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Academic year: 2020



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(1)REVISTA DE REVISTAS. El objetivo de esta sección es presentar información sintetizada de los artículos más recientes sobre temas de gestión pública y análisis de políticas aparecidos en una selección de revistas españolas y extranjeras. La información que se presenta consiste en la simple referencia del autor, título del artículo y páginas que ocupa.. N.° 66,1996 - AJonso, J.A., Donoso, V., "Obstáculos a la Internacionalización y políticas públicas de promoción: el casod e España", pp. 124-143. - Martín, C, Velázquez, F., "Factores determinantes de la inversión directa en los países de la OCDE: una especial referencia a España." pp. 209-219Xavier Ballart, Raquel Gallego y Mireia N.° 67,1996 Gran. - Molle, W., "La estructura económica regional de la Unión Europea: un análisis ESPAÑA de su evolución a largo plazo", pp. 96-109. - Esteban, M., "La política industrial en Hacienda Pública Española, Insla España de las autonomías", pp. 288tituto de Estudios Fiscales, Madrid. 297. N.° 135/4,1995 Revista de Estudios Políticos, - Ballart, X., Riba, C, "Políticas de seguridad: el caso del uso del casco en Bar- Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, Madrid. celona", pp 7-18. - Estruch Manjón, A., "Los efectos N.° 91,1996 redistributivos del gasto social central y - Corcuera Atienza, J., "Estado y ecoautonómico, diez años después", pp. 19- nomía en época de crisis: las 40. privatizaciones"., pp. 9-46. - Hernando de Orellana-Pizarro - Mesa, A., "Los cargos de designación González, "Las infraestructuras de trans- política ante el proceso de cambio en la porte y sus efectos sobre el desarrolo re- Administración autonómica Vasca", pp. gional de los indicadores de adecuación", 169-200. pp. 97-118. - Brugué, Q., Goma, R., "El impacto Pablo Escobar, L, Valiño Castro, A., "El de los partidos sobre las políticas sociacontrol del gasto de personal: un análisis les. Una perspectiva comparada", pp. 265de las reformas de los sistemas retributi291. vos en la OCDE", pp. 119-146. N.° 136/1,1996 Revista de Estudios Regionales, Universidades de Andalucía, Málaga. - Prior Jiménez, D., Sola Tey, M., "Planificación estratégica pública y eficiencia N.° 45,1996 hospitalaria, pp. 93-108. - Fernández Morales, A., De Haro García, J., Martín Reyes, G., "Medición de la Papeles de Economía Española, desigualdad y el bienestar social. Análisis Confederación Española de Cajas de de la distribución de la renta en España", Ahorros, Madrid. pp. 15-42.. BÉLGICA Revue Internationale des Sciences Administratives. Revue d'Administration comparée. Instituí International des Sciences Administratives. Bruselas. N.° 2, Volumen LXH, 1996 - Braibant, G. "Administration publique et développement", pp. 201-217. -LUÍ, T.T., Cooper, T.L. "Bureaucratie, démocratie et éthique administrative: une étude des valeurs du service public a Hong-Kong", pp. 217-241. - Verheijen, T., Dimitrova, A. "Intéréts prives et administration publique: l'expérience de l'Europe céntrale et oriéntale", pp. 241-269. - Spanou, C. "De la capacité de régulation de l'Etat hellénique: amorce d'une problématique á partir d'une étude de cas", pp. 269-291. ESTADOS UNIDOS American Political Science Review, American Political Science Association, Washington D.C. N.° 4, Vol. 89.1995 - Bendor, J., "A Model of Muddling Through", pp. 819-840. - Dixit, A.,Londregan, J., "Redistributive Politics and Economic Efficiency", pp. 856866. N.° 1, Vol. 90.1996 - Verba, S., "The Citizen Respondent: Sample Surveys and American Democracy", pp. 1-9 253.

