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Periodic solutions of Euler–Lagrange equations in an anisotropic Orlicz–Sobolev space setting


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Abstract. We consider the problem of finding periodic solutions of certain Euler–Lagrange equations which include, among others, equations involving thep-Laplace operator and, more generally, thepp, qq-Laplace operator. We employ the direct method of the calculus of variations in the framework of anisotropic Orlicz–Sobolev spaces. These spaces appear to be useful in for-mulating a unified theory of existence of solutions for such a problem.

1. Introduction

Let Φ : Rd

Ñ r0,`8qbe a differentiable, convex function such that Φp0q “ 0, Φpyq ą0 ify‰0, Φp´yq “Φpyq, and




|y| “ `8, (1)

where| ¨ | denotes the euclidean norm onRd. From now on, we say that Φ is an

N8 function if Φ satisfies the previous properties.

ForT ą0, we assume thatF:r0, Ts ˆRdÑRd(FFpt, xq) is a differentiable function with respect toxfor a.e.tP r0, Ts. Additionally, suppose thatF satisfies the following conditions:

(C) F and its gradient∇xF, with respect to xPRd, are Carath´eodory func-tions, i.e., they are measurable functions with respect to t P r0, Ts, for everyxPRd, and they are continuous functions with respect toxPRdfor a.e.tP r0, Ts.

(A) For a.e.tP r0, Ts, it holds that

|Fpt, xq| ` |∇xFpt, xq| ďapxqbptq,

whereaPC`Rd,r0,`8q˘and 0ďbPL1

pr0, Ts,Rq.

2010Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 34C25; Secondary 34B15.

Key words and phrases. Periodic solutions; Orlicz spaces; Euler–Lagrange equations; Critical points.


The goal of this paper is to obtain existence of solutions for the following prob-lem:

# d

dt∇Φpu1ptqq “∇xFpt, uptqq, for a.e. tP p0, Tq,

up0q ´upTq “u1

p0q ´u1pTq “0. (PΦ)

Our approach involves the direct method of the calculus of variations in the framework of anisotropic Orlicz–Sobolev spaces. We suggest the article [27] for definitions and main results on anisotropic Orlicz spaces. These spaces allow us to unify and extend previous results on existence of solutions for systems like (PΦ).

We will find solutions of (PΦ) by finding extreme points of theaction integral Ipuq:“



Φpu1ptqq `Fpt, uptqqdt. (IA)

In what follows, we shall denote byL“LΦ,F the function Φpyq `Fpt, xq, and we will call itLagrangian.

The classic book [21] deals mainly with problem (PΦ) with Φpxq “ Φ2pxq :“ |x|2{2, through various methods: direct, dual, saddle points, minimax, topological degree theory, etc. The results in [21] were extended and improved in several articles; see [29, 30, 31, 35, 38], to cite some examples. The case Φpxq “Φppyq:“ |y|p{p, for arbitrary 1

ăpă 8, were considered in [32, 33], among other papers. In this case, (PΦ) is reduced to thep-Laplacian system. If Φp1,p2:R


ˆRdÑ r0,`8q

is defined by

Φp1,p2py1, y2q:“






, (2)

then (PΦ) becomes app1, p2q-Laplacian system, see [18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 36, 37]. In

a previous paper (see [1]), we obtained similar results in an isotropic Orlicz frame-work. Hence (PΦ) contains several problems that have been considered by many

authors in the past. Our results still improve some results on pp1, p2q-Laplacian systems since we obtain existence of solutions for them under less restrictive con-ditions. For all this, we believe that anisotropic Orlicz–Sobolev spaces can provide a suitable framework to unify many known results. On the other hand, we point out that one of the most important aspects in our work is the possibility of dealing with functions Φ that grow faster than power functions.

Example 1.1. As an illustrative example, we obtain existence of solutions for

$ ’ ’ ’ ’ &

’ ’ ’ ’ %

d dt

u1ptqepu1 1ptqq

2`pu1 2ptqq

Fx1pt, uptqq, for a.e. tP p0, Tq,

d dt




Fx2pt, uptqq, for a.e. tP p0, Tq,

up0q ´upTq “u1p0q ´u1pTq “0,


whereFpt, xq “PptqQpxq, withP andQpolynomials (see Remark 4.10 below). As far as we know, the study of action integrals in an anisotropic Orlicz–Sobolev setting began in [8]. In that paper, the authors dealt with the differentiability of such action integrals assuming, for the sake of simplicity, that the convex function Φ and its complementary function Φ‹ satisfy the ∆


Φ and Φ‹are bounded from above and below by power functions (see Section 2 for


Since we are interested in considering functions that grow faster than those that satisfy the ∆2-condition, in the present paper we develop another proof for

differentiability of action integrals. It is worth mentioning that in this situation the treatment requires more delicate techniques, due to the fact that the effective domain of the action integrals is not the whole Orlicz–Sobolev space.

It is appropriate to say that other problems similar to the one we are going to consider were treated in [2, 3, 4, 19, 20] using the Leray–Schauder degree theory. We point out that our approach is different because we use the direct method of the calculus of variations.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we summarize some known results about Orlicz and Orlicz–Sobolev spaces. In order to obtain existence of minimizers of action integrals it is necessary that the functionalI be coercive. In the past, several conditions on F have been useful to obtain coercivity of I for the functions Φpand Φp1,p2. In this paper we investigate the condition that in the literature was called sublinearity (see [30, 35, 38] for the Laplacian, [17, 32] for thep -Laplacian, and [18, 22, 23, 37] forpp1, p2q-Laplacian). In Section 3, we contextualize

the sublinearity within our framework (see (B) below) and we establish results of existence of minimizers of (IA) in Theorem 3.2. In Section 4, we establish conditions under which a minimum of (IA) is a solution of (PΦ). Our main result

is Theorem 4.9. This theorem unifies and extends several results obtained in the previously cited bibliography.

