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Academic year: 2020



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(1)El objetivo de esta sección es presenALEMANIA tar información sintetizada de los artículos más recientes sobre temas de gestión Venvaltungsarchiv. Cari Heymanns pública y análisis de políticas aparecidos Verlag KG. en una selección de revistas españolas y extranjeras. La información que se presenta consiste en la simple referencia del Vol. 89 - N9 2 -1998 autor, título del artículo y páginas que ocupa. Ha sido elaborada por: José Ma- Sommermann, Karl-Peter, «Braunuel Ruano de la Fuente y Salvador Pa- chen wir eine Ethik des óffentlichen rrado Diez. Dienstes?» pp. 290-305. VoL 89 - N9 4 -1998 ESPAÑA - Schróter, Eckhard «Abhandlungen Ein Bürgermeister für London: Neue Plañe und alte Probleme der Metropolenverwaltung», pp. 505-525 Autonomies. Revista Catalana de VoL 90 - N 9 1 -1999 Derecho Público. Escola d'Administra- Kónig, Klaus; Füchtner, Natascha ció Pública de Catalunya e Instituí d'Estudis Autonomies. Barcelona. «'Schlanker Staat' zwischen Bonn und Berlin» pp. 1-20 Vol. 24 - 2/1999 - Mauri i Majos, J. «La distribución de competencias en materia de función pública», pp. 37-65. - Stevens, A. «Ética y códigos de conducta: cuestiones actuales en la función pública británica», pp. 65-81. - Férez Fernández, M. «Reflexiones en torno a los principales cambios producidos en la función pública norteamericana (1978-1998): mito y realidad», pp. 81-120.. Die óffentücbe Verwaltung. W Kohlhammer GmbH. VoL 51 - N 9 11 -1998 - Klie, Thomas; Meysen, Thomas, «Abhandlungen - Neues Steuerungsmodell und Bürgerschaftliches Engagement Konkurrierende oder synergetische Programme zur Verwaltungsmodernisierung», pp. 452-458. VoL 51 - N 9 13 -1998. VoL 51 - N 9 19 -1998 - Siedentopf, Heinrich, «Führungskráfte in der Verwaltungsmodernisierung», pp. 838-844. VoL 51 - N9 21 -1998 - Pitschas, Rainer, «Abhandlungen Speyer, Struktur- und Funktionswandel der Aufsicht im Neuen Verwaltungsmanagement», pp. 907-915. VoL 52 - N9 7 -1999 - Busse, Volker «Vorschau - Bonn, Regierungsbildung aus organisatorischer Sicht - Tatsachliche und rechtliche Betrachtungen am Beispiel des Regierungswechsels 1998». VoL 52 - N 9 10 -1999 - Wolf-Hegerbekermeier, Thomas R «Die Verbindlichkeit im kommunalen Kontraktmanagement» pp: 419-423.. CANADÁ Canadian Public Administratioti. N9 3, VoL 41, Otoño 1999 - Haddow, R.: «Reforming LabourMarket Policy Governance: The Quebec Experience», pp. 343-369.. Hacienda Pública Española. - Ast, Susanne, «Institutionelle Anpassungsreaktionen im europáischen Meh- White, G.: «Shorter Measures: The rebenensystem? - Das Beispiel regionaler Changing Ministerial Career in Canadá», Vol. 145 - 2/1998 Strukturpolitik in Deutschland», pp. 535- pp. 369-395. - Brennan, G. «Elección Pública y 543. Hacienda Pública. Un lugar para la deVoL 51 - N 9 18 -1998 - Baetz, M.C. and Tanguay, A.B.: fensa de la reforma fiscal», pp. 3-12. - Schmidt-Jortzig, Edzard, «Herausfor- «Damned if you do, Damned if you - González Martínez, X. M. «Procesos derungen für den Fóderalismus in Deuts- don't: Government and the Conundrum de reforma en la gestión del empleo pú- chland - Pládoyer für einen neuen Wett- of Consultation in the Environmental bewerbsfóderalismus», pp. 746-750. Sector», pp. 395-419. blico», pp. 43-56.. 285.