(2) Revista de Revistas - Kaplan, R. and Norton, D., "Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System", pp. 75-87. N.° 5, VoL 19.1995 - Navarro, P. "Electric Utilities: the - Marconi, K. and Rudzinski K., "A Argument for Radical Deregulation", pp. Formative Model to Evalúate Health 112-125. Services Research", pp. 501-512. - Schell, J. and Kotler, P. "How the Arts - Harskamp, E. and Suhre, C , Can Prosper Through Strategic "Mathematics Programs as a Means to Collaborations", pp. 52-147. Improve Job Qualifications for Women", Journal of Policy Analysis and pp. 523-547. Management Association for Public - Bamezai, A., "Application of Policy, Analysis and Management. New Difference-in-Difference Techniques to York. the Evaluation of Drought-Tainted Water N.° 1, VoL 15.1996 Conservation Programs", pp. 559-582. - Moffit, R. "The Effect of Employment N.° 6, VoL 19.1995 and Training Programs on Entry and Exit - Palumbo, D. and Ferguson, J. from the Welfare Caseload", pp. 32-50. "Evaluating Gang Resistance Education - Bassi, L. and Lerman, R., "Reducing and Training", pp. 597-619. the Child Support Welfare Desincentive - Devine, J., Wright, J., and Brody, C, Problem", pp. 89-96. "An Evaluation of an Alcohol and Drug N.° 2, VoL 15,1996 Treatment Program for Homeless - Grubb, N. and McDonnell, L , Substance Abusers", pp. 620-645. "Combatting Program Fragmentation:Local - Huetinck, L, Munshin, S., and Systems of Vocational Education and Job Murray-Ward, M., "Eight Methods to Training", pp. 252-270. Evalúate and Support Reform in the N.° 3, VoL 15,1996 Secondary-Level Mathematics Classroom," - MacCoun, R. J., Reuter, P., Schelling, pp. 646-661. T, "Assessing Alternative Drug Control Harvard Business Review. Regimes", pp. 330-352 N.° 4. VoL 15,1996 Harvard University. Cambridge, MA. - Wiseman, M., "State Strategies for November-December 1995 Welfare Reform: The Wisconsin Story", pp. -Jones, T. and Sasser, W., "Competing 515-546. on Customers Service: An Interview with British Airways' Sir Colin Marshall", pp. Journal of Public Administration 100-118. Research and Tbeory American - Hout, T., Cárter, J., "Getting it Done: Society for Public Administration, WashNew Roles for Sénior Executives", pp. 133- ington. 146. N.° 1, VoL 5.1995 - Johnson, S. Kotchen, D. and Loveman, G., "How one Polish Shipyard - Maynard-Moody, S. "Managing Became a Market Competitor", pp. 53-161. Controversies over Science: The Case of Fetal Research", pp. 5-18 January-February 1996 N.° 2, VoL 5.1995 - Chesbrough, H., and Teece, D., "When is Virtual Virtuous? Organizing for - Matland, R., "Synthesizing the Innovation", pp. 65-74 Implementation Literature: the AmbiguityEvaluation Review. A Journal of Applied Social Research. Sage.. 254. Conflict Model of Policy Implementation", pp. 145-174. - Serra, G., "Citizen-Initiated Contact and Satisfaction with Bureaucracy: A Multivariate Analysis", pp. 175-188. - Nutt, P, and Backoff, R., "Strategy for Public and Third-Sector Organizations", pp. 189-212. - Berman, E. and West J., "TQM in Amercian Cities: Hypothesis Regarding Commitment and Impact", pp. 213-230. N.° 3, VoL 5.1995 - Simón, H., "Organizations and Markets", pp. 273-294. - Chandler, T, Gely, R., "Protective Service Unions, Political Activities and Bargaining Outcomes", pp. 295-318. - Moussavi, F., and Ashbaugh, D., "Perceptual Effects of Participative, GoalOriented Performance Appraisal: A Field Study in Public Agencies", pp. 331-344. N.° 4, VoL 5.1995 - Mesch, D., Perry, J. and Wise L, "Bureaucratic and Strategic Human Resources Management: an Empirical Comparison in the Federal Government", pp. 385-402. - Ruggiero, J., Duncombe, W., and Miner J., "On the Measurement and Causes of Technical Inefficiency in Local public Services: With an Application to Public Education", pp. 403-428. - Hahm, S., Kamlet, M., Mowery, D., "Institutions Matter: Comparing Déficit Spending in the United States and Japan", pp. 429-450. - Chisholm, D.,"Problem Solving and Institutional Design", pp. 451-492. PS: Political Science and Politics, American Political Science Association, Washington. N.° 1, VoL XXK, 1996 - Jacobs, L. R., Shapiro, R.Y. "Toward the Integrated Study of Political.

