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HOSPITALIZADOS: Por favor informe en la Oficina si tiene algún familiar o amigo enfermo y desea que sea visitado.


Academic year: 2021

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Pastor: Rev. Dayan Machado, Ext. 223 Parochial Vicar: Rev. Carlos J. Borgos, Ext. 224 Deacon: Rev. Mr. Irv Lau

Religious Sisters: Sr. Norma Cime, MHML, Sr. Bety Poot, MHML Ext. 226 OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Thursday

7:30am to 4:00pm, Friday 7:00am - 12:00p Sunday Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas Dominicales: -Rosary before Sunday Masses English: Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:30 p.m. Sunday Masses: 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 am Misa en Español: Domingo a las 5:00 pm Weekday / Entre Semana:

English: Monday through Friday: 8:30 a.m. Español: Miercoles a las 7:30 p.m.

Sacrament of Penance / Reconciliación:

English: Saturday 3:30 pm or by appointment Español: Domingos @ 4:30 pm o Por Cita

Please contact the Parish Office for information and Preparation for/Por favor

comunicarse con la oficina para preparación e información sobre recepción de los sacramentos:


RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES / CLASES DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA: English: Sundays from 9:30a.- 10:45a. Español: Domingo's de 6:15 p.m. a 7:30p Music Ministry / Musica

Director: Jim McKinney- English choir rehearsal: - Thursdays at 7pm.

♦ Ensayo de Coro en Español Martes @ 7:30 pm (contacten a Nestor Ponce)

Prayer line: Call Jean @ (352) 523-2001

St. Anthony Catholic School 32902 Saint Anthony Way

San Antonio, FL. 33576 (352) 588-3041 Principal: Sr. Alice SAINT RITA

Pray for us

ST. RITA MISSION STATEMENT /DECLARACION DE LA MISION DE SANTA RITA To evangelize and to be evangelized for the sake of the Kingdom using our talents and

gifts for the service of others through our diverse ministries.

Para evangelizar y ser evangelizado para el Reino, poniendo nuestros talentos y dones al servicio de los demas en nuestros diversos ministerios.

Fourth Sunday of Advent December 23, 2018

St. Rita Catholic Church

14404 14th. St. - Dade City, FL. 33523 Phone: (352) 567-2894 Fax (352) 567-2777


The Parish Office will be Closed Monday Dec. 24th & Tuesday Dec. 25th for


Para Navidad La oficina parroquial estará cerrada el lunes 24 y martes 25

de Diciembre.

Our Savior is born! - Merry Christmas

¡Ha nacido nuestro Redentor!

- Feliz Navidad

2018 Christmas Mass Schedule

Christmas Eve Monday Dec. 24th 8p Bilingual Mass Christmas Day Tuesday Dec. 25th 8:00 am English 10:00 am Spanish

Christmas Masses begin with a Bilingual Vigil at 8pm on Monday December 24th. Please note that the Christmas Vigil mass DOES fulfill the Tuesday obligation Mass.

There will be no Eucharistic

Adoration or Evening Prayer this

Monday December 24th & 31st.


Page 2 www.stritaparish.org August 26, 2018

Para dar a todos los

feligreses la

oportunidad de

reservar misas, en

particular las

populares Misas de fin de semana

(sábado 4:30, Domingo 8:00AM,

11:00AM y Misa en Español), le

recordamos que el procedimientos

es el siguiente.

Las Misas pueden ser reservadas:

No más de seis meses de


Hasta seis misas pueden ser

reservadas a la vez y sólo una

puede ser una Misa de fin de

semana (lista arriba).

Una intención por fin de




December 23, 2018

HOSPITALIZADOS: Por favor informe en la Oficina si tiene algún familiar o amigo enfermo y

desea que sea visitado.

La masa jubileo de la bodas de acción de gracias con el obispo Gregory Parks ocurrirá en la catedral de St. Jude el apóstol el domingo 10 de febrero @ 3pm. Este evento honra parejas en las diócesis que celebrarán 25, 50 o más años de casados durante el año 2019. Si usted desea asistir, por favor llame a la oficina parroquial antes del jueves 24 de enero.

Clases de Preparación

para Bautizar

Miercoles 9 y 16 de Enero

después de la misa.