2. Anisotropic Orlicz and Orlicz–Sobolev spaces

In this section, we give a short introduction to Orlicz and Orlicz–Sobolev spaces of vector valued functions associated to anisotropicN8functions Φ :Rd

Ñ r0,`8q. References for these topics are [8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 27, 28, 34]. For the theory of convex functions in general we suggest [12]. Note that, unlike in [15], we do not require thatN8 functions be sublinear near 0, i.e., Φpxq{|x| Ñ0 when|x| Ñ0. However,

most of the results proved in [15] do not depend on this property.

If Φpyq is anN8 function which depends on |y| (Φpyq “ Φp|y|q), then we say

that Φ isradial.

We can use the following example to obtain new N8 functions from givenN8


Example 2.1. Let pd1, . . . , dkq P Zk`. Suppose that Φj : Rdj Ñ r0,`8q, j

1, . . . , k, are N8 functions, and Oj P LpRd,Rdjq are bounded linear functions


j“1kerOj “ t0u. Then







Let us briefly show that Φ satisfies (1). Suppose that|yn| Ñ 8 and Φpynq{|yn| is bounded. If for some j “1, . . . , k there existą0 and a subsequencens such that |Ojyns| ě |yns|, then ΦjpOjynsq{|yns| Ñ 8, contrary to our assumption.

HenceOjyn{|yn| Ñ0 whennÑ 8. Passing to a subsequence, we can assume that there existsy PRd such that yn{|yn| Ñy. Theny PkerOj andy ‰0, which is a contradiction.

As a consequence, the function Φ :RdˆRdÑ r0,`8qdefined by Φpy1, y2q “e|yy2|´1` |y2|p,

with 1ăpă 8, is anN8 function.

Associated to Φ we have the complementary function Φ‹ which is defined at ζPRd as

Φ‹pζq “sup



From the continuity of Φ and (1), we also have that Φ‹ :

Rd Ñ r0,8q. The complementary function Φ‹is anN

8 function (see [21, Ch. 2] and [27, Thm. 2.2]).

Now, Moreau’s theorem (see [12, Thm. 4.21]) implies that Φ‹‹Φ.

Some useful properties which are satisfied byN8 functions are:

(P1) Φpλxq ďλΦpxq, for everyλP r0,1s,xPRd; (P2) if 0ă |λ1| ď |λ2|, then Φpλ1xq ďΦpλ2xq; (P3) x¨yďΦpxq `Φ‹pyq;

(P4) x¨∇Φpxq “Φpxq `Φ‹p∇Φpxqq.

We say that Φ :RdÑ r0,`8qsatisfies the ∆2-condition, and we denote ΦP∆2,

if there exists a constantCą0 such that

Φp2xq ďCΦpxq `1, xPRd.

Note that this definition is equivalent to the classic one, i.e., there existr0, C ą0 with Φp2xq ďCΦpxqfor|x| ąr0.

If there existsCą0 such that Φp2xq ďCΦpxqfor allxPRd, it is usually said that Φ satisfies the ∆2-condition globally (see [26]).

Throughout this article, we denote by CCpλ1, . . . , λnq a positive constant that may depend onT, Φ (or otherN8 functions), and the parametersλ1, . . . , λn.

We assume that the value that C represents may change in different occurrences in the same chain of inequalities.

If Φ satisfies the ∆2-condition, then Φ satisfies the following properties:

(P5) There exists C ą0 such that for every x, y P Rd, Φpx`yq ď CpΦpxq `

Φpyqq `1.

(P6) For anyλą1 there existsCpλq ą0 such that Φpλxq ďCpλqΦpxq `1. (P7) There exist 1ăpă 8andCą0 such that Φpxq ďC|x|p


Let Φ1 and Φ2 beN8 functions. Following [34], we write Φ1JΦ2if there exist k, Cą0 such that

Φ1pxq ďC`Φ2pkxq, xPRd. (4)


We observe that Φ1JΦ2 implies that Φ‹2JΦ‹1. A similar assertion holds for the

relationÎ. If Φ‹P

2then Φ satisfies the∇2-condition, i.e., for every 0ără1 there exist llprq ą0 andC1C1prq ą0 such that

Φpxq ďr

lΦplxq `C 1, x

PRd. (5)

It is easy to see that this definition is equivalent to the more usual, i.e.,r “1{2 and inequality (5) holding for|x| ąr0and a certain r0ą0.

We denote by M :“ M`r0, Ts,Rd˘, with d ě 1, the set of all measurable functions (i.e., functions which are limits of simple functions) defined on r0, Ts

with values onRd, and we writeu“ pu1, . . . , udqforuPM.

Given anN8 function Φ we define themodular function ρΦ:MÑR`Y t`8u


ρΦpuq:“ żT



Now, we introduce the Orlicz classCΦCΦ`

r0, Ts,Rd˘by setting

CΦ:“ tuPM|ρΦpuq ă 8u.

TheOrlicz space LΦ“LΦ`r0, Ts,Rd˘is the linear hull ofCΦ; equivalently,

LΦ:“ tuPM| Dλą0 :ρΦpλuq ă 8u.