(3) Revista de Revistas Communications, Public Opinión, amd the Policy-Making Process", pp. 10-12. Public Administration Review, American Society for Public Administration, Washington.. - Marcou, G. "Structures territoriales et finances locales dans les pays du centreest européen", pp. 109-143- Jenei, G. "Coopération intemationale en matiére d'enseignement de politiques publiques et de management: problémes et conclusions fondés sur l'expérience hongroise", pp. 167-187.. GRAN BRETAÑA International Political Science Review. Butterworth-Heinemann. Oxford.. N.° 4, VoL 16.1995 N.° 1, VoL 56,1996 - Eberwein, W-D. «The future of international warfare: Toward a global - Rodgers, R., and Joyce, P, "The Effect security community», pp. 341-360. of Underforecasting on the Accuracy of N.° 2, Volumen 14, junio 1996 Revenue Forecasts by State Governments", - Fritsch, B. «On the way to ecologically - Blangy, M. "Construction de l'action sustainable economic growth», pp. 361pp. 48-56. publique: systéme et légitimité. Le cas d'un - Kickert, W., Stillman, R., Chevallier, dispositif departamental de prise en charge 374. J., Seibel, W., Pollit, C, Jorgensen, T., des toxicomanes", pp. 1-33. - Riggs, F.W. «Ethnonational rebellions "Changing European States; Changing and viable constitutionalism», pp. 375-404. - Morel, S. Tévaluation des politiques Public Administration", pp. 65-104. - Merrit, R.L. «Population imbalance and sociales aux Etats-Unis: l'exemple des political destabilization», pp.405-426. programmes d'integration a l'emploi pour FRANCIA N.° 1, VoL 17. 1996 les allocataires de l'assistance sociale", pp. 33-59. - Overbye, E. «Pensión politics in the Politiques et Management Nordic countries: A case study», pp. 67- Janus, M. "Mythe et réalité du Public. Revista Trimestral. Institut de 90. parténariat administratif: l'exemple de Management Public. París Missile, mission de gestión des - Corning, P. «Synergy, cybernetics and N.° 1, Volumen 14, marzo 1996 programmes européens, á la Martinique", the evolution of politics», pp. 91-120. Número especial dedicado a "La pp. 59-71. N.° 2, VoL 17.1996: Special issue: CriMutation des Administrations Publiques de sis, war and conflict. - Fixari, D., Kletz, F. "Pilotage l?europe Céntrale et Oriéntale". d'établissement scolaire: l'auto-évaluation - Levy, J. «Loss aversión, framing and - Kessler, M.C. "Modes et modeles de et évaluation", pp. 71-105. bargaining: The implications of Prospect transformation de la gestión publique", pp. - Laget, J.J., Benamour, M. "Une Theory for international conflict», pp. 1795-19. expérience d'évaluation de politique 196. - Lacasse, F. "Budgets, controles et lócale: l'exemple du département de - Harvey, F.; James, P. «Nuclear crisis innovation en gestión finaciére", pp. 19- l'Hérault", pp. 105-129as a multi-stage threat game: Toward an 35. agenda for comparative research», pp. 197214. - Bafoil, F. "La Treuhandastait, un Revue Francaise des Affaires Soapprentissage organisationne", pp. 35-61. - Brecher, M. «Crisis escalation: Model ciales. Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales - Synnerstrom, S. "Transformation des y de la Integración, Ministerio de la Sa- and findings», pp. 215-230. administrations régies par les codes du lud y de la Acción Humanitaria y MinisN.° 3, Vol. 17. 1996: Special issue: travail de type soviétique en services terio de Trabajo, Empleo y Formación Traditions in pluralist thought. definís par une législation de service Profesional. París. - Graziano, L. «On special interests, public", pp. 61-73. public interests, and unequal - Jabés, J., Ziller, J. "Le renforcement representation", pp. 307-318. N.° 2, año 50, abril-junio 1996 de la haute fonction publique, une éponse - Bealey, F. «Democratic elitism and the - Setbon, M. "Le risque comme au défi de la transformation des autonomy of élites», pp. 319-332. administrations d'Europe céntrale et probléme politique. Sur les obstacles de N.° 4, Vol. 17.1996: Special issue: New nature politique au développement de la oriéntale?", pp. 73-89. trends in federalism. santé publique", pp. 11-29. - Girault, Y. "L'ambition de la reforme - Elazar, D. «Introduction: Using - Tabuteau, D. "Les pouvoirs publics fiscale dans les états en transition", pp. federalism today», pp. 349-352. et le risque sanitaire", pp. 29-41. 89-109255.