Por favor, llene un formulario en la

oficina antes de asistir a las clases.

No habrá catequesis o R.C.I.A el domingo 23 y 30 de

diciembre. O el miércoles 19 y 26 de Diciembre o 2 de

enero. La catequesis empezara nuevamente el domingo 6

de enero y miércoles 9 de enero . Que tengan una Feliz

navidad y próspero año nuevo .


Page 3 www.stritaparish.org August 26, 2018

¡Los tesoros de la Navidad son la alegría

y el amor de Cristo! Dios nace para salvarnos, Él así reina. ‘Contemplemos estos símbolos: la fragilidad del recién nacido, la humildad del establo. Llega como creatura indefensa y necesitado de ayuda. De esta manera Dios nos enseña auxiliar a los débiles y respetar a los niños,’ (S.S. Francisco, Meditaciones


Aquella noche en Belén, el Redentor se hizo uno de nosotros, peregrinó por las tortuosas sendas de la historia. La gloria divina oculta en la indigencia de “un niño

envuelto en pañales yaciente en un pesebre.” El Creador del universo

convertido en frágil chiquillo. Aunque, si contemplamos esta imagen, descubrimos un amor capaz de transformar nuestras vidas.

Al celebrar la Natividad del Salvador, abramos nuestros corazones a la luz espiritual prometida “a las personas de

buena voluntad.” Si la luz de Dios, luz

que ilumina la verdad, se apaga en nosotros, nos perderíamos en inmensa oscuridad. Si el ser humano no reconoce al Dios hecho hombre, ¿qué sentido tiene la Navidad? Preservemos nuestras tradiciones, incluso hoy, cuando el materialismo perturba a la sociedad moderna, y el apetito por cosas pasajeras junto al rampante hedonismo, destruyen a la persona, (Papa Benedicto XVI, Mensaje

de Navidad).

Que Jesús no nos sorprenda afanados y turbados en decoraciones superficiales. Mejor es ordenar el corazón y prepararnos como familia para que Cristo encuentre hogares de fe, amor y paz.

¡El personal de Sta. Rita desea a cada uno de vosotros una Feliz Navidad!

The gift of Christmas is the joy and love that Christ brings! God himself made small for us. This is how he reigns. ‘We need to contemplate this sign: the fragile simplicity of a newborn, the meekness of where he lies. He comes as a baby defenseless and in need of our help. In this way God teaches us to love the weak. In this way he teaches us respect for children,’ (Pope Francis, Christmas


On Bethlehem night, the Redeemer becomes one of us, our companion along the precarious paths of history. Divine glory hidden beneath the poverty of a child “wrapped in swaddling clothes and

laid in a manger.” The Creator of the

universe reduced to the helplessness of an infant. As we contemplate this mystery we discover the love that transforms our lives. As we celebrate the Nativity of our Savior, let us open our hearts to the true spiritual light offered ‘to all people of good will.’ If the light of God, the light of truth is turned off, life becomes dark and without a compass. If one does not recognize God became man, what sense is there in celebrating Christmas? We have to preserve our traditions even in today’s society where at times the consumerist race, present-day hedonism, and the search for only material goods seem to prevail, (Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI,

Christmas Message).

May Jesus not find us distracted or involved only in decorating our houses with lights. Rather, let us ready in our hearts and our families a worthy place where he will feel welcomed with faith, peace and love.

Our Saint Rita Staff wishes you a Blessed and Happy Christmas!



Del Escritorio

Del Sacerdote


Page 4 www.stritaparish.org December 23, 2018


Lector 1:

Querido Padre, Dios del cielo y de la tierra:

En esta noche santa te queremos dar gracias por tanto amor. Gracias por nuestra familia y por nuestro hogar. Gracias por las

personas que trabajan con nosotros. Bendícenos en este día tan especial en el que

esperamos el nacimiento de tu Hijo. Ayúdanos a preparar nuestros corazones para recibir al Niño Jesús con amor, con alegría y esperanza. Estamos aquí reunidos para adorarlo y darle gracias por venir a nuestro mundo a llenar nuestras vidas. Hoy al contemplar el pesebre recordamos

especialmente a las familias que no tienen techo, alimento y comodidad. Te pedimos por ellas para que la Virgen y San José les ayuden a encontrar un cálido hogar.

