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Towards a Distributed Systems Model based on Multi-Agent Systems for Reproducing Self-properties


Academic year: 2020

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Capítulo 11

Towards a

Distributed Systems

Model based on

Multi-Agent Systems

for Reproducing


Model based on Multi-Agent

Systems for Reproducing


n Arles Rodríguez y Jonatan Gómez


In this chapter, we introduce a preliminary model of a distributed system (some algorithms and principles are modelled) which has been inspired by multi-agent systems. Agents can communicate in a local fashion and establish a cooperation process in order to compute some desired functions as a traditional distributed sys-tem, producing an output that is transparent to an end user. Each agent can sense new information, and acts following certain information in a decentralized way. As a result, the output of the implemented functions achieves the same result as a traditional distributed system by using local behaviours. Finally, we show that it is possible to define crashes in the proposed model in a local, natural and easy way. The purpose of doing this is to use this simulated model to introduce behaviours to agents that allow the system to recover from failures by itself, in turn, achieving self-* properties.



A distributed System is a collection of autonomous components connected through a network, which coordinate their activities and share resources in order to offer services to end users in a transparent and easy way (Tanenbaum & Steen, 2006). However, distributed systems are complex to manage, expand, or maintain, since they are prone to failures, their components have partial knowledge of the envi-ronment, and can they fail, requiring adaptation to warrant completion of a deter-mined task (Raynal, 2013).

Autonomic Computing faces complexity with the idea of a computer system that adapts to changes without human intervention (Lalanda, Mccann, & Diaconescu, 2013). Autonomic Computing defines an autonomic system as a set of autonomic elements which are responsible for managing a particular element (White, Han-son, Whalley, Chess, & Kephart, 2004). An autonomic element manages its own state and its interactions with an environment (White et al., 2004). The environ-ment consists of signals and messages from other eleenviron-ments and the external world (Kephart, Chess, Jeffrey, & David, 2003). From the Self-management goal, some self-* properties emerge: adapting to the addition or deletion of components (Self- configuration) (Kephart et al., 2003), detecting and recovering from failures with -out disruption to the system operation (Self-healing) (Nami & Bertels, 2007), finding improvements in the efficiency of a system (Self-optimization) (Lalanda et al., 2013), and anticipating and preventing threats (Self-protection) (Lalanda et al., 2013).

Distributed systems and autonomic elements can be modelled as multi-agent Systems (Lalanda et al., 2013). Agents are designed as autonomous adaptive entities that observe their internal and external states, act based on their local perceptions, and can model multiple feedback loops(Jun et al., 2004). Additionally, cooperative agents are able to control a computer network, just based on the agent’s (local) in-teractions, or are able to model some autonomic elements. In this way, an agent has the ability to manage resources in a network by analysing the capabilities of each element and by defining it as a managed element (Guo, Gao, Zhu, & Zhang, 2006).


interactions between processes in a local way instead calculating network usage or CPU as packet level simulators (Bhardwaj & Dixit, 2010) or flow level simulators (Casanova, Legrand, & Quinson, 2008; Fujiwara & Casanova, 2007; velho & Leg-rand, 2009).

Through the modelling agents, it is expected to have a more natural and be clos-er to a living system vclos-ersion of a distributed system. This is be possible, because agents perform some computations in the same way as distributed systems do, but they can present failures at a local level that can be repaired by adding behaviours proper to biological systems, or social dynamics to the agents. The idea is that agents will perform the task of an autonomic manager and the network managed resource at the same time.

The remaining part of this paper is organized as follows: the next section presents some background regarding the distributed systems definition taken, then, the fol -lowing section deals with the design of the agent’s environment and the commu-nications protocol. The fourth section shows the computed functions and their design. The fifth section presents some experiments regarding the computation of some functions (routing tables, max, and min) and a failures definition. Finally, some conclusions are drawn.

2. Distributed systems generalities

A distributed system can be seen as a “natural” object based on the collective work of processes connected through a communication system (network). The idea of this paper is to have a collection of agents that represent processes in which, each process can carry out a well-designed simple task, communicate the result to other processes, and obtain a complex output as a result of the collective work (Tel, 2009).