The Orlicz spaceLΦ equipped with theLuxemburg norm

}u}LΦ :“inf

! λ|ρΦ

´v λ ¯



is a Banach space. The subspace EΦ


r0, Ts,Rd˘is defined as the closure in LΦ of the sub-spaceL8`

r0, Ts,Rd˘

of allRd-valued essentially bounded functions. The equality

LΦEΦis true if and only if ΦP

2 (see [27, Cor. 5.1]).

A generalized version of H¨older’s inequality holds in Orlicz spaces (see [27, Thm. 7.2]). Namely, ifuPLΦ andvPLΦ‹ thenu¨vPL1 and



v¨u dtď2}u}LΦ}v}LΦ‹.

Byu¨v we denote the usual dot product inRd betweenuandv. We consider the subset ΠpEΦ, rqofLΦgiven by

ΠpEΦ, rq:“ tuPLΦ|dpu, EΦq ăru “ tuPLΦ|dpu, L8 q ăru.

This set is related to the Orlicz classCΦby the inclusions

ΠpEΦ, rq ĂrCΦĂΠpEΦ, rq (6)

for any positive r. This relation is a trivial generalization of [27, Thm. 5.6]. If ΦP∆2, then the setsLΦ,EΦ, ΠpEΦ, rqand CΦ are equal.

As usual, if pX,} ¨ }Xq is a normed space and pY,} ¨ }Yqis a linear subspace of


states that LΦ

ãÑ “LΦ‹‰‹

, where a function v P LΦ is associated to ξ

v P


given by

v, uy “



v¨u dt.

It is easy to prove thatL8ãÑLΦãÑL1for anyN

8 function Φ.

SupposeuPLΦpr0, Ts,Rdqand considerK:“ρΦpuq `1ě1. Then, from (P1) we haveρΦpK´1uq ďK´1ρΦpuq ď1. Therefore, we conclude

}u}LΦ ďρΦpuq `1. (7) We highlight that LΦ`

r0, Ts,Rd˘

can be equipped with the weak‹ topology induced byEΦ‹`

r0, Ts,Rd˘becauseLΦ`r0, Ts,Rd˘““EΦ‹`

r0, Ts,Rd˘‰‹(see [15, Thm. 3.3]).

We define theOrlicz–Sobolev spaceW1LΦ`

r0, Ts,Rd˘by

W1LΦ`r0, Ts,Rd˘:“ u|uPAC`r0, Ts,Rd˘and u1PLΦ`r0, Ts,Rd˘(, where AC`r0, Ts,Rd˘

denotes the space of all Rd valued absolutely continuous functions defined on r0, Ts. The spaceW1LΦ`

r0, Ts,Rd˘ is a Banach space when equipped with the norm

}u}W1LΦ “ }u}LΦ` }u1}LΦ.

Let the function:Rd Ñ r0,`8qbe the greatest convex radial minorant of Φ, i.e.,

AΦpxq “suptΨpxqu, (8)

where the supremum is taken over all the convex, non-negative, radial functions Ψ with Ψpxq ďΦpxq.

Proposition 2.1. is a radial andN8 function.

Proof. The convexity and radiality of is a consequence of the fact that the supremum preserves these properties. Then, it is only necessary to show that

AΦpxq ą 0 when x ‰ 0, and AΦpxq{|x| Ñ 8 when |x| Ñ 8. We write, for

r P R, r` “maxtr,0u. Since Φ is an N8 function, for every k ą 0 there exists

r0 ą 0 such that Φpxq ě kp|x| ´r0q`, for |x| ą r0. As kp|x| ´r0q` is a

non-negative, radial, convex function, it follows that AΦpxq ěkp|x| ´r0q`. Therefore lim inf|x|Ñ8AΦpxq{|x| ěkand consequently lim|x|Ñ8AΦpxq{|x| “ 8.

As Φ is an N8 continuous function, for every r ą 0 there exists kprq ą 0 such that Φpxq ě kprq|x| ě kprqp|x| ´rq`, when |x| ě r. This fact implies that

AΦpxq ą0 forx‰0.

By abuse of notation, we identify AΦwith a function defined onr0,`8q. This

function is invertible.

Corollary 2.2. LΦ

pr0, Ts,Rd

qãÑLAΦpr0, Ts, Rdq.

As is customary, we will use the decomposition uu`ur for a function u P L1


Lemma 2.3. Let Φ :Rd

Ñ r0,`8qbe an N8 function and let

uP W1LΦ`

r0, Ts,Rd˘

. Let AΦ : Rd Ñ r0,`8q be the isotropic function defined by (8). Then:

(1) Morrey’s inequality. For everys, tP r0, Ts withst,

|uptq ´upsq| ď |s´t|A´1Φ ˆ


|s´t| ˙


LΦ. (M.I.)

(2) Sobolev’s inequality.

}u}L8 ďA´1Φ



T ˙

maxt1, Tu}u}W1LΦ. (S.I.)

(3) Poincar´e–Wirtinger’s inequality. We have urPL8`

r0, Ts,Rd˘


}u}r L8 ďT A ´1 Φ



T ˙


}LΦ. (P-W.I.)

(4) If Φ is an N8 function, then the space W1LΦ`

r0, Ts,Rd˘

is compactly embedded in the space of continuous functionsCpr0, Ts,Rdq.

Proof. It is an immediate consequence of Corollary 2.2 and [1, Lemma 2.1, Cor.


Lemma 2.3 gives us estimates for isotropic norms ofu. In these type of inequal-ities some information is lost. The following result gives us an estimate that takes into account the anisotropic nature of the spaceW1LΦ`

r0, Ts,Rd˘

. The proof is similar to that of [8, Thm. 4.5].

