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Academic year: 2020



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Building territory in the town of Yopal, Casanare


Andrés Cuesta Beleño



Master's degree in urban planning. Professorand researcher at the University of La Salle, Bogotá, Colombia. Faculty of Sciences of the Habitat. Director of the Research Center Habitat, Development and Peace - CIHDEP -. E-mail: acuesta@unisalle.edu.co. Cel: 31750228769. Address: Calle 64B N° 97 TO 45 Bogotá D.C.

Recibido xx de febrero de 20xx. Aceptado xx de Junio de 20xx Received: February xx, 20xx Accepted: June xx, 20xx

(Times New Roman 10pt y cursiva)


This article is done with the support of the Center for Habitat research, development and peace - CIHDEP- of the de La Salle University. This article seeks to answer the following question: Why do the migration processes in the municipality of Yopal and its territorial borders generate build to the detriment of the quality of life of its members? To answer that question is contemplate immediate on theoretical and conceptual aspects related with the new rurality and the territory as spatiality and complex unit, which brings together the spatial and the multidimensional human. Use goal methodological processes, structured observation, stories and the re significance of the experiences in the neighborhoods and informal settlements centers; then comes to characterization of migratory processes in the Yopal municipality whose consequences are reflected in the disarticulation of the territory both urban and rural areas. Is achieved to find a characterization of migratory processes, which mark a characterization of the territorial breakdown, namely: migration to the town center , direct migration to the towns centers, phased migration and rotary migration; which identifies a potential alternative production on the exploitation of oil, the socio-cultural hybridization and the diversity of the potential of natural resources..

Keywords: Migration, territory, habitability, development and new rurality.


This article grew out of the research process that currently the research group "marginality, spatiality and sustainable development" MEDS. With the project entitled "New forms of strategic habitability for local and regional development" developed in the town of Yopal, Casanare, in the framework of the research program developed by the research centresCIHDEP, CIINDA and CIDESCAC: "Human settlements for a new rurality", with the purpose of contributing to new forms of strategic habitability in the processes of territorial cohesion.



In the municipality of Yopal, there is a need to establish changes in the urban-rural relationships and in the current interpretation of the migratory phenomenon, because it arises currently a dichotomization of the urban-rural, which directs a polarization in relation to development. It is clear, that the analysis of interactions in this municipality between the rural and the urban rests on a particular conception of space or territory. However, the interventions urban- rural oriented by the traditional patterns of growth and territorial development do not respond in a sustainable manner and to the sustainable conditions that offers the region (see photo 1) For this reason, the emerging manifestations of human settlements from migratory dynamics external and internal to the municipality of Yopal, unexpected ruptures are dynamic and unprecedented in the rural world in this municipality, of the Orinoco and the Amazon, and hence of Colombia, prompting significant territorial breakdowns; since this phenomenon is radically altering the pattern of organization of the territory, presenting some used or transitional spaces in the borders between rural and urban. This situation, together with the crisis of growth and territorial development, the loss of cultural values and the growing environmental risk, since the new rurality has been put on the table for discussion of a new relationship with the rural and urban environments, as territorial relations presented in these moments in the region of Orinoquía are both discriminatory for the natural resources such as for the migrant population groups; creating misery belts, with problems of poverty and destitution and abandonment of many rural areas.

Photo NO. 1.Yopal and their geographical accidents: The Cravo South river and the foot of Monte, without defining ecotones or transitional spaces for the urban rural integration . Andrew Hill Photo B.


voided design and construction of the local and regional development on territorial structures contaminated and inappropriate for the demands of Casanare.

This can be seen in the following report: "The Eastern Plains and the Amazon jungle represent 55 percent of the surface of the country. They live in 4.7 percent of the population and produces 69.4 percent of the oil, 40 percent of the cocaine, the 25 percent of the livestock. Survive 66 indigenous communities, of which 22 are in danger of extinction - and have been displaced in the last decade 422,732 people" . (Molano A, 2011, p. 12)

The need to recognize, that the emerging specialties are configured as transitional areas, borders, territories, areas or autonomous regions, leads to the creation of novel and complex forms of urban and rural in the same territory, and the process of ruralisation or urbanization, as central role in the determinations of the territorial planning.

Based on the previously raised a question arises central, as well: why the migratory processes generate disarticulation territorial to the detriment of the quality of life of its members? Perhaps it requires a greater knowledge of the migratory causes, their dynamics and territorial impacts.

