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Fr. Andrés Arango. A message from our Pastor. Where is He?


Academic year: 2021

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Where is He?

“KŶƚŚĞĮƌƐƚĚĂLJŽĨƚŚĞǁĞĞŬ͕Mary of Magdala came to the tomb early in the morning, while it was sll dark, ĂŶĚƐĂǁƚŚĞƐƚŽŶĞƌĞŵŽǀĞĚĨƌŽŵƚŚĞƚŽŵď͘ ^ŽƐŚĞƌĂŶĂŶĚǁĞŶƚƚŽ^ŝŵŽŶWĞƚĞƌĂŶĚƚŽƚŚĞŽƚŚĞƌĚŝƐĐŝƉůĞǁŚŽŵ:ĞƐƵƐůŽǀĞĚ͕ĂŶĚƚŽůĚƚŚĞŵ͕


The light dies, the birds don’t return to the nest, the tree falls vanquished by time, the rocks fall apart, fleeing dreams, surnames disappear, fortunes are depleted, the boat smashes against the cliff, the spring is over, hope is extinguished. And the man?


Death robs us everything we have accumulated over many years, it snatches experience, deletes a good name, withers art, it threatens all joy, separates brothers, scatters friends. Instead we receive a corpse, some bones, a handful of dust, an epitaph, a shadowy legend, nothing ...

We live under the sign of distress. Because "we have not yet understood the Scriptures, that He had risen from the dead." We love Christ, it is true, but as Mary of Magdala fail to know where they have laid him.


That afternoon, gathered in the Cenacle, the Apostles, except Thomas, can see and contemplate His scars.ġAll this happened that Sunday, "the first day", the first day of a new world, a renewed story. And what about us? ġ

"Come and see" The angels guarding the tomb will tell us, after the guards had fled. He was in the tomb before, now we find Him glorious in heaven and He lives in His Church.


Christ lives and transforms us. Travels in history, attached as light to heat, such as speed the movement. We find the doctrine of councils in the computation of our almanacs, in the workshop of goldsmiths in the boldness of the missionaries. We see in the smile of those who credited life in the faith of a doctor who invokes God before surgery; we see the mother even knowing that her son will be born with a problem believes more in life than the selfish advice of the society that despises.


We found Him at dawn on Sunday, illuminating the graves of our loved ones and gives another blaze, another figure, another power, another proportion to our own death.


Some still have not started looking "where they have laid Him." Others already found Him. But we all feel that the universe is different from now on, because He is truly risen from the dead.

Happy and Blessed Easter! Alleluia!

Fr. Andrés Arango



Calendar of Events this Week

Monday, April 17

Tuesday, April 18

5:00pm Adoration & Benediction (Church) 6:30pm RICA (Gordon Hall)

7:00pm SVdP Mtg. (Convent Dinning Room) Wednesday, April 19

6:00pm Pastoral Council (Pastoral Center) 6:30pm Sp. Baptism Class (Gordon Hall)

7:30pm Stewardship Committee Mtg. (Pastoral Center)

Thursday, April 20

5:00pm Communications Mtg. (Dinning Room) 5:00pm Legion of Mary (Pastoral Center)

6:30pm Sacrament Prep. Class (Cafeteria & Classrooms)

6:30pm Spanish Choir (Gordon Hall)

7:00pm Mass for Mission Preciosa Sangre (Church) Friday, April 21

7:00pm Grupo de Oracion (Church, cafeteria& G.H.)

Saturday, April 22

8:00am Little League Softball (Fields)

8:00am YCE Quinceaneras Diocese (Gordon Hall) 10:00am Burmese Cathechism (Convent)

10:00am Faith Formation Class (Cafeteria & Classrooms)