Lemma 2.4(Anisotropic Poincar´e–Wirtinger’s inequality). LetΦ :Rd

Ñ r0,`8q

be anN8 function and let uPW1LΦ `

r0, Ts,Rd˘. Then

Φpuptqq ď˜ 1

T żT


Φ`T u1prq˘

dr. (A.P-W.I.)

Proof. Applying Jensen’s inequality twice, we get

Φpuptqq “˜ Φ



T żT


puptq ´upsqqds ¸

ď 1 T



Φpuptq ´upsqqds

ď 1 T






|t´s|u1prq dr |t´s|

˙ ds

ď 1 T




|t´s| żt


Φ`|t´s|u1prq˘ dr ds.

From (P1) we have that Φprxq{r is increasing with respect to r ą 0 for a fixed


Remark 2.5. As a consequence of Lemma 2.3, we obtain that

}u}1W1LΦ “ |u| ` }u1}LΦ,

defines an equivalent norm to} ¨ }W1LΦ onW1LΦpr0, Ts,Rdq.

Another immediate consequence of Lemma 2.3 is the following result.

Corollary 2.6. Every bounded sequencetunuinW1LΦpr0, Ts,Rdqhas a uniformly convergent subsequence.

3. Existence of minimizers

It is well known that an important ingredient in the direct method of the calculus of variations is the coercivity of action integrals. In order to obtain coercivity for the action integralI, defined in (IA), it is necessary to impose more restrictions on the potentialF.

There are several restrictions that were explored in the past. The one we will study in this article is based on what is known in the literature as sublinearity (see [30, 35, 38] for the Laplacian, [17, 32] for the p-Laplacian, and [18, 22, 23, 37] for

pp1, p2q-Laplacian). In the present article we will use another denomination for this


Definition 3.1. LetF :r0, Ts ˆRd ÑRbe a function satisfying (C) and (A). We say that F satisfies condition (B) if there exist anN8 function Φ0, with Φ0ÎΦ,

and a functiondPL1pr0, Ts,Rq, withdě1, such that Φ‹

ˆ ∇xF

dptq ˙

ďΦ0pxq `1. (B)

The condition (B) encompasses the sublinearity condition as it was introduced in the context of p-Laplacian or pp1, p2q-Laplacian systems. For example, in [18,

Thm. 1.1] Li, Ou and Tang considered a potential F : r0, Ts ˆRd ˆRd Ñ R satisfying (C) and (A) and the following condition (we recall thatp1p{pp´1q):

(H) There existfi, gi, hiPL1pr0, Ts,R`q,αiP r0, pi{p1iq,i“1,2,β1P r0, p2{p11q,

andβ2P r0, p1{p1

2qsuch that |∇x1Fpt, x1, x2q| ďf1ptq|x1|


|∇x2Fpt, x1, x2q| ďf2ptq|x2|


We leave it to the reader to prove that (H) implies (B), with Φ “Φp1,p2, Φ0 “ Φp1,p2, where pi, i “ 1,2, are taken so that maxtα1p11, β2p12u ď p1 ă p1 and


2, β1p11u ď p2 ăp2, and dCp1` ř

itfi`gi`hiuq PL

1, with C ą0 chosen large enough.

Theorem 3.2. Let Φ be an N8-function whose complementary function Φ‹

sat-isfies the ∆2-condition. Let F be a potential that satisfies (C), (A), (B) and the



|x|Ñ8 şT

0 Fpt, xqdt


LetM be a weakclosed subspace ofLΦand letV

ĂCpr0, Ts,Rd

qbe closed in the

Cpr0, Ts,Rd

q-strong topology. ThenIattains a minimum onH “ tuPW1LΦ |uP V andu1PMu.

Proof. Step 1. The action integral is coercive. Letλbe any positive number with

λą2 maxtT,1u. Since Φ0ÎΦ, there exists Cpλq ą0 such that

Φ0pxq ďΦ´x 2λ


`Cpλq, xPRd. (10)

By the decompositionuu`u˜, the absolute continuity ofFpt, x`syqwith respect tosPR, Young’s inequality, (B), the convexity of Φ0, (P2), (10) and (A.P-W.I.)

we obtain:

J :“ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ żT 0

Fpt, uq ´Fpt, uqdt ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ď żT 0 ż1 0

|∇xFpt, u`suq˜ u|˜ ds dt

ďλ żT 0 dptq ż1 0 „ Φ‹`

d´1ptq∇xFpt, u`suq˜

˘ `Φ ˆ ˜ u λ ˙ ds dt ďλ żT 0 dptq ż1 0 „ 1

2Φ0p2uq ` 1


ˆ ˜ u λ ˙ `1  ds dt ďλ żT 0 dptq ż1 0 „

Φ0p2uq `

ˆ ˜ u λ ˙ `Cpλqds dt

ďC1Φ0p2uq `λC2 żT



ˆ T u1psq

λ ˙


where C2C2p}d}L1q and C1C1p}d}L1, λq. Since Φ‹ P ∆2, we can choose λ

large enough so thatlλT´1 satisfies (5) for r 1


´1,1u. Thus, we


J ďC1Φ0p2uq `1







Ipuq “ żT



q `Fpt, uqdt

“ żT


tΦpu1q ` rFpt, uq ´Fpt, uqs `Fpt, uqudt

ě 1




Φpu1qdt´C1Φ0p2uq ` żT


Fpt, uqdt´C1

We take un PW1LΦ with}un}W1LΦ Ñ 8. From Remark 2.5, we can suppose that}u1

n}LΦ Ñ 8or|un| Ñ 8. In the first case, from (7) we have thatρΦpunq Ñ 8 and henceIpunq Ñ 8. In the second case,Ipunq Ñ 8as a consequence of (9).