(4) Revista de Revistas - Earnshaw, D.; Judge, D. «Early days: the European Parliament, co-decision and the European Union legislative process post-Maastricht», pp. 624-649. - Cawson, A.; Holmes, P. «Technology policy and competition issues in the transition to advanced televisión services in Europe», pp. 650-672. - Long, T. «Shaping public policy in the European Union: a case study of the structural funds», pp. 650-679. N.° 1, Vol. 3.1996 - Mendrinou, M. «Non-compliance and Journal of European Public the European Commission's role in Policy. Routledge. London. integration», pp. 1-22. N.° 3, Vol. 2.1995 - Goetz, K. «Integration policy in a - Teague, P. «Between New Europeanized state: Germany and the Keynesianism and deregulation: Intergovernmental Conference», pp. 23-44. employment policy in the European - George, S. «The approach of the Union», pp. 315-346. British government to the 1996 - Hayward, K. «European Union policy Intergovernmental Conference of the and the European aerospace industry», pp. European Union», pp.45-62. 347-366. - Dudley, G.; Richardson, J. «Why does - Hooghe, L; Keating, M. «The politics policy change over time? Adversarial of European Union regional policy», policy communities, alternative policy arepp.367-394. nas, and British trunk roads policy 1945- Cox, T. «Privatization and social 95», pp. 63-83. interests in Eastem Europe», pp. 395-412. - Sandholtz, W. «Money troubles: Europe's rough road to monetary unión», - Altenstetter, C. «European Union pp. 84-101. responses to AIDS/HIV and policy networks in the pre-Maastricht era», pp. - Ingleby, S. «The role of indigenous 413-440. institutions in the economic transformation - Thatcher, M. «Regulatory reform in of Eastem Europe: The Hungarian Britain and France: organizational structure chamber system -one step forward or two and the extensión of competition», pp.44l- steps backward?», pp. 102-121. 464. - Collier, U. «The European Union's climate change policy: Limiting emissions N.° 4, Vol. 2.1995 - Hayes-Renshaw, F.; Wallace, H. or limiting powers?», pp. 122-138. N.° 2, Vol. 3.1996 «Executive power in the European Union: the functions and limits of the Council of - Héritier, A. «The accommodation of Ministers», pp. 559-582. diversity in European policy-making and - Wincott, D. «The role of law or the its outcomes: regulatory policy as a rule of the Court of Justice? An patchwork», pp. 149-168. 'institutionaF account of judicial politics - Heisler, B. «Institutional dimensions in the European Community», pp. 583-602. of social exclusión in the welfare state: - Nugent, N. «The leadership capacity An assessment of trends in the Netherof the European Commission», pp. 603- lands and Germany 1985-1992», pp. 168191. 623. - Watts, R. «Canadá: Three decades of periodic federal crises», pp. 353-372. - Tummala, K. «The Indian Union and emergency powers», pp. 373-384. - Agranoff, R. «Federal evolution in Spain», pp. 385-402. - Wincott, D. «Federalism and the European Union: The scope and limits of the Treaty of Maastricht», pp. 403-416. - Elazar, D. «From statism to federalism: A paradigm shift», pp. 417-430.. 256. - Falkner, G. «European Works Councils and the Maastricht Social Agreement: Towards a new policy style?», pp. 192-208. - Goma, R. «The social dimensión of the European Union: A new type of welfare system?», pp. 209-230. - Menon, A. «France and the IGC of 1996», pp. 231-252. - Clay, N. et al. «Public policy towards small firms: Spreading the jam too thinly?», pp. 253-271. - Wurzel, R. «The role of the EU Presidency in the environmental field: does it make a difference which member state runs the Presidency?», pp. 272-290. Journal of European Social Policy. Longman. London. N.° 3, Vol. 5.1995 - Cousins, C. «Women and social policy in Spain: the development of a gendered welfare regime», pp. 175-198. - Nicaise, I. et al. «Pitfalls and dilemmas in labour market policies for disadvantaged groups», pp. 199-218. - Coulter, F. et al. «Implicit and explicit social policy in the Czech and Slovak personal tax systems», pp. 219-234. N.° 4, Vol. 5.1995 - Duncan, S. «Theorizing European gender systems», pp. 263-284. - Begg, I.; Nectoux, F.»Social protection and economic unión», pp. 285-302. - Vobruba, G. «Social policy on tomorrow's Europ-corporatist stage», pp. 303-316. Journal of Theoretical Politics.. Sage. London. N.° 4, Vol. 7.1995 - Oppenheim, F.E. «Social Freedom and its parameters», pp. 403-420. - Hazan, R.Y. «Center parties and systemic polarization: An exploration of recent trends in Western Europe», pp. 421446..

