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Grupo de Investigación: ANALISIS FUNCIONAL Y APLICACIONES (Cod.: FQM199)

Departamento: Universidad de Granada. Análisis Matemático Código ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6114-9517

RG: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Angel_Rodriguez_Palacios

Academia.edu https://ugr.academia.edu/AngelRodriguezPalacios

Correo electronico: apalacio@ugr.es

Código: 23852

Producción 161

Artículos (132)

Libros (4)

Capítulos de Libros (6)

Tesis dirigidas (19)

Proyectos dirigidos 6

Proyectos (6)

Contratos (0)

Convenios (0)

Actividades 1

Evolución producción Tesis Capítu… Libros Artículos 1974 1977 1980 1983 1986 1989 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 Año

Proyectos en curso por año


A note on topological divisors of zero and division algebras

Revista de la real academia de ciencias exactas, fisicas y naturales - serie a: matematicas

Articulo 2015 Non-associative normed algebras. volume i: the

vidav-palmer and gelfand-naimark theorems Cambridge : cambridge university press Libros 2014 A characterization of ¿-complemented algebras Communications in algebra Articulo 2013 On the gelfand-naimark axiom ||a* a||=||a||^2 Quarterly journal of mathematics Articulo 2012 Topologically nilpotent normed algebras Journal of algebra Articulo 2012 Approximately norm-unital products on on

c*-algebras, and a non-associative gelfand-naimark

theorem Journal of algebra Articulo 2011

Centralizers in semisimple algebras, and descent

spectrum in banach algebras Journal of algebra Articulo 2011 Weakly open sets in the unit ball of the projective

tensor products of banach spaces Journal of mathematical analysis andapplications Articulo 2011 Algebra descent spectrum of operators Israel journal of mathematics Articulo 2010 Banach space characterization of unitaries: a


Journal of mathematical analysis and

applications Articulo 2010

Compact and weakly compact operators on non-coplete normed spaces

Proceedings of jordan structures in algebra and analysis meeting. tribute to el amin kaidi for his 60th birthday.

Capítulo de libro 2010 Non-associative joint spectral radius

Proceedings of jordan structures in algebra and analysis meeting. tribute to el amin kaidi for his 60th birthday.

Capítulo de libro 2010 On multiplicatively closed subsets of normed

algebras Journal of algebra Articulo 2010

Absolute valued algebras with involution Communications in algebra Articulo 2009 Locally uniformly rotund points in

convex-transitive banach spaces

Journal of mathematical analysis and

applications Articulo 2009

Relatively weakly open sets in closed balls of

banach spaces, and the centralizer Mathematische zeitschrift Articulo 2009 Weakly compact operators on non-complete

normed spaces Articulo 2009

Banach spaces whose algebras of operators have a large group of unitary elements

Mathematical proceedings of the cambridge

philosophical society Articulo 2008 Banach spaces with the daugavet property, and

the centralizer Journal of functional analysis Articulo 2008 Nonassociative unitary banach algebras Journal of algebra Articulo 2008 On urbanik's axioms for absolute valued

algebras with involution Communications in algebra Articulo 2008 Advanced courses of mathematical analysis ii World scientific publishing company Libros 2007 Banach algebras with large groups of unitary

elements Quarterly journal of mathematics Articulo 2007

Non self-adjoint idempotents in c*- and

jb*-algebras Manuscripta mathematica Articulo 2007

On absolute valued algebras with involution Linear algebra and its applications Articulo 2006 Álgebras de banach unitarias Universidad de almería.. algebra y analisismatematico Tesisdoctoral 2006 A bilinear version of holsztynski's theorem

on isometries of c(x)-spaces Studia mathematica Articulo 2005 Absolute-valuable banach spaces Illinois journal of mathematics Articulo 2005


Absolute-valuable banach spaces Illinois journal of mathematics Articulo 2005 Absolute-valued algebras with involution, and

infinite-dimensional terekhin's trigonometric algebras

Journal of algebra Articulo 2005 Big points in c*-algebras and jb*-triples Quarterly journal of mathematics Articulo 2005 Finite-dimensional banach spaces with numerical

index zero Indiana university mathematics journal Articulo 2004 Numerical ranges of uniformly continuous

functions on the unit sphere of a banach space

Journal of mathematical analysis and

applications Articulo 2004

Relatively weakly open sets in closed balls of

banach spaces, and real jb(*)-triples of finite rank Mathematische annalen Articulo 2004