Step 2. Suppose that un Ñ u uniformly and u1n

á u1 in LΦ

pr0, Ts,Rd

q; then


Without loss of generality, passing to subsequences, we may assume that the lim inf is actually a lim. The embedding LΦ

pr0, Ts,Rd

q ãÑ L1

pr0, Ts,Rd

q implies that u1

n á u1 in L1pr0, Ts,Rdq. Now, applying [7, Thm. 3.6] we obtain Ipuq ď limnÑ8Ipunq.

Final step. The proof of the theorem is concluded with a usual argument. We take a minimizing sequenceunPH ofI. From the coercivity ofIwe have thatun is bounded on W1LΦ

pr0, Ts,Rdq. By Corollary 2.6 (passing to subsequences) we can suppose thatun converges uniformly to a functionuPV. On the other hand,


n is bounded onLΦ“

EΦ‹‰‹. Thus, sinceEΦ‹ is separable (see [27, Thm. 6.3]),

from [5, Cor. 3.30] it follows that there exist a subsequence ofu1

n (we denote itu1n again) andv PM such that u1


áv. From this fact and the uniform convergence ofun tou, we obtain that


0 ϕ1

¨u dt“ lim nÑ8


0 ϕ1

¨undt“ ´ lim nÑ8


0 ϕ¨u1

n dt“ ´



ϕ¨v dt,

for every functionϕPC8pr0, Ts,

Rdq ĂEΦ‹

withϕp0q “ϕpTq “0. Thus,uhas a derivative in the weak sense inLΦ. Taking into accountLΦ

ãÑL1 and [7, Thms.

2.3 and 2.17], we obtain uPW1LΦ andv

u1 a.e.tP r0, Ts. Hence,uPH.

Finally, the semicontinuity ofI that was established in step 2 implies thatuis

a minimum ofI.

Remark 3.3. The results of this section can be extended without difficulty to any LagrangianL withLěLΦ,F (see [1]).

4. Regularity of minimizers and solutions of Euler–Lagrange equations

In this section, we will address the question of when minimizers of I are solu-tions of the associated Euler–Lagrange equasolu-tions. It is well known that, in virtue of the Lavrentiev phenomenon (see [7, Sec. 4.3]), this is a delicate matter. It is a consequence of Tonelli’s partial regularity theorem that under certain con-ditions on the Lagrangian function, if a minimizer is additionally Lipschitz then it is solution of Euler–Lagrange equations (see [7, Sec. 4.3]). The question then is to determine sufficient conditions on the Lagrangian L in order that minimiz-ers be a priori Lipschitz. In this direction, several conditions were discussed in the literature (see [6, 7, 11, 13]). We note that Lipschitz functions satisfy that

u1PL8, thereforedpu1, L8q “0. We will prove in Theorem 4.1 that the condition dpu1, L8pr0, Ts,

Rdqq ă1 will be sufficient for the minimizers of our functionalI to satisfy Euler–Lagrange equations.

We denote by Lippr0, Ts,Rdqthe set ofRd-valued Lipschitz continuous functions defined on r0, Ts. If X Ă LΦpr0, Ts,Rdq and u P LΦpr0, Ts,Rdq, we denote by

dpu, Xqthe distance fromutoX computed with respect to the Luxemburg norm. We recall thatuPLippr0, Ts,Rdqimplies thatdpu1, L8pr0, Ts,


Theorem 4.1. Assume thatF is as in Theorem 3.2 and Φ is strictly convex. If

uis a minimum of I on the set H “ tuPW1LΦ

pr0, Ts,Rd

q |up0q “ upTqu and

dpu1, L8pr0, Ts,

Rdqq ă1, thenuis solution of (PΦ).

Remark 4.2. We observe that H“ tuPW1LΦ

|uPV andu1PMu, where V :“ tuPCpr0, Ts,Rdq |up0q “upTqu, M :“LΦpr0, Ts,Rdq,

andV is Cpr0, Ts,Rd

q-closed. Therefore, from the results of the previous section the functional I given by (IA) has a minimum uon H and dpu1, L8q ď 1. The

last inequality follows fromρΦpu1q ă 8and (6). Then, the possible minima of I

that do not satisfy the hypotheses of Theorem 4.1 lie on the nowhere dense set

tu:dpu1, L8 q “1u.

The proof of the previous theorem depends on the Gateaux differentiability of the action integral on the spaceW1LΦpr0, Ts,Rdq. We will deal with a more general Lagrangian functionL:r0, Ts ˆRdˆRdÑR, which is assumed measurable int for eachpx, yq PRd

ˆRd and continuously differentiable atpx, yqfor almost every

tP r0, Ts. We consider

Ipuq “ILpuq “ żT


Lpt, uptq, u1ptqqdt, (IG)

the action integral associated to L. In order to obtain differentiability of I, it is necessary to impose some constraints on L. In the paper [8], Chmara and Maksymiuk obtained differentiability forI onW1LΦassuming a similar condition

to Definition 4.3 and additionally they supposed that Φ P ∆2 X∇2. For our

purpose, the condition Φ P ∆2 is a very serious limitation since it leaves out

of consideration functions that grow faster than power ones. According to our criterion, including Lagrangians with a faster growth than power functions is one of the greatest achievements of the present paper. For this reason, we present a proof of the results obtained in [8] without the assumption ΦP∆2. When ΦR∆2,

the differentiability ofI is somewhat more delicate since the effective domain ofI

is not the whole spaceW1LΦ.