Compared to these concerns the Habitat Center of Research, Development and Peace - CIHDEP - of the de La Salle University, Bogota Colombia, presents a preview of the research program "Human Settlements for the inclusion of the migration, the regeneration and territorial cohesion", developed in the Municipality of Yopal, Casanare, Colombia, through a part of the research project's new strategic ways of habitability for local and regional development" taking into account the following basic information:

The department of Casanare, is the second largest producer of oil in the country (2007-2012) and the third national herd at the national level. In a context of genuine oil 'fever', the city of Yopal record a rapid growth of its population in a short time. In 1993 the total population was 43,674 inhabitants, in the 2005 step to 103,754 inhabitants and in 2012 the population is of 134,832 inhabitants (Data DANE 2005).

For that reason, it reflects in their dynamic, opportunities and challenges. Not only are presented the results of our analysis and research, but the intention is to establish contacts to develop new mechanisms of collective work and, where possible, comparative approaches to work with other Latin American countries or bordering Colombia affected by oil production.

Therefore, it is intended with the investigative work propose emerging forms of habitability, to build a model articulator of territorial management inclusive with impact on the dynamics of growth and local and regional development, from the re significance of the territory from the new rurality. To achieve this great purpose lays out some specific objectives, which are now in the process of achieving them, such as:

• Establish the theoretical and epistemological foundations to provide the definition of a new form of

strategic habitat for local and regional development, the aim of this article.

• Diagnosing the condition of habitability of the municipality of Yopal, to identify their strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities and threats. In the organization of the territory, Progress presented in this article.

• Propose strategies of territorial cohesion, consistent with a system of territorial planning urban - rural


• Propose a model of a habitat articulator autonomous alternative inclusive, to respond to a regional development from a new rurality.

Within the scope of the work are the following:

The research is primarily directed toward human settlements affected by migration processes in a coordinated fashion with the program of research toHuman sentamientos for a new rurality, developed with other research

centers at the University of La Salle, as the CIINDA and CIDESCAC2.

On the basis of the above-mentioned formula is the following scenario: Given that there is a migration dynamics in the municipality of Yopal, Casanare , in ways that dislocates his territory in relation to the external and internal, expressed in physical isolation from the field and the city, the informal settlements between if, the periphery, the centrality and the areas of borders; as a result of the excessive oil exploitation at the expense of cultural values and environmental resources. If they identify new forms of migratory mobility, which determine forms of roominess in the municipality of Yopal, especially in areas of transition as ecotones territorial; then, probably you can see new and alternative strategies for articulation and local and regional development.


Talk about new rurality necessarily imply to speak of new relations and realities identified on the field and the city; which have been raised in different ways, depending on the approaches used in that aspect. However, it is required that the concepts and relationships established differences depending on the context where it applies.

We wonder what new relations and realities would be speaking to articulate the field and the city?

To answer this question is used in the first instance to several existing approaches so far or cited by Edelmira Perez and other authors in the book "The new rural conditions in Latin America: Advances theoretical and empirical evidence" (Pérez E. 2006:26). The approaches mentioned above refer to:

Relationships must be given to the extent that they are established economic, social and political change in the society intervened. To do this, will be very much taken into account the productive processes and migratory. (See photo 2)


The CIINDA is the Center for research, innovation and agri-food development; and the CIDESCAC is the center for research in sustainable development and climate change


Photo NO. 2: Yopal. Large tracts of land with potential wealth for its traditional utilization of the Llanos Orientales of Colombia. Photo: Andrew Hill

Relations between the field and the city should be secured from the formulation of new public policies with emphasis on the environment and sustainable development.

Relationships must be given from the perception of a different form of the rural areas and their contemporary problems and not so many from the emergency of new phenomena.

Taking into account the above and the pretensions of this work, in our approach to synthesis new rurality is focused on understanding, intervention and changes related to the following four aspects:

The Territory, as the base unit of the social dimension and consists in the identification of spaces that have a unique use, based on a social history and projections based on its nature or potential economic, ecological and socio-cultural, where the actors social, economic, and institutional, are subjects of intervention and exploitation of its potential. In addition, it is considered that the cohesion of the territory given to the extent that there is territorial systems articulators of urban and rural, that strengthen bilateral and regional relations.

The type of development territory and specific activities given in its interior (peasant economic production, cultural values, guidelines for public policies for environmental management and sustainable development, etc. ) which are both urban and rural character.