Distributed systems can be modelled as a set of processes ∏ =


p p1, , ,2 … pj


, where

pi is able to communicate with pj and use a communication channel (Satzger,


is a fixed universe, to a process q and Receive q

( )

cleans the buffer of process q and delivers messages to the process if the message is delivered or returning null marker ' '∅ otherwise. Additionally, communication channels are bidirectional and the ability to send messages between processes or nodes determines the network topology (Satzger, 2008).

There are two known types of communication in distributed systems: synchronous and asynchronous (Kshemkalyani & Singhal, 2008). on the one hand, a distributed system is synchronous if the Send primitive is blocked until the corresponding Receive primitive has been performed and completed. on the other hand, a dis-tributed system is asynchronous if there are no timing assumptions regarding mes-sage delay, clock drift, or time taken to execute a Send primitive, and the control returns back to the invoking process after the data is copied in the buffer of the process that receives. Asynchronous Simulation of Distributed Systems is simpler and easier to replicate than synchronous models because it does not include timing assumptions (Chandra & Toueg, 1996).


3. Model based on multi-agent systems

Multi-agent systems define agents capable of independent actions with the abil -ity of interacting with others. Agents are required to cooperate, coordinate and negotiate in order to achieve their tasks (Balaji & Srinivasan, 2010). To model a distributed system, each process pi is defined as an agent. Each agent (process) senses information from its environment (network) and acts in this environment by using actuators (Russell & norvig, 2004). This multi-agent model is based on the Algorithmic Framework to Compute Global Functions on a Process Graph of Raynal, 2013. Based on this proposal, the following rules are defined for the agents:

• no centralized control: Agents obey rules of behaviour and do the same task in a local way by communicating with their neighbours.

• Communication Channels are FIFO: Messages received first are processed first by each agent.

• Local communication and variables: Each agent receives and sends messages only to its neighbours. Each agent pi has its own local inputs inputi and local

outputs outi.

3.1. The Agent’s Environment

A Network is a graph that stores processes, identities, and the channels that define the neighbours of each process in the form of vertices and edges. Additionally, network stores a message queue for each process to model FIFo communication channels and implements the agent’s architecture, which is the way agents ini-tialise sense and act in the environment (Fig 2). In this way, a network is defined as a dynamic and non-deterministic environment because agents have partial con-trol over the network; they can change in the way that processes and channels can crash and therefore produce unexpected results (Russell & norvig, 2004).


Fig 2. network visualisation

Scalability is also required for failure detection and healing models because these processes require, at least, the establishment of monitoring relationships by ex-changing messages, and cooperation between nodes can be necessary to guarantee scalability (Satzger, 2008). Based on these ideas, a model must support differ-ent network configurations. A graph library called JUNG (White, 2005) is used to represent the network in the model. This library allows the generation of random graphs by using different algorithms from the literature.

JUNG is a Java framework used to generate different random network configura -tions (White, 2005). This framework implements a random generator of graphs that approximate its behaviour to power laws (Eppstein & Wang, 2002). It is chosen because some researchers observed that computer networks and internet topology exhibit a power law distribution (Eppstein & Wang, 2002; Faloutsos, Faloutsos, & Faloutsos, 1999). Additionally, by using power laws, it is possible to analyse the average-case behaviour of network protocols (Faloutsos et al., 1999).


3.2. Agent’s Model

Agents by now are reactive. This means that each agent operates to respond to changes and to satisfy its design objectives (Russell & norvig, 2004). An agent program defines the main thread of an agent, which determines the next action to execute according to its local knowledge. The main thread of each agent looks like algorithm 1 (Alg. 1). While an agent is alive (status != Action.DIE) this agent senses from the network; after that it chooses an action based on its percep-tions, and finally the action has an effect on the environment.

Alg. 1. Main thread of an agent

In this work, each agent i computes a result outi based on its local input inputi.

From an external point of view, there is a vector of inputs INPUT such that




[ ]


=inputi and a vector of outputs




. This design is based on

An Algorithmic Framework to Compute Global Functions on a Process Graph by Raynal, 2013. The idea is that agents cooperate and coordinate to compute OUTPUT = F INPUT



. In this way, processes can compute the same output


min max sorting, ,


, or different outputs (outioutj) that give global information (e.g. routing tables of a network) )

for experimental purposes, or a user can request information locally from each process like in a real distributed system in a transparent way.

