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(2) FP de Grado Superior Prueba de acceso. Título de Bachiller Prueba libre. Inglés. (Sevilla, 15 septiembre 2008).






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(54) FP de Grado Superior Prueba de acceso. Título de Bachiller Prueba libre. Inglés. .

(55) SABINE BUDA Centro de Estudios Vector. ©Editorial Mad, S.L.. Segunda edición, septiembre 2008. Derechos de edición reservados a favor de EDITORIAL MAD, S.L. Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial sin permiso escrito del editor. IMPRESO EN ESPAÑA. Diseño Portada: EDITORIAL MAD, S.L. Edita: EDITORIAL MAD, S.L. Plg. Merka, c/B. Naves 1 y 3. 41500 ALCALÁ DE GUADAÍRA (Sevilla). Telf.: 902 452 900 ISBN: 978-84-676-7068-4..

(56) PRESENTACIÓN Los libros de esta colección constituyen un instrumento útil para la preparación de la Prueba de Acceso a Ciclos Formativos correspondiente a la Formación Profesional Específica de Grado Superior para mayores de 19 años (art. 41 de la Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación). En nuestra web http://www.accesociclosformativos.com/ ofrecemos información detallada sobre la estructura de esta prueba. Al mismo tiempo, son unos textos adecuados para superar la Prueba libre para mayores de 20 años, para la obtención del Título de Bachiller (art. 69 de la Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación). Ambas pruebas tienen como referentes generales los objetivos y contenidos del Bachillerato. En la elaboración de los materiales se ha tenido en cuenta un aspecto fundamental en la condición de la persona que se presenta a unas pruebas de estas características: el alumno libre, es decir, aquella persona que no tiene posibilidad de asistir o recibir una orientación personal. En consecuencia, a partir de los planteamientos teóricos imprescindibles, se proponen multitud de ejercicios prácticos que, posteriormente, son resueltos de manera exhaustiva, de forma que se facilite el aprendizaje de los distintos procedimientos de resolución, consiguiendo así la preparación adecuada para lograr el éxito en el examen. El referente para la elaboración de estos materiales han sido los diversos exámenes de las pruebas de Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior, propuestos por las Comunidades Autónomas, a los que hemos tenido acceso, con objeto de establecer una relación adecuada entre lo que se damanda en las pruebas y lo que tiene que dominar el aspirante a superarlas.. CARACTERÍSTICAS DE ESTE LIBRO En primer lugar, es importante tener en cuenta que para abordar la preparación de la prueba, debido al nivel exigido, es necesario disponer previamente de conocimientos básicos de inglés. Recomendamos a aquellas personas que no tengan esos conocimientos, que consulten el libro de Inglés de la Prueba de Acceso a Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio de esta misma colección..

(57) En el libro se desarrollan 5 temas, cada uno de los cuales contiene una explicación de los contenidos, numerosos ejemplos y un conjunto de ejercicios, intercalados con las explicaciones, para practicar la teoría estudiada de forma inmediata. Las soluciones de estos ejercicios se recogen en el anexo 1. Las traducciones de los ejemplos no son literales; en ellas hemos intentado transmitir la intención comunicativa. Las explicaciones están redactadas tanto en inglés como en castellano. Recomendamos desde el inicio leer las explicaciones en inglés, pues la comprensión lectora forma parte de la prueba de acceso. En el anexo 2 ofrecemos numerosos textos con ejercicios de comprensión y de conocimiento lingüístico. El anexo 3 está dedicado a la redacción (expresión escrita). En él damos una serie de consejos y los pasos que se deben seguir para preparar y abordar la redacción. También ofrecemos ejemplos orientativos de redacciones. En el anexo 4 hemos recogido exámenes reales resueltos de diversas Comunidades Autónomas. Finalmente, solo nos queda desear que estos materiales constituyan un instrumento valioso para superar las pruebas y proporcionar, al mismo tiempo, una sólida base para estudios posteriores.. Los autores.

(58) ÍNDICE. Tema 1. Los verbos ........................................................................................ 11. Tema 2. Las preposiciones............................................................................. 57. Tema 3. Los adjetivos y los adverbios ........................................................... 69. Tema 4. Las oraciones.................................................................................... 79. Tema 5. El léxico............................................................................................ 97. Anexo 1. Soluciones a los ejercicios ............................................................. 153. Anexo 2. Textos.............................................................................................. 173. Anexo 3. Redacciones.................................................................................... 221. Anexo 4. Exámenes resueltos de distintas Comunidades Autónomas........ 231.


(60) Tema. 1 Los verbos 1. El presente 2. El futuro 3. El pasado 4. La voz pasiva 5. Los verbos modales 6. Verbos seguidos de gerundio e infinitivo 7. Estilo directo e indirecto 8. Lista de verbos irregulares.


(62) INGLÉS. 1. El presente. Tiempo. Explanation. Present Simple. It is used to express habitual actions (usually with adverbs of frequency).. It is used to express general truths.. NOTE: Adverbs of frequency come before the main verb. BUT immediately after the verb to be.. Present Continuous. It is used to talk about something which is happening at the time of speaking. It is used with verbs that express actions of very short duration (hit, kick, knock, jump, etc.), the present continuous expresses repeated actions. NOTE 1: The following verbs are not normally used in the progressive forms: agree, be, like, hate, hear, imagine, know, need, prefer, promise, realize, remember, see Nevertheless, some of these verbs can be used in progressive forms when they have certain meanings. In another meaning it is not possible to use them in progressive forms.. Ejemplo – She always visits me on Sunday. – He never calls me. – The USA consists of 50 states. – Nurses look after patients in hospital.. Explicación Se usa para expresar acciones habituales (muchas veces junto con adverbios de frecuencia).. Se usa para expresar verdades generales.. – Most of the shops open at 8:30. – Alan sometimes has lunch NOTA: Los adverbios de at 4:30. frecuencia se colocan delante – Does she always sleep 9 del verbo principal. hours? – She is never late for work. – John is playing football at this moment. – They aren’t working now, they are having a French lesson.. PERO detrás del verbo to be. Se utiliza para hablar de lo que está ocurriendo en este preciso momento.. Se utiliza con verbos que expresan acciones de muy – Somebody is knocking at corta duración (saltar...), the door. entonces puede expresar acciones repetidas. NOTA 1: Los siguientes verbos no se suelen utilizar – I agree with you. (Estoy de en forma progresiva: agree, acuerdo contigo.) be, like, hate, hear, imagine, know, need, prefer, promise, realize, remember, see. see (ver) – I see the plane. (Veo el avión.) see (reunirse con) – I am seeing Peter tonight. (Me reúno con Pedro esta noche.). Sin embargo algunos de estos verbos tienen dos significados, dependiendo de ello se pueden o no utilizar en forma progresiva.. .../.... TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS. 13.

(63) ACCESO A CICLOS FORMATIVOS. GRADO SUPERIOR. .../.... Present Continuous. Tiempo. Explanation Listen, watch, look, which express deliberate actions, are used in present continuous. NOTE 2: Present continuous is also used to express immediate future.. Ejemplo – You are not listening to him. – She is listening to the News. – They are getting married in July. – The plane is leaving at 5:00 p.m. Explicación Verbos de percepción que expresan acciones deliberadas (escuchar...), siempre se pueden usar en el presente continuo. NOTA 2: Con el presente continuo podemos expresar acciones del futuro inmediato.. 2. El futuro. Present Continuous. Inmediate Future. Tiempo. Explanation. Ejemplo. – There is a report on TV tonight. Are you going to It is used to say what we have watch it? already decided to do, what we intend to do in the future. – She is going to get married soon (She intends to get married...) It is also used when we are completely sure about something happening in the future because we can see a sign of it in the present time.. Explicación. Se usa para expresar lo que hemos decidido hacer o tenemos intención de hacer en el futuro.. – It’s going to rain, I can see it in the black clouds.. También se utiliza cuando se está muy seguro de que – That woman is going to fall algo va a ocurrir porque ya se into the hole (I can see it tiene indicios en el presente. from here.). – They are getting married in July (They have made It is used to say what we have arrangements for it.) already decided and arranged – What are you doing to do in the future. tomorrow morning? I’m playing golf with Sue.. Se utiliza para expresar acciones en el futuro que hemos decidido ya y hemos hecho preparativos.. .../.... 14. TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS.

