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Office Hours/Horas de oficina: Monday Thursday 9:00am- 5:00pm, Friday-9am-12pm


Academic year: 2022

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Fr. Gerardo (Jerry) Arano-Ponce Associate Pastor

Fr. Jesus Rene Perez Deacon Ray Delgado Parish Secretary Jassmen Sanchez Office Manager Mary Ann Pickering School of Religion Director

Andrea Valdez

School web ... holyfamilytopeka.org East: K-8, 1725 NE Seward Ave.

School Phone ... (785)234-8980 School Fax ... (785)234-6778 Email ... hfcseast@topekacatholic.org West: Pre-School, 210 NE Branner School Phone ... (785)233-9171 Email .. hfcswest@topekacatholic.org Confessions

Wednesday 5:30-6:15pm (SPANISH ONLY), Saturday 2:30pm to 3:30 pm, or anytime by appointment if

needed/ Miércoles 5:30-6:15pm, Sábado de 2:30pm a 3:30pm, o por cita si necesita.


Arrangements must be made with the pastor at least 6 months prior to the planned date. Planes de Matrimonio llame al Sacerdote.


Arrangements need to be made with the church office 6 months prior to planned date./Recuerden que es necesario hacer cita en la oficina parroquial 6 meses antes de la fecha planeada.

Communion Calls

If anyone is sick at home for a period of time, please notify the parish office.

Declaration of Nullity

Please call the parish office at (785)232-5088

Baptism Preparation Session English classes will be March 12th at 7:00pm in the Church or if necessary call the parish office for an

appointment /Clases en espanol son el segundo domingo del mes a las 2:15pm en la planta de bajo del MCBAC.

Anointing of the Sick

For the Sacrament of the Sick please call the parish office.



FEBRUARY 18, 2018


Daily Tuesday thru Friday/Martes a Viernes 8:00am

Wednesday & Thursday /Miercoles y Jueves 6:30pm(Spanish)

Saturday/Sábado 4:00pm (English), 6:00pm (Spanish)

Sunday/Domingo: 8:00 am, 11:00 am (English), 9:30am ,12:30pm (Spanish)

Office Hours/Horas de oficina:

Monday– Thursday 9:00am- 5:00pm, Friday-9am-12pm

Office Phone ... (785)232-5088 Office Fax ... (785)232-8834 Emergency Eve #..(785)215-6113



“The Love of Christ moves us to spiritual growth, through prayer, faith for- mation and stewardship.”

1st Sunday of Lent


Eucharistic Adorers:

Our Lord gives us peace and gifts of the Holy Spirit as we pray and spend time with Him. We are blessed with hav- ing our Perpetual Adoration Chapel. Please contact!

Angel & Mary Valdivia at 273-1629 for guardian hours from 6:00am-12:00 noon, John and Lupe Jaramillo, from 6:00pm-midnight, and Monica & Marcus Ramirez from 12:00 noon to 6:00 pm & 12 midnight-6:00am. Hours currently open: Sunday: 12pm, 8:00pm, Tuesday:

3am, 6am, 8am, Wednesday: 10pm, Saturday: 1am.

7pm every other Saturday.

Liturgical Ministries 2/24/18 & 2/25/18:

Saturday 4pm-Lectors–Mary Ann & Hannah Pickering Communion Ministers–Maria Stever

Mass Servers–Knights of Columbus

