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1. Escoge la opción correcta para cada una de estas sugerencias:


Academic year: 2021

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y Distintas fórmulas para hacer sugerencias

1. Escoge la opción correcta para cada una de estas sugerencias:

1. a. Let's going out for a drink. b. Let's to go out for a drink. c. Let's go out for a drink. 2. a. Shall we hire a bike? b. Shall we hired a bike? c. Shall we to hire a bike?

3. a. What about to dining out? b. What about dining out? c. What about dine out?

Las respuestas correctas son:

1. c. Let’s go out for a drink. LET’S + INFINITIVO + COMPLEMENTOS

2. a. Shall we hire a bike? SHALL + SUJETO + INFINITIVO + COMPLEMENTOS

3. b. What about dining out? WHAT ABOUT + FORMA –ING + COMPLEMENTOS


Para hacer sugerencias, podemos usar las siguientes estructuras: a. Shall we...?: (¿Quieres … conmigo?) Seguido de Infinitivo sin to. Example:

Shall we play tennis on Saturday?

¿Jugamos juntos al tenis el sábado?

b. Let’s … (Sugiero que… ) Seguido del Infinitivo sin to. Example:

Let’s play tennis on Saturday.

Sugiero que juguemos al tenis el sábado.

c. How about…? / What about…? (¿Qué te parece si…?) Seguido de la forma en -ing del verbo. Example:

How about playing tennis on Saturday?

¿Qué te parece si jugamos al tenis el sábado?

d. Why don’t we…? (¿Por qué no…?) Seguido de infinitivo. Example:

Why don’t we go to the cinema tonight?



y Going to

Esta forma verbal se forma con el auxiliar to be más going to más el infinitivo del verbo principal.

Ejemplo: I'm going to travel to Madrid by plane.

Going to se utiliza para hablar de aquellas acciones que tenemos pensadas hacer en un futuro;

es decir expresa una intención en el futuro.

Afirmación Negación Interrogación

I am going to work I am no going to work Am I going to work? You are going to work You are not going to work Are you going to work? He is going to work He is not going to work Is he going to work? She is going to work She is not going to work Is she going to work? It is going to work It is not going to work Is it going to work? We are going to work We are not going to work Are we going to work? You are going to work You are not going to work Are you going to work? They are going to work They are not going to work Are they going to work?

Como puedes observar, conjugamos el verbo to be y las otras dos partes de esta estructura (going to y el infinitivo) son invariables.

y El infinitivo de propósito

Cuando queremos expresar el propósito o la intención de una acción, en inglés normalmente utilizamos el infinitivo del verbo que indica la acción precedido por la partícula to.


I'm going to the post office to get some stamps. Why did you buy that dictionary? To learn French.

Nota: No usar nunca la preposición for delante de esta estructura de infinitivo.

La siguiente frase es incorrecta:

* I'm going to phone the restaurant for to reserve a table for tonight


3. Lee el fax que Lidia ha recibido de su jefe en España.

4. Ahora responde a las siguientes preguntas acerca del texto que has leído.

Escribe las oraciones completas.

1. How long is Lidia going to be in Barcelona?


5. Rellena el espacio en blanco con going to y un verbo apropiado.


1. Sheila likes children very much. She is going to be a good mother. 2. - Why are you filling that bucket with water?

- I the car.

3. Jean wants to be an air-hostess. She Italian, French and Spanish.

4. - What you this weekend? - Nothing, just sleep and relax.

5. Hurry up ! It’s ten to six. We the train. 6. - How long Harry in Germany?

- For two months.

7. My hair is dirty. I it.

6. Listening ‘Lidia talks to John’. Escucha la siguiente conversación y rellena los

huecos con las palabras del cuadro.

arrangements leave flight airport great doing away reservation

John: Hi, Lidia. What are you (1) _____________?

Lidia: I’m phoning the airport to make a (2) ___________. I’m going back to Barcelona. John: Oh, how come?

Lidia: I received a fax from my (3)____________. He needs me there. John: Are you going to be (4) ____________ for a long time?

Lidia: Just a couple of weeks. I’m going there to help him with some (5)_____________ John: I see. When are you going to (6)_______________?

Lidia: As soon as possible. I’ll try to get a (7) _____________ before the weekend. John: Right! Shall I take you to the (8)_______________ when you leave?

Lidia: That would be (9)________________! Thanks a lot, John.

7. Observa estas frases extraídas del diálogo:


- “I’m going there to help him with some arrangements”. (because I have to help him with some arrangements.)

INFINITIVO DE PROPÓSITO: Esta estructura nos informa del propósito de una acción explicada

con anterioridad.

Vuelve a escribir las frases siguientes usando el infinitivo de propósito.