(64) INGLÉS. .../.... Present Simple: (with a future meaning). Present Continuous. Tiempo. Explanation. Ejemplo. It is frequently used with – My mother is leaving for verbs of movement: arrive, go, Asia tomorrow. come, land, leave.. Se utiliza a menudo con verbos de movimiento como “llegar”, “ir”, etc.. NOTE: Immediate future or future simple are not used to talk about something you have arranged to do in the future.. NOTA: No se utiliza el futuro simple o inmediato para acciones en el futuro que ya están planificadas y preparadas. – Tomorrow is Sunday.. It is used with timetables, calendar events or when you have absolute certainty about the future.. – The sun rises at 8 tomorrow. – The train leaves at 4:00. – The match begins in three hours.. Future Simple. – Oh, let the door open! I’ll close it.. It is used when we decide to do something at the time of – What would you like to speaking, spontaneous actions drink? I’ll have a beer. that are not planned. – That case looks heavy. I’ll help you with it.. It is used after I think... when – I think I’ll go to bed early we decide to do something at tonight. the time of speaking. NOTE: Future simple is used together with subordinate time clauses (Present tense is used within the time clause.). Future Continuous. Explicación. Se utiliza cuando se habla de horarios, el calendario, o cuando se está absolutamente seguro sobre el futuro.. Se utiliza cuando decidimos hacer algo en el momento de hablar, o sea cuando se trata de acciones espontáneas y no planificadas. Se utiliza detrás del verbo “pensar” cuando decidimos hacer algo en el momento de hablar.. NOTA: El futuro simple se – When / Before / As soon as/ usa con frases subordinadas she arrives, I’ll put my new temporales (Se usa el jacket on. presente en la frase subordinada.). Se usa para decir que It is used to say that – This time tomorrow I’ll be algo tendrá lugar en un something will be going on at skating in the club. determinado momento en el a certain time in the future. futuro. It is also used to express certain future events.. TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS. – Profesor Arnold will be giving a lecture next Monday.. También se utiliza para decir que algo pasará con seguridad.. 15.

(65) ACCESO A CICLOS FORMATIVOS. GRADO SUPERIOR. 3. El pasado. Past Simple. Tiempo. Explanation It is used for actions completed in the past at a definite time (It is usually translated into the Spanish as pretérito perfecto simple and sometimes as pretérito imperfecto.). Ejemplo – They uncovered the conspiracy by chance. – Mr Winter died three years ago. – When I lived in Manchester I worked as a bank clerk.. Explicación Se usa para acciones que se han terminado en el pasado en un momento definitivo (Se puede traducir al castellano por pretérito perfecto y a veces por pretérito imperfecto.). – We didn’t invite him, so he didn’t come. – How often did you meet them? – Tim cooked the lunch (He finished). Past Continuous. It is used to say that someone – This time last year I was was in the middle of doing living in France. something at a certain – What were you doing at 11 moment but had or hadn’t o’clock last night? finished. – Tim was cooking the lunch (He was in the middle of cooking the lunch but we don’t know if he finished or not) Past continuous and past simple are often used together to say that something happened in the middle of something else.. Se utiliza para expresar que alguien estaba haciendo algo en un momento determinado pero no se sabe si había terminado.. – Tim burnt his finger when he was cooking.. A menudo se usa el pasado simple y el continuo juntos – It was raining when I woke para destacar que una acción interrumpió o coincidió con up. otra. – I saw James in the park. He was sitting on a bench.. To say that one thing – The woman came into the Se utiliza el pasado simple happened after another thing, house, opened the bedroom para decir que una cosa pasó past simple is used. door and saw a strange después que otra. animal under her bed, then she called the police. Know, love, like, hate, hear, see, smell, taste, think (creer) are not normally used in past continuous.. – I liked animals so I bought a cat. (NOT: * – I was liking animals when I bought my cat).. Verbos como saber, amar, odiar, ver, etc., no se suelen utilizar con el pasado continuo.. .../.... 16. TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS.

(66) INGLÉS .../... Tiempo. Explanation. Past Habitual. It is used to express past habits, something that regularly happened in the past but no longer happens. It is used for past situations which no longer exist.. Present Perfect. – I used to play squash, but now I’m too lazy. – Don used to travel a lot. Nowadays he doesn’t go away very often. – We used to live in a little village but now we live in Glasgow.. Explicación Se utiliza para referirse a costumbres que se tenían en el pasado pero ya no se tienen. Se usa para hablar de situaciones o circunstancias que ya no existen.. – Can you see that hill? There used to be a tower on it. Used to can’t be used in present. – I used to smoke a pipe No se puede usar used to For the present we must use (past) con el presente, para ello present simple with adverbs of – I usually smoke a pipe aplicamos adverbios de frecuencia. frequency. (present) It is used for events that have occured at undefined times during a period of time connected with the present. It is used for recent happenings.. Present Perfect and Simple Past. Ejemplo. – He has lost his purse (Means, he hasn’t got his purse now.) – Oh! I’ve cut myself! – Look! Somebody has spilt juice on the floor. – Have you seen Sara recently? – I’ve just seen a fox. – He’s just had a snack.. It is normally used together with “just” with this same meaning. It is used with periods of time – I’ve smoked two cigarettes not finished in the present. today. – Sam hasn’t been ill this spring. – I have never played chess (in my life). – Fred has lived in Leister for ten years (He’s still living there.) Past simple tells us only – He lost his glasses (We about the past. don’t know whether he has them now or not.) – He grew a moustache but now he has shaved it off (He hasn’t got a moustache now.) – Prices of petrol fell, but now they have risen again (They are high now.). Se usa para eventos que han ocurrido en un momento indefinido y tienen relación con el presente. Se utiliza para hablar de acontecimientos recientes.. Se suele utilizar con “just” con el mismo significado (acabar de). Se utiliza con periodos de tiempo aún no acabados.. Utilizando el pasado simple sólo tenemos información sobre el pasado.. .../.... TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS. 17.

(67) ACCESO A CICLOS FORMATIVOS. GRADO SUPERIOR .../.... Present Perfect Continuous. Present Perfect and Simple Past. Tiempo. Explanation. Ejemplo. Explicación. Past simple is used for historical events since they are not connected with the present. – The Chinese invented printing (NOT: * have invented) – Shakespeare wrote Macbeth (NOT: *has written) – How many symphonies did Mozart compose?. Para hablar de hechos históricos que no están relacionados con el presente, se utiliza el pasado simple.. Past simple is used with periods of time already finished in the present. With expressions like yesterday, last year, two years ago, etc.).. – Pam wasn’t ill last spring. – He smoked one cigarette yesterday. – I played volleyball when I was on holidays. – Pete lived in Plymouth for 15 years.. Cuando nos referimos a periodos de tiempo ya acabados, utilizamos el pasado simple, por ejemplo con ayer, hace dos años, etc.. Use past simple with questions like when or what time.. – What time did you see Jack? (NOT: * have you seen) – When did the police find the corpse?. Con los interrogativos “cuándo” y “a qué hora” se usa el pasado simple.. It is used to talk about an action (long action) which began in the past and has recently stopped or just stopped.. – You are out of breath. Have you been jogging? – Why are your clothes dirty? - I’ve been working in the garden.. Cuando hablamos de acciones (largas) que han acabado hace poco utilizamos este tiempo.. Present Perfect can also be used – The motorbike is going again. Richard has with this meaning but then the repaired it. important thing is the result of the action and not the action – Richard’s hands are dirty. itself (It does not matter if the He’s been repairing the action has been finished or not, motorbike. the important thing is the action he has been doing.) It is used to talk about an action (long action) which began in the past and has recently stopped or just stopped.. Si utilizamos en este caso el present perfect, el resultado de la acción en sí tiene más importancia que la propia acción (Lo importante no es si la acción está finalizada o no.). – You are out of breath. Have Cuando hablamos de you been jogging? acciones (largas) que han – Why are your clothes dirty? acabado hace poco utilizamos este tiempo. - I’ve been working in the garden. .../.... 18. TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS.