• Tuesday, April 18

8:00am For the Parish

• Wednesday, April 19

8:00am For the Parish

• Thursday, April 20

8:00am For the Parish

• Friday, April 21

8:00am For the Parish

• Saturday, April 22

5:00pm † Mary Wenc

• Sunday, April 23

8:00am † Ofelia Gandarilla 10:00am † Mary Wenc 12:00pm For the Parish



  ^ƵŶĚĂLJ͗ĐƚƐϭϬ͗ϯϰĂ͕ϯϳͲϰϯͬWƐϭϭϴ͗ϭͲϮ͕ϭϲͲϭϳ͕ϮϮͲϮϯͬŽůϯ͗ϭͲϰ ŽƌϭŽƌϱ͗ϲďͲϴͬ:ŶϮϬ͗ϭͲϵŽƌDƚϮϴ͗ϭͲϭϬŽƌ>ŬϮϰ͗ϭϯͲϯϱ DŽŶĚĂLJ͗ĐƚƐϮ͗ϭϰ͕ϮϮͲϯϯͬWƐϭϲ͗ϭͲϮĂ͕ϱ͕ϳͲϭϭͬDƚϮϴ͗ϴͲϭϱ dƵĞƐĚĂLJ͗ĐƚƐϮ͗ϯϲͲϰϭͬWƐϯϯ͗ϰͲϱ͕ϭϴͲϮϬ͕ϮϮͬ:ŶϮϬ͗ϭϭͲϭϴ tĞĚŶĞƐĚĂLJ͗ĐƚƐϯ͗ϭͲϭϬͬWƐϭϬϱ͗ϭͲϰ͕ϲͲϵͬ>ŬϮϰ͗ϭϯͲϯϱ dŚƵƌƐĚĂLJ͗ĐƚƐϯ͗ϭϭͲϮϲͬWƐϴ͗ϮĂď͕ϱͲϵͬ>ŬϮϰ͗ϯϱͲϰϴ &ƌŝĚĂLJ͗ĐƚƐϰ͗ϭͲϭϮͬWƐϭϭϴ͗ϭͲϮ͕ϰ͕ϮϮͲϮϳĂͬ:ŶϮϭ͗ϭͲϭϰ ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJ͗ĐƚƐϰ͗ϭϯͲϮϭͬWƐϭϭϴ͗ϭ͕ϭϰͲϭϱĂď͕ϭϲͲϮϭͬDŬϭϲ͗ϵͲϭϱ








Conference Members will hand out bags on Saturday, April 29 and Sunday, April 30

Please take one bag home for our neighbors in need, they will appreciate any help that

we can provide them with. You can bring your donation back on

Saturday, May 6 Sunday, May 7, before all Masses. Thank you for your support!     tĞĂƌĞŝŵƉƌŽǀŝŶŐŽƵƌŚƵƌĐŚ  Reconcilia on Room/Confessionary.  • EĞǁǁŝŶĚŽǁƐ • New ligh ng • EĞǁĐĂƌƉĞƚ • Pain ng  • ŚĂŝƌƐ • ^ƉŝƌŝƚƵĂůĠĐŽƌ͘  ^ƉĞĐŝĂůdŚĂŶŬƐƚŽĂůůŽƵƌŐĞŶĞƌŽƵƐŽŶŽƌƐ͊͊͊

• ZĞͲpainng Church white walls

• Glass door for mulpurpose room


• Staons of the Cross Labels 


tĞŶĞĞĚΨϱ͕ϬϬϬƚŽĐŽǀĞƌƚŚĞĞdžƉĞŶƐĞƐŽĨƚŚĞƐĞƉƌŽũĞĐƚƐ to update and improve our beau ful Church, we are ƉĂLJŝŶŐ ϱϬй ŽĨ ŝƚ ǁŝƚŚ ďƵŝůĚŝŶŐ ĨƵŶĚ͕ ƚŚĞƌĞĨŽƌĞ ǁĞ ĂƌĞ ĂƐŬŝŶŐ LJŽƵ ƚŽ ĐŽŶƐŝĚĞƌ ĂŶĚ ƉƌĂLJ ŝĨ ƚŚĞƐĞ ĂƌĞ ƉƌŽũĞĐƚƐ ŝŶ ǁŚŝĐŚLJŽƵǁŝůůůŝŬĞƚŽĐŽŶƚƌŝďƵƚĞ͘    zŽƵĐĂŶƐƚŽƉďLJƚŚĞWĂƌŝƐŚKĸĐĞŽƌƐĞĞ&ƌ͘ŶĚƌĞƐ͘ 

We are geng ready to celebrate our 70th Anniversary!!  