Unitary banach algebras Studia mathematica Articulo 2004

A non-associative rickart's

dense-range-homomorphism theorem Quarterly journal of mathematics Articulo 2003 Banach spaces whose algebras of operators are

unitary: a holomorphic approach Bulletin of the london mathematical society Articulo 2003 Continuity of homomorphisms into complete

normed algebraic algebras Journal of algebra Articulo 2003

On the zelmanovian classification of prime

jb*-and jbw*- triples Communications in algebra Articulo 2003

Relatively weakly open sets in closed balls of

c*-algebras London mathematical society. journal Articulo 2003

Strong subdifferentiability of the norm on j

b-*-triples Quarterly journal of mathematics Articulo 2003

Banach-jordan algebra Encyclopaedia of mathematics. supplement. vol. iii

Capítulo de libro 2002 Continuity of homomorphisms and derivations on

normed algebras which are tensor products of

algebras with involution Rocky mountain journal of mathematics Articulo 2002 Convex-transitive banach spaces, big points, and

the duality mapping Quarterly journal of mathematics Articulo 2002 Nearly absolute-valued algebras Communications in algebra Articulo 2002 A holomorphic characterization of c*- and

jb*-algebras Manuscripta mathematica Articulo 2001

A numerical range characterization of uniformly

smooth banach spaces American mathematical society. proceedings Articulo 2001 Automatic continuity of homomorphisms into

normed quadratic algebras Publicationes mathematicae Articulo 2001 Characterizations of almost transitive

superreflexive banach spaces Commentationes mathematicae universitatiscarolinae Articulo 2001 Contribuciones a la teoría de jb*-álgebras

no-conmutativas y de c*-álgebras alternativas. Universidad de almería.. algebra y analisismatematico Tesisdoctoral 2001 Geometrical properties of the product of a

c*-algebra Rocky mountain journal of mathematics Articulo 2001

Grothendieck's inequalities for real and

complex jbw*-triples London mathematical society. proceedings Articulo 2001 Grothendieck's inequalities revisited Recent progress in functional analysis(valencia 2000) Capítulode libro 2001 The second transpose of a derivation London mathematical society. journal Articulo 2001 A characterization of commutativity for


Continuity of homomorphisms into normed

algebras without topological divisors of zero Revista de la real academia de cienciasexactas, físicas y naturales de madrid Articulo 2000 Isometric reflections on banach spaces after a

paper of a. skorik and m. zaidenberg Rocky mountain journal of mathematics Articulo 2000 On the zel'manovian classification of prime

jb*-triples Journal of algebra Articulo 2000

Prime non-commutative jb*-algebras Bulletin of the london mathematical society Articulo 2000 Transitivity of the norm on banach spaces having

a jordan structure Manuscripta mathematica Articulo 2000

Algebras absolutamente valuadas algebraicas Universidad de almería.. algebra y analisismatematico Tesisdoctoral 1999 Continuity of homomorphisms and derivations on

algebras of vector-valued functions Quarterly journal of mathematics Articulo 1999 Continuity of homomorphisms and derivations on

banach algebras with an involution Contemporary mathematics Articulo 1999 Isometries which are one-dimensional

perturbations of the identity Quarterly journal of mathematics Articulo 1999 On prime real jb*-triples Contemporary mathematics Articulo 1999 The geometry of convex transitive banach spaces Bulletin of the london mathematical society Articulo 1999 Transitividad de la norma en espacios de banach Universidad de granada. análisis matemático Tesis

doctoral 1999 Algebra norms on tensor products of algebras,

and the norm extension problem Linear algebra and its applications Articulo 1998 Isometries and jordan isomorphisms onto

c*-algebras Journal of operator theory Articulo 1998

Zel' manov's theorem for primitive

jordan-banach algebras London mathematical society. journal Articulo 1998 A banach space characterization of jb*-algebras Mathematica japonica Articulo 1997 Absolute-valued algebraic algebras are

finite-dimensional Journal of algebra Articulo 1997

The norm extension problem: positive results and

limits. Extracta mathematicae Articulo 1997

Jordan polynomials can be analytically recognized Studia mathematica Articulo 1996 Multiplicative characterization of hilbert spaces

and other interesting classes of banach spaces Revista complutense de educación Articulo 1996 On the definition of real w*-algebras American mathematical society. proceedings Articulo 1996 A new simple proof of the

gelfand-mazur-kaplansky theorem American mathematical society. proceedings Articulo 1995 Absolute values on h-asterisk-algebras Communications in algebra Articulo 1995 Algebras de jordan-banach primitivas Universidad de granada. análisis matemático Tesisdoctoral 1995 Continuity of densely valued homomorphisms into

h-asterisk-algebras Quarterly journal of mathematics Articulo 1995 Hilbert modules revisited - orthonormal bases and