(68) INGLÉS .../.... Past Perfect. Present Perfect Continuos and Present Perfect. Present Perfect Continuous. Tiempo. Explanation. Ejemplo. Explicación. Present Perfect can also be – The motorbike is going used with this meaning but again. Richard has then the important thing is the repaired it. result of the action and not the – Richard’s hands are dirty. action itself (It does not matter He’s been repairing the if the action has been finished motorbike. or not, the important thing is the action he has been doing.). Si utilizamos en este caso el present perfect, el resultado de la acción en sí tiene más importancia que la propia acción (Lo importante no es si la acción está finalizada o no.). – How long has it been We also use Present Perfect Continuous to say How snowing? (cuánto tiempo lleva...) long something has been happening. The action or – It’s been snowing for situation began in the past and three hours. is still happening in the present or has just stopped.. También usamos este tiempo para decir cuánto tiempo se lleva realizando una acción. Esta acción empezó en el pasado y sigue o acaba de terminar.. Present Perfect can also be used with this meaning specially to say how much we have done, how many things we have done or how many times we have done something. Some verbs are not usually used in Present Perfect Continuous:. – Angela has written ten emails today.. En este caso podemos utilizar también el present – How many chapters of that perfect, especialmente cuando book have you read so far? nos referimos al resultado (¿Cuántas páginas has leído?). – He has played table- tennis five times this week. know, think (creer), seem, like, love, hate, own, have (poseer), belong, see, smell, hear, understand, forget, want, suppose, etc.. Estos verbos no se suelen utilizar en el present perfect continuous.. We use this tense when we – When I got to the car are already talking about the park I realised that I had past and want to talk about an forgotten my keys. earlier past for an instance.. Se utiliza en relatos en pasado cuando nos queremos referir a una acción aún más pasada.. It is also used after when or after to show that an action is completely finished.. También se utiliza este tiempo (con cuando o después de) para destacar que una acción ha finalizado por completo.. – When she had repainted the bathroom and the bedroom, she decided to have a rest.. Ejercicio 1: Ponga los verbos entre paréntesis en el tiempo (pasado) más adecuado. 1. He (spend) too much money this month. He will have to be more careful. TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS. 2. I thought he (change) a lot when I (see) him again. 3. It (be) difficult until now but I think it will get easier. 19.

(69) ACCESO A CICLOS FORMATIVOS. GRADO SUPERIOR. 4. My brother says he (finish) the book I gave him last week. 5. She (live) in London for a long time. She likes it there. 6. She (ring) after she (speak) to my father. 7. They (live) in Manchester for the last two years. 8. They (want) to go to the United States for many years before they finally went. 9. When he (arrive) at school he realised he (leave) his bag on the train. 10. She (be) my best friend but we aren’t friends any longer.. 23. I (live) here for eight years. 24. I (have) this car since 1982. 25. I (be) in this country since January, but I still can’t speak the language very well. 26. How long you (know) Mary? 27. He (stay) at home last week because he was ill. 28. During the last three years, I (travel) about 100,000 miles. 29. After talking to her for a few minutes, I realised that I (meet) her before. 30. He (live) in Paris for 10 years before he died in 1950.. 11. When they (finish) their homework they (go) to the cinema.. 31. I (know) Mary for about ten years.. 12. You ever (travel) by boat?. 32. I (live) in this house ever since I was born.. 13. You ever (put) an advertisement in a newspaper?. 33. I (see) her five minutes ago.. 14. Yesterday evening the telephone (ring) three times while I (have) a bath. 15. When you were a child, (run) you away from home? 16. When we were small, Mother (make) us delicious ice-cream every Saturday. 17. Sorry I’m late (Wait) you long?. 34. I (study) English for six years. 35. I just (see) Mr O’Conners. 36. Mr Porter (arrive) yet? 37. The telephone (ring) when we got home, but we didn’t have enough time to answer it. 38. We (see) our cousins from Switzerland last weekend.. 18. She (play) tennis but she doesn’t any longer. She plays volleyball now.. 39. When you last (hear) from her?. 19. She (cross) the road when the accident happened.. 41. I (write) letters for the last two hours.. 20. My brother (have) a fight with his neighbour last week.. 40. You ever (eat) Japanese food?. 42. I (just remember) that I (not pay) the rent yet.. 21. I (speak) to the President several times.. 43. I (have) this watch since my 18th birthday.. 22. I (not, like) grammar at school, but I’m very interested in it now.. 44. I (be) ill for three days now. I think I’d better call the doctor.. 20. TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS.

(70) INGLÉS. 45. He told me her name after she (leave).. „Past perfect continuous. 46. We (be) at school together 40 years ago.. Se forma con el verbo “have” en pasado (had), el participio del verbo “be” (been) y el gerundio del verbo en cuestión: It had been snowing. (Había estado nevando.). 47. “How long you (learn) English?” “Since last summer.” Example. Explanation. Explicación. Yesterday morning I got up and looked out of the window. The sun was shining but the grass in the garden was very wet. It had been raining.. It was not raining when I looked out of the window; the sun was shining. But it had been raining. That is why the grass was wet.. No estaba lloviendo cuando me asomé por la ventana; hizo sol. Pero había estado lloviendo por lo que el césped estaba húmedo.. Sarah had been smoking for thirty-five years when she finally gave it up.. You can also use the past perfect continous to say how long something had been happening before something else happened.. Se puede utilizar este tiempo para expresar cuanto tiempo duró una acción en el pasado antes de que ocurriera otra.. How long had you been reading when I phoned you?. The past perfect continous is the past of the present perfect continuous: How long have you been reading? (until this moment). El pasado perfecto continuo es el pasado del present perfecto continuo: ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas leyendo?. a) simple past perfect p x. x. earlier past. past. These diagrams represent the simple past perfect and the past perfect progressive (continuous).. Estos esquemas representan el uso del pasado perfecto simple y el pasado perfecto continuo.. present. b) past perfect progressive p x. x. earlier past. past. present. Ejercicio 2: Ponga el verbo entre paréntesis en el tiempo correcto: past perfect continuos o past continuous. 1. I tried to catch the cat but I couldn’t. It ___ _____ (run) very fast.. 0. Fred was leaning against the wall. He was out of breath. He had been running (run).. 2. Tom was on his hands and knees on the floor. He ________ (look) for his purse.. TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS. 21.

(71) ACCESO A CICLOS FORMATIVOS. GRADO SUPERIOR. 3. They ____________ (walk) along the road for about thirty minutes when a van stopped and the driver offered them a lift. 4. When she arrived, everyone _____ (sit) round the table with their mouths full. They ___________ (eat).. 0. Who had black grease on her hands at teatime? Why? Mary, because she had been repairing her car. 1. Who had dirt on her hands and knees? Why?. 5. When Sally arrived, everyone was sitting around the table and talking. Their mouths were empty and there were empty and dirty plates in the kitchen. They ____________ (eat).. 2. Who was wearing a short white skirt? Why?. Ejercicio 3: Complete el texto con verbos utilizando el pasado perfecto continuo; elija entre los verbos dados:. 4. Who was wearing high boots and a hard hat? Why?. drive, lie, repair, work. 3. Who was wearing a white jacket and trousers and a black belt? Why?. 5. Whose hair had dark blue stains in it? Why?. James Hurton, 45, engineer at Perton Plastics in Norfolk, had a lucky escape after an accident on the A65 in the early hours of the morning. Mr Hurton fell asleep while driving and crashed into a pile of sand left by workers who _______ (1) the road.. 6. Whose hair was all wet? Why?. When he left Perton Plastics at 4.00 this morning, Mr Hurton ____________ (2) for 68 hours without any sleep.. La formación de la pasiva es equivalente en inglés y español: TO BE (en el tiempo correspondiente) + PAST PARTICIPLE. A passing motorist discovered the accident after the engineer __________ (3) in his car with a broken leg for 40 minutes. Ambulance workers said that if Mr Hurton _______ (4) any faster his injuries might have been much worse.. 4. La voz pasiva. o to make. Ÿ to be made. o is making. Ÿ is being made. o made. Ÿ was / were made. o is going to make Ÿ is going to be made Ejercicio 4: Lea la historia, después conteste las preguntas. On Monday afternoon, everyone in my family was very busy – except me. During the afternoon Mary repaired her car; James practised his karate; Cathy did some gardening; Sally played tennis; Robert swam for half an hour; Pat went horseriding; Fred painted the ceiling in his room dark blue. I spent the afternoon sitting reading my favourite magazine. 22. o will make. Ÿ will be made. o has made. Ÿ has been made. Cuando tenemos que formar la pasiva con verbos modales colocamos después de éstos el infinitivo pasivo: o Lewis can win the gold medal. Ÿ The gold medal can be won by Lewis. TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS.