 ϭϬϬй  ϭϬϬй  ϭϬϬй  ϭϬϬй  ϭϬϬй  ϴϬй 








Date Event Time Place

Wednesday, March 1 Ash Wednesday

School Mass 8am Church

Bilingual Service 12pm Church

English Mass 5pm Church

Friday, March 3 Soup Supper 5pm Gordon Hall

Stations of the Cross 6pm Church

Tuesday, March 7 Rosary 5:30pm Church

Mass of Healing and Recon. (bilingual) 6pm Church

Friday, March 10 Soup Supper 5pm Gordon Hall

Stations of the Cross 6pm Church

Monday, March 13 Lenten Mission 6:30pm Church

Tuesday, March 14 Lenten Mission 6:30pm Church

Friday, March 17 Soup Supper 5pm Gordon Hall

Stations of the Cross 6pm Church

Taizé Prayer 7pm Church

Sunday, March 19 Mexican Dinner 11am-4pm Cafeteria

Monday, March 20 Church Lent Cleaning Service 6pm Church

Friday, March 24 Soup Supper 5pm Gordon Hall

Stations of the Cross 6pm Church

Monday, March 27 Church Lent Cleaning Service 6pm Church

Friday, March 31 Soup Supper 5pm Gordon Hall

Stations of the Cross 6pm Church

Tuesday, April 4 Communal Penance Service 6:30pm Church

Friday, April 7 Stations of the Cross 5pm Church

Soup Supper (Fish Fry) 6pm Cafeteria

Sunday, April 9 Palm Sunday 8 & 10am Church

Thursday, April 13 Holy Thursday 5pm Church

Friday, April 14 Stations of the Cross 12pm Church

Passion of the Lord 3pm Church

Saturday, April 15 Easter Vigil (bilingual) 7pm Church

Sunday, April 16 Easter Sunday 8 & 10am Church

If you would like

to participate in our Spanish Activities, please check on page 7 the Spanish calen dar͊ • Felicia A. Agbobli • Marshall Baron • Maryanne Bren • Rick Bren • Margaret Butterly

• Antoinette Marie Dorego • Alice Fellenz • Shirley Giuliano /ĨLJŽƵŚĂǀĞ ĂŶLJƌĞƋƵĞƐƚĨŽƌ ƉƌĂLJĞƌƐ͕ ƉůĞĂƐĞĐĂůůƚŚĞ WĂƌŝƐŚKĸĐĞ • Anne Linter • Eva Lacey • Narci Martinez • Sister Una Murphy • Jason Riney

• Sally Schneider • Viola Sandoval • Beda A. Valencia • Mary Wilson




¿Dónde está?

"María Magdalena fue al sepulcro al amanecer y vio la losa quitada. Corrió donde estaba Simón Pedro y le dijo

: Se han llevado del sepulcro al Señor y no sabemos dónde le han puesto" Juan, 20. ġ

Muere la luz, los pájaros no regresan al nido, cae el árbol vencido por el tiempo, se deshacen las rocas, huyen los sueños, desaparecen los apellidos, se agotan las fortunas, el barco se destroza contra el acantilado, se acaba el manantial, se extingue la esperanza. ¿Y el hombre?


La muerte nos roba todo lo que hemos acumulado durante muchos años, nos arrebata la experiencia, borra el buen nombre, marchita el arte, amenaza toda alegría, separa a los hermanos, dispersa a los amigos. En cambio nos devuelve un cadáver, un poco de huesos, un puñado de polvo, un epitafio, una leyenda borrosa, nada...

Vivimos bajo el signo de la angustia. Porque "todavía no hemos entendido las escrituras, que Él había de resucitar de entre los muertos". Amamos a Cristo, es verdad, pero como María Magdalena no acertamos a saber dónde le han puesto.


Esa tarde, reunidos en el cenáculo, los apóstoles, excepto Tomás, pueden verlo y contemplar sus cicatrices.ġ Todo esto sucedió aquel domingo, "el primer día de la semana", el primer día de un mundo nuevo, de una historia renovada ¿Y nosotros?


"Venid a ver" nos dirán los ángeles que custodian la tumba, después de que los guardias han huido. Antes estaba en el sepulcro, ahora le hallamos glorioso en los cielos y vivo en su Iglesia.


Cristo vive y nos transforma. Viaja en la historia, adherido como la luz al calor, como la velocidad al movimiento. Lo hallamos en la doctrina de los concilios, en el cómputo de nuestros almanaques, en el taller de los orfebres, en la osadía de los misioneros. Lo vemos en la sonrisa de todos aquellos que acreditan en la vida, en la fe de un medico que invoca a Dios antes de una cirugía; lo vemos en la madre que aun sabiendo que su hijo nascera con problemas cree mas en la vida que el consejo egoísta de la sociedad que lo desprecia.


Lo hallamos en el amanecer de este domingo, que ilumina los sepulcros de nuestros seres queridos y le da otro resplandor, otra figura, otro poder, otra proporción a nuestra propia muerte.ġ


Algunos aún no lo hemos empezado a buscar "dónde le han puesto". Otros ya lo encontraron. Pero todos sentimos que el universo es distinto de hoy en adelante, porque Él ha resucitado verdaderamente de entre los muertos.

Happy and Blessed Easter! Alleluia!