hilbert-schmidt operators Glasgow mathematical journal Articulo 1995 Isometries of jb-algebras Manuscripta mathematica Articulo 1995 On real forms of jb-asterisk-triples Manuscripta mathematica Articulo 1995 On the behavior of jordan-algebra norms on

associative algebras Studia mathematica Articulo 1995

An allison-kantor-koecher-tits construction for lie

h-asterisk-algebras Journal of algebra Articulo 1994


Estructuras de jordan en análisis Revista de la real academia de cienciasexactas, físicas y naturales de madrid Articulo 1994 Full subalgebras of jordan-banach algebras and

algebra norms on jb-asterisk-algebras American mathematical society. proceedings Articulo 1994 Non-degenerately ultraprime jordan-banach

algebras - a zelmanovian treatment London mathematical society. proceedings Articulo 1994 Nonassociative normed algebras: geometric

aspects Banach center publications Articulo 1994

A characterization of the centre of a

nondegenerate jordan algebra Communications in algebra Articulo 1993 Bounded degree of weakly algebraic topological

lie-algebras Manuscripta mathematica Articulo 1993

Bounded differential-operators on hilbert modules

and derivations of structurable h-asterisk-algebras Communications in algebra Articulo 1993 New associative and nonassociative

gelfand-naimark theorems Manuscripta mathematica Articulo 1993

Números hipercomplejos en dimensión infinita Academia de ciencias de granada Libros 1993 Properly semi-l-embedded complex-spaces Studia mathematica Articulo 1993 Zelmanov theorem for normed simple jordan

algebras with a unit Bulletin of the london mathematical society Articulo 1993 A zelmanov prime theorem for jb-asterisk-algebras London mathematical society. journal Articulo 1992 Closed derivations of banach algebras Homenaje a pablo bobillo guerrero Capítulo

de libro 1992 Nonassociative ultraprime normed algebras Quarterly journal of mathematics Articulo 1992 One-sided division absolute valued algebras Publicacions matemàtiques Articulo 1992 Prime jordan-banach algebras with non-zero socle Communications in algebra Articulo 1992

Structurable h*-algebras Journal of algebra Articulo 1992

Absolutely proximinal subspaces of banach

spaces Journal of approximation theory Articulo 1991

An approach to jordan-banach algebras from the theory of nonassociative complete normed algebras

Annales scientifiques de l'universite

blaise clermont-ferrant ser math Articulo 1991 Banach spaces which are absolute subspaces in

their biduals Quarterly journal of mathematics Articulo 1991 Banach spaces which are semi-l-summands in

their biduals Mathematische annalen Articulo 1991

Caractérisation spectrale des algèbres de jordan banach non commutatives complexes modulaires annihilatrices

Journal of algebra Articulo 1991 On the strong* topology of a jbw*-triple Quarterly journal of mathematics Articulo 1991 Algunas cuestiones sobre las jb*-algebras:

centroide, centroide extendido y zocalo Universidad de granada. análisis matemático Tesisdoctoral 1990 Automatic continuity with application to

c*-algebras Mathematical proceedings of the cambridgephilosophical society Articulo 1990 Extended centroid and central closure of

semiprime normed algebras Communications in algebra Articulo 1990 Infinite-dimensional sets of constant width and

their applications Extracta mathematicae Articulo 1990


Commutativity of c*-algebras and associativity of

jb*-algebras Mathematical proceedings of the cambridgephilosophical society Articulo 1989 Espacios de banach que son subespacios

absolutos de su bidual Universidad de granada. análisis matemático Tesisdoctoral 1988 Jordan axioms for c*-algebras Manuscripta mathematica Articulo 1988 Malcev h*-algebras Mathematical proceedings of the cambridgephilosophical society Articulo 1988 Nonassociative real h*-algebras Publicacions matemàtiques Articulo 1988 Rational identities in jordan algebras Algebras, groups and geometries Articulo 1988 Sobre algebras de jordan normadas completas

primas con zocalo no cero Universidad de granada. análisis matemático Tesisdoctoral 1988 A note on arens regularity Quarterly journal of mathematics Articulo 1987 H*-álgebras no-asociativas reales:h*-álgebras de

mal'cev complejas y reales Universidad de granada. análisis matemático Tesisdoctoral 1987 Mutations of c*-algebras and quasiassociative

jb*-algebras Collectanea mathematica Articulo 1987

Structure theory for noncommutative jordan

h*-algebras Journal of algebra Articulo 1987

Sur le théorème principal de wedderbun Extracta mathematicae Articulo 1987 The jordan regular ring associated to a finite

jbw-algebra Journal of algebra Articulo 1987

A non-smooth extension of fréchet differentiability

of the norm with applications to numerical ranges Glasgow mathematical journal Articulo 1986 A wedderburn theorem for nonassociative