(72) INGLÉS. o Somebody should clean the windows. Ÿ The windows should be cleaned. o I can’t see my bicycle. Ÿ My bicycle must have been stolen. Cualquier verbo activo con complemento directo puede pasarse a pasiva. Para ello el complemento directo (direct object) de la frase en voz activa se convierte en el sujeto de la frase en pasiva: o Leonardo painted the “Mona Lisa”. Ÿ The “Mona Lisa” was painted by Leonardo. El agente sólo se menciona si es alguien en concreto, entonces se introduce anteponiendo la preposición by. En la frase en forma activa enfocamos a Leonardo mientras que en la pasiva destaca la obra. En inglés la voz pasiva, sin embargo, es mucho más común que en español. Se utiliza con preferencia sobre la voz activa cuando se le da más importancia al hecho que a quién lo hace. Se puede decir: o People play football in winter. Pero es mucho más común decir:. Ejercicio 5: Convierta las siguientes frases en pasiva, indique el agente sólo si es imprescindible. 1. One of the office clerks posted the letters. 2. People speak English all through the world. 3. Someone broke the class window. 4. Shakespeare wrote King Lear. 5. John ended the book last week. 6. Somebody has stolen the painting. 7. At last they bought the tickets. 8. He must have eaten all the cakes. 9. People carried the books out of the bookshop. 10. His sister has cooked the dinner. Con algunos verbos (believe, consider, know, say, think, expect, suppose, etc.) son posibles dos construcciones pasivas, además de la correspondiente activa: o They say (that) he is very rich. Ÿ Ÿ It’s said (that) he’s very rich. Ÿ He’s said to be very rich.. Ÿ Football is played in winter. Cuando no importa quién hizo la acción se usa siempre pasiva: Ÿ The house was built in 1980.. Si el verbo de la segunda frase (aquí: is) está en pasado, se utiliza en la segunda variante de la pasiva el infinitivo pasado (perfect infinitive):. Es muy frecuente encontrar la pasiva inglesa para traducir las oraciones impersonales españolas.. o They say (that) he was rich. Ÿ Ÿ It’s said (that) he was very rich. Ÿ He is said to have been very rich.. o People say that he is a good actor. Ÿ Ÿ It’s said that he is a good actor (Se dice que...). Ejercicio 6: Cambia las frases como en el ejemplo:. Ÿ The letters were sent (Se mandaron las cartas.). It’s said that Henry does not know how to drive. Henry is said not to know how to drive.. TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS. 23.

(73) ACCESO A CICLOS FORMATIVOS. GRADO SUPERIOR. 1. It was reported that Air France increased its European commercial flights last year.. 2. The captain ordered the soldiers to stand up straight.. 2. It was believed that the Prime Minister’s policy was not totally accepted by his cabinet.. 3. They taught me German when I was a child.. 3. It is understood that Mr Callaghan is willing to meet Mr. Blair. 4. It is thought that some high officials have been submitted to blackmail. 5. It is claimed that entertainment and fashion in Britain have been an enormous source of income for Britain in the last twelve years. Los verbos ask, tell, order, send, give, show, promise, teach, pay y offer admiten en voz activa complemento directo y complemento indirecto: o Somebody gave her a raincoat. Al pasarlos a voz pasiva admiten dos construcciones: Ÿ A raincoat was given to me (complemento directo [raincoat] como sujeto) Ÿ I was given a raincoat (complemento indirecto [me] como sujeto) Empezar por la persona (complemento indirecto) es mucho más común: Ÿ Ann wasn’t offered a job. Ÿ The men were paid £ 500 to do the job. Ÿ Have you been shown the new catalogue? Ejercicio 7: Cambie estas frases a pasiva. 1. They paid the waiter with a credit card.. 24. 4. She reads the little girl a fairy tail at night. 5. They told him the truth. 6. They showed her some golden rings. 7. Somebody sent us a postcard from Denver. 8. They asked him a lot of questions. 9. They took him to hospital. 10. They will send her to America. Ejercicio 8: Cambie estas frases a distintas formas de pasiva; en algunos casos hay dos soluciones. 1. Mrs García will teach us French next term. We... French... 2. It was claimed that the drug produced no undesirable side-effects. 3. Someone gave me a parking ticket at lunchtime. I ... A ... 4. The police are searching every car for smuggled drugs. 5. They say that he knows very influential people. It ... He ... 6. They showed her the easiest way to do it. She ... The .... TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS.

(74) INGLÉS. 7. Who wrote it?. „Have / get something done. 8. Why didn’t they mend the roof before it fell?. Como veremos a continuación, en inglés se utiliza esta estructura cuando no somos nosotros mismos quienes llevamos una acción a cabo, sino alguien nos lo hace: I had my hair cut (Me corté el pelo). Evidentemente fue el peluquero quien me cortó el pelo.. 9. You must not hammer nails into the wall without permission. 10. The pickpocket had stolen the wallet without the girl being aware of it.. Example. Explicación. Explanation. James had the roof repaired yesterday.. The roof of James’ house was damaged in a thunderstorm, so he arranged for some workmen to repair it. Yesterday the workmen came and did the job. James did not repair the roof himself. He arranged for someone else to do it for him.. Subject + .... have / get. object. El tejado de la casa de Jaime se estropeó en una tormenta, llamó a unos obreros para que se lo arreglasen. Ayer vinieron y lo arreglaron, quiere decir que no lo hizo Jaime sino que llamó a alguien para que lo hiciera.. past participle. adverbs, complements, etc.. 1. James. had / got. the roof. repaired. yesterday.. 2. We are. having / getting. the living room. painted. this week.. 3. I want to. have / get. my garden. arranged.. 4. Why don’t you. have / get. that suit. cleaned?. TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS. 25.

(75) ACCESO A CICLOS FORMATIVOS. GRADO SUPERIOR. Traducciones de los ejemplos de la tabla anterior:. get / have. 1. A Jaime le arreglaron el tejado ayer. 2. Nos están pintando el salón esta semana. 3. Quiero arreglar el patio. 4. ¿Por qué no lavas ese traje? Ejercicio 9: Escriba frases utilizando las palabras entre paréntesis. 0. We are having / getting the house painted (the house / paint) at the moment. 1. _______________________ (you / your hair / cut) last week?. I must. I. past participle. get. }. the car have had. }. She’ll. object. taken got have. }. I’d like to. the tree get. }. have get. 2. Your hair is very long. I think you should ______________ (it / cut). 3. How often ________________ (you / your car / service)?. 5. Los verbos modales. 4. Is it true that many years ago he ______ ______ (his portrait / paint) by a famous artist?. Se usan antes de los infinitivos de otros verbos y muestran el grado de seguridad, certeza, obligación, etc., de las acciones que se llevan a cabo. No llevan “s” en la tercera persona del singular: She must help me (Ella debe ayudarme).. 5. _____________ (you / your newspaper / deliver) or do you go to the stationers yourself to buy it?. Ejercicio 10: Complete la tabla siguiente usando la forma correcta de las palabras dadas: the house, wash, my photograph, paint, cut down. 26. Después del verbo modal usamos el infinitivo sin el “to”: You must go to the doctor (Debes ir al médico.) La aplicación de los verbos modales a veces es una cuestión bastante subjetiva. Recomendamos que estudien la teoría en función de los ejercicios expuestos.. TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS.