Definition 4.3. We say that a LagrangianLsatisfies the condition (S) if

|L| ` |∇xL| `Φ‹

ˆ ∇yL

λ ˙


bptq `Φ




, (S)

for a.e.tP r0, Ts, whereaPC`Rd,


pr0, Ts,r0,`8qq, and Λ, λą0. Condition (S) includes structure conditions that have been previously considered in the literature in the case of p-Laplacian and pp1, p2q-Laplacian systems. For example, it is easy to see that, when Φpxq “ Φppxq “ |x|p{p, the condition (S) is equivalent to the structure conditions in [21, Thm. 1.4]. If Φ is a radial N8

function such that Φ‹ satisfies the ∆

2-condition, then (S) is related to conditions


(S) is a more compact expression than [33, Lemma 3.1, Eq. (3.1)] and moreover weaker, because (S) does not imply a control of|Dy1L|independent ofy2.

Remark4.4. We leave to the reader the proof of the fact that if a Lagrange function

Lsatisfies structure condition (S) and ΦJΦ0, thenLsatisfies (S) with Φ0instead

of Φ and possibly with other functionsb,aand constants Λ andλ.

Remark 4.5. The Lagrangian L “ LΦ,F “Φpyq `Fpt, xq satisfies condition (S), for every Λ ă1. In order to prove this, the only non-trivial fact that we should establish is that Φ‹p∇

yLq ďapxq tbptq `Φpy{Λqu. From (P4) and the fact that

pd{dtqΦptxq “∇Φptxq ¨xis a non-decreasing function of t, we obtain

Φ‹p∇Φpxqq ďx

¨∇Φpxq ď 1

Λ´1´1 żΛ´1

1 d



Λ´1´1ΦpΛ ´1xq.

Therefore Φ‹p∇

yLq “Φ‹p∇Φpyqq ďΛp1´Λq´1Φpy{Λq, for every Λă1.

Given a functiona:Rd ÑR, we define the composition operator a:MÑM

byapuqpxq “ apupxqq. We will often use the following result, whose proof can be carried out as that of Corollary 2.3 in [1].

Lemma 4.6. If a P CpRd,R`q then a : W1LΦ

Ñ L8pr0, Tsq is bounded. More

concretely, there exists a non-decreasing functionA:r0,`8q Ñ r0,`8qsuch that


The following lemma will be applied several times. We adapted the proof of [1, Lemma 2.5] to the anisotropic case. For an alternative approach, we suggest [8].

Lemma 4.7. Let tununPN be a sequence of functions converging to uPΠpEΦ, λq

in the LΦ-norm. Then, there exist a subsequence unk and a real valued function

hPL1pr0, Ts,Rqsuch that unkÑua.e. andΦpunk{λq ďha.e.

Proof. Sincedpu, EΦ

q ăλandun converges to u, there exist a subsequence ofun (again denoted un), λ P p0, λq and u0 PEΦ such that dpun, u0q ă λ, n “1, . . .. As LΦ`r0, Ts,Rd˘ãÑL1`r0, Ts,Rd˘, the sequence un converges in measure to u. Therefore, we can extract a subsequence (denoted againun) such thatunÑua.e. and

λn:“ }un´un´1}LΦă


2n´1, forně2.

We can assume λn ą 0 for every n “ 1, . . .. We write λ1 :“ }u1´u0}LΦ and

λ0:“λ´ř8n“1λn, and we define h:r0, Ts ÑRby

hptq “ λ0 λΦ

ˆ u0 λ0

˙ `

8 ÿ

j“0 λj`1

λ Φ ˆ


λj`1 ˙


As Φp0q “0 and Φ is a convex function, we have for anyn“1, . . .


´un λ ¯ “Φ ˜ u0 λ ` n´1 ÿ j“0


λ ¸ ďλ0 λΦ ˆ u0 λ0 ˙ ` n´1 ÿ j“0 λj`1

λ Φ ˆ


λj`1 ˙


Sinceu0PEΦĂCΦandEΦis a subspace, we get that Φpu0{λ0q PL1pr0, Ts,Rq. On the other hand,}uj`1´uj}LΦ“λj`1and therefore






λj`1 ˙


ThenhPL1pr0, Ts,Rq.

The proof of the next theorem follows the same lines as [1, Thm. 3.2], but with some modifications due to the lack of monotonicity of Φ with respect to the euclidean norm and the fact that the notion of absolutely continuous norm (used intensely in [1, Thm. 3.2]) does not work very well in the framework of anisotropic Orlicz spaces when ΦR∆2.

Theorem 4.8. Let L be a differentiable Carath´eodory function satisfying (S). Then the following statements hold:

(1) The action integral given by (IG) is finitely defined on the set EΦ Λ :“ W1LΦX tu|u1 PΠpEΦ,Λqu.

(2) The function I is Gateaux differentiable on

Λ and its derivative I1 is

demicontinuous fromEΦ Λ into

W1LΦ‰‹, i.e.,I1 is continuous whenEΦ Λ is

equipped with the strong topology andW1LΦ‰‹ with the weak

topology. Moreover,I1 is given by the expression

xI1puq, vy “ żT

0 “


` t, u, u


` t, u, u


dt. (11)

(3) IfΦ‹P

2 thenI1 is continuous from EΛΦ into

W1LΦ‰‹ when both spaces are equipped with the strong topology.

