(Resolución de 26 de junio de 2019)
SEGUNDO EJERCICIO / FASE DE OPOSICIÓN Málaga, 11 de marzo de 2020
Página 1 de 3 SECTION I
Listen to the audio file and fill in the blanks with the adequate word. The audio file will be reproduced three times.
Requirements to be accepted:
To be accepted as an exchange student, the following 2)... must be previously 3)...
1º. First of all, the home institution has to 4)... us, through our Nomination 5)... with the Nomination of Incoming Students selected to study at the UMA, together with their e-mail addresses (our main 6)... of communication with students). We will not accept nominations via E-Mail. Only students nominated through our on line system will be accepted. Afterwards, we will directly contact the students, sending them the 7)... to the platform by email.
2º. UMA can only accept the number of students stipulated in our bilateral agreements and previously 8)... on with our partner institutions.
3º. For Erasmus and Latin American students ONLY, UMA cannot accept students from Fields of Study different from those stipulated in the Bilateral Agreement, since it can 9)... to problems. Please, consult this matter with your home academic coordinator.
4º. We do not require any certification or a determinate level of language, although students are expected to be able to follow 10) ... in Spanish. In 11)... with the Common European 12)... of Reference for Languages, a B1 Spanish level is 13)...
Nomination Deadlines
First Semester or Full Year: 1st June 2018 Second Semester: 1st November 2018
First semester, full year and second semester for 14)... Sciences, Medicine and Fine Arts students: 1st June 2018
Minimum period required: The minimum period of stay at UMA will be 4.5 months.
This is the period necessary to complete the administrative and academic requirements.
Students with shorter time will not be 15)... and will not get any Transcript of Records”.
Página 2 de 3 SECTION II
Please, translate into Spanish the following text:
“Dear participants,
Thank you very much again for your interest in the 4th Forum of Rectors and Presidents of Russian and Ibero-American Universities.
As the conference date is approaching, we would like to update you with some information on the Networking session and Agreements signing ceremonies.
Networking session (15:30-17:30. Thursday 17th of October 2019)
The objective of this 2-hours session is to create opportunities to establish and/or strengthen collaborations between participating universities.
The session will take place at room "Royal" (Salon Real) in Hotel Alfonso XIII (next to the Rectorate of the University of Seville). One fixed round table with capacity for eight seated people will be available for each Russian University. The rest of representatives will rotate according to the scheduled meetings. A chronogram of meetings will be available nearer the conference date, and displayed in the networking room.
Logo of Russian Universities
On each table, a panel with name and logo will identify each Russian Universities during the networking session. For this purpose, we kindly request that each Russian University sends us a high quality logo to [email protected] before October 7th, 2019.
How to join
If you wish to participate in the networking session, please complete the form available at
Please fill up just one form per participating institution.
During the registration process, basic information about the University, as well as the contact persons, will be requested. This information will be gathered in one handbook, and given to all participants for its use during the session. On the other hand, you will be requested to select the institutions that you want to meet during the session. This information will not be displayed in the handbook, but used to organize the meeting during the networking session.
The deadline for registering in the networking session is Monday the 7th of October of 2019. Once you register, you may edit the information included, as well as the matching universities, until this deadline.
Página 3 de 3 SECTION III
Please, translate into English the following text:
“Tres millones y medio de euros es la financiación que el Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE), agencia que gestiona los fondos del programa Erasmus+ en España, ha asignado inicialmente a la Universidad de Málaga, para realizar movilidades internacionales de estudiantes, profesores y personal de administración y servicios en el curso 2019/2020, un millón de euros más que el año pasado.
De esta cantidad, 2.100.050 euros serán para movilidades en los países del programa Erasmus+ (acción KA103) y 1.409.010 euros para movilidades a países asociados (acción KA107). En esta última acción, de 4 años de existencia y donde la financiación se adjudica en una convocatoria competitiva a nivel nacional, la UMA se ha situado en la tercera posición en el ranking de universidades mejor financiadas de España, obteniendo este año un total de 391 movilidades con 37 países.
Con esta financiación se espera conceder becas de movilidad a los más de 1.100 alumnos que el año que viene se moverán en el marco del programa Erasmus+ para realizar estudios en otras universidades fuera de España. Además, unos 80 estudiantes realizarán prácticas internacionales en Europa y cerca de 300 profesores y personal de administración y servicios”.