(76) INGLÉS. Los verbos modales (o anómalos) 1. CAN Se usa para (expresar) ... capacidad – poder. I can come.. Puedo venir.. capacidad – saber. He can play chess.. Sabe jugar al ajedrez.. pedir permiso dar permiso ofrecimiento petición cortés posibilidad. Can I stay? You can watch TV. Can I get you a cup of coffee? Can you help me, please? Can it be true? 2. CAN’T. ¿Puedo quedarme? Puedes ver la tele. ¿Puedo traerte un café? ¿Puedes ayudarme, por favor? ¿Puede ser verdad?. Se usa para (expresar) ... imposibilidad prohibición deducción. Example. Example That can’t be true. You can’t park here. She can’t be as old as that. 3. COULD. Ejemplo. Ejemplo Eso no puede ser verdad. Vd. no puede aparcar aquí. No puede ser tan mayor.. Se usa para (expresar) Example Ejemplo ... capacidad–poder (se consiCould you lift that box? ¿Podías levantar esa caja? dera como pasado de can) Se usa could sobre todo con los verbos see, hear, smell, taste, feel, remember y understand. capacidad–saber (se considera como pasado de She could speak French. Sabía hablar francés can) Could I go to the theatre with pedir permiso ¿Podría ir al teatro con Pedro? Tom? posibilidad (más remota que la expresada con may They could come by train. Podrían venir en tren. o might) Could you lend me a pen, petición cortés ¿Me podría prestar un lápiz? please? – “What shall we do?” – ¿Qué hacemos? sugerencia – “We could go to the cinema.” – Podríamos ir al cine. 4. COULD HAVE Se usa para (expresar) Example Ejemplo ... una acción posible que no We could have gone to the Podríamos haber ido al circo se realizó circus but we stayed at home. pero nos quedamos en casa.. .../... TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS. 27.

(77) ACCESO A CICLOS FORMATIVOS. GRADO SUPERIOR. .../... 5. TO BE ABLE TO Se usa para (expresar) ... capacidad. Se usa para (expresar) ... pedir permiso posibilidad (con referencia al futuro) petición cortés dar permiso Se usa para (expresar) ... permiso posibilidad (en el futuro) petición cortés Se usa para (expresar) ... que algo fue posible en el pasado. Example They haven’t been able to win. 6. MAY Example. Ejemplo No han podido ganar.. Ejemplo. May I come in?. ¿Puedo entrar?. It may be hot tomorrow.. Puede que haga calor mañana.. May I have a glass of water, please? You may invite ten people. 7. MIGHT. ¿Me puede dar un vaso de agua, por favor? Puede invitar a diez personas.. Example. Ejemplo. Might I make a suggestion? ¿Puedo hacer una sugerencia? It might snow, too. Puede que nieve también. Might I have another cake? ¿Me puedo coger otro pastel? 8. MAY / MIGHT HAVE Example I can’t find my purse. I may have left it in the shop.. Ejemplo No encuentro mi monedero. Puede que me lo haya dejado en la tienda.. 9. MUST NOT Se usa para (expresar) ... prohibición (es necesario que no se haga algo) Se usa para (expresar) ... deducción deber (enfocando más un sentimiento que un hecho, compare con have to) orden. Example You mustn’t disobey your mother. 10. MUST Example. Ejemplo No debes desobedecer a tu madre.. Ejemplo. She must be about 40.. Debe tener unos 40 años.. You must respect your teachers.. Debes respetar a tus profesores.. You must be silent.. Debéis estar callados.. .../... 28. TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS.

(78) INGLÉS. .../... necesidad (sólo para el presente y el futuro) certidumbre Se usa para (expresar) ... pétición cortés deducción orden invitación hábito Se usa para (expresar) ... deducción invitación hábito Se usa para (expresar) ... deducción opinión deber (consejo, menos fuerte que must). You must come tomorrow.. Debes venir mañana.. You travel a lot. You must be tired. 11. WILL. Viajas mucho. Debes estar cansado.. Example Will you please open the door? That will be the doctor. You will sit here. Will you have another drink? She will be the last to get up. 12. WOULD Example He would be about 45. Would you like another sandwich? She would go to bed late. 13. SHOULD Example. Ejemplo ¿Quiere abrir la puerta, por favor? Ese será el médico. Usted se sentará aquí. ¿Quieres otra copa? Es la última en levantarse. Ejemplo Tendría unos 45 años. ¿Te gustaría otro bocadillo? Se acostaba tarde. Ejemplo. They should be there by now. Ya debían estar allí. I don’t think you should work No creo que deberías trabajar so much. tanto. You should be more punctual. Deberías ser más puntual. 14. SHOULDN’T. Se usa para (expresar) ... opinión, consejo Se usa para (expresar) ... deber probabilidad. Example. Ejemplo. Ted is very tired. He shouldn’t Ted está muy cansado. No dedrive. bería conducir. 15. OUGHT TO Example You ought to eat less chocolate. Tomorrow I ought to be home at the usual time.. Ejemplo Deberías tomar menos chocolate. Mañana debería estar en casa a la hora habitual.. .../.... TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS. 29.

(79) ACCESO A CICLOS FORMATIVOS. GRADO SUPERIOR. .../... 16. SHALL Se usa para (expresar) ... orden sugerencia Se usa para (expresar) ... necesidad (se refiere a hechos) Se usa para (expresar) ... ausencia de necesidad. Example You shall bring your bike. Shall I tell him? 17. HAVE TO Example. Deberás traer tu bici. ¿Se lo digo? Ejemplo. You have to park on the other Tiene que aparcar en el otro side. lado. 18. DON´T HAVE TO Example You don’t have to tell her. 19. NEEDN’T. Se usa para (expresar) ... ausencia de necesidad. Ejemplo. Example You needn’t come on Sunday.. Ejemplo No hace falta que se lo digas. Ejemplo No hace falta que vengas el domingo.. 20. USED TO Se usa para (expresar) ... hábito en el pasado Se usa para (expresar) ... atrevimiento. Example She used to play the violin. 21. DARE Example I dare not tell her.. Ejercicio 11: Rellene los espacios en blanco con could, can o may según convenga: 1. __________ you please tell me the way to Trafalgar Square?. Ejemplo Solía tocar el violín. Ejemplo No me atrevo decírselo.. 5. __________ I borrow your vacuumcleaner? 6. Don’t wait for me, I __________ be late for dinner.. 2. She __________ type very well, but she can’t do shorthand.. Ejercicio 12: Complete los huecos con needn’t o mustn’t, según convenga.. 3. It __________ have been worse.. 1. Candidates __________ bring books to the examination room.. 4. I wonder if you __________ help me with the washing up.. 2. We __________ drive fast; we have plenty of time.. 30. TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS.