(5) Revista de Revistas - Cioffi-Revilla, C.¡ Starr, H. «Opportunity, willingness and political uncertainty: Theoretical foundations of politics», pp. 447-476. - Fink, E. «Institutional change as a sophisticated strategy: The Bill of Rights as a political solution», pp. 477-510. N.° 1, VoL 8.1996 - Krehbiel, K. «Institutional and partisan sources of gridlock: A theoiy of divided and unified government», pp. 7-40. - Hagen, T.; Sorensen, R.; Norli, O. «Bargaining strength in budgetary processes: The impact of institutional procedures», pp. 41-64. - Solingen, E. «Democracy, economic reform and regional cooperation», pp. 79114. N.° 2, Vol. 8.1996: Special issue: South África: Designing new political institutions. - Schrire, R. «The President and the Executive», pp.159-176. - Pretorius, L. «Relations between State, Capital and Labour in South África: Towards corporatism?», pp.255-282. - Cameron, R. «The Reconstruction and Development Programme», pp.283-298. N.° 3, Vol. 8.1996 - Johnson, P. «Unraveling in a variety of institutional settings», pp. 299-330. - Kónig, T; Bráuninger, T. «Power and political coordination in American and german multi-chamber legislation», pp. 331-360. N.° 4, Vol. 8.1996 - Granato, J. «The effect of policy-maker reputation and credibility on public expectations: An application to macroeconomic policy changes», pp. 449470. - Carlsson, L. «Nonhierarchical implementation analysis: An alternative to the methodological mismatch in policy analysis», pp. 527-546.. Local Government Studies. Frank Cass & Co. Ltd. London. N.° 2, VoL 21.1995 - Fairley, J. «Local government reform and the future of education in Scotland», pp. 175-183. - Lamb, C. «The exodus collective and 'DIY' politics: the lesson for local government-, pp. 184-190. - Colé, M.¡ Boyne, G. «So you think you know what local government is?», pp. 191-205. - Goddard, A. «Investigating the existence of múltiple cultures in the three local government organisations», pp. 206223. - Lawless, P. «Spatial differentiation in urban employment patterns; inner city and suburban labour markets in an English provincial city», pp. 224-247. - Nichols, G. «Constract specification in leisure management», pp. 248-262. - Younis, T. «The Allende Community experiment in empowerment: participation too far?», pp.263-279. N.° 3, Vol. 21.1995 - Collinge, C; Leach, S. «Building the capacity for strategy formation in local government», pp. 343-352. - Leerdam, J. «Changes in Dutch government organisation», pp. 353-359. - Baker, P. «Land and property in local economic development», pp. 360-375. - Cadwallader, M. «Councillors in Wales», pp. 376-395. - Cameron, R. «The history of devolution of powers to local authorities in South África: The shifting sands of state control», pp. 396-417. - Chaston, I. «Evaluating internal customer management practices within UK local government», pp. 418-431. - Greenwood, J.; Wilson, D. «Councillor effectiveness: What role for training?», pp. 432-447.. - Jones, T.¡ Newburn, T. «Local government and policing: Arresting the decline of local influence-, pp. 448-460. - Thorp, B.; Marvin, S. «Local authorities and energy markets in the 1990s: Getting back into power», pp. 461-482. - Walker, R.; Williams, P. «Implementing local government reorganisation in the housing service: The case of Wales», pp. 483-508. N.° 4, VoL 21.1995 - Elcock, H. «Leading people: Some issues of local government leadership in Britain and America», pp. 546-567. - Jordán, G. et al. «Consultations, commissions and local government reforms in Scotland and Wales: Is the issue, the process or the product?», pp. 568-590. - Knox, C; Young, W. «Compulsory competitive tendering in Northern Ireland local government: The end of round one», pp. 591-606. - Nichols, G.; Taylor, P. «The impact on local authority leasure provisión of compulsory competitive tendering, financial cuts and changing attitudes», pp. 607-622. - Ratcliffe, P. «Equal opportunities and environmental healht: The local authority response», pp. 623-641. - Snape, S. «Contracting out local government services in Western Europe: Lessons from the Netherlands», pp. 642658. N.° 1, VoL 22.1996 - Stewart, J.; Clarke, M. «Special purpose authorities: The case reconsidered», pp. 1-18. - Cameron, R. «The democratisation in South African local government», pp. 1939. - Ball, R.¡ Monaghan, C. «Performance review: The British experience», pp. 4058. - Sanderson, I.; Foreman, A. «Towards pluralism and partnership in management development in local government», pp. 5977. 257.