Lector 2:

Padre bueno, te pedimos que el Niño Jesús nazca también en nuestros corazones para que podamos regalarle a otros el amor que Tu nos muestras día a día. Ayúdanos a reflejar con nuestra vida tu abundante misericordia. Que junto con tus Ángeles y Arcángeles vivamos siempre alabándote y glorificándote.

(En este momento alguien de la familia pone al Niño Jesús en el pesebre o si ya esta allí se coloca un pequeño cirio o velita delante de El).

Lector 3:

Santísima Virgen Maria, gracias por aceptar ser la Madre de Jesús y Madre nuestra, gracias por tu amor y protección. Sabemos que dia a dia intercedes por nosotros y por nuestras

intenciones, gracias Madre. Querido San José, gracias por ser padre y protector del Niño Jesús, te pedimos que ruegues a Dios por nosotros para que seamos una familia unida en el amor y podamos ser ejemplo

de paz y reconciliación para los demás. Amén

Rezar: 1 Padre

Nuestro, 1 Ave Maria, 1 Gloria


In its present form the custom of displaying figures depicting the birth of Jesus Christ owes its origin to St. Francis of Assisi, who made the Christmas crèche or manger for Christmas Eve of 1223. The blessing of the Christmas manger or nativity scene may take place on the Vigil of Christmas or at another suitable time.

When the manger is set up in the home, it is appropriate that it be blessed by a parent or another family member.

All make the sign of the cross as the leader says: Our help is in the name of the Lord. R/. Who made heaven and earth.

One of those present or the leader reads a text of sacred Scripture, for example, Luke 2:1 (lines 1-8) or Isaiah 7:10 (lines 10-15, the birth of Emmanuel).

Reader: The Gospel of the Lord. R/. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

The leader prays with hands joined:

God of every nation and people, from the very beginning of creation you have made manifest your love: when our need for a Savior was great you sent your Son to be born of the Virgin Mary. To our lives he brings joy and peace, justice, mercy, and love. Lord,

bless all who look upon this manger; may it remind us of the humble birth of Jesus, and raise our thoughts to him, who is God-with-us and Savior of all, and who lives and reigns forever and ever. R/. Amen.

—From Catholic Household Blessings &


Page 5 www.stritaparish.org August 26, 2018

Reader & Eucharistic Minister Schedule

Reader Eucharistic Minister

12/29/2018 Mary Eversmann William Cline 4:30 PM Liz Bodine Terry Pawlicki

Volunteer at Mass

12/30/2018 Sue Richardson Mickey LeBlanc 8:00 AM Gloria Friday Jean Matala

Alice Hormuth 11:00 AM Marissa Siller Joan Midgett

Marie McLeod Mary Barrett

Katie Bellnier

To afford all parishioners the opportunity to book Masses, in particular the popular weekend Masses (Saturday 4:30, Sunday 8:00am, 11:00am and Spanish Mass), we kindly remind you that the following procedure is in place. Masses may be booked:

• No more than six months in advance. • Up to Six Masses may be booked at a

time and only one can be a weekend Mass (listed above).

• One intention per weekend.


December 23, 2018

The Marriage Jubilee Mass of Thanksgiving with Bishop Gregory Parkes will take place at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle on Sunday, February 10th at 3:00pm. This event honors couples throughout the diocese who will celebrate 25, 50 or more years of marriage during the 2019 calendar year. Please RSVP to the parish office by Thursday January 24th.

Next Weekend we will begin distributing the

2019 Offertory Envelopes in the back

of the Church Hall after all Masses!

Please do not begin using the new envelopes until January 1st.

If you do not see your box of envelopes next weekend, please fill out an envelope slip and drop in the box. Your envelopes will be available the following week.

We can only issue envelopes if

you are registered.

If you are planning on having your child Baptized, please stop by the

office to fill out a form. Also please bring a copy of the following documents

A copy of the child’s birth certificate

BOTH the Childs Parents and *Godparents

Baptism Preparation Certificate.