(80) INGLÉS. 3. “Do you want us to wait for you?” – “No, it’s O.K. You __________ wait.” 4. Sam gave me a letter to post. I ________ __ forget to post it. 5. We have enough food. We __________ go to the supermarket today. 6. We’ve got a lot of time. We __________ hurry. 7. You __________ ring the bell. I have got a key. 8. You __________ drink this: it is poison.. Ejercicio 14: Elija el verbo modal más adecuado para completar los huecos. 1. You __________ get up early tomorrow. It’s a bank holiday. a) can’t b) mustn’t c) needn’t. ,. 2. I think you __________ work so much. a) mustn’t b) shouldn’t. Ejercicio 13: Complete el siguiente texto con must, mustn’t o needn´t, según convenga.. c) may 3. __________ you speak Russian? I need someone to translate this for me.. Christina isn’t very well today. She’s in bed. She’s been sick, and she’s quite hot. The doctor has come to see her.. a) May. Doctor: Well, I’m going to prescribe you some medicine. You ____________ (1) take it four times a day before meals. And go on taking it even if you feel better. You ______ ____ (2) stop taking it until you’ve finished the bottle. You _________ (3) drink all of it. Now, you ____________ (4) stay in bed today. It’s the best place for you at the moment. You can get up tomorrow if you want to. You ____________ (5) stay in bed all the time when you begin to feel better. But you ____ ____ (6) go outside this week. It’s too cold and wet. And you really _________ (7) do any work at all. You need absolute rest. You _____________ (8) just relax for a few days. You can read a little if you like, but you ____________ (9) if you don’t feel like it. But don’t forget to go on drinking. You ____ ___________ (10) drink as much water or juice as you can. You’ll probably be all right again next week, so you ___________ (11) call me again unless you feel worse. But I’m sure the worst is over.. c) Can. TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS. b) Might. 4. You __________ smoke in the library. a) needn’t b) mustn´t c) should 5. We ______________ go to your party tomorrow. a) can’t b) ought c) will be able 6. The children _____________ be sleeping now. There are no lights on in their bedrooms. a) can’t b) must c) can 31.

(81) ACCESO A CICLOS FORMATIVOS. GRADO SUPERIOR. 7. Excuse me, __________ you tell me the way to Piccadilly Circus, please?. 8. Take your raincoat. It __________ rain later.. a) may. a) must. b) must. b) can’t. c) could. c) may. ¼. Ejercicio 15: Una las frases de la columna de la izquierda (1-6) con las de la derecha (A-F). 1. Isn’t that Herbert?. A. Shall I give you a hand?. 2. Will Charles be there?. B. I can speak Arabic.. 3. That looks very heavy.. C. He could have met you.. 4. Don’t worry about the language.. D. I’m not sure, he might.. 5. If he’d stayed a little bit longer.. E. It may rain.. 6. Why don´t you take your raincoat?. F. No, it can’t be. He’s in China.. „ Should have, could have and others Se trata del pasado de los verbos modales que se usa en las siguientes situaciones: Explanation. Example. We can use should have, You should have been etc. + past participle to talk here two hours ago about “unreal” situations (But you were not). that are the opposite of what actually happened. We can also use this structure for criticising for not doing what we expected them to have done.. Se puede utilizar should have + participio pasado para hablar de situaciones irreales que son el contrario de lo que realmente ocurrió.. You could have helped También se utiliza para me! (Why didn’t you criticar a alguien por no help me?). haber hecho algo.. This kind of structures can I may have left my also be used to talk about keys here this morning – have you seen them? things that are not certain to have happened, or that we suppose have happened. In this case it is common to use may have.. 32. Explicación. Este tipo de estructuras también se puede utilizar para referirse a acciones de las cuales no sabemos si han tenido lugar.. TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS.

(82) INGLÉS. Ejercicio 16: Complete las frases siguientes con should have / could have / might have / would have y el verbo que se indica. Puede que haya más de una solución aceptable.. 3. He _______ all his money. I gave him 15 ¼ only yesterday! (spend). 0. He should have paid me last week. (pay). 5. “Who phoned?” “She didn’t give her name. It _______ Linda.” (be). 1. You ____________ somebody, driving like that. (kill) 2. I ________ you, but I didn’t have your number. (phone) 3. If my parents had not been so poor, I ___ ____ to university. (go) 4. It’s his fault she left him; he ________ nice to her. (be). 4. The garden is all wet. It _________ in the night. (rain). Ejercicio 18: Corrija los errores. 1. I don’t can play the piano. 2. He would like to can travel more. 3. She should to work harder. 4. Could you telling me the time?. 5. I _________ more garlic in the soup. (put). 5. I must work last weekend.. 6. If you needed money, you ________ me. (ask). Ejercicio 19: Repaso de los verbos modales. Elija la forma más conveniente.. 7. It’s a good thing they got her to hospital in time. She _________. (die). 1. He _______ very quietly – I didn’t hear him go (had to leave / must have left).. 8. When he said that to me I _________ him. (hit) 9. You __________ me you were bringing your friends to dinner! (tell) 10. You _______ my jeans after you borrowed them. (wash) Ejercicio 17: Complete las frases con may have / should have / must have / can’t have... y el participio del verbo dado (los participios de los verbos irregulares se encuentran en el apartado siete del presente tema.). Puede que haya más de una solución correcta.. 2. When I was young, we __________ two years in the army (must do/ had to do) 3. She’s not answering the phone. She __ _________ have got home yet (can’t / needn’t). 4. I don’t know why he’s not here. He ____ _______ have got the message (may not / can’t) 5. I promise I _________ smoking (stop / will stop) 6. At what age __________ you get a driving licence? (can / may). 1. They are not at home. They ________ away for the weekend. (go). 7. When I was younger I __________ dance quite well (could / can). 2. I _________ a new job. I’ll know for certain tomorrow. (find). 8. It took a long time, but I _________ repair the motorcycle (could / managed to). TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS. 33.

(83) ACCESO A CICLOS FORMATIVOS. GRADO SUPERIOR. 9. One day, everybody ________ say what they want to (can / will be able to) 10. I _________ see you at ten tomorrow (had to / will be able to) 11. In this country, boys ________ do military service (must not / don’t have to) 12. You ________ pass a special exam to be a driving instructor (must / have to) 13. I think you ________ try to do more sports (should / must) 14. You absolutely ________ go and see Peter (should / must) 15. You _______ enter without a ticket – no chance! (may not / can’t) 16. There _________ be enough room for everyone on the underground – we’ll have to wait and see (may not / can’t) 17. We ________ decide to go skiing again at Easter (can / may). 20. We _______ win, but I don’t think there’s much chance (may / might). 6. Verbos seguidos de gerundio e infinitivo A continuación presentamos una lista de verbos que llevan gerundio y/o infinitivo. También queda reflejado si un verbo puede estar seguido de una oración. La lista se interpretará de este modo: accuse. of cheating. o After the game Peter was accused of cheating. admit. to know. that one knows. 18. That ________ be her son – they’re nearly the same age (can’t / mustn’t). o His sister admitted to know who broke the window.. 19. I _________ ask you to help me later (may / might). o His sister admits that she knows who broke the window.. VERB. INFINITIVE. accuse admit. to know. advise. (me) to rest. agree. to share. about sharing. aim. to write. at achieving. allow. to go. appear. that one knows (that) we would share. for forgetting to like. approve arrange. CLAUSE. of cheating. apologise. 34. GERUND. of smoking to meet. that we should meet .../... TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS.

(84) INGLÉS. .../... VERB ask assist attempt avoid be be able beg begin believe beware blame bother cause cease claim command complain confess confirm consist contemplate continue contribute cope cure dare decide delay demand deny describe determine detest direct discourage. INFINITIVE. GERUND. to see. CLAUSE if (whether) I can see. in compiling to compose. to search. hurting (you are to obey) to understand to be forgiven searching in (that) he lives. to learn to postpone to struggle to own to advance. to row. to jump to buy. of losing for spoiling about learning struggling. about losing to stealing writing of preparing changing rowing to building with looking after of taking drugs on buying starting. to see how to make to travel. breaking making. (that) he owns that they should advance that he has lost (that) he has stolen that he had written. (that) he will buy that he should see (that) he broke that he would travel. cleaning to proceed from smoking .../.... TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS. 35.