A key point of this proposal is the communication between agents and the time of each simulation. Each simulation step in an agent loop is a round (Alg. 1.). In each round, an agent shares its local knowledge and gets new information from neighbours. Additionally, based on the new information, it updates and computes the function F, and determines the new local information to broadcast to its neigh-bours. The process stops when there is no new information to share or if the agent fails


status=ACTION DIE.



Agent perceptions are in a collection called perceptions=


round hasMsg neighbors ch, , , in,chout,meessage




round hasMsg neighbors ch, , , in,chout,meessage


. round is an agent’s internal counter of iteration;

round = -1;

while(status != ACTION.DIE){

Percept p = network.sense();

Action action = program.compute(p, round); Network.act(this, action);


hasMsg is a boolean flag that is true if the message buffer of the agents has messag -es; neighbours return a list with the identities of the neighbours for communication;

chin and chout are the list of input and output channels respectively, and message represents new information received from a neighbour.

An agent has the following actions: Initialise, Send, Receive and Die. Initialise sets pa-rameters for a determined algorithm like agents identities (pi) and custom

informa-tion (inputi, newi); Send defines propagation of new information that an agent has received previously from its neighbours; Receive computes a determined algorithm with the local information received and calculates what the new information is for sharing in the next round. Finally, Die allows each agent be able to return its local output outi and terminate its execution thread. In contrast to the model of Raynal, 2013, the actions Send and Receive are executed given some conditions instead of run sequentially in each agent program as shown in Alg. 2. In the first round, each agent performs Initialize. An agent always performs Receive when it receives a new message; in other cases, the agent does Send.

Alg. 2. Actions definition

Each agent has some variables to control its internal status and to store the new in-formation that it gets from its neighbours. infi stores all the information learned from neighbours, newi stores the new information learned on each round, and outi stores the output of the local function. Fig. 3. shows the agent’s design. In the next subsec-tions, details regarding an agent’s actions and information management are drawn.

Action compute(Percept p, int round) { Action act = null;

double probFailure = 0.1;

//process can fail with a probability of 0.1 if (Math.random() < probFailure) {

return new Action(“Die”); }

if (round == -1) { //round -1 means initialize act = new Action(“Initialize”);

} else if ((boolean) p.getAttribute(“hasMsg”) == true) { act = new Action(“Receive”);

} else {

act = new Action(“Send”); }


Fig. 3. Agents Design.

3.3. Initialisation

An agent i performs initialisation at the start (in the first round) by assigning values for each local input inputi depending of the function F. In the first round, inputi

and newi can have the same value. For organization purposes, these variables are defined as a collection structure with each element defined as the pair ,p valuei i

, where pi is the agent id and valuei is the local value. After setting variables, the round number is increased.


3.4. Send and Die

An agent spreads new information to its neighbours by Send. This action allows agents to choose the information to send to a neighbour j by using the output chan-nel _Ch outj. new information to be sent to channel j is the difference between the new information newi and the received information from the same channel (agent) in the last round (Recv j

[ ]

) (Eq. 1 from Raynal, 2013).

Send j

[ ]

=newi\Recv j

[ ]

(Eq. 1.) Each message is encoded as a collection M = from msg chan, where from is the id of the agent sender, msg is the serialized content of the message, and chan is the channel from which msg was sent. Send a message is to store each msg in the FIFo queue mailbox that the network has for each neighbour. Send j

[ ]

= ∅means that there is no new information to share with this process by channel j, so j is removed from Ch out_ i after an agent sends ∅. once the newi is sent by all the channels

newi = ∅. Finally, the round number is increased by one.

After the round number is increased and messages are sent to all the neighbours,

Ch in_ r =Ch in _ i. This means that an agent has shared information and now is the moment for receiving information from all its neighbours. In the opposite way, messages are sent, if and only if, Ch in_ r = ∅. This means that only new

informa-tion is shared when all the neighbours have reported informainforma-tion to the agent or the agent has been initialized.

Additionally, the logic expression Ch in_ i ≠ ∅ ∧Ch out_ i ≠ ∅ which represents that there is no new information to be sent or received is evaluated. If this condition is true, the agent returns the outi to a control board that stores the results of all the agents and finally ends the agent process. Die is an action that sets the agent status in Action.DIE and it stops the main thread of the agent.

Failures are defined in this work with the action Action.DIE as shown in Alg. 2. A failure probability probFailure

[ ]

0 1, is defined. For example, a probFailure=0 1.

means that an agent would stop in one of ten actions.