Proof. Let uPEΦ

Λ. From (6) we obtain that Φpu1ptq{Λq P L

1. Now, from (S) and

Lemma 4.6, we have

|Lpt, uptq, u1ptqq| ` |∇

xLpt, uptq, u1ptqq| `Φ‹


yLpt, u, u1q

λ ˙


bptq `Φ

ˆ u1ptq



PL1. (12) Thus, by integrating this inequality item (1) is proved.

We split up the proof of item (2) into four steps.

Step 1. The non-linear operator u ÞÑ ∇xLp¨, u, u1q is continuous from EΛΦ into



LettununPNbe a sequence of functions in EΛΦand letuPE Φ

Λ such that un Ñu in W1LΦ. By (S.I.),u

n Ñuuniformly. As u1n Ñu1 PEΛΦ, by Lemma 4.7, there

exist a subsequence ofu1

n (again denotedu1n) and a functionhPL1pr0, Ts,Rqsuch thatu1

nÑu1 a.e. and Φpu1n{Λq ďha.e.

Sinceun,n“1,2, . . ., is a bounded sequence inW1LΦ, according to Lemma 4.6, there exists M ą0 such that }apunq}L8 ďM, n “1,2, . . .. From the previous facts and (12), we get

|∇xLp¨, un, u1nq| ďapunq


ˆ u1

n Λ


ďMpb`hq PL1.

On the other hand, by the continuous differentiability ofL, we have

xLpt, unkptq, u


nkptqq Ñ∇xLpt, uptq, u

1ptqq for a.e. t

P r0, Ts.

Applying Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem we conclude the proof of step 1.

Step 2. The non-linear operator uÞÑ∇yLp¨, u, u1q is continuous fromEΛΦ with the

strong topology intoLΦ‰‹ with the weak

topology. LetuPEΦ

Λ. From (12), it follows that ∇yLp¨, u, u1q PλCΦ


r0, Ts,Rd˘ĂLΦ‹`r0, Ts,Rd˘Ă“LΦ`r0, Ts,Rd˘‰‹. (13) Let un, u PEΛΦ such thatun Ñ uin the norm ofW1LΦ. We must prove that

yLp¨, un, u1nq w

á∇yLp¨, u, u1q. Assume, on the contrary, that there exist vPLΦ,

ą0, and a subsequence oftunu(denotedtunufor simplicity) such that


ˇx∇yLp¨, un, u1nq, vy ´ x∇yLp¨, u, u1q, vy


ˇě. (14)

We haveunÑuinLΦ andu1nÑu1 withu1PΠpEΦ,Λq. By Lemmas 2.6 and 4.7, there exist a subsequence oftunu(again denotedtunufor simplicity) and a function


pr0, Ts,Rq such thatun Ñuuniformly,u1nÑu1 a.e. and Φpu1n{Λq ďha.e. As in the previous step, Lemma 4.6 implies thatapunptqqis uniformly bounded by a certain constant M ą0. Therefore, from inequality (12) with un instead of u, we have

Φ‹ ˆ

yLp¨, un, u1nq



ďMpb`hq “:h1PL1. (15) AsvPLΦthere existsλvą0 such that Φpv{λvq PL1. Now, by Young’s inequality and (15), we have

yLp¨, un, u1nq ¨vptq ďλλv

Φ‹ ˆ

yLp¨, un, u1nq


˙ `Φ

ˆ v λv


ďλλvMpb`hq `λλvΦ

ˆ v λv

˙ PL1.

Finally, from Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem, we deduce



yLpt, un, u1nq ¨v dtÑ



yLpt, u, u1q ¨v dt,


Step 3. We will prove (11). Note that (12), (13) and the imbeddingsW1LΦ ãÑ L8 andLΦ‹

ãÑ“LΦ‰‹ imply that the right-hand side of (11) defines an element of


The proof follows similar lines as [21, Thm. 1.4]. ForuPEΛΦand 0‰vPW1LΦ,

we define the function

Hps, tq:“Lpt, uptq `svptq, u1ptq `sv1ptqq.

For|s| ďs0:“`Λ´dpu1, EΦ

q˘{}v}W1LΦ we have thatu1`sv1 PΠpEΦ,Λq. This fact implies, in virtue of Theorem 4.8 item 1, that Ipu`svqis well defined and finite for|s| ďs0.

We write s1 :“mints0,1´dpu1, EΦ

q{Λu. Let λv ą0 such that Φpv1{λvq PL1. Asu1PΠpEΦ,Λq, we have

d ˆ


p1´s1qΛ, E

Φ ˙

“ 1


1, EΦ q ă1,

and consequentlyp1´s1q´1Λ´1u1 PCΦ. Hence, ifv1PLΦand|s| ďs1Λλ´1

v , from the convexity of Φ and (P2), we get






ď p1´s1qΦ

ˆ u1


˙ `s1Φ

ˆ s s1Λv

1 ˙

ď p1´s1qΦ

ˆ u1


˙ `s1Φ

ˆ v1 λv


“:hptq PL1.


We also have}u`sv}W1LΦ ď }u}W1LΦ`s0}v}W1LΦ; then, by Lemma 4.6, there exists M ą 0 independent of s, such that }apu`svq}L8 ď M. Now, applying Young’s inequality, (12), the fact thatvPL8, (16), and Φpv1

vq PL1, we get |DsHps, tq| “


ˇ∇xLpt, u`sv, u1`sv1q ¨v`∇yLpt, u`sv, u1`sv1q ¨v1

ˇ ˇ


bptq `Φ




˙ |v|


Φ‹ ˆ

yLpt, u`sv, u1`sv1q

λ ˙ `Φ ˆ v1 λv ˙ ďM

bptq `Φ





p|v| `λλvq `λλvΦ

ˆ v1 λv


ďMpbptq `hptqq p|v| `λλvq `λλvΦ

ˆ v1 λv

˙ PL1.