(85) ACCESO A CICLOS FORMATIVOS. GRADO SUPERIOR. .../... VERB dislike. INFINITIVE to drive. from reading. dread. losing. dream. of living. educate. to appreciate. encourage. to drink. entitle. CLAUSE. driving. dissuade. enjoy. that he would live. drinking dancing. to inherit. escape. drowning. evade. paying. excuse. (my) interrupting. expect. to succeed. fail. to realise. fancy. (that) he will succeed winning. fear. to trust. feel. (something) tremble. feel like. (that) he will be promoted (that) he must be ill. (something) trembling. (that) something will happen. resting. finish. eating. forbid. to go. force. to leave. forget. to pay. paying speaking. go on. to say. guarantee. to deliver. had better. wait. happen. to remark. hate. to admit. writing. hear. scream. screaming. cannot help. 36. GERUND. (that) one must pay (that) we shall deliver. (that) something has happened. smiling. hesitate. to criticise. hope. to see. imagine. living. incur. spending. inquire. about going. (that) he is a director whether he should go .../... TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS.

(86) INGLÉS. .../... VERB insist instruct intend invite joke keep (on) know learn leave leave off let like should like long. INFINITIVE. GERUND on seeing. CLAUSE (that) I should see. to attend to move to stay about making a fortune talking how to drive (how) to drive to prepare come to sing to come to return. look forward. (that) the world is round (that) he must obey preparing working singing. to celebrating. love. to dance. make. (someone) pay. manage. to carry. may. borrow. mean. to finish. mind. dancing. helping. miss. seeing. must. improve. need. to reorganise. reorganising. notice. walk. walking. (that) he is walking. observe. enter. entering. that someone is entering. offer. to help. oppose. supporting. order. to advance. ought. to study. pay. to watch. permit. to attend. plan. to build. prefer. to ride. for watching. riding to .../.... TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS. 37.

(87) ACCESO A CICLOS FORMATIVOS. GRADO SUPERIOR. .../... VERB. INFINITIVE. GERUND. CLAUSE. prepare. to set out. presume. to approach. (that) we may come. pretend. to understand. that he understands. prevent proceed. his/him from entering to report. profit. from investing. prohibit. from entering. promise. to reform. propose. to construct. protest. for trespassing how to use. recall/ recollect recommend. to buy. refuse. to conform. regret. to report. rely. (that) something has happened meeting. (that) something has happened. buying. (that) you should buy. having reported. (that) we must report. on discovering. remain. standing. remember. to take. remind. to bring. report. taking seeing. (that) sales have increased (that) he disagrees. to leave. resist resolve. (that) I must take (that) we should bring. reply request. (that) a road should be constructed. against fighting. punish read. (that) he will reform constructing. (that) he should leave spending. to achieve. risk. (that) he will achieve damaging. see. change. seem. to enjoy. show. how to make. changing. (that) it has changed. making. (that) something can be done. sit. thinking. smell. (something) cooking .../.... 38. TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS.

(88) INGLÉS. .../... VERB. INFINITIVE. GERUND. spend time. arguing. stand. watching. start. to rain. stay. to help. stop. to listen. study. to pass. raining listening. succeed. in inventing. suspect. of cheating. swear. to repeat. teach. (how) to type. tell. to fetch. tempt. to spend. tend. to exaggerate of changing to imitate. trouble. to move. try. to capture. understand. how to solve. undertake. to return. urge. to reconsider. wait. to see. want. to fly. warn. (that) he has cheated (that) he is innocent. think train. CLAUSE. (that) he will change. using (that) I am to write. about/against driving. watch. jump. wish. to inspect. (that) I could do it. wonder. (how) to make. how I could / should make. would rather. remain. Ejercicio 20: Complete los huecos con un verbo en gerundio o en infinitivo, según convenga. Tenga en cuenta que el para el pasado se forma el gerundio con having + participio pasado, por ejemplo: having spoken. TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS. jumping. 1.. Would you mind ______ ____ the window?. 2. Don’t give up yet, keep ____________!.  39.

(89) ACCESO A CICLOS FORMATIVOS. GRADO SUPERIOR. 3. I want __________ what happened. 4. Peter admitted ___________ ________ __ the crime. 5. Tom refused __________ me any money. 6. Jill has decided not __________ a car. 7. I always enjoy discotheque.. _______. in. the. 8. The thief got into the house because I forgot ___________ the window. 9. I dislike ___________ up early. 10. Do you also detest ___________ 12 hours a day? 11. Mary can’t help ____________ animals, although they mean a lot of work. 12. There was a lot of traffic but we managed ______________ to the airport on time.. 22. I can’t stand ______________ at home on sunny days. 23. Can you imagine ____________ out every night? 24. When you have finished ___________ you can go home. 25. Why hasn’t Sue arrived yet? She promised not __________ late.. Ejercicio 21: Complete la conversación usando los verbos entre paréntesis en infinitivo o gerundio. Steve has just met an old friend of his called Tom. They’re having a cup of coffee together. Tom has some bad news. Steve: Are you still working for Magnired, Tom? Tom:. 13. I miss ________________ television in the afternoon. 14. They couldn’t resist _______________ the house - it was lovely! 15. I’ve arranged _________ tennis tomorrow afternoon.. Steve: Oh, dear. I’m sorry to hear that. Tom:. 16. I fancy ________ steak for dinner. 17. The thief denied __________________ ___ __________ the jewels, too.. No, I’m not. I’m afraid I lost my job there. And Patty’s lost her job, too. We’re living rather a difficult time at the moment.. I’ve been out of work for seven months now. I expected ________ (find) (1) a new job fairly quickly, but it isn’t so easy, I’ve learnt.. Steve: Jobs are hard to find these days.. 20. My mother tries to avoid __________ me many times.. With Patty not working we’ve very little money left. After I lost my job I managed ______________ (convince) (2) my bank manager to lend us some money, but he won’t let us __________ (have) (3) any more now. And there are lots of bills ______ ____ (be/pay) (4) I really don’t know what ___________ (do) (5).. 21. I shouted to him. He pretended not ____ __ ______ me but I’m sure he did.. Steve: Do you think you might get a job if you moved somewhere else?. 18. One day I’d like to learn __________ an aeroplane. 19. We have tried many times, but we can’t stop ____________.. 40. Tom:. TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS.

(90) INGLÉS. Tom:. Well, perhaps. We’ve thought about it of course. We’ve even wondered whether ___________ (go) (6) abroad. We could always try a fresh start in a different country. Patty wants me ____________ (look) (7) for a job in America. And I’ve been to Australia House, although I’m still waiting for them _______ (answer) (8).. Steve: Do you like the idea of going abroad? Tom:. I don’t know really. I think on the whole I’d rather _______ (stay) (9) here if I had a job. But the situation has made us __________ (think) (10) carefully about our future. We decided we ought to find out what opportunities there are. I’ve agreed ________ (think) (11) about all the possibilities.. Steve: Well, I hope you find something soon. Tom:. I simply must get a job soon, or I don’t know what we shall do.. Steve: Well, let me _______ (know) (12) what happens, won’t you? Look, here’s my new address and phone number. Give me a ring some time. Tom:. OK, Steve. I’d better _________ __ (go) (13) now. I’ve got a bus to catch.. Steve: I hope _______________ (see) (14) you again soon. Tom:. Bye, Steve.. Ejercicio 22: Complete el artículo, “Wendy will stay”, poniendo los verbos entre paréntesis en gerundio o infinitivo.. TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS. '. Ÿ Milford Council has decided _________ __ (let) (1) 85-year-old Ms Wendy Battle go on _________ (live) (2) at her home at 39 Croft Street. The Council had wanted ____________ (knock) (3) down all the old houses in the street because they were going to build a new car park there. The future of this plan is now uncertain. Ÿ The story began five years ago when the people of Croft Street agreed ______ ________ (move) (4) to new homes. Unfortunately the Council forgot ____ _____ (ask) (5) Ms Battle. When they finally remembered her, everyone else had already moved. But the Council failed __________ (make) (6) Wendy to do the same. “My grandson has just finished ____________ (paint) (7) the sittingroom for me”, she said at the time. “I can’t imagine ________ (move) (8) now.” Ÿ The Council offered _________ (pay) (9) Ms Battle ¼ 500 and promised ________ (give) (10) her a new house, but she still refused ______ (move) (11). “I can’t help __________ (like) (12) it here,” she told our reporter. “I miss _________ (meet) (13) the neighbours of course. I enjoyed ________ (talk) (14) to them.” Croft Street has been almost empty for the last three years. There seemed _______ (be) (15) no way anyone could move Wendy from number 39. Ÿ Now comes the Council’s new decision. Ms Battle is very pleased. “I kept _________ (tell) (16) them I wouldn’t move,” she said today. “I don’t mind ___________ (live) (17) on my own any more. And I expect _____________ (live) (18) till I’m a hundred. I hope ________ (stay) (19) here a long time yet.” Ÿ We have also known this week that the Council cannot now afford to construct the car park. One or two of the people who used to live in Croft Street have suggested to modernise the old houses so that they can move back into them. They dislike _____ _____ (live) (20) in the new houses they moved into five years ago. 41.