(2) Revista de Revistas ESTADOS UNIDOS The American Econotnic Review. - Moon, Myung J.: «The Pursuit of Managerial Entrepeneurship: does Organization matter?», pp. 31-44. - Svara, James H.: «The Shifting Boundary between Elected Officials and City Managers in Large Council-Managers Cities», pp. 44-54.. European Journal of Political Research. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, Peterborough.. N9 2, VoL 34, octubre 1998 N 5, Vol. 88, diciembre 1998 - Coleman, W.D. and Grant, W.P.: - Gregory, Robert J.: «Social Capital «Policy Convergence and Policy Feed- Qian, Yingyi and Roland, Gérard: «Federalism and the Soft Budget Cons- Theory and Administrative Reform: Main- back: Agricultural Finance Policies in a taining Ethical Probity in Public Service», Globalizing Era», pp. 225-247. traint», pp. -1143-1163. - Krozsner, Randall S. and Strat- pp. 63-76. - Murphey, David: «Presenting Commann, Thomas: «Interest-Group CompetiITALIA munity-Level Data in an "Outcomes and tion and the Organization of Congress: Theory and Evidence from Financial Ser- Indicators" Framework: Lessons from vices' Political Action Committees», pp. Vermont's Experience», pp. 76-83. Antnamstrare Rivista Quadrimestra1163-1188. le dell' Istituto per la Scienza dell'Amministrazione Pubblica, II Mulino, Bo- Hermalin, Benjamin E.: «Toward an HOLANDA logna. Economic Theory of Leadership: Leading by Example», pp. 1188-1207. Policy Sciences. An International Journal Devoted to the Improvement of Journal of Policy Analysis and Anno XXVin, Numero 3, diciemPolicy Making Kluwer Academic PuManagement. Association for Policy bre 1998 blishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, Analysis and Management, Analysis and - Brosio, Giorgio: «Evoluzione della Peterborough Management, N.Y. Finanza Lócale Italiana: Introduzione», pp. 343-347. 9 N 4, VoL 31,1998 - Brosio, Giorgio e Márchese, Carla: N9 2, VoL 18, primavera 1999 - Special Issue: Regulatory Budgeting «Le politiche di Bilancio dei Comuni Ca- Shulock, Nancy: «The Paradox of poluogo», pp. 395-441. Policy Analysis: if it is not used, why - Thompson, Fred and Weidenbaum, do we produce so much of it?», pp. 226- Murray: «Introduction to a Symposium on L'Amministrazione Italiana. Ri245. Regulatory Budgeting», pp. 237-245. vista Mensile delle Amministrazioni Sta- Berrens, Robert P.; Bohara, Alok - Hughes, Samuel: "Regulatory Bud- tali Degli Enti Locali e delle OrganizzaK.; Baker, Amy; and Baker, Ken: «Reveazioni Tributare. geting", pp. 247-278. led Preferences of a State Bureau: Case of New Mexico's Underground Storage - James, Harvey S.: «Implementing a Tank Program-, pp. 303-327. Regulatory Budget: Estimating the ManN 9 12, Anno Lffl, diciembre 1998 dated Prívate Expenditure of the Clean Public Administration Review Air Act and Safe Drinking Water Act - Bertocchini, G.: «II Sistema di "ReAmerican Society for Public Administra- Amendments», pp. 279-300. porting» sul Control di Gestione», pp. tion, Washington. - Hopkins, Thomas D.: «Regulatory 1720-1723. Costs in Profile», pp. 301-320. - Botta, F.: «La discrezionalitá Gestio- James, Harvey S.: «Estimating nale dei Dirigenti e dei Responsabili dei OSHA Compliance Costs», pp. 321-341. Servizi», pp. 1756-1764. N 9 1, VoL 59, enero/febrero 1999 - Crews, Clyde W.: «Promise and Pe- Brudney, Jeffrey L; Hebert, Ted F.; ril», pp. 343-369. N 9 1, Anno LIV, enero 1999 Wright, Deil S.: «Reinventing Government - Meyers, R.T.: «Regulatory Budgein the American States: Measuring and - La Torre, G. : «Regioni e Controllo Explaining Administrative Reform», pp. ting: A Bad Idea whose Time has Come?», pp. 371-384. Succesivo di Gestione», pp. 11-14. 19-31. 9. 286.