Understanding the development as an alternative to the current conception of development, that generates a dynamic overwhelming economic and socio-environmental damages exclusive and weak sustainability for future generations. It is intended to a new vision of development arising out of Autopoiesis, where the partners values cultural and ecological systems are constituted in determinants of new forms of life. Dialog and the processes of co creation have scenario as the blur in the territory.


residence by the people. You can identify different types of migrations between the that emphasizes the internal migration; "which is one of the key elements in determining the spatial location of the population in a country. The migration can affect the growth of the population of a more immediate way of what they can do the components of vegetative growth" (Galvis, 2002: 65).

The new form of habitability strategic, from perception, customs and expectations related to the environment, to the space, the socio-cultural and economic.

Currently, the habitability concept goes beyond the comfort housing and has a greater scope to seek a balance of man and his environment, and in the incorporation of other variables such as the environmental comfort, space, social and economic. The concept of habitability is essentially related to the quality of life and the sustainability of the territory interacting environmental factors, economic, social and spatial. Therefore , the new form of habitability: can be defined, in our particular case as the balance between the inhabitant and its constructed space and not built. That is to say, the degree of satisfaction that the housing, the informal neighborhood, or the center or the village that make the times of territorial articulation provides its occupants, depending on their perceptions, habits and expectations of the factors related to the environmental comfort, space, the socio-political and economic.

In a timely manner we can point to some supplementary variables taken into account in the development of research, such as :

Environmental: understood as the set of ecological conditions (conditions in which they are living beings in general and its relationship with human beings) and environmental comfort to allow individuals to carry out their daily activities, highlighting basically the aspects on the valuation of ecosystems, the biotic distribution, abundances, in relation to organisms and their environment; in addition, the Higro-Termico (temperature, humidity and ventilation), acoustic (acoustic insulation), visual (Impact and natural lighting) and sanitation.

Spatial thing: refers to the spatial aspects, to allow individuals to carry out their daily activities within the structures, systems, management and growth space physicist, highlighting qualities, relevance, size, distribution, use, mobility, inclusions, internal and external relationships.

What Political Partner: understood as the set of conditions socio - cultural, to allow individuals or actors carry out their daily activities, highlighting basically the aspects related to the social production of habitat, the heritage, the cultural landscape, the socio-cultural hybridization, privacy, identity, security, overcrowding, inclusion, conditions of governance and public policies.

Economic: understood as the set of economic conditions alternatives, to allow individuals to carry out their daily activities, highlighting basically aspects of productive partnership, reuse of wastes, and management of sustainable competitiveness.

Based on the foregoing, you may say that they are working four basic variables and four complementary, as well:

2.1 . Basic Variables


2.2 . Supplementary Variables

It is necessary to identify necessary information about perceptions, habits and expectations of the values, habits and techniques in terms of weaknesses, opportunities , strengths and threats with regard to the supplementary variables mentioned above. We are talking about, for our particular case of a new rurality, framed within a dynamic process, where the relations and emerging realities, between the field and the city are established on the basis of the concept of territory, where are restructured aspects of local culture and environment through the incorporation of new values, habits and techniques. Therefore, the territory is considered as the base unit of the social dimension, space whose uniqueness is based on its history and its own projections supported development in their potential and specific activities of economic production, socio-cultural, immigration, environmental and administrative policy; where the social and economic players, in addition to the institutions, constitute the subject of intervention and its potential for projecting an local and regional development in order to strengthen increasingly territorial cohesion.

Then we ask ourselves:

What is the emerging reality of relations city field? What problems are hidden under the expression new rurality? To do this, it requires knowing where to look for the problems and the potential to intervene the territory? What is the new way of knowing (emerging paradigm) a territory to be sustainable?

The previous approach has led us to make an approach more real and related to the operating referenciaos concepts. The Ecotone is urban in the micro territory that is identified in the borders as a potential place of articulation and territorial

What are the elements that determine new strategic ways of habitability and contribute to cohere the territory to achieve a local and regional sustainable development?


To identify new forms of migratory mobility to identify forms of roominess in the municipality of Yopal, (see photo 3) especially in areas of transition there was need to conduct field visits with pre-set instruments within theoretical and conceptual contexts previously organized, perform structured observations and collection of information through validated instruments. However, the interaction with communities contributed to adjust the elements of analysis pres established. Since it was able to identify some specific features of the place that determine the quality of habitability of the communities studied.