Fr. Andrés Arango





>ĞĐƚƵƌĂƐĚĞůĂƐĞŵĂŶĂĚĞůϭϲĚĞďƌŝůĚĞϮϬϭϳ  ^ƵŶĚĂLJ͗ĐƚƐϭϬ͗ϯϰĂ͕ϯϳͲϰϯͬWƐϭϭϴ͗ϭͲϮ͕ϭϲͲϭϳ͕ϮϮͲϮϯͬŽůϯ͗ϭͲϰ ŽƌϭŽƌϱ͗ϲďͲϴͬ:ŶϮϬ͗ϭͲϵŽƌDƚϮϴ͗ϭͲϭϬŽƌ>ŬϮϰ͗ϭϯͲϯϱ DŽŶĚĂLJ͗ĐƚƐϮ͗ϭϰ͕ϮϮͲϯϯͬWƐϭϲ͗ϭͲϮĂ͕ϱ͕ϳͲϭϭͬDƚϮϴ͗ϴͲϭϱ dƵĞƐĚĂLJ͗ĐƚƐϮ͗ϯϲͲϰϭͬWƐϯϯ͗ϰͲϱ͕ϭϴͲϮϬ͕ϮϮͬ:ŶϮϬ͗ϭϭͲϭϴ tĞĚŶĞƐĚĂLJ͗ĐƚƐϯ͗ϭͲϭϬͬWƐϭϬϱ͗ϭͲϰ͕ϲͲϵͬ>ŬϮϰ͗ϭϯͲϯϱ dŚƵƌƐĚĂLJ͗ĐƚƐϯ͗ϭϭͲϮϲͬWƐϴ͗ϮĂď͕ϱͲϵͬ>ŬϮϰ͗ϯϱͲϰϴ &ƌŝĚĂLJ͗ĐƚƐϰ͗ϭͲϭϮͬWƐϭϭϴ͗ϭͲϮ͕ϰ͕ϮϮͲϮϳĂͬ:ŶϮϭ͗ϭͲϭϰ ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJ͗ĐƚƐϰ͗ϭϯͲϮϭͬWƐϭϭϴ͗ϭ͕ϭϰͲϭϱĂď͕ϭϲͲϮϭͬDŬϭϲ͗ϵͲϭϱ

Horario para Liturgia Dominical


Fecha Evento Hora Lugar


Miércoles, 1 de Marzo Miércoles de Ceniza 7pm /ŐůĞƐŝĂ Viernes, 3 de Marzo Cena de Cuaresma 5pm Gordon Hall Víacrucis (bilingüe) 6pm Iglesia Lunes, 6 de Marzo Servicio de Limpieza para la Iglesia 6pm Iglesia Martes, 7 de Marzo Rosario 5:30pm Iglesia Misa Sanación Obispo Thomas Olmstead 6pm Iglesia Viernes, 10 de Marzo Cena de Cuaresma 5pm Gordon Hall Víacrucis (bilingüe) 6pm Iglesia Lunes, 13 de Marzo Servicio de Limpieza para la Iglesia 10am Iglesia Viernes, 17 de Marzo Cena de Cuaresma 5pm Gordon Hall Víacrucis (bilingüe) 6pm Iglesia Oración Taizé (bilingüe) 7pm Iglesia Domingo, 19 de Marzo Mexican Dinner 1pm Cafeteria Viernes 24 de Marzo Cena de Cuaresma 5pm Gordon Hall Víacrucis (bilingüe) 6pm Iglesia Domingo, 26 de Marzo Evangelizadores de la Misericordia 1:15pm Iglesia

Obra de Teatro 1:20pm Iglesia

Viernes, 31 de Marzo Cena de Cuaresma 5pm Gordon Hall Víacrucis (bilingüe) 6pm Iglesia Martes, 4 de Abril Confesiones Comunitarias 6:30pm Iglesia Viernes, 7 de Abril Víacrucis (bilingüe) 5pm Iglesia

Cena de Cuaresma 6pm Cafeteria

Sabado, 8 de Abril A solas con Jesús (H) y Maria (M) 5am Gordon Hall Domingo, 9 de Abril Domingo de Ramos 12pm

2pm Iglesia Jueves, 13 de Abril Jueves Santo 7pm Iglesia Viernes , 14 de Abril Pasion del Señor 7pm Iglesia Viacrucis Viviente 8pm Iglesia Sabado, 15 de Abril Vigilia Pascual (bilingüe) 7pm Iglesia Domingo, 16 de Abril Domingo de Resurrección 12pm

2pm Iglesia Jueves, 20 de Abril Misa de Sanación de la Preciosa Sangre 7pm Iglesia Domingo, 23 de Abril Evangelizadoresde la Misericordia 1:15 PM Iglesia Doming, 30 de Abril Domingón / Dia del Niño 12pm- 4pm Canchas

Si desea parti


en las Activid


en Ingles, puede

revisar el

calendario en




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