complete normed algebras London mathematical society. journal Articulo 1986

Malcev h*-algebras Extracta mathematicae Articulo 1986

On the socle of a noncommutative jordan algebra Manuscripta mathematica Articulo 1986 Primitive noncommutative jordan algebras with

non-zero socle American mathematical society. proceedings Articulo 1986 A note on annihilator algebras Quarterly journal of mathematics Articulo 1985 An approach to numerical ranges without banach

algebra theory Illinois journal of mathematics Articulo 1985 El anillo de jordan regular asociado a una

jbw-algebra finita Universidad de granada. análisis matemático Tesisdoctoral 1985 Imbedding elements whose numerical range has a

vertex at zero in holomorphic semigroups

Proceedings of the edinburgh mathematical

society Articulo 1985

Isomorphisms of h*-algebras Mathematical proceedings of the cambridgephilosophical society Articulo 1985 Semisummands and semiideals in banach spaces Israel journal of mathematics Articulo 1985 Sobre el espectro de derivaciones y

automorfismos de las álgebras de banach Revista de la real academia de cienciasexactas, físicas y naturales de madrid Articulo 1985 The uniqueness of the complete algebra norm

topology in complete normed nonassociative algebras

Journal of functional analysis Articulo 1985 Semisumandos, semiideales y semiidealoides en

espacios normados Universidad de granada. análisis matemático Tesisdoctoral 1984 Type i factor representations of noncommutative

jb*-algebras London mathematical society. proceedings Articulo 1984 Nonassociative normed algebras spanned by

hermitian elements London mathematical society. proceedings Articulo 1983 Teoremas de wedderburn zorn en algebras


alternativas normadas completas doctoral Noncommutative jordan c*-algebras Manuscripta mathematica Articulo 1982 Sobre h*-algebras no asociativas. teoria de

estructura de las h*-algebras de jordan no commutativas semisimples

Universidad de granada. análisis matemático Tesisdoctoral 1982 On a nonassociative vidav-palmer theorem Quarterly journal of mathematics Articulo 1981 A vidav-palmer theorem for jordan c*-algebras and

related topics London mathematical society. journal Articulo 1980 C*-algebras y c*-algebras de jordan: un

tratamiento unificado Universidad de granada. análisis matemático Tesisdoctoral 1980 Jordan-epimorfismos sobre un álgebra alternativa

normada completa semisimple kleinfeld

Universidad autonoma de barcelona.

departamento de ingles. anuario Articulo 1980 Técnicas de rango numérico y estructura en los

espacios normados Universidad de granada. análisis matemático Tesisdoctoral 1980 La continuidad del producto de jordan implica la

del ordinario en el caso completo semiprimo

Contribuciones en probabilidad y estadística matemática, enseñanza de la matemática y análisis

Capítulo de libro 1979 Álgebras alternativas normadas, teorema de

estructura de las h*-álgebras alternativas Universidad de granada. análisis matemático Tesisdoctoral 1978 Bases para una teoría de las álgebras

no-asociativas normadas Universidad de granada. análisis matemático Tesisdoctoral 1977 El axioma de sakai en jv-álgebras Universidad de granada. análisis matemático Tesisdoctoral 1977 Teorema de estructura de los jordan-isomorfismos

de las c*-álgebras Revista matemática hispano-americana Articulo 1977 Derivaciones de las álgebras normadas y

conmutatividad ii Cuadernos del departamento de estadísticamatemática. serie a. probabilidad Articulo 1976 Sobre álgebras de jordan normadas completas Universidad de granada. análisis matemático Tesisdoctoral 1976 Derivaciones de las álgebras normadas y


Cuadernos del departamento de estadística

matemática. serie a. probabilidad Articulo 1975 Contribución a la teoría de las c*-álgebras con


Secretariado de publicaciones de la


Actividades 1






































1 Aproximación algebraico-analítica de los sistemas notasociativos y susaplicaciones Proyecto 1/13/09 1/13/13 2 Aproximación algebraico-analítica de los sistemas no-asociativos y susaplicaciones. Proyecto 2/1/06 3/31/09 3 Espacios de banach transitivos y casi transitivos Proyecto 1/1/00 12/31/01 4 Estructuras algebrico-topologicas no asociativas y sus aplicaciones Proyecto 7/20/94 10/30/01 5 Estructuras de jordan en analisis Proyecto 11/1/96 11/1/99

6 Estructuras de jordan en análisis Proyecto 6/1/93 6/30/96

Titulo proyecto Tipo Inicio Fin

Participación en comité de revista: extracta mathematicae Comités científicos de revista Jan 1, 1995


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