Photo NO. 3: Yopal. Appropriation and disarticulation urban rural . Photo: Andrew Hill B.


It became a felony housing and neighborhood within the informal sectors and the cultural characteristics and environmental partners within the populated centers, in order to go setting up new

Alternative strategies of articulation and local and regional development . The work is addressed, since its inception, from the perspective of some conceptual parameters from the complex thought, to define the pop-up and initiate a constructive process guidelines for the formulation of urban ecotones. However, the experience with the communities made us rethink the working methodology, if we really wanted to get results expressed in spaces that had an impact on the social transformation and consolidation for a sustainable development.

The process led until the time is reduced to the following:

Defined research problems related to each other, from a few general purposes.

Approaches were made on the approach of new rurality, from a research project and other basic concepts and complementary.

Identified different types of methodologies to address research. Recognizing the importance of generating a goal methodology, thinking in an interdisciplinary work.

Advances were made on the collected information in the field work or archival documentation.

Starts a process of reorganization of the research project in line with the dynamics of the researchers, the results obtained so far and on the basis of the concepts of new rurality, the emerging paradigm and other conceptual approaches.



4.1 . Migration toward the town center:

Arises from other regions, departments and municipalities toward the town center of Yopal, generating processes of informal settlements converted into shanty towns in the center of the city, which fragment the urban territory and other located in the periphery, that contribute to the breakdown between urban and rural. (See photo No. 4)

Arises from other regions, departments and municipalities toward the town center of Yopal, in areas or formal hotel areas creating a demand for housing and services to other aspects, that clog the urban area doing collapse the vehicular traffic, public services and community services.

Photo NO. 4: Yopal. Barrio Villa Stadium. Disarticulated mobility system with the city. Andrew Hill Photo B

4.2 . Direct Migration toward the districts or population centers where the exploitation takes place oil: Arises from other regions, departments and municipalities toward the rural area or population centers

The municipality of Yopal, with destination the field or the neighborhoods of the inhabited center, according to the dynamic linking of the oil companies; whose link is performed with priority workers located in the town center or in its immediate area of influence, near territories of oil exploitation. Determination made by the representatives of the companies and shared by the presidents of seals of Communal Action, those who have salaries to organize the linking of the staff on a regular basis and rotary.


Arises from the informal neighborhoods toward the populated centers, whether in the area of settlement, or in its area of influence. From other regions, departments and municipalities toward the town of Yopal, generating processes of informal settlements in the populated centers, which fragment the territory of arrival increasing the disarticulation urban/rural.

4.4 . Rotary Migration or spiral: is characterized by responding to situations of job instability; since their permanence is temporary to accommodate other working groups enrolled in listed previously developed. Can be presented in the following way:

Between population centers and centers according to the demand for "Veintiocheros" or informal workers of twenty eight days or less. Many of them end up their migratory journey in the neighborhoods of Yopal informal with a view in search for another job while you wait for a transitional signal work with oil companies.

Between informal neighborhoods between yes, according to the job opportunities and housing related to oil exploitation that they can find in each one of them. Pending processes of relocation or better opportunities of working life.

It is recognized and appreciated migratory phenomena with potential cultural partner, studied as a system. Identifying the organizational capacity, and the sociocultural human capital generated parameters of comprehensive organization in the transitional space or ecotone between the territorial urban place of origin and destination, to the point of being able to identify programs and intervention projects and construction of social fabric, in order to strengthen the articulation of the territory.

In this sense the Ecotone urban or transitional space left in the territorial disintegration emerges with a clear connotation to constitute a space articulator of the territory as a result of the existing productive process that generates its own contradiction for the benefit of weave and unite the fragmented territory to perform the relevant scenario that contributes to the strengthening of sustainable human development .

4.5 . Other of the results obtained are as follows :

Theoretical and conceptual parameters for the formulation of ecotones territorial with a vision of new rural life from the participation of the communities.

A way of getting closer to the urban challenge and the definition of some basic concepts from the theory of complexity and new rurality.