(6) Revista de Revistas - Pearce, G.; Martin, S. «The measurement of additionality: Grasping the slippery eel», pp. 78-92. - Hambleton, R. «Reinventing local government -Lessons from the USA», pp. 93-112. - Ball, R.; Stobart, J. «Community identity and the local government review», pp. 113-126. - Robbie, K.; Wright, M. «Local authorities, compulsory competitive tendering and buy-outs», pp. 127-146. - Bukve, O. «Consensus, majority rule and managerialism in local government: Norwegian experiences and prospects», pp. 147-168. N.° 2, Vol. 22. 1996: Special issue: Quangos and local government. - Davis, H. «Quangos and local government: A changing world», pp. 1-7. - Skelcher, C; Davis, H. «Understanding the new magistracy: A study of characteristics and attitudes», pp. 8-21. - Loveday, B. «Business as usual? The new pólice authorities and the Pólice and Magistrates' Courts Act», pp. 22-39- Easton, J. «Independence in further education: Managing the change process», pp. 40-51. - Daly, G. «Public accountability in today's health service», pp. 52-63. - Leach, S. «The indirectly elected world of local government», pp. 64-76. - Connolly, M. «Lessons from local government in Northern Ireland», pp. 7791. - Prior, D. «'Working the network': Local authority strategies in the reticulated local state», pp. 92-105. N.° 3, Vol. 22.1996 - Graham, S. et al. «Towns on the televisión: Closed circuit TV in British towns and cities», pp. 1-27. - Barnes, M. «Citizens in detection: The role of the Mental Health Act Commission in protecting the rights of detained patients», pp. 28-26. 258. - Goulding, A. «Local government reorganisation and the management of public library staff», pp. 47-59- Soo, J. «The politics of decentralisation in Korea», pp. 60-71. - Abbott, B. et al. «Local authority privatisation and markets for small business», pp. 72-89. - Amoros, M. «Decentralisation in Barcelona», pp. 90-110. Policy and Politics. School of. Advanced Social Studies. Bristol. N.° 1, Vol. 24. 1996: Special issue: Democracy and accountability in public bodies. - Burton, P.; Duncan, S. «Democracy and accountability in public bodies: New agendas in British governance», pp. 5-16. - Cairns, D. «Rediscovering democratic purpose in British local government», pp. 17-28. - Stewart, J. «Innovation in democratic practice in local government», pp. 29-42. - Percy-Smith, J. «Downloading democracy? Information and communication technologies in local politics», pp. 43-56. - Taylor, M. «Between public and private: accountability in voluntary organisations», pp. 57-72. - Wall, A. «Mine, yours or theirs? Accountability in the new NHS», pp. 7384. N.° 2, Vol. 24.1996 - Taylor-Gooby, P. «Eurosclerosis in European welfare states: regime theory and the dynamics of change», pp. 109-124. - Ashford, T. «Regulating agricultural biotechnology: Reflexive modernisation and the European Union», pp. 125-136. - Jones, M. «Full stream ahead to a workfare state? Analysing the UK Employment Department's abolition», pp. 137-158.. - Batthi, M. «Housing and environmental policy in the UK», pp. 159170", pp. 159-170. - Knapp, M.; Koutsogeorgopoulou, V.¡ Smith, J. «Volunteer participation in community care», pp. 171-192. - Payne, S. «Psychiatric care in the community: does it fail young men?«, pp. 193-206. N.° 3, VoL 24.1996 - Castles, F.; Pierson, C. «A new convergence? Recent policy developments in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand», pp. 233-246. - Toft, C. «Constitutional choice, multilevel government and social security systems in Great Britain, Germany and Denmark», pp. 247-262. - Barrow, M. «Public services and the theory of regulation», pp. 263-276. - Palfrey, C; Thomas, P. «Ethical issues in policy evaluation», pp. 277-286. - Towell, D..«Revaluing the NHS: empowering ourselves to shape a health care system fit for the 21st century», pp. 287-298. - Owen, M.; Farmer, E. «Child protection in a multi-racial context», 299314. Policy Studies. Policy Studies. Institute. Wheatons Ltd. Exeter. N.° 4, VoL 16.1996 - Atkinson, R. «Post-war urban policy in Britain: Changing perceptions and problems», pp. 6-17. - Beaumont, P. «Privatised organisations and industrial relations change», pp. 1828. - Christie, I. «The greening of industry: Towards cleaner production in British manufacturing», pp. 29-48. - Lissenburgh, S. «Implementing 'equal valué' through collective bargaining and job evaluation», pp. 49-68..