3.5. Receive

This action allows agents to receive new information from others and to compute lo-cal outputs. First, each agent decodes the received message msg= from msg chan


defined as Recv[chan] with the information sent using chan. As Raynal, 2013 re-marks, there are five possible scenarios:

• if Send chan



=Recv chan



, agents that are connected by channel chan has the same information at this point. So chan must be removed from Ch in_ i and

Ch out_ i.

• if Recv chan



= ∅, chan must be removed from Ch in_ i.

• if Send chan



Recv chan



the agent that sent the message has more informa-tion, so chan must be removed from Ch out_ i.

• If Recv chan



Send chan



the agent that sent the message has less informa-tion, so it must be removed from Ch in_ i.

• In other examples, case agents learn from each other them because they have complementary information.

After evaluating the channels, each agent proceeds to do its task. This task is the computation of the function F which takes the message msg received, processes msg, produces an output and stores its result in outi


outi =F msg




. once F is

computed, newi and infi are determined by Eq 2 and Eq 3 like in Raynal, 2013. These equations mean that new information is the union between the new infor-mation received by the neighbours in this round newi and the difference between the received information and all the information that an agent has learned infi. Finally, the channel from msg which was received is removed from Ch in_ r.

newi =newi


Recv j

[ ]



(Eq. 2)

infi =newiinfi (Eq. 3)

4. Experiments and results

The purpose of the experiments is to execute a function F in a network with fail-ures and compare the output with the global expected output. network is gener-ated using the Eppstein Algorithm of JUnG (Eppstein & Wang, 2002; S. White, 2005). Parameters to generate a network are the number of nodes n, the number of edges e, the function to compute F, and l the number of iterations to approximate a power law topology.

An experiment is a combination of parameters performed 30 times as follows: F =min n, =50,e =150,l=1000,probFailure =0 10 10 10, −6, −5, −44,10−3 and 10−1. The idea


4.1. Implemented functions

In this work functions max, min, sorting values and routing tables are implemented. Defi -nition of functions are local and executed as F in the Receive action of each agent. Agents take infi and newi and assign values to outi. Implementing each algorithm

is easy because they only imply to change the value (or type) of newi, infi and outi

and establish a predicate.

Table 1 presents a description of the different functions computed. Declarations of variables of type collection are written as var type∈ []. Identity of process i (pi) is

a String




. \ and ∪ are difference and union of collections respectively. In

the case of max and min, the algorithm is performed over the data of Integer type, so there is classic calculation of max and min having each process in a network a value. The same case happens with sorting where an Integer value of each process is extracted and added to an Integer collection Integer[] and this collection is sorted.

Table 1. Functions F Implemented.

Function Parameter Definition


Input type infi ∈<p Integeri, >[],newi ∈<p Integeri, >[]

Predicate aux<p Integeri, >[] Re= cu ch

[ ]





outi =max aux inf


, i


output type outi ∈<p Intergeri, >


Input type infi ∈<p Integeri, >[],newi ∈<p Integeri, >[]

Predicate aux<p Integeri, >[] Re= cu ch

[ ]





outi =min aux inf


, i


output type outi ∈<p Integeri, >


Input type infi ∈<p Integeri, >[],newi ∈<p Integeri, >[]

Predicate aux<p Integeri, >[]=Recu ch

[ ]





outi =sort aux inf




output type outi ∈<p Integeri, []>

Routing Tables

Input type infi ∈<p pi, i>[],newi ∈<p pi, i>[]


aux<p pi, i>[]=Recu ch

[ ]





out put ch out get chi





( )





In the case of routing tables, inputs are agents’ identities and the outputs are channels that an agent pi can use for communicating with its neighbours. get and put are

meth-ods that return or insert a collection of data associated to a channel ej (in this case, the list of agents reachable from channel ej). For example, the input for the process p6 - it is the red process in the network of Fig. 4a - is inf6 = p p6, 6 ,new6 = p p6, 6 , the

val-ue computed of this output is: out6 =


e29 =

{ }

p10 ,e14 =


p p9,11


,e11 =


p p p4, ,1 0


,e3 =


p p8, ,,7 p14, ,p p5 13


,e0 =


p p p12, ,3 2




out6 =


e29 =

{ }

p10 ,e14 =


p p9,11




p p p4, ,1 0


,e3 =


p p8, ,,7 p14, ,p p5 13


,e0 =


p p p12, ,3 2



.This output can be interpreted as: p6 reaches p10

by using channel e29, by e14 process reaches p9 and p11, etc.