1. I’m learning foreign languages because I want to travel all over the world.

2. Vince is going to the library because he needs to borrow some books.

3. We need some bread so I’m going to the baker’s.

4. Mandy phoned the travel agency and booked some tickets.

5. Larry is going to save money because he wants to buy a new car.


y So y Because

y So

Significa ‘por lo tanto’, y une dos proposiciones coordinadas. La segunda oración suele ser la consecuencia de la primera.


I was very hungry so I ate my daughter’s sandwhich.


y Preposiciones

For Para / por / durante

In En (‘stay in’= quedarse en casa)

To Hacia / para

By Por

Out Fuera (‘go out’ = salir)

At En / a

About Acerca de

Off Libre (‘day off’ = día libre)

for Por

On Sobre

y Viajar

Aduana Customs

Agencia de viajes Travel agency

Albergue Hostel

Billete Ticket

Billete de ida Single ticket

Billete de ida y vuelta Return ticket

Bolsa de viaje Travel bag

Carrito de equipajes Luggage trolley

Cheque de viaje Traveller's cheque

Consigna (equipaje) Left-luggage office

Destino Destination

Documentación Papers

Documentación del

automóvil Car's documents

Equipaje Luggage

Equipaje de mano Hand luggage

Equipaje permitido Baggage allowance

Estancia Stay

Exceso de equipaje Excess baggage

Excursión Excursion ; Outing

Excursionista Tripper

Fonda ; Posada Inn

Frontera Frontier ; Border

Gira Tour

Guía (grupo turistas) Guide ; Courier

Guía (libro) Guidebook

Habitación individual Single room

Horario Timetable

Hotel de lujo Luxury hotel

Hotel de primera,

segunda, tercera First, second, third class hotel

Itinerario Itinerary

Llegada Arrival

Maleta Suitcase

Mapa Map

Máquina expendedora de

billetes Ticket machine

Media pensión Half board

Oficina de información Information office

Oficina de objetos

perdidos Lost property office

Parador State-run hotel

Pasajero Passenger

Pasaporte Passport

Pensión Boarding-house

Pensión completa Full board

Permiso internacional de

conducción International driving licence

Polizón Stowaway

Precio del billete Fare

Regreso ; Vuelta Return

Reserva Reservation


Ruta Route

Sala de espera Waiting room

Salida Departure

Seguro de viajes Travel insurance

Taquilla Ticket office

Tarjeta de identidad Identity card

Tienda de campaña Tent

Turismo Tourism

Turista Tourist

Viajante ; Viajero Traveller

Viaje Journey ; Trip

Viaje de ida Outward journey

Viaje de ida y vuelta Return journey

Viaje de negocios Business trip

Viaje de novios Honeymoon

Viaje de recreo Pleasure trip

Viaje de turismo Holiday

Viaje organizado Organized tour

Visado Visa

Visado de estancia Permit to stay


8. Escribe una preposición en los huecos para completar las siguientes oraciones.

For (x2) in to by out

at (x2) about off on 1. We need to talk ____________ your plans for the future. 2. What would you like ________ lunch?

3. I don’t work on Fridays. It’s my day ________. 4. John is going to take Lidia _______ the airport. 5. He’s travelling ________ air.

6. I’m having a look _______ the newspaper. 7. They are going to stay here ______ three days. 8. What is _______ TV tonight?

9. I’ll meet you _______ the station.

10. Are you going _______ or are you going to stay _______?


4. She’s travelling to Egypt to seeing the pyramids.

___________________________________________________________________ 5. They going to study hard for the exams.

___________________________________________________________________ 6. As you enjoy skiing, what about to go to the Pyrenees for the weekend?

___________________________________________________________________ 7. Shall we buying Pete Madonna’s new CD for his birthday?



10. Une las frases de la columna A con las de la columna B. Usa so o because.

A. B.

He bought a book I want to pass the exams They went to the Caribbean celebrate their anniversary She went to the airport she isn’t going out tonight I’m going to study hard this weekend learn German

She’s really tired it was her birthday I sent her a postcard collect her boyfriend 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

11. Escribe oraciones para las siguientes afirmaciones usando going to.

Example: Sally is pregnant. She’s going to have a baby. 1. My hair is very dirty.

_________________________________________________________________ 2. Kevin’s car is broken down.

_________________________________________________________________ 3. Chris and Mark aren’t happily married.


4. I like very much the shoes I saw in the shop.

_________________________________________________________________ 5. There’s no food in the fridge.

_________________________________________________________________ 6. Jack is going to Paris but he is afraid of flying.


14. Writing. Un grupo de amigos se encuentran en casa planeando la noche del

sábado. Imagina su conversación y escríbela usando las expresiones Shall we....?


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