(7) Revista de Revistas N.° 1, VoL 17.1996 - Nickel!, S. «The low-skill low-pay problem: Lessons from Germany for Britain and the US», pp. 7-22. - Berridge, V.; Thom, B. «Research and policy: What determines the relationship?», pp. 23-34. - Morgan, R. «Custody in the Pólice station: How do England and Wales measure up in Europe?», pp. 55-72. - Smith, M.; Potter, S. «Eco-labelling and environmental policy: Policy confusión persists», pp. 73-80. N.° 2, VoL 17.1996 -Bradshaw, J. «Family policy and family poverty», pp. 93-106. - Weeks, J.; Aggleton, P. et al. «Community and contracts: Tensions and dilemmas in the voluntary sector response to HIV and AIDS», pp.107-124. - Bradshaw, W. «Ten turbulent years The effects on the bus industry of deregulation and privatisation», pp. 125136. - Guy, S.; Marvin, S. «Transforming urban infrastructure provisión -The emerging logic of demand side management», pp. 137-148. - Lucas, K.; Chambers, D. «Towards a deconstruction of 'enviroment' in the regeneraron of Thames Gateway», pp. 149-162. Tbe Political Quarterly. Whitstable. Litho. Whitstable. N.° 1, VoL 67.1996 - Robertson, J. «Toward a new social compact: Citizen's income and radical tax reform», pp. 54-57. - van Parijs, P. «Basic income and the two dilemmas of the welfare state», pp. 63-66. - Atkinson, A. «The case for a participaron income», pp.67-70. N.° 2, VoL 67.1996 - Teasdale, A. «The politics of majority voting in Europe», pp. 101-115.. - Taylor-Gooby, P. «Paying for welfare: The view from Europe», pp. 116-126. - Bloomfield, K. «Devolution -Lessons from Northern Ireland», pp. 135-140. - Mishan, E. «Technical unemployment: Why are there hard times ahead», pp. 151157. N.° 3, VoL 67.1996 - Perkin, H. «The third revolution and stakeholder capitalism: Convergence or collapse?», pp. 198-208. - Williamson, J. «The road to stakeholding», pp. 198-209. - Wolf, M. «Why European Integration cannot be built on EMÚ», pp. 256-260. Political. Studies.. Blackwell.. Oxford. N.° 4, VoL 43.1995 - Marsh, D. «Explaining 'Thatcherite' policies: Beyond uni-dimensional explanation», pp. 595-613- James, O. «Explaining the Next Steps in the Department of Social Security: the bureau-shaping model of central state reorganization», pp. 614-629. - Kong, T. «From relative autonomy to consensual development: the case of South Korea», pp. 630-644. - Asard, E.; Bennett, W. L. «Regulating the marketplace of ideas: Political rhetoric in Swedish and American national elections», pp. 645-663. - Collins, N. «Agricultural policy networks of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland», pp. 664-682. - Simons, J. «The exile of political theory: the lost homeland of legitimación», pp. 683-697. N.° 1, VoL 44.1996 - Lañe, D. «The Gorbachev revolution: The role of the Political Élite in regime disintegration», pp. 4-23. - Farrell, D.; Mackerras, M.; McAllister, I. «Designing electoral institutions: STV systems and their consequences», pp. 2443.. - Lawrence, P. «Strategy, hegemony and ideology: The role of intellectuals», pp. 4459. N.° 2, VoL 44.1996 - Sanders, D. «Economic performance, management competence and the outcome of the next general election», pp. 203-231. - Boyne, G. «Assessing party effects on local policies: A quarter century of progress or eternal recurrence?», pp. 232252. - Jeffery, C. «Towards a 'third level' in Europe? The Germán lánder in the European Union», pp. 253-266. - Thompson, M. «No exit: 'Nationstateness' and democratization in the Germán Democratic Republic», pp. 267286. Public Administration -an international quarterly-. Blackwell.. Oxford. N.° 4, VoL 73.1995 - Alderman, R.K. «A defence of frequent ministerial turnover», pp. 497-512. - Turnbull, P; Wass, V. «The great dock and dolé swindle': accounting for the costs and benefits of port transpon deregulation and the dock labour compensation scheme», pp. 513-534. - Ogden, S.; Anderson, F. «Representing customer's interests: the case of the privatized water industry in England and Wales», pp. 535-561. - Likierman, A. «Resource accounting and budgeting: rationale and background», pp. 562-570. - Heald, D.; Georgiou, G. «Resource accounting: valuation, consolidation and accounting regulation», pp. 571-579. - Wright, M. «Resource budgeting and the PES system», pp. 580-590. - Mazey, S. «The development of UE equality policies: bureaucratic expansión on behalf of women?», pp. 591-610.. 259.

