitators for 1:30 hours once a week to pray and faith share. Part 2, “My 19th

Annota on”, the en re Spiritual Exercises of St. Igna us of Loyola will be available in Fall 2021 for those

who have completed Part 1. Part 3 star ng August 2022, “Discernment & Gi s of the Spirit, (14 week program) invites the group to pray with the Holy Spirit and St. Igna us’ Rules for Discernment. Part 3 is available for those who have completed Parts 1 & 2. Groups for women will begin in mid January 2021 on Wednesday evening (6:30-8:00). We will be mee ng on Zoom for Part 1. To register for the women’s groups, contact Chris Rowe at chris ne.rowe.12@gmail.com or text or call 404-825-1064.

Also we are looking for men who would like to take the training and start a men’s group. h p://lordteachmetopray.com/

Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Please come and join us in the monthly Novena to

Our Lady of Perpetual Help, held every first Wednesday of the month. As always, the Novena is

celebrated with Holy Mass and Benediction.

February 3


at 7:00 p.m.

in our Marian Chapel

Pray with Pope Francis

Every month, Pope Francis announces his inten on and requests that we include in our personal prayers.

The pope’s January inten on is for a life of prayer: May the Lord give us the grace to live in full fellowship with our brothers and sisters of other religions, praying for one another, open to all.

A Moment with St. Marguerite d’Youville for January 2021 “One is rich in God in the measure that

one is poor in the love of worldly things.” St. Marguerite d’Youville.

St. Marguerite challenges us to look beyond the things of this world, and to be “rich in God” instead. These wise words were born from the many losses she suffered; and which she endured by remaining ever faithful to her

rela onship with God. May our resolu ons for the New Year include

being faithful each day to our rela onship with God. Wishing you peace and good health in the New Year. Learn more about St. Marguerite d’Youville and the Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart: www.GreyNun.org

Admission Season is open: Mark your calendar for our Annual Open House – January 31st from 3PM-5PM. If you cannot a end join us for in-person or virtual tours during the

school week. Visit our school website to RSVP and for more informa on – www.SJNRCS.org – or our Facebook page to see our students in ac on. We look forward to serving your family!


Paul’s le er to the Romans has been at the center of reflec on, conversion, and controversy from the me it was wri en. Presented by Andrew Swafford and Jeff

Cavins, Romans: The Gospel of Salva on provides an authen cally Catholic, comprehensive, and simple way to understand the overarching theme of Romans—salva on. This fascina ng book reveals that salva on is not merely the removal of a guilty verdict; it is about entering into Christ’s life, death, and resurrec on and sharing in his divine life. Adult Evening Bible Study will begin It begins Monday, January 25, 2021 from 7:00-8:30,

room 4&5 on the lower level of SJN. Registra on forms are available on SJN’s website. If you have any ques ons, contact Ann Hayes at 770-862-0859 or


Please pray for our suffering loved ones:

Godofredo Vidanes, Clara Valen n, Charlo e Smith-Harris, Aida Galarza, Bobby Prui , Joyce Prui , Helen Lemke,

Frances Wilkins, Phyllis Slaght, Richard Wise, Joseph Constan no,

Estela Salazar, Mar n Anacleto, Salvador Guerrero, Michael Wharton, Peggy Mar n, Dan Maloney, Sonya Powell, John Ruda, Eric Wright,

Ethan Wright, Jose Isaiah Españo, Mickaelyn Moon, Iris Lee Young, Zenaida Espano, David Frapwell, Zachary Sandy, Lea Custer, David Wise, Julio Carranza, Lydia D’Amico, Fr. Sunny;

David B. Andrews; Rosa Or z; Oscar Del Aguila

Please pray for our deceased loved ones:

John Gombala, María Inés Delaó, Ken Douglas, Benjamin Williams Anderson,

Mary Nimmo, Rosemary Ellen Gatherer, Janice Wassel, Nan Savage, Mary Ann Creighton, Patsy Petro,

Brian Livingston Hinds, Gloria Theresa Maloof Hawk, Barbara Hepp, Charles Berry, Marcia Oshinski, Mario Valenzuela, Joan E. Lo , Ed Blake, Peter Opolka, Lan Mahon, Ruth Poss, Cur s Eidson,

Diana Wright, Charles Mar nchich,

Ann Merrill, Sharon Osborne, María Corona, Lawrence Hogan, Chris na Vázquez, Harold Haynes,

Walter Czerniawski, Luis Alvarez, Michael Kelly, Janet Verner, Ronald Jackson,

Charles Kempton, Jr.; Margaret Berry; Alondra & Aurora Leal; Victor Manuel Arriaga; Ron Marino;

Michael Wharton; Elaine Pietro

Next weekend


January 31



is our

Saint Vincent de Paul Society


second collec on


Your dona ons are dedicated to directly helping

those in need in our SJN parish community, and as

needed, assist to our

neighboring SVdP


Please consider giving generously.

Offertory Campus Total


Offertory, January 17th, 2021 $25,075.00 $5,133.00 $30,208.00

This Year - YTD $785,698.00 $169,575.00 $955,723.00

Budget - YTD $950,622.00 $89,084.00 $1,039,706.00

Thank you for your continued generosity! Our weekly average operating expenses are $34,657.00

Note: Our Fiscal Year Runs July 1 through June 30

If you are an e-Giver, please use your offertory envelope and “I Give Electronically”

Newly baptized!

Luis Alberto Rodriguez Aguilar, Jr., Ma hew MBJ Boscan James,

Alessa Calderon-Milano, Davis Hayes Johnson

Thursdays 7 - 8:30 p.m.; January 21st - April 22nd, 2021

St. John Neumann Catholic Church, 801 Tom Smith Road, Lilburn, GA

Contact Mary Hayward

joyfulhobo@yahoo.com or 678-787-2276

St. John Neumann Church Preschool

...is where joyful learning is

respec ully guided by

loving professionals!

We are located off the south entrance parking lot directly beneath the St. John Neumann Catholic Church Parish Offices at 801 Tom Smith Road, Lilburn,

GA 30047. We are thankful to have reopened with guidance from CDC, Georgia DECAL and Department of Public Health, and the Archdiocese of Atlanta Catholic Schools Task Force. Your parish preschool offers a balanced curriculum, rich in opportuni es for growing the child’s love of Jesus, feeding the child’s curiosity with explora on and discovery supported by experienced teachers. Visit

www.sjnlilburn.com, go to religious educa on in the menu and click on SJN Preschool for details and to print registra on documents.

I am Maria Tro er, director of St. John Neumann Church Preschool, and I would love to answer any inquiries at 770-833-0404 or maria.tro er@sjnlilburn.com


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