(91) ACCESO A CICLOS FORMATIVOS. GRADO SUPERIOR. „ Verbos que cambian de significado Aparte de todos los verbos que hemos considerado ya, existe una serie de verbos que cambian de significado si llevan gerundio o infinitivo + to. Estos verbos son: forget, go on, regret, remember, stop, try. A continuación nos centraremos en estos cambios de significado. a) forget. d) remember 1. Please remember to lock all the doors before you go to bed. Por favor, no te olvides de cerrar todas las puertas con llave antes de acostarte; no debemos olvidar hacer algo. 2. I still remember passing my driving test. Todavía recuerdo cuando aprobé el examen del carné de conducir; recordamos haber hecho algo.. 1. I forgot to buy the detergent. Olvidé comprar el detergente; pero debería haberlo hecho. 2. I’ll never forget visiting the Queen. Nunca olvidaré haber visitado a la Reina; la acción tuvo lugar y me acuerdo de ella.. e) stop 1. He stopped to buy something for dinner. Se paró para comprar algo para cenar; se interrumpe una acción por otra.. b) go on 1. She went on to talk about the situation in the States. Siguió y habló de la situación en Estados Unidos; cambio de tema (o actividad). 2. She went on talking about her son for hours. Seguía hablando de su hijo durante horas; no hay cambio de tema (o de actividad). c) regret 1. I regret to tell you that you lost your job. Lamento decirle que ha perdido su trabajo; todavía no se ha consumido la acción.. 2. I’ve stopped smoking. He dejado de fumar; ya no se realiza una acción. f) try 1. He tried to do it alone but he couldn’t. Intentó hacerlo solo pero no pudo; ha hecho un esfuerzo. 2. Why don’t you try using a smaller screwdriver? ¿Por qué no lo intentas con un destornillador más pequeño?; se pretende experimentar algo.. 2. I regret leaving school at 16. Lamento haber dejado el colegio a los 16 años; la acción se ha consumido y lo lamentamos.. 42. TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS.

(92) INGLÉS. Ejercicio 23: Complete los huecos con la forma correcta del verbo que hay entre paréntesis. 1. Remember __________ the central heating before you go to bed. (turn off) 2. We stopped ____________ and took a rest for a moment. (cycle) 3. I remember _____________ this book last winter. It was boring. (read) 4. It was easy to get into my father’s office because he had forgotten ___________ the door. (lock). 5. Do you regret __________ divorced when you were only 25? (get) 6. I tried __________ my bike but I couldn’t. (repair) 7. We discussed the financial situation and then went on _________ about sales. (talk) 8. If nothing else works, why don’t you try __________ the instructions? (read) 9. We’ll have to stop _________ petrol. (get) 10. She stopped _____________ when she was fifty. (work). „ Infinitivo o gerundio detrás de sustantivos Explanation Some nouns can be followed by infinitives, but others can be followed by prepositions and verb+ing.. Example You were a fool to agree. He has a terrible fear of being alone.. Explicación Algunos sustantivos van seguidos de infinitivos, otros de preposición y verbo en gerundio.. Ejercicio 24: Elija la forma correcta de completar la frase.. 3. They have no hope (to arrive / of arriving) on time.. 1. Is there any need (to tell / of telling) Sam?. 4. I have difficulty (to read / in reading) fast.. 2. I hate the idea (to leave / of leaving) them.. 5. Has he told you about his decision (to go / of going) away?. „ Expresar hábitos en pasado: used to, get used to, be used to, usually Explanation. Example. Explicación. used to + infinitive o emphasizes the habitual or repeated nature of actions and states completed in the past.. Sam used to play tennis.. Utilizando “used to + infinitivo”se subraya el hecho que la acción ha tenido lugar repetidas veces.. usually o has the same meaning as “nearly always”, and is used in the present, the future and the past.. Sam usually played tennis.. “Usually” significa lo mismo que “casi siempre” y se puede utilizar para referirse al presente, futuro y pasado.. .../... TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS. 43.

(93) ACCESO A CICLOS FORMATIVOS. GRADO SUPERIOR. .../... Explanation to be used to + ... ing o has the meaning of “to be accostumed to”. to get used to + ... ing o has the meaning of “to become accostumed to”.. Example. Explicación. Sam is used to playing tennis.. “Be used to + gerundio” significa “estar acostumbrado a”.. Sam should get used to playing tennis.. “Get used to + gerundio” significa “acostumbrarse a”.. Ejercicio 25: Una las frases 1 a 4 con las definiciones a-d. Over a period of time he adjusted, until his dislike of driving to work disappeared. On most occasions he drove to work, but 2 He usually drove to work. b he sometimes went by train. It was his custom to drive to work, but he 3 He used to drive to work. c doesn’t drive to work now. He didn’t mind driving to work. It didn’t 4 He was used to driving to work. d worry him at all. 1 He got used to driving to work.. a. Ejercicio 26: Ponga el verbo en la forma correcta (gerundio o infinitivo).. 5. I’m the boss. I’m not used to ________ told what to do. (be). 0. James had get used to driving on the left. (drive) 1. Beth used to ______ very fit. Now, she’s in terrible condition. (be) 2. When I was a child, I used to _________ swimming every day. (go) 3. There used to _________ a theatre on this corner but it was knocked down. (be) 4. It took me a long time to get used to ____ ____ glasses. (wear). 44. 7. Estilo directo e indirecto En este apartado trabajaremos sobre todo el estilo indirecto ya que el estilo directo es la fiel representación de lo que una persona dice, y no nos encontramos con ningún cambio de tiempo o de adverbios como en el estilo indirecto.. TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS.

(94) INGLÉS. Utilizamos el estilo directo cuando queWe use direct speech when we repeat the remos repetir las palabras originales del original speaker’s exact words. interlocutor. He said: “I’m tired.” We use reported speech when we express Utilizamos el estilo indirecto cuando the same but not necessarily with the expresamos lo mismo pero no necesariasame words. mente con las mismas palabras. He said (that) he was tired. To study reported speech we have to Para estudiar el estilo indirecto tenemos consider: que considerar tres tipos de frases: 1. statements. 1. frases afirmativas o negativas. 2. commands. 2. órdenes. 3. questions. 3. preguntas. 1. Statements. 1. Frases afirmativas o negativas. I said: “It’s noisy outside”. o I said (that) it was noisy outside. From this example we can see the differences between direct and indirect speech. In direct speech we use colon and inverted commas, but in indirect speech they disappear. In indirect speech we can introduce the words the speaker said with ”that”, but it is optional, it can be omitted. The verb changes from present to past. Let’s see some other changes in other examples:. En este ejemplo podemos considerar las diferencias entre los dos estilos. Sólo en el directo usamos doble punto y comillas. En el estilo indirecto podemos utilizar “that” para introducir lo que se dijo. El verbo cambia de presente a pasado. En los siguientes ejemplos consideraremos otros cambios.. She told me: “I went to see my brother yesterday. He had bought a new car. He will drive to Barcelona next week.” She told me (that) she had gone to see her brother the day before. He had bought a new car. He would drive to Barcelona the following week. .../... TEMA 1: LOS VERBOS. 45.


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