(3) Revista de Revistas Comuni D'üalia Rivista Mensile di Dotrina, Giurisprudenza e Técnica Amministrativa per Amministratori e Operatori dell'Ente Lócale.. N9 1,1999 - Cascone, Gennaro: «Lo Svolgimento delle Funzioni Dirigenziali nei Piccoli Comuni», pp. 45-65. - Morigi, Paola: «La Pubblica Amministrazione e l'Introduzione dell'Euro», pp. 65-75. Rivista del Persónate dell'Ente Lócate. Gestione ed Organizzazione Pubblica. NQ 5, Anno XII, septiembre/octubre 1998 - Tampieri, Alberto: «Responsabilitá Dirigenziali e Responsabilitá Disciplinare del Dirigente dell'Ente Lócale», pp. 605617. Rivista Trimestrate deU'Amministrazione. di Scienza. N 9 1, enero-marzo 1998 - D'Albergo, Ernesto: «Le Sfide delle Amministrazione Pubbliche al Change Management: una Prospettiva Socio-Istituzionale», pp. 19-33. - Bolognini, Bruno: «I 'Codici della Cultura Organizzativa' e il Management Pubblico», pp. 33-55. GRAN BRETAÑA Adtninistration & Sodety. Sage Periodical Press, Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi.. Economic Paradigms and the Pattern of Reform in American Public Administration», pp. 616-640. - Kets de Vries, Manfred F.R. and Balazs, Katharina: "Transforming the Mind-Set of the Organization: A Clinical Perspective», pp. 640-676. - Svara, James V.: «Complementary of Politics and Administration as a Legitímate Alternative to the Dichotomy Model», pp. 676-706. - Cagle, M. Christine, Martínez, J. Michael and Richardson, William D.: «The Moral Context of Participation in Planned Organizational Change and Learning», pp. 706-734. N 9 1, Vol. 31, marzo 99 - Stever, James A.: «The Glass Firewall between Military and Civil Administration», pp. 28-50. - Soss, Joe: «Welfare Application Encounters», pp. 50-95. - Hirschmann, David: «'Customer Service' in the United States Agency for International Development. An example of designing a Democracy Program in Bangladesh», pp. 95-120. - Wilson, Patricia A.: «A Theory of Power and Politics and their effects on Organizational Commitment of Sénior Executive Service Members», pp. 120-142. International Journal of Public Administration N 9 1, VoL 22,1999 - Special Issue on Post-Soviet Bureaucracy: Change and Continuity - Makeyenko, P.A.; Gabrielian, V.; Holzer, M.: «The New Russian Bureaucracy: what is new about it?», pp. 13-39- Gabrielian, V.: «Post-Communist Bureaucracies: Organizational Modes of Transition», pp. 39-69.. Ne 6, Vol 30, enero 1999 - Kouznetsova, L. and Holzer, M.: - Kiel, L. Douglas and Elliot, Euel: «Long-Wave Economic Cycles, Techno- «The Human Side of Managing Organiza-. tions at a Time of Change: the Russian Perspective», pp. 69-99. - Vanags, E.; Balanoff, H.R.; and Lauletta, J.F.: 4After the Fall of the Soviet Union: the Changing Status of Local Governments in the Republic of Latvia», pp. 135. N9 2, VoL 22,1999 - Special Issue on the Essence of Decisión Redux - Golub, A. and Johnson, B.D.: «Coerced Treatment for Drug-Abusing Criminal Offenders: a Referral Device for Use in New York City», pp. 187-217. - Silverman, E.B. and O'Connell, P.E.: «Organizational Change and Decisión Making in the New York City Police Department: a Case Study», pp. 217261. - Hartmus, D.M.: «Decisionmaking, Independence and the Judiciary», pp. 261-285. - Traut, C.A.: «Policy Implementation in an International Setting: a Case Study of China and the 1995 United Nations Conference on Women», pp. 285-309. - Mbaku, J.M.: «Corruption Cleanups in Developing Societies: the Public Choice Perspective», pp. 309-347. - Smith, G.S. and Jacobs, K.: «New Zealand: the Dynamics behind a Reinvented Government», pp. 347N9 3-4, VoL 22,1999 - Special Issue on Health Care Reforms: Recent Developments - Long, A.F. and Jefferson, J.: «The significance of Outcomes within European Health Sector Reforms: towards the Development of an Outcomes Culture», pp. 385-425. - Hunter, D.J.: «Reforming United Kingdom's Health Care System», pp. 425461. - Hayllar, M.R.: «Reforms to enhance Accountability and Citizen Involvement: a Case Study of the Hong Kong Hospital Authority», pp. 461-499-. 287.