(8) Revista de Revistas - Raadschelders, J. «Rediscovering citizenship: historical and contemporary reflections», pp. 611-626. N.° 1, Vol. 74.1996 - Kirkpatrick, I.; Martínez, M. «Introduction: The contract state and the future of public management», pp. 1-8. - Hogget, P. «New modes of control in the public service», pp. 9-32. - Deakin, N.; Walsh, K. «The enabling state: The role of markets and contracts», pp. 33-48. - Bennett, C; Ferlie, E. «Contracting in theory and in practice: some evidence from the NHS», pp. 49-66. - Charlesworth, J. et al. «Tangled webs? Manging local mixed economies of care», pp. 67-89. - White, G. «Public sector pay bargaining: Comparability, decentralization and control», pp. 89-112. - Rathgeb, S. «Transforming public services: Contracting for social and health services in the US», pp. 113-128. - Domberger, S.; Hall, C. «Contracting for public services: A review of antipodean experience», pp. 129-148. N.° 2, Vol. 74.1996 - Bellamy, C. «Transforming social security administration for the twenty-first century: Towards one-stop services and the client group principie?», pp. 159-180. - Lowndes, V. «Varieties of new institutionalism: A critical appraisal», pp. 181-198. - Wilson, D. «The Local Government Commission: examining the consultative process», pp. 199-220. - Froud, J.; Ogus, A. «'Rational' social regulation and compliance cost assessment», pp. 221-238. - Cram, I.¡ Bell, J. «Towards a better public law?», pp. 239-254. - Weale, A. et al. «Environmental administration in six European states: secular convergence or national distinctiveness?», pp. 255-274. 260. - Elgie, R. «The French presidency: Conceptualizing presidential power in the Fifth Republic», pp. 275-292. John, P. «Centralizaron, decentralization and the European Union: The dynamics of triadic relationships», pp. 293-314. - Walsh, K. et al. «Management in the public sector: A content analysis of journals», pp. 315-324. Public Money and Management. Blackwell. Oxford. N.° 4, Vol. 15.1995 - Meekings, A. «Unlocking the potential of performance measurement: A practical implementation guide», pp. 5-12. - Smith, P. «Performance indicators and outcome in the public sector», pp. 13-16. - Cave, M.; Hanney, S.; Henkel, M. «Performance measurement in higher education -revisited», pp. 17-24. - Rogerson, P. «Performance measurement and policing: pólice service or law enforcement agency?», pp. 25-30. - Haselbekke, A.; «Public policy and performance measurement in the Netherlands», pp. 31-38. - Hepworth, N. «The role of performance audit», pp. 39-42. - Bailey, S. «The national lottery public expenditure control and accountability», pp. 43-48. - Lavery, K. «Privatization by the back door: the rise of prívate government in the USA», pp. 49-54. - Pol, L; Butler, P. «Health care in the UK and the USA: heading in opposite directions», pp. 55-60. - Lesley, L. «Public and prívate funding in new urban transport», pp. 61-66. N.° 1, Vol. 16.1996 - Terry, F. «The prívate finance initiative -Overdue reform or policy breakthrough?», pp. 9-16.. - Stoker, G. «The struggle to reform local government: 1970-95», pp. 17-22. - Clark, D. «Open government in Britain: Discourse and practice», pp. 2330. - Parker, D.; Martin, S. «The impact of UK privatization on employment, profits and the distribution of business income», pp. 31-38. - Earl-Slater, A. «Privatizing medicines in the National Health Service», pp. 3944. - Etherington, D. «Strategies for decentralization and local government autonomy -An assessment of a Danish initiative», pp. 45-50. - Mitchell M. «Activity-based costing in UK universities», pp. 51-58. - Stittle, J. «Use of modern equivalent asset valúes in UK rail privatization», pp. 59-65. N.° 2, Vol. 16.1996 - Hodges, R. et al. «Corporate governance in the public services: Concepts and issues», pp. 7-14. - Ferlie, E. et al. «Corporate governance in the post 1990 NHS: The role of the board», pp. 15-22. - Whiteoak, J. «Corporate governance -Why local government should manage its own agenda», pp. 23-30. - Boyett, I.; Finlay, D. «Corporate governance añd the schobl head teacher», pp. 31-38. - Kilpatrick, K.; Lapsley, I. «Trust us' Regulators and the governance of privatized Utilities», pp. 39-46. - Midwinter, A.; McVicar, M. «Uncharted waters? Problems of financing labour's Scottish parliament», pp.47-52. - Wilson, E.; Doig, A. «The shape of ideology: Structure, culture and policy delivery», pp. 53-61. N.° 3, Vol. 16.1996 - Parkinson, M. «Twenty-five years of urban policy in Britain -Partnership,.

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