Consequently,I has a directional derivative and

xI1puq, vy “ d

dsIpu`svq ˇ ˇ

s“0“ żT

0 “

xLpt, u, u1q ¨v`∇yLpt, u, u1q ¨v1


Moreover, from the previous formula, (12), (13), and Lemma 2.3, we obtain

|xI1puq, vy| ď }∇


with an appropriate constant C. This completes the proof of the Gateaux dif-ferentiability of I. The previous steps imply the demicontinuity of the operator



In order to prove item (3), it is necessary to see that the mapsuÞÑ∇xLpt, u, u1q anduÞÑ∇yLpt, u, u1qare norm continuous fromEΛΦintoL

1 andLΦ‹

, respectively. It remains to prove the continuity of the second map. To this purpose, we take

un, uPEΛΦ, n“1,2, . . ., with }un´u}W1LΦ Ñ0. As before, we can deduce the existence of a subsequence (denoted u1

n for simplicity) and h1 PL1 such that (15)

holds andunÑua.e. Since Φ‹P∆2, we have

Φ‹p∇yLp¨, un, u1nqq ďcpλqΦ‹


yLp¨, un, u1nq




Then, from (P5), we get


yLp¨, un, u1nq ´∇yLp¨, u, u1q


ďKph2`Φ‹p∇yLp¨, u, u1qqq `1. Now, by Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem, we obtain that∇yLp¨, un, u1nq isρΦ‹ modular convergent to∇yLp¨, u, u1qq, i.e., ρΦ‹pun´uq Ñ0. Since Φ‹P∆2,

modular convergence implies norm convergence (see [28]).

Proof of Theorem 4.1. Suppose thatdpu1, L8q ă1. Sincedpu1, EΦ

q “dpu1, L8q,

according to Remark 4.5 and Theorem 4.8, I is Gateaux differentiable at u. By Fermat’s rule (see [12, Prop. 4.12]), we havexI1puq, vy “0 for everyvPH.




∇Φpu1ptqq ¨v1ptqdt“ ´ żT


xFpt, uptqq ¨vptqdt. (17)

From Theorem 4.8, we have that∇xFpt, uptqq PL1pr0, Ts,Rdqand∇Φpu1ptqq P LΦ‹

pr0, Ts,Rq ãÑ L1

pr0, Ts,Rq. Identity (17) holds for every v P C8pr0, Ts,


withvp0q “vpTq. Using [21, Fundamental Lemma, p. 6], we get that∇Φpu1ptqqis

absolutely continuous andpd{dtq p∇Φpu1ptqqq “

xFpt, uptqqa.e. onr0, Ts. More-over, ∇Φpu1

p0qq “∇Φpu1pT

qq. Since Φ isstrictly convex, ∇Φ :Rd ÑRd is a one-to-one map (see, e.g. [12, Ex. 4.17, p. 67]). Hence, we conclude thatu1

p0q “u1pT q.

Finally, Theorem 4.1 is proven.

The following is the main result in this article. In this theorem we give sufficient conditions for minimizers to be solutions of the Euler–Lagrange equations.

Theorem 4.9. Let Φ, F, and H be as in Theorem 4.1. Suppose some of the following condition holds: a) ΦP∆2, or b) Fpt, xqis differentiable with respect to pt, xq and

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ B BtFpt, xq

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ

ďapxqbptq, (18)

withaandbas in (A). Then ifuis a minimum ofIon the set H,uis solution of (PΦ).

Proof. The conditiondpu1, L8q ă1 is trivially satisfied when ΦP

2 because, in

this case,L8 is dense inLΦ

pr0, Ts,Rd


Suppose that b) holds anduis a minimum ofI. We note thatuis also minimum ofIon the set defined by a Dirichlet boundary condition

tvPW1LΦpr0, Ts,Rdq |vp0q “up0q, vpTq “upTqu.

Therefore, we can apply Proposition 3.1 in [13] (see also the remark which follows that Proposition) and we obtainu1 PL8.

Remark 4.10. Returning to the system (3) of Example 1.1, we note that theN8

function Φpy1, y2q “ exppy12`y22q ´1 has a complementary function which

sat-isfies the ∆2-condition (see [16, p. 28]). In addition, for every p ą 1 we have |py1, y2q|p Î Φpy1, y2q. Therefore Φ‹py1, y2q Î |py1, y2q|q for qp{pp´1q.

Consequently, if Fpt, x1, x2q “ PptqQpx1, x2q with P and Q polynomials, and dptq :“ Cmaxt1,|Pptq|u, then Φ‹pd´1ptq∇

xFq ď |px1, x2q|q `1, where p and C are chosen large enough. Hence Φ andF satisfy (B) with Φ0py1, y2q “ |py1, y2q|p. The conditions (C), (A) and (18) can be proved in a direct way. All these facts show that there exist solutions of the system in Example 1.1.


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F. D. MazzoneB

Dpto. de Matem´atica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, F´ısico-Qu´ımicas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de R´ıo Cuarto, X5804BYA R´ıo Cuarto, C´ordoba, Argentina


S. Acinas

Dpto. de Matem´atica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, L6300CLB Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina



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