The municipality of Yopal has been the subject of studies on migratory processes and one of them, made by Galvis (2002), analyzes the determinants of the interdepartmental migration in Colombia in the period 1988-1993 by means of a gravity model. Finding that the migrations depend on attributes of the regions of origin and destination, and it also shows that in the choice of destination for migrants, in addition to the travel path, you import the address of this; to regard Avila (2009) asserts that:

…In the majority of the cases, the population has a high preference for the center of the country as the main destination. This idea is confirmed with the outcome of the study of Sanchez (2006); for the period 1975-1998, who found that the higher rates of growth in this sector is concentrated in the central part (Bogota) and north of the country, demonstrating with Bogota that the population be placed looking for urban areas with greater population. (p. 6).

However, the results obtained so far in the migratory behavior of Yopal the interest is not to target the center of the country, much less toward urban centers with larger populations. What is obvious is that there are different centralities as origin and destination of the migration and migratory movements staggered. However, these migratory processes clearly identified transitional spaces or places of disarticulation, underutilized planners by the dynamics of the territory called ecotones territorial, dotted with a series of interactions and interpenetrations cultural partners up to the point of generating processes of socio-cultural hybridization within shared spaces (see photo 6)

According to the proposals made by Hill A. (2012) on "The interpenetration of the urban elements or environmental and socio-cultural, which come from the contiguous urban structures, are sensitive to the variations of the soils, slopes , weather and other manifestations of the place on a large scale in the extent to which are close to the thresholds biochemical, thermal and water, which are vital to them; this explains the richness and variety of space and biological ecotones. (p. 56)


Photo NO. 6: Ownership of urban spaces in border areas with rural cultural manifestations. Photo: Andrew Hill B.

On the other side is that studies conducted by Medina and Posso ( 2009) considers that in the highly qualified persons the possibility of return in the migratory processes is minimal and "the probability of return increases when the level of training and the type of occupation they are in the second segment, that is to say to people who play in different tasks but that do not require advanced training." (International Organization for Migration, 2010, p 20)

This profile of the migration process highlights the theme of the loss of human capital and shows how a significant number of Colombians coming from outside the municipality of Yopal qualified training has immigrated toward the municipality and once inside, they generate situations staggered toward the interior. In addition, the possibilities of return to outside of Yopal are minimal as they manifest their inhabitants, even more so when projected a territory with great fortresses of bio diversity and future exploitation of its natural resources and other socio-cultural. For this reason it is sharply increases the population growth with its implications in the management of the territory of the municipality. In regard to the unskilled migrant population its possibility of return does not increase, contrary to the national and international dynamic migratory; since the migrant prefers to develop a cyclic process of rotation in the same territory.



Photo NO. 7: Municipality of Mani, Casanare. As Park area of hope for the working relationship the oil sector. Rotary migration with the Municipality of Yopal and Tauramena. Photo: Andrew Hill

They are appealed to approaches to urban development within traditional schemes where the territory is fragmented in a manner forced; including, in most of the interventions of the city and the countryside is performed separately (see photos #8 , 9,

10); regardless of territorial values where this fusion city field must be one in territorial terms. However, there was increasing discrimination and cultural contradictions, not only between population and economic partner culturally marked by their differences; but also, among populations of the same stratification whose difference is merely formal. In addition, it can be seen that when

Disarticulated involved these spaces in the informal sectors peri-urban and rural areas, such intervention is done with the course argument to consolidate a formal urban structure, not assessing the existing sociocultural events in the place


Photo NO. 8: informal neighborhood disarticulated Villa Stadium in the city of Yopal. Photo Andrew Hill B.

Photo NO. 9: The process of transformation of housing for migrant groups. Andrew Hill Photo B

Photo NO. 10: multifamily housing on the periphery of Yopal to resolve problems of habitability of peasant families. Andrew Hill Photo B.


determined by forms of roominess in the municipality of Yopal, especially in areas of transition as ecotones territorial; is able to identify new and alternative strategies for articulation and local and regional development , as is the intervention of the transitional spaces, considered territorial ecotones with teleological systems and elements, as expressed Costs A. (2013): "Every system have a purpose, which is the suprasystem that is subject of which they form a part." (p. 53). This principle allows for the articulation of the territory. Therefore, the situation that emerges from these types of population mobility gives rise to emerging proposals in regard to systems of habitability multicultural with support in alternatividades of human development and production of associative to interact with the oil production, the potential uses of the prairie soil and titrate as ecotone disarticulated spaces of the territory.

It is slope to continue with the research work in terms of articulation with other diagnoses partial developed, in order to produce a general conclusion, development objectives and strategies of new forms of habitability for the local and regional development.


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