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St. Martin Parish. Welcome to our Parish Community. May 1, 2016 Sixth Sunday of Easter


Academic year: 2021

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- Baptism / Bautismo -

Please contact the Parish Office.

Por favor de llamar la oficina parroquial 408-736-3725

- Marriage / Matrimonio -

Couples wishing to celebrate marriage should contact the Parish office at least 6 to 9 months before the proposed

wedding date.

Los arreglos se tienen que hacer por lo menos con 6 meses de anticipación a la fecha de la boda. Llamen a la oficina

parro-quial para hacer una cita con el Sacerdote.

- Care of the Sick / Atención a los enfermos -

For any parishioner who is sick at home, in the hospital or about to undergo surgery, please call the Parish Office for a visit. Si conoce o sabe de personas enfermas en casa o recluidas o que van a ser operadas por favor llame a la oficina parroquial para una visita.

- Quinceañera -

Please contact the office. Por favor llame a la oficina para más información.

Anniversary masses and special celebrations /

Misas de aniversario y celebraciones especiales : Please call the office. Por favor llame a la oficina para más


St. Martin Parish

Welcome to our Parish Community

May 1, 2016

Sixth Sunday of Easter

Catechetical Office - Oficina de Catequesis

Please call the office. Por favor llame a la oficina para más información.


(408) 736-3725



CATHOLIC ACADEMY OF SUNNYVALE 195 Leota Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94086


Susan Morrissey, Principal

(SMorrissey@catholicacademysun.org) Michelle Placencia,



Pastor - Rev. Roberto Gomez, RGomez@smsdsj.org

Parochial Vicar - Rev. Hao Dinh, HDinh@smsdsj.org

In Residence - Rev. Edward Samy, Ed.D

Director of Religious Education and Faith Formation - - Joselyn Martinez, Ext. 24,

JCorona@smsdsj.org (ON MATERNITY LEAVE) Wedding Coordinator - Isabel Yáñez, IYanez@dsj.org Quinceañera Coordinator - Joselyn Martinez Ext. 24 Sacristy Assistant – Ralph Bourey, RBourey@dsj.org Administrative Assistant – Lisa Bourey, Ext. 20

LBourey@dsj.org Maintenance - Wayne Purdy, Ext. 15


Bookkeeper—Bernard Nemis BNemis@dsj.org

Assistance for those of us in Need:


Monday - Friday 7:30 AM. & 5:00 PM Friday 7:30 PM (Tiếng Việt)

Saturday 8:30 AM,Vigils: 5:00 PM English 6:30 PM Español Sunday 8:00, 10:00 AM, (English)

12:00 PM (Español) 5:00 PM (Tiếng Việt) PARISH OFFICE CENTER



http://smsdsj.org (no www) Parish Offices are closed every Monday

Tues. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Sunday 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon ( 4 08 ) 736-3725 Fax ( 408 ) 736-4968

- Confesiones -

Confesiones individuales los Sábados de 3:30 PM a 4:30 PM ó por cita. Penitencial comunitaria en Adviento y Cuaresma.




Individual confessions are scheduled on Saturday from 3:30-4:30 PM or by appointment. Communal celebration occurs during Advent and


Celebrating St. Martin's 100 years of Faith and Community

Parish Picnic BBQ—June 18th from 10 :00 am– 2:00 pm! Centennial Parish Directory LifeTouch Photography

June 10, 11, 12 in the Parish Hall August 5, 6,7 in the Parish Hall


May 1, 2016 Sixth Sunday of Easter

Mass Intentions for the Week

April 30, 2016—May 7, 2016

Sat. 5:00 pm Benjamin Wong + 6:30 pm Juana Nuno + Sun. 8:00 am Jose, Irene, &

Leocadia Ulate + Pedro & James Luy + Antonio C. Sousa + Lucia A. Lopez— Thanksgiving & Good Health