*If the Godparents are married, they need to be married

by a Catholic Church and bring a copy of their Marriage Certificate. (NO EXCEPTIONS)*

Solemnity of Mary. Mother of God

Mass Schedule (Holy Day of Obligation) Tuesday (01/1): 8:00 am English

- - - Solemnidad De Maria, Madre de Dios

(Dia de Obligacion) Martes (01/1): 10:00 am Español

Offertory figures available next week

Datos de la colecta disponibles la semana entrante. May the Blessing

of God be showered on You

& Your Family in this year. Wishing You &

Your Family A Very Happy & Prosperous New Year! THE PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED Starting Monday, Dec. 31st @ 12pm & ALL Day Jan. 1st


August 26, 2018 Page 6 www.stritaparish.org December 23, 2018

Your Parish Needs You and You Need Your Parish!

By registering at a parish, you are declaring your desire to be part of a Catholic faith community. If you have recently moved to the area or if you are a long-time resident, please consider registering with the parish. Registration forms can be found at the Church main entrance (Robinson Side) or by submitting a form from our website, or by visiting our Parish office. Completed forms can be dropped in the weekly offertory basket.

Top Reasons to Register at a Parish

• A sense of belonging and identity in a parish community.

• It is a commitment to practice your faith.

• Registration enables the parish pastor and staff to get to know you better, to welcome you and

to minister to you. This is especially important during a time of crisis so that the pastoral staff can attend to your spiritual needs and the needs of your family.

• Registration helps you stay connected with your parish and helps your parish stay connected

with you. Also, if you use offertory envelopes, you can request a year-end statement of your donations for income tax purposes. Once you are registered, please notify the parish office of any changes in address or phone number.

ONLY Registered active member s are eligible for sponsor/godparent validation.

• Census numbers may determine how many priests are assigned to a parish and how many Masses and enrichment

programs are planned and scheduled.

What about Children who are 18 Years of Age or Older?

Children are considered members with their parents until they turn 18 years old. Once they are 18, it is their responsibility to join a church family, participate in the Mass and to register as a member independent of their parents.

There will be NO Religious Ed. Classes or R.C.I.A

Sunday Dec. 23


& 30


and Wednesday Dec. 19


, Dec.



& Jan. 2


. Classes will Resume Sunday January 6


and Wednesday January 9


. Have a Merry Christmas

and Happy New Year!






8:00 am Parishioners

11:00 am SI– Rosalino & San Juanita Cristomo 5:00 pm †Tiburcio Morales

Mi 5:1-4a;

Ps 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19; Heb 10:5-10; Lk 1:39-45

8:00 am Coffee and Donuts after mass St. Vincent de Paul Blue Bucket NonPerishable food donations welcome

MONDAY/ LUNES, DEC. 24TH 8:30 am †Alice Krystofiak 8:00 pm Parishioners 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Lk 1:67-79 NO EUCHARISTIC ADORATION PARISH OFFICE CLOSED

TUESDAY/ MARTES DEC. 25TH 8:00 am Parishioners 10:00 am Feligreses Is 52:7-10; Ps 98:1-6; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14] WEDNESDAY/ MIERCOLES, DEC. 26TH

8:30 am Vocations for the Priesthood 7:30 pm †Elvira Sanchez Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 8ab, 16bc, 17; Mt 10:17-22 THURSDAY/ JUEVES, DEC. 27TH 8:30 am †John Krystofiak 1 Jn 1:1-4; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12; Jn 20:1a, 2-8 7:30 pm Encuentro de Matrimonios FRIDAY/ VIERNES, DEC. 28TH 8:30 am †Luis Puentes 1 Jn 1:5 -- 2:2; Ps 124:2-5, 7b-8; Mt 2:13-18 SATURDAY/ SABADO, DEC. 29TH 4:30 pm Deceased of the: Cline and Belesky Families

1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps 96:1-3, 5b-6; Lk 2:22-35 SUNDAY/ DOMINGO, DEC. 30TH 8:00 am †Jack Kutsch 11:00 am Parishioners

5:00 pm †Jose Andrade y †Hermina Marin

Sir 3:2-6, 12-14; Ps 128:1-5; Col 3:12-21 [12-17]; Lk 2:41-52

8:00 am Coffee and Donuts after mass

NonPerishable food donations welcome

WEEK OF December 23, 2018


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