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He will baptize you with the holy spirit and fire. Él los bautizará con el Espíritu Santo y con fuego.


Academic year: 2021

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Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Parish

Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Medalla Milagrosa


3 0 0 P i k e S t r e e t . M e a d o w L a n d s P A 1 5 3 4 7 7 2 4 ‐ 2 2 2 ‐ 1 9 1 1 O ffi c e H o u r s : 9 : 0 0 A M t o 2 : 0 0 P M www.MiraculousMedalChurch.org Saturday: Sunday: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri Wednesday:

THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD January 10, 2016

5:00 PM — Vigil

8:00 AM & 11:00 AM

2:30 PM — La Misa en español 10:00 AM

10:00 AM & 6:00 PM

He will baptize you

with the holy spirit and fire.

Él los bautizará con


Rita Sciurba, Natalie DiNardo, Gregory Graves, Michael Hammond,

Judy McCarren, John Ross, Alma Jean Testa, Ashley Navarro, Sarah Nawrocki,

Edward O’Keefe, Ryleigh Swart, Raymond Dubich, Matt Davey,

Donna DiNardo, Bryan Sturgeon, Judy Brna,

Marc Dudas and Aaron Potochar.

January 10, 2016 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD Page 2




The Christmas season closes this Sunday with the Baptism of the Lord. This feast is a sister to last week’s feast of the Epiphany. Each of them celebrates an “epiphany,” or a manifestation of the Spirit of God in Jesus—first in his birth, and now at his baptism.

The divine Spirit is manifested in all of the scrip-tures for this feast. Psalm 104 highlights the Spirit of God creating and renewing the earth, while the reading from Isaiah describes God restoring Israel. In Luke’s account of the baptism of the Lord the Holy Spirit de-scends upon Jesus. And the letter to Titus reminds us that the Holy Spirit was “richly poured out” on us also, through the “bath of rebirth” (Titus 3:5, 6).


El tiempo de Navidad finaliza este domingo con el Bautismo del Señor. Esta fiesta es hermana de la fiesta de la semana pasada, la Epifanía. Cada una ellas celebra una “epifanía”, o manifestación del Espíritu de Dios en Jesús —primero en su nacimiento y ahora en su bautis-mo.

El Espíritu Divino se manifiesta en todas las lectu-ras bíblicas de la fiesta. El Salmo 104 destaca al Espíri-tu de Dios que crea y renueva la tierra, mientras que la lectura de Isaías describe a Dios restaurando a Israel. En el relato de Lucas del bautismo del Señor el Espíritu Santo desciende sobre Jesús. Y la carta a Tito nos re-cuerda que el Espíritu Santo también “derramó con abundancia” sobre nosotros, el “baño de regenera-ción” (Tito 3:5, 6).



Merry Christmas! Share that cheerful greeting with some folks today. They may wonder if you have had any Elvis sightings lately, attended Star Trek conven-tions, or were Cleopatra in a previous lifetime. Despite the skeptics, today is solidly within the Christmas sea-son. In fact, in some strands of the Christian tradition it represents the clearest manifestation of the mystery of the Incarnation. On Christmas Day, for example, the Gospel reading is the Prologue of John’s Gospel, which reveals the glory of Christ shining through our humani-ty precisely in his baptism.

At any rate, this is an ancient feast, celebrated first in Egypt sixteen centuries ago. More than most other ancient people, the Egyptians understood the life giv-ing properties of water. On this day, they drew water from the Nile, so central in the history of their people, and reserved it in honor. Many other places copied the custom, so that St. John Chrysostom wrote of people in Antioch gathering at midnight to collect flowing water into vessels they brought from home since “today there is a blessing on the water.” At home for dinner tonight, decorate the table with beautiful bowls of water and white candles, toast one another with goblets of spar-kling water, and light a Christmas candle in the window one last time.

La costumbre del bautismo infantil debe ser mucho más que un acto social o una tradición cultural, donde el ropón y los regalos son más importantes que la doctrina cristiana, y los padrinos se escogen no por su buen ejemplo sino por su cuenta bancaria.

Según los Hechos de los Apóstoles, familias ente-ras se bautizaban cuando el padre de familia decidía hacerse cristiano. Esta práctica de bautizar, no solo al nuevo creyente sino también a su mujer y a sus hijos, poco a poco, quedó solo en bautizar los niños del origi-nal creyente. El mundo en aquel tiempo estaba basado sobre la familia así como muchas culturas latinas de hoy.

El bautizo infantil nació en la Iglesia primitiva y al pasar de los siglos llegó a transformarse en un rito reli-gioso muy importante en la catequesis del nuevo cris-tiano. El niño viste de ropita blanca que recuerda la pre-sencia de Cristo en su alma, se le regala una vela que lo invita a brillar con la luz de Cristo y se le da una madri-na o un padrino que le enseñará a vivir en Cristo.



Cuando todo va en contra tuya, al punto que parece que ya no puedes asirte ni por un minutos más, no te des por vencido entonces, porque en ese lugar y en ese tiempo es cuando la marea cambia.




We’d like to welcome the newest members of our faith community: John Klingensmith,

Ed & Virginia Rydzak & Son, Jeffrey

We are grateful to God for you

and proud to call you our brother and sister in Christ. Le agradecemos a Dios por ustedes y estamos orgullosos de Hamarlos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo.


The annual March for Life will be

Friday, January 22, 2016

Please sign up for the trip to Washington D.C. as soon as possible. The cost for Adults is $10.00 to help de-fray the cost of the bus. Children are free. For reserva-tions please call: Jan Chehovin at 724-222-8513 or

call Rectory at 724-222-1911.\

Join a Small Group Today.

Fill out an interest card and drop it in the basket. Or call the Small Group Coordinator:

Dee Coyle at 724-413-1457. PEQUEÑOS GRUPOS

Por favor llene las tarjetas en las bancas. Para mas information puedes llamar a Elena al 724-531-4146 o





PRO LIFE ANNOUNCEMENTS The Next Respect Life Meetings will be January 15, 2015 all at 6pm. in the Church Hall.

ST. ANTHONY SCHOOL PROGRAMS & DEPAUL SCHOOL FOR THE HEARING AND SPEECH The Pittsburgh Diocese is home to two nationally recognized educational programs for children with special needs:

St. Anthony School Programs and

DePaul School for Hearing and Speech (formerly known as The DePaul Institute). A special collection to benefit these two organiza-tions will be taken the weekend of January 16-17, 2016 at all Masses at each parish. Your donation will

help St. Anthony School Programs and DePaul School for Hearing and Speech to further their goals of providing quality educational programs and services to their students. Your support is critical. Your generosity will help these organizations forever improve the lives of their students and families.



Don’t forget to stop by our website while you are surfing the web. We are constantly updating it with news and events. We also have our Masses streamed live as well as archived from previous Masses. Register on the site to get current news.


Please pray for the souls of Jennie Buchte & Rose Bodnar.

May her soul and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.


The Welcome Ministry will be serving coffee and do-nuts after all Masses this weekend, January 9th. &

Jan-uary 10th. in the Church Hall.


John F. Kennedy Catholic School presents

A Night at the Races on Saturday, February 6, 2016,

at John F. Kennedy Catholic Middle School Cafete-ria from 8:00-11:00pm. Doors will open at 7:00pm.

Enjoy a fun, non-smoking, adult night out. Regular ad-mission tickets are $20.00 and include a light snack buffet as well as drinks. Become an owner of one of

our race horses with a donation of $25.00. This

price includes one general admission ticket and a chance to win more if your horse wins its race. For ad-ditional information please call school office:



Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.


DAY TIME EVENTS MASS INTENTIONS OBSERVANCES & READINGS SAT. JAN. 9 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:45—11:30 AM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM Benedic on  Mass  Confession  Confession  Mass 

Elmer Sobanksky +, req. Don & Becky Kurtz

Eileen Felton +

Req. Fitzharris &Yancich Families

Ss. Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen; First Saturday

1 Jn 2:22-28; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 1:19-28 SUN. JAN. 10 8:00 AM 9:00—10:30 AM 11:00 AM 2:30 PM Mass    CCD, CCD Center  Mass  Mass  Holy Name Society, req. Members  Food Pantry a er Mass    Jim Boylan +, req. Donna & Mike Meuer  PERISHIONERS

Epiphany of the Lord; National Migration Week1

Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12 MON. JAN. 11 10:00 AM 10:45 AM Mass  Miraculous Medal Novena 

Dorothy Balazy +, req. Li a Galle a  Monday: First Week in Ordinary Time

1 Sm 1:1‐8; Ps 116:12‐19;   Mk 1:14 20

TUE. JAN. 12

10:00 AM Mass  Dave Delfiandra, req. Barb Provenzano  1 Sm 1:9‐20; 1 Sm 2:1, 4‐8abcd;  

Mk 1:21 28  WED. JAN. 13 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM Mass    Staff Mee ng  Mass  Bingo, CCD Center  CIA


Julia Tomsic + {Anniversary)  Req. Daughter, Joyce & Family    Helen Peterson +, req. Andrew & Irene Bonazza  Wednesday: St. Hilary 1 Sm 3:1‐10, 19‐20;   Ps 40:2, 5, 7‐10; Mk 1:29 39  THU. JAN. 14 10:00 AM 7:00 PM Mass  Finance Council Mee ng Jody Dufresne +, req. Family  1 Sm 4:1‐11; Ps 44:10‐11, 14‐15,  24‐25; Mk 1:40 45  FRI. JAN. 15 10:00 AM 10:45 AM Mass    Divine Mercy Beatrice Roncace + (Anniversary)  Req. Catherine Gennocro  1 Sm 8:4‐7, 10‐22a; Ps 89:16‐19;  Mk 2:1 12  SAT. JAN. 16 10:00 AM 10:45‐11:30 AM 4:00 PM 5:00 AM Mass  Confession  Confession  Mass  Ray Bazzoli +, req. Dick & Pa y Novar      Margaret Ames +, req. Family 

Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary

1 Sm 9:1‐4, 17‐19; 10:1a;   Ps 21:2‐7; Mk 2:13 17  SUN. JAN. 17 8:00 AM 11:00 AM 2:30 PM Mass    Mass  Spanish Mass  Genevieve Macanga & Furman Ashbrook +  Req. Judith Ashbrook  Tony Provenzano + (Birthday), req. Wife Barb  PARISHIONERS  Is 62:1‐5; Ps 96:1‐3, 7‐10;   1 Cor 12:4‐11; Jn 2:1‐11 

January 10, 2016 EL BAUTISMO DEL SEÑOR Page 4

As the Christmas Season comes to a close, we would like to thank everyone for their joyful participa-tion in all of the Christmas Liturgies - the celebra-tion of the Nativity of Our Lord, the Feast of the Holy Family, the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God, the Solemnity of the Epiphany and the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Each of these celebrations reminds us of our God's enduring

love and presence in our lives. This year was especially wonderful (at least for Father Csrmen) with the warm-er weathwarm-er. We want to thank all the Ministwarm-ers of Com-munion, Lectors, Ushers, Choir, Cantors, Parking Assis-tants, Welcome Ministry, Sight and Sound Ministry, Al-tar Servers and finally, Joy Sirakos for the beautifully decorated church. What a blessing it is to be brothers and sisters in Christ.

Ya que la temporada de Navidad llega a su fin, nos gus-taría dar las gracias a todos por su gozosa partici-pación en todas las liturgias de Navidad - la cele-bración de la Navidad de Nuestro Señor, la Fiesta de la Sagrada Familia, la Solemnidad de María, la Madre de Dios, la Solemnidad de la Epifinia y la Fiesta del Bautismo del Señor. Cada una de estas celebraciones nos recuerda el amor perdurable de nuestro Dios y su presencia en nuestras vidas. Este año fue especialmente maravilloso con el clima más cálido. Queremos agradecer a todos los ministros de la co-munión, lectores, acomodadores, coro, monaguillos y finalmente Joy Sirakos para la iglesia bellamente deco-rado. Que bendición es ser hermanos y hermanas en Cristo.



1. Take a Scripture passage on the theme of call, covenant, mission, or some other theme. It is helpful for each person to have their own copy of the passage. (See suggested Scripture passages)

2. Give everyone time to read the passage silently, slowly, reflectively. 3. As you read, underline any word or phrase which particularly strikes you.

4. After everyone has finished reading, ask each person to share with the group the word or phrase which most struck them. (No elaboration at this point—just state the word or phrase.)

5. Next, go around the group and have each person tell why this particular word or phrase struck them—what it was within their own expe-rience that responded to this particular word or phase.

6. Go around the group again asking each person, or just those who volunteer, to say what significance these insights might have for the group or for themselves.

7. Finally, after a brief period of silent reflection upon what has been shared, ask each person to “gather up” in a prayer of praise, gratitude or petition, the thoughts or sentiments flowing from the shared faith experience.

8. Pray together the closing prayer for vocations.

Suggested Scripture Passages

Genesis 12:14; 15:6, Jeremiah 1:4-10, 17-19; 15:10-21, Exodus 3:11-12, Amos 7:15, Deuteronomy 29:3, Mark 1:16-20, 1 Samuel 3:1-10 Luke 5:1-11; 9:57-60; 12:49-53, 1 Kings 19:9-21, John 1: 35-51, Isaiah 6:1-8, 2 Timothy 1:6-13, 1 Thessalonians 5:11,

Acts 9:1-19; 13:2-3; 16:9-10; 22:6-21;26:12-19




Mass Schedule


5:00 p.m. Vigil


8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.

2:30 p.m. -La Misa en español


Mon - Sat: 10:00 a.m.

Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.

Holy Days: (check bulletin schedule)

Bulletin Deadline

Thursday at noon

for the following week.

Baptism and Marriage

Contact the Rectory

Safe Environment Coordinator

Ed Holmes

Phone: 724-886-1484

Email: ed.holmes@miraculousmedalchur ch.org

Diocesan Abuse Hotline



Carmen A. D’Amico

, Pastor

John Odeyemi, Priest in Residence

Anton V. Mobley, Permanent Deacon

Parish Staff

Rosalie Eckels, Religious Education Director

Jennifer Derrick, Music Director & Organist

Mary Ann Lecci, Parish Secretary

Don Ross, Coordinator of Ministries

Andrew James, M aintenance, M on-Fri

Dean Gindlesperger, Maintenance, Sat-Sun

Phone Numbers

Area Code (724)





Rectory Fax: 222-5688

CCD Center: 228-8575

Religious Education Office:


Religious Education Fax: 228-1488

e-mail: olmm@comcast.net


Average Weekly Expense Christmas Offertory Surplus Regular Offertory Deficit $ 6,100.00 $ 6,864.00 $ 764.00 $ 4,887.00 $ 1,213.00

Parish Share Assessment: Parish Share collected to date:

$ 67,359.00 $ 47,153.00

“It is especially necessary that listening to the word of God should become a life-giving encounter, in the ancient and ever valid tradition of lectio divina, which draws from the biblical text the living Word which questions, directs and shapes our lives.”


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