Fig. 4. Processes networks

4.2. Results


For a greater value in the probFailure column, more agents with wrong answers and agents without response are observed. In the experiments performed, it is ob-served that the main effects of a crash are wrong answers more than problems in communication. Agents without results represent agents that crash without receiv-ing a message because each time an agent receives a message, it reports its output to the control board. Additionally, it is observed (by now empirically) how the crash of a process increases execution times because this implies that other agents remain waiting for a response for a long time until they crash (given a probFailure). Lower values in the probFailure column imply less processes with failures and more process waiting for answers from its crashed neighbors. Another interesting point is that there are few experiments where all the agents give wrong answers.

Table 2. Summary of experiments for crash (F =min n, =50,e =150,l=1000,probFailure =0 10 10 10, −6, −5, −44,10−3

F =min n, =50,e =150,l=1000,probFailure=0 10 10 10, −6, −5, −44,10−3 and 10−1)

probFailure Agents Right Agents Wrong Agents without Response

0 47 ± 0 0 ± 0 3 ± 0

10-6 46.55 ± 1.5 0.45 ± 1.5 3 ± 0

10-5 42.27 ± 4.09 4.10 ±4.20 3.63 ± 0.72

10-4 24.29 ± 9.53 18.39 ± 9.67 7.32 ± 1.78

10-3 16.33 ± 9.99 22.63 ± 9.79 11.03 ±3.01

10-1 2.13 ±3.21 25.03 ± 3.93 22.83 ± 4.22

As Raynal, 2013 proves, this communication mechanism allows information to be shared by all the network from process to process in the next rounds. In this case, computation terminates in maximum D+1 rounds, with being D the diameter of the communication graph. The Result is D+1 because it includes the sending

Send ch

( )

= ∅ when there is no new information to share, and in this case, the

channel is deleted from Ch in_ and Ch out_ . Each process is sending and receiving a message by a number of channels e in each round, so the maximum number of messages is 2e D




. Therefore, an achievement of this work is that the model proposed computes with the same number of rounds as a Distributed System for the communication protocol implemented without failures.



the agents to interact with others and compute functions as a distributed system. In the original implementation of the communication protocol of Raynal, 2013 all the actions are defined together as a program for the process pi. Each process must explicitly wait to receive a message from the other channels before starting a new round. By abstracting each process as an agent, it is possible to add more actions than an agent requires or even modify the agent program, because synchronization is achieved between the send and the receive events by storing the nodes that have not reported information in a given round.

one of the promising things of the communication protocol used is the possibility of modelling different functions in an easy way. As Table 1 presents, it is possible to define function F as a simple predicate and to set different input and output types without changing the protocol. In the processing of this actions it is possible to simulate what happen if an agent’s response is incorrect (Satzger, 2008).

FIFo communication channels are easy to implement in an environment like the one proposed in this paper. The message queue model allows agents to share in-formation in an effective way and serialization allows agents to send and receive different types of data over the network without modifying the environment. By having one buffer FIFo in the environment (for each agent) and another message buffer inside each agent, it is possible to emulate known types of failures of Dis-tributed Systems like omission failures where a node can fail to send or receive messages or requests which can imply a loss of communication channels (Satzger, 2008; Tanenbaum & Steen, 2006).

Our model is designed in a way that custom agent programs can be defined in or -der to add more behaviours to the agents and additional properties can be added to the environment in an easy way, just like in the crash failure presented in this paper. Even the communication protocol can be redefined in order to adapt it to other networking models, and in the same way new perceptions and actions can be added. As future work, we hope to define different kinds of tasks in the same network to achieve self-organization and to add parameters like the quality of the network connection to the channels.


local behaviours can be added to agents in order to allow for the adaptation of the system by itself and to give agents self-* properties. Additional metrics like time in rounds versus probFailure or message consumption are part of the future work.

By modelling decentralized control approaches based on local interactions, it is possible to see how different random networks compute good local results and how the agents without channels die because they have no other process for communication and cooperation. Source code and executable files are available at https://github.com/arleserp/DSSimulator.


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