(4) Revista de Revistas - Yuen, P.P. and Yan H.: «Managed Care Systems in the People's Republic of China», pp. 499-525. - North,. N.: «Reforming the New Zealand's Health Care System», pp. 525559. - Li, L: «Reforming United States' Health Care System», pp. 559-575. - Alaszewski, A.: «The Rise of Risk Assessment and Risk Management in the United Kingdom», pp. 575International Political Science Review. Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford. W1, VoL 20, Enero 1999 - Leca, Jean: «The Enduring Dialogue of Conflict and Order in a Changing World», pp. 5-23. - Fabbrini, Sergio: «The American System of Separated Government: An Historical-Institutional Interpretation, pp. 95-117. Local Governance N5 2, VoL 24, Verano 1998 - Curtís, Donald: «Re-inventing South African Local Government: Opportunities and Pitfalls in the Process», pp. 85-91. - Fenwick, John and Bailey, Mark: «Corporate Management in the New Unitary Councils», pp. 91-101. - Spencer, Ken and Mawson, John: «Government Offices and Policy Co-ordination in the English Regions», pp. 101111. - Davis, Howard and Walker, Bruce: «Contracting and Best Valué: Developing a New Approach», pp. 111-119- Gibson, John: «Overblown Rhetoric and Timid Bureaucratic Reality: the Local Finance Review», pp. 119-131. - Collins, Michael F. and Kennett, Christopher: «Leisure, Poverty and Social Inclusión: the Growing Role of Leisure. 288. Cards in Public Leisure Services in BriPolicy & Politics. School of Advanced Social Studies, Bristol. tain», pp. 131-143. - Gibson, Andy: «Disaffection, Young People and Public Policy: the Challenge Ne 1, Vol. 27, Enero 1999 Facing Us», pp. 143-155. Special Issue: Mental Health and So- O'Donovan, Ita: «The Process Ap- cial Order proach to Development Projects: Lessons - Pilgrim, David and Rogers, Arme: from Abroad for Community Develop«Mental Health Policy and the Politics of ment Project Management», pp. 155Mental Health: A Three-Tier Analitycal Local Government Studies. Frank Framework», pp. 13-25. Cass & Co. Ltd., London - Busfield, Joan: «Mental Health Policy: Making Gender and Ethnicity Visible», pp. 57-75. 9 N 4, Vol. 24, invierno 1998 - Shaw, Ian: «Evaluating Quality in - Sanderson, Ian: «Beyond PerforMental Health Services: Contexts and Ismance Measurements? Assessing «Valué» sues», pp. 113-121. in Local Government», pp. 1-26. - Edwards, Julia: «Local Authority Policy Studies, Policy Studies InstiPerformance Indicators: Dousing the Fire tute, Wheatons Ltd., Exeter. of Campaigning Consumers?, pp. 26-46. - Stott, Tony: «Nolan, Councillors and N5 3 and 4, VoL 19, diciembre 1998 Planning», pp. 46-64. Special Issue: New Directions in Cri- Kertle, Jane: «Local Iniciatives for Working Women: Feminism, Economics, minal Justice? - Quin, Joyce: «The Labour Governor Both?, pp. 64-77. ment's New Approach to Criminal JustiThe International Journal of Pu- ce», pp. 185-191. - Crawford, Adam: «Community Sablic Sector Management. fety and the Quest for Security: Holding 9 Back the Dynamics of Social Exclusión», N 1, Vol. 12,1999 pp. 237-255. - Llewellyn, Sue; Edén, Ron and Lay, Colin: «Financial and Professional IncentiPublic Administration -An Interves in Health Care: comparing the UK national Quarterly. Blackwell, Oxand Canadian Experiences», pp. 6-17. ford. - Ewing, Michael T. and Caruana, Albert: «An International Marketing Approach to Public Sector Management: the VoL 76, invierno 1998 Marketing and Human Resource Interfa- Bulder, Simón and Burch, Martin: ce», pp. 17-27 «Organizing for Europe: Whitehall, the - Wilson, Elisabeth M. and lies, Paul British State and the European Union», A.: «Managing Diversity - an Employment pp. 601-629. and Service Delivery Challenge», pp. 2749. - Gibson, John: «Political Manipula- Maor, Moshe and Jones, G.W.: «Im- tion or Feedback in English Local Authoplementing Decentralised Reform in Lo- rities' Standard Spending Assessments? cal Government: Leadership Lessons The Case of the Abolition of the Inner from the Australian Experience», pp. 63- London Education Authority», pp. 629649. 77..

(5) Revista de Revistas - Wistow; Gerald and Harrison, Step- view of Theory and Evidence», pp. 695hen: «Rationality and Rhetoric: the Contri- 713. bution to Social Care Policy Making of - Jordán, Grant: «Indirect Causes and Sir Roy Griffiths. 1986-1991», pp. 649-669. Effects in Policy Change: the Brent Spar Case», pp. 713-741. - Jordán, Andrew and Greenaway, Public Policy And AdministraJohn: «Shifting Agendas, Changing Regulatory Structures and the «New» Politics of tion. Enviromental Pollution: British Coastal Water Policy, 1955-1995», pp. 669-695. PP4, VoL 13, invierno 1999 - Boyne, George A.: «Competitive - Stewart, John: «Advance or Retreat: Tendering in Local Government: a Re- from the Traditions of Public Administra-. tion to the New Public Management and beyond», pp. 12-28. - Menon, Anand and Wright, Vincent: «The Paradoxes of 'Failure': British EU Policy Making in Comparative Perspective», pp. 46-67. - Newman, Janet; Richards, Sue; and Smith Paula: «Market Testing and Institutional Change in the UK Civil Service: Compliance, Non Compliance and Enga gement», pp. 96-. 289.




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