Dante Gocio, Jr. + Matthew Phillips—Safe


10:00 am For the Parishioners of St. Martin

12:00 pm Ana Silvia Pedraza

Mon. 7:30 am Tom Trombatore & Family + 5:00 pm Alvaro Colorado +

Tues. 7:30 am Frank M. James +

5:00 pm Sue Barbieri—Thanksgiving Wed. 7:30 am Filomena, Frank, &

Manuel Faria + 5:00 pm Natasha & Sham Koli—

Thanksgiving Ernesto Villarreal + Sister Mary Stanislaus + Thurs. 7:30 am Olga S. Chibras +

5:00 pm Benjamin Wong +

Fri. 7:30 am Tom Trombatore & Family + 5:00 pm Cdr. A. A. Davis + Sat. 8:30 am Manuela Cervantes +

We will be taking the names off every month unless you call and request that it be kept on the sick list. Por favor llame a la oficina si usted quiere que alguien

siga siendo incluido/a ó removido/a

Patricia Knapik David Renner Maria Flores Lee Perkins June Luiz-Biedma Margarita

Armendariz Richard Romero Sharon Spisak Trinidad Flores Tom Ruiz Rose Atangan Trinidad Aguilera Karen Larson Cannell Josephine Lango Evangeline Garcia Paula Zeman Armando Rivera Marie Boyd Armando Rita Sita Neff Stella Zupanovich Pablo Arturo Se-Hilda Smith Eugenia Perez Oscar Carbajal Dionisia Alvernas Rachel & Gracia Adeline Lopez Nick San Pedro Pat Miller Debbie Larson Jeannette Silva Goldie Purdy Angelita Silverio Servet Menendez Aurora Miguel Patsy Pineda Donna Hooper Concepcion Bautista

Gonzalez Maria Robles Barbara Nelson Guadalupe Bible Nguyen Do

Upcoming Second Collection

May 7th & 8th—St. Vincent de Paul

Segundas Colectas

7 y 8 de Mayo—San Vicente de Paul

Our Weekly Offering of April 23rd & 24th First Collection $ 7,005.27 Second Collection $ 2,234.00 Other $ 1,049.00 Total Collected $ 10,288.27 SAINTS AND SPECIAL


Sunday: Sixth Sunday of Easter; Julian Calendar Easter

Monday: St. Athanasius Tuesday: Ss. Philip and James Thursday: The Ascension of the Lord (unless transferred to Sunday);

Yom Ha-Shoa (Holocaust Remembrance Day)

National Day of Prayer; Cinco de Mayo Friday: First Friday

Saturday: First Saturday


Domingo: Sexto Domingo de Pascua; Domingo de Pascua en el calendario juliano

Lunes: San Atanasio

Martes: Santos Felipe y Santiago, apóstoles

Jueves: La Ascensión del Señor (a menos que sea transferida al domin-go);

Yom HaShoa (memorial del holo-causto);

Día Nacional de Oración; Cinco de Mayo

Viernes: Primer viernes Sábado: Primer sábado


First Reading -- The question of whether circumcision is necessary for salvation (Acts 15:1-2, 22-29).

Psalm -- O God, let all the nations praise you! (Psalm 67).

Second Reading -- John envisions the holy city, the new Jerusalem (Revelation 21:10-14, 22-23) or

Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20.

Gospel -- The Holy Spirit, sent by the Father in Jesus' name, will teach us eve-rything (John 14:23-29) or John 17:20-26.

The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass (c) 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.


Primera Lectura -- La cuestión de si los gentiles necesitaban ser circuncidados para salvarse (Hch 15:1-2, 22-29).

Salmo -- Que te alaben, Señor, todos los pueblos. Aleluya (Salmo 67 [66]).

Segunda lectura -- Juan tiene una visión de la ciudad santa, la nueva Jerusalén (Apocalipsis 21:10-14, 22-23) o Apocalipsis 22:12-14, 16-17, 20.

Evangelio --El Espíritu Santo, enviado por el Padre en nombre de Jesús, nos enseñará todo (Juan 14:23-29) o Juan 17:20-26.

Salmo responsorial: Leccionario I (c) 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados.

May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you! -- Psalm 67:6 THE GIFT OF PEACE

We are offered another vision in today's sec-ond reading, a vision of the New Jerusalem, "coming down out of heaven from

God" (Revelation 21:10). Read between the lines describing the radiant city, and we find that the greatest beauty revealed is the beauty of perfect symmetry and order, a city found-ed on the faith of the twelve tribes of Israel and the Twelve Apostles, lit only by the glo-ry of God.

The first reading and the Gospel are linked to this idealized description of the New Jerusa-lem. In both we read of distress and disturb-ance countered by the gift of peace. "[M]y peace I give to you," Jesus assures his disci-ples at the Last Supper (John 14:27). In keep-ing with that gift, the apostles and elders, in the reading from Acts, decide not to disturb the peace of new Gentile believers. The un-due burden of circumcision will not be im-posed on them.


May 1, 2016 Sixth Sunday of Easter





MONDAY La Roca de Pedro 7:00 PM Chapel Zumba 7:00 PM Parish Hall TUESDAY Vietnamese Bible Class / Tiếng Việt

7:30 PM Parish Office Fr. Hao Grupo Juvenil 7:00 PM Parish Office Joselyn Comité Hispano a las 7:00 PM Zumba 7:00 PM Parish Hall WEDNESDAY English Bible Class 7:00 PM Parish Office Fr. Roberto WEDNESDAY CONFIRMATION CELEBRATION 6:30 PM

with Bishop Carlos A. Sevilla Zumba 7:00 PM Parish Hall THURSDAY Altar Society 9:45 AM Parish Office Confirmation Classes Thursdays at 6:30 PM Centennial Picnic Meeting 6:30 PM Guadalupanos a las 7:00 PM FRIDAY Spanish Bible Class / Clase de Biblia 7:00 PM Oficina Parroquial Padre Roberto

Call the office for Baptismal Preparation Classes date & times. (offered once per month in English and Spanish)

FIRST FRIDAY— MAY 6th We will have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Friday beginning with Mass at 7:30 am and ending with Bene-diction at 12:00 pm.

We will continue with our Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on First Fridays beginning at the 7:30 am Mass, Benediction at 12:00 pm, and Adoration until the 5:00 pm Mass.

Our Parish Centennial Corner:

Honoring St. Vincent de Paul Society & Social Ministry in May

Christian care for the needy began in the early Church when the Apostles appointed seven deacons to serve the Greek widows (Acts 6:1-4).

Social ministry is also part of our parish mission through St. Vincent de Paul Society for about 60 years or more. This organization, founded in 1833 by Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, today serves the poor in 140 countries worldwide.

How does it differ from other charities? “The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is composed of women and men who seek their personal holiness through works of charity. In this essential way, the Society differs from charitable associations or agencies whose principal objective is not the spiritual advancement of their members but the doing of good for someone else” (svdpusa.org).

Parish Picnic

Come join us at our Centennial Parish Picnic from 10am to 2pm, Saturday, June 18, on our school campus. There will be food, games and entertainment for everybody. But it’s not a good picnic without the community, yourself included! Please sign up to serve at the food stands and to help with games and entertainment. Call the Parish Office or Phuong Nguyen 408-749-8333. To help plan the Parish Picnic, join us at

our meeting on Thursday, May 5, at 6:30 pm!

Photos for Centennial Directory

You can now sign up for your family’s photo June sessions on-line. Go to: https://www.securedata-trans14.com/ap/stmartin parish/index.php? page=10. We will have sign-ups after all Masses this weekend.





You are invited to the second annual St. Martin parish retreat. Bring your family and friends for a weekend filled with fun.

All are invited! When:

Friday, May 20th 5 pm – Sunday, May 22nd

Cost: Adult - $130 Youth (13 – 17) - $91 Children (4- 12) - $52


Mission Springs Christian Conference Cen-ter

1050 Lockhart Gulch Road Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Register before we fill our capacity.


Manuel Barrios mbarrios@dsj.org (408) 706 - 8966

St. Martin

Parish Retreat

Merciful Family

Catholic Academy’s next fundraiser: Wednesday

May 4th

Armadillo Willy’s Look for the fliers!




Te damos la bienvenida a la Parroquia de San Martín. Te extendemos una cordial invitación a registrarse a nuestra parroquia en las oficinas

parroquiales en horario regular. ¡BIENVENIDOS! Clase de Biblia

El Padre Roberto ofrece estudio Bíblico todos los Viernes. No necesitan saber abso-lutamente nada, solo tener deseo de conocer

la Palabra de Dios! Traiga su Biblia. a las 7:00 PM en las Oficinas Parroquiales

frente al Templo.

1ero de Mayo de 2016 Sexto Domingo de Pascua

Oh Dios, que te alaben los pueblos,

que todos los pueblos te alaben.

-- Salmo 67 (66):6

Primero Viernes—el 6 de Mayo

Exposición Del Santísimo

Todos los Viernes habrá adoración después de la misa a las 7:30 am y bendición a las 12:00 pm y ha-brá después bendición hasta que la misa a las 5:00 pm.


Martes, a las 7:00 pm en la oficina!

ʻʻEsquina Centenaria"

Honoring St. Vincent de Paul Society & Social Ministry in May

Christian care for the needy began in the early Church when the Apostles appointed seven deacons to serve the Greek widows (Acts 6:1-4).

Social ministry is also part of our parish mission through St. Vincent de Paul Society for about 60 years or more. This organization, founded in 1833 by Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, today serves the poor in 140 countries worldwide.

How does it differ from other charities? “The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is com-posed of women and men who seek their personal holiness through works of charity. In this essential way, the Society differs from charitable associations or agencies whose principal objective is not the spiritual advancement of their members but the doing of good for someone else” (svdpusa.org).

Marque en su calendario, y nos venga a nuestra Picnic Parroquial Centenaria el sábado, el 18 de junio, a las 10 desde a las 2 en nuestra jardin de la escuela.

¡Hay comidas, juegos, y música para toda la gente. Pero, no está un Picnic Parroquial sin la comunidad, usted mismo especialmente!

¡Necesitamos su par cipación por el evento! Por favor, firme usted a servir en el cajón de comida o ayude con los juegos y música. Llame la oficina parroquial o Phuong Nguyen 408-749 -8333.

La próxima junta para el Picnic Parroquial estará el jueves, el 5 de mayo a las 6:30 pm.



You can now sign up for your Family’s Photo sessions on-line. Go to: https://www.securedata-trans14.com/ap/stmartin parish/index.php? page=10

Jubileo de la Misericordia

Parroquia de San Martin

Retiro Parroquial

Familia Misericordiosa

Estas invitado a traer a toda tu familia al segundo retiro familiar de la parroquia de

San Martin. ¡Todos están bienvenidos!


Viernes, 20 de mayo a las 5 pm hasta el Domingo, 22 de mayo Costo: Adultos - $130 Jóvenes (13 – 17) - $91 Nino/as (4- 12) - $52 Donde: Mission Springs Christian

Conference Center 1050 Lockhart Gulch


Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Regístrate antes de que se llene el cupo.

Manuel Barrios mbarrios@dsj.org

Deportes EL DON DE PAZ

Se nos ofrece una visión distinta en la segun-da lectura de hoy, una visión de la Nueva Jerusalén, "que descendía del cielo, respland-eciente con la gloria de Dios" (Apocalipsis 21:10). Si buscamos el significado detrás de la descripción de la radiante ciudad, vemos que la belleza mayor que se revela es la belleza de una perfecta armonía y orden, una ciudad fundada en la fe de las doce tribus de Israel y los doce Apóstoles, alumbrada única-mente por la gloria de Dios.

La primera lectura y el Evangelio también van conectados a esta descripción idealizada de la Nueva Jerusalén. En ambos leemos como la angustia y los altercados se contrar-restan con el don de la paz. "Mi paz les doy", les asegura Jesús a sus discípulos en la Últi-ma Cena (Juan 14:27). De acuerdo con ese don, los apóstoles y presbíteros, en la lectura de los Hechos, deciden no alterar la paz de los nuevos creyentes gentiles. No han de imponerles la excesiva carga de la circun-cisión.


Chúa Nhật 01 tháng 05 năm 2016


Thứ Hai đến thứ Sáu: 7:30am & 5:00pm (thứ Sáu: lễ tiếng Việt lúc 7:30pm)

Thứ Bảy: 8:30am, 5:00pm & 6:30pm (tiếng Mễ) Chúa Nhật

- Lễ tiếng Mỹ: 8:00am, 10:00am

- Lễ tiếng Mễ: 12:00pm - Lễ tiếng Việt: 5:00pm


Cộng Đoàn Đức Mẹ Fatima

593 Central Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Điện thoại Văn phòng: 408-736-3725

Website: http://smsdsj.org

Lm. Chánh xứ: Roberto Gomez Lm. Phụ tá: Giuse Đinh Đức Hảo


Trưởng Ban: Ô. Đặng Hùng (408) 296-2021 Phó Nội Vụ: Ô. Nguyễn Trung (408) 986-0431 Phó Ngoại Vụ: B. Nguyễn Phương (408) 749-8333 Tổng Thư ký: Ô. Nguyễn Chương (408) 541-9849 Tổng Thủ quỹ: B. Võ thị Hương (408) 204-7572 Cố vấn: Ô. Lê Hữu Hiếu (510) 926-0074

CÁC TRƯỞNG BAN & HỘI ĐOÀN Phụng Vụ: Ô. Đặng Hùng (408) 666-3676

Giáo Lý: A. Đinh Trúc Hà (408) 891-8382 Liên Minh TT: Ô. Nguyễn Ngọc Thời (408) 749-8333

Bà Mẹ CG: B. Đoàn Đào (408) 830-9841

Ca Đoàn Fatima: C. Hà Thuận (408) 921-2921 Thiếu Nhi TT: A. Nguyễn Thanh Tùng(408) 393-3149

Legio Mariae: B. Nguyễn Phương (408) 749-8333 SINH HOẠT CÁC HỘI ĐOÀN

- Hội Các Bà Mẹ Công Giáo, Đoàn Liên Minh Thánh Tâm và Ca Đoàn họp sau lễ Chúa nhật đầu tháng.

- Đoàn Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể Martinô: sinh hoạt mỗi Chúa nhật từ 3pm-5pm tại Hội Trường (trong năm học).

- Legio Mariae ho ̣p mỗi Chúa nhâ ̣t, 8:30-10am, ta ̣i Văn Phòng Giáo Xứ.


* May 1: Quỹ trợ giúp Giáo Xứ.

Đức Thánh Cha

nói chuyện với thiếu niên

(Jubilee Day for Boys and Girls,

April 24, 2016)

“Your happiness has no

price. It cannot be bought:

it is not an ‘app’ that you

can download on your

phones”. This was Pope

Francis’ admonition to the

thousands of young

people gathered in St

Peter’s Square on Sunday

morning, 24 April, to celebrate their Jubilee Mass,

which was the culmination of the three

Jubilee days attended in Rome by adolescents from

around the world. With a simple and direct homily,

with a wealth of ideas and references to the everyday

experiences of the young, Francis spoke again on the

consignment of Christian love: not that “pie in the

sky” love or that found in soap operas, he explained,

but the “genuine love” that Jesus teaches about. This

love, the Pontiff underscored, “is not an easy path. It

is demanding and it requires effort”, but in the end

“it makes us happy”.

Above all, from the Pope’s standpoint, love means

giving: “not only something material, but also

some-thing of one’s self: one’s own time, one’s friendship,

one’s own abilities”. It is a matter of being able to

“love without being possessive”, letting others be

free and witnessing first hand the freedom of “being

able to choose the good”. It is a commitment to make

“courageous and noble choices”, not accepting

“mediocrity” and to foster “responsibility.”

- From L’Osservatore Romano, April 25, 2016

Tháng Hoa Dâng Kính Đức Mẹ

Trong tháng Năm, cộng đoàn chúng ta sẽ có những việc sùng kính Đức Mẹ trước Thánh lễ như sau:

- Rước kiệu Đức Mẹ vào vào hai ngày May 1 & 22.

- Dâng hoa kính Đức Mẹ vào các ngày May 8 & 15.

Cầu Nguyện Theo Ý ĐTC Trong Tháng Năm

Ý chung: Cầu cho phụ nữ thuộc mọi quốc gia trên thế giới được trân trọng, tôn trọng, và những đóng góp thiết yếu của họ cho xã hội được nhìn nhận.

Ý truyền giáo: Cầu cho các gia đình, các cộng đoàn, và các nhóm biết lần chuỗi Mân Côi để cầu cho việc loan báo Tin Mừng và cho hoà bình.


- Rửa Tội, Hôn Phối, Mình Thánh Chúa, Thêm Sức: xin liên lạc Cha Hảo: 408-736-3725 x18 hoặc HDinh@smsdsj.org.

- Trường hợp khẩn cấp (Xức Dầu Bệnh Nhân, An Táng):

Từ thứ Sáu đến thứ Ba, xin gọi 408-475-6022 (Cha Hảo). Riêng thứ Tư và thứ Năm, xin gọi 408-736-3725 rồi bấm số 14 (Cha Roberto).

- Bí Tích Giải tội: 4:30pm chiều Chúa nhật, hoặc lúc

3:30pm-4:30pm chiều thứ Bảy.

- Giáo Lý Viê ̣t Ngữ, Tân Tòng: xin liên la ̣c với anh Hà: 408-891-8382 hoặc giaolyvietngu.stmartin@yahoo.com.


May 1, 2016 Sixth Sunday of Easter

$20 per ticket,

“Centennial Celebration ”

or 3 tickets for $50

The raffle will take place when 2000 tickets have been sold. St. Martin Parish Sunnyvale

Car Raffle

The vehicle would generously be provided at Cost to the Parish by Normandin Chrysler All winnings are taxable

St. Martin Parish Picnic & BBQ


June 18th

10:00 am—2:00 pm

$5.00 advance food ticket sales...look for ticket sales after Masses in May!

Food and games...come have fun and enjoy hamburgers, hot dogs, tacos, Vietnamese sandwiches!

If you have game ideas please call the Parish Office

If you would like to help with cooking or serving the food, or with the games, please call the Parish Office or

Phuong Nguyen 408-749-8333

St. Martin’s

Curso Biblico de

Summer Vacation

Verano de la Parroquia

Bible Camp

de San Martin

When: Cuando:

June 13th – June 17th 13 – 17 de junio

June 20th – June 24th 20 24 de junio

Time: Horario:

9 AM – 12:30 PM 9 AM – 12:30 PM

Cost: Costo:

Early Registration: Registración temprana:

$50 per single week or $80 for all two $50 por una sola semana 0 $80 por dos semanas


After May 15th: Después del 15 de mayo:

$60 per single week $60 por semana

$110 for full two weeks. $110 por dos semanas.

Where: Donde:

St. Martin School Building Edificio de le escuela de San Martin

597 Central Ave. 597 Central Ave.

Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Sunnyvale, CA 94086

Who: Quien:

Grades K – 7th grade Años escolares K – 7mo año

Register now at our Registraciones estan ya abiertas en nuestra

parish office, ofcina parroquial , la pagina de web

online or after mass. y despues de algunas misas.


NEW PARISHIONERS We welcome you to St. Martin’s Catholic Church and invite you to register in the Parish

Office during the week 408-736-3725

May 1, 2016 Sixth Sunday of Easter

Guadalupe Hope Society/Guadalupe Women’s Center

100 O’Connor Drive Suite 1 San Jose, CA 95128

(408) GHS-LIFE www.ghwcenter.org

St. Juan Diego Women’s Center 408.258.2008


12 N. White Road, #5 San Jose, CA 95127

RealOptions Pregnancy Medical Clinic - The Alameda

Email cecilia@realoptions.net or vis-itwww.friendsofrealoptions.net/ volunteer

The Gabriel Project Ministers to Preg-nant Mothers in Need.

Please contact Aimee Plata or Anna Bettisworth at gabrielproject@dsj.org or at (408) 620-4120.

Please call our helpline #(408)




Please call for Pre-Need or At-Need Arrangements

Gate of Heaven Cemetery

22555 Cristo Rey Drive Los Altos, CA 94024 650.428.3730 Calvary Cemetery 2655 Madden Ave. San Jose, CA 95116 650.428.3730

Women’s 12Step Retreat:

Sought Through Prayer and Meditation June 24-26, 2016

This weekend we will continue to seek God’s will for us and we’ll share old and new tools that will help us on our spir-itual journey. More:

www.stfrancisretreat.com/events READINGS FOR THE WEEK

Monday: Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Jn 15:26 -- 16:4a Tuesday: 1 Cor 15:1-8; Ps 19:2-5; Jn 14:6-14 Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22 -- 18:1; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14; Jn 16:12-15 Thursday: Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17-23 or Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23; Lk 24:46-53 (for Ascension); otherwise

Acts 18:1-8; Ps 98:1- 4; Jn 16:16-20 Friday: Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-7; Jn 16:20-23 Saturday: Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3, 8-10; Jn 16:23b-28 Sunday: Acts 7:55-60; Ps 97:1-2, 6-7, 9; Rv 22:12-14, 16-17, 20; Jn 17:20-26

or (for Ascension) Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17- 23 or Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23; Lk 24:46-53 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA

Lunes: Hch 16:11-15; Sal 149:1b-6a, 9b; Jn 15:26 -- 16:4a

Martes: 1 Cor 15:1-8; Sal 19 (18):2-5; Jn 14:6-14 Miércoles: Hch 17:15, 22 -- 18:1; Sal 148:1-2, 11-14; Jn 16:12-15 Jueves: Hch 1:1-11; Sal 47 (46):2-3, 6-9; Ef 1:17- 23 o Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23; Lc 24:46-53 (para la Ascensión); o Hch 18:1-8; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Jn 16:16-20 Viernes: Hch 18:9-18; Sal 47 (46):2-7; Jn 16:20-23 Sábado: Hch 18:23-28; Sal 47 (46):2-3, 8-10; Jn 16:23b-28 Domingo: Hch 7:55-60; Sal 97 (96):1-2, 6-7, 9; Ap 22:12-14, 16-17, 20; Jn 17:20-26

o (para la Ascensión) Hch 1:1-11; Sal 47 (46):2 -3, 6-9; Ef 1:17- 23 o Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23; Lc 24:46-53

MARRIED COUPLES: Scripture says about married people that “Two shall live as one”. How often do you find yourselves living as two? A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend can help you get back to basics in this complicat-ed day and age. The next Marriage En-counter Weekend is: May 20-22,2016 in Mountain View. Early registration is highly recommended. For more infor-mation visit our website

at: sanjosewwme.org or contact Ken &


at applications@sanjosewwme.org or 408-782-1413.

To Want What God Wants — Living the Exercises in Everyday Life

May 21 @ 11:30 am - 2:00 pm

To Want What God Wants — Living the Exercises in Everyday Life

St. Ignatius of Loyola Spiritual Exercises Workshop

Saturday, May 21, 11:30 am – -2 pm at Most Holy Trinity Parish, Community Center

St. Ignatius of Loyola encourages us to “Go forth and set the world on fire.” It is time for us to go deeper to meet Jesus and to know what Jesus really wants. In the Workshop, we’ll have both Fr. Bob

Fambrini, S.J, pastor of Most Holy

Trinity, and Fr. Joe Kim, Director of Evangelization and Vocations, come to share God’s voice through Pope Francis. The event will take place Saturday, May 21st from 11:30 am-2 pm at Most Holy Trinity Community Center, 2040 Nassau Dr. San Jose, Ca 95122. Simple lunch will be provided. For more information, please contact Margarita Hua, 408-623-0838, Kathy Myers 408-476-1514, or Email to: dailyliferetreat@gmail.com

Viviendo el Año de la Misericordia

7pm - 8:30pm, Iglesia de

Nuestra Señora del Refugio 2165 Lucretia Ave, San Jose, CA 95122

23 de Mayo | Obras Corporales de

Mis-ericordia | Diacono Rubén Solorio

Living the Year of Mer-cy

The Father’s Mercy

May 16th/The Corporal Works of Mercy –Deacon Ruben Solorio

7:00 pm—8:30 pm

Diocese of San Jose Chancery 1150 North First Street Suite 100


CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Martin Church #513440 593 Central Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94086 TELEPHONE 408 736-3725 CONTACT PERSON Lisa Bourey EMAIL: lbourey@dsj.org SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 8 Windows 7 TRANSMISSION TIME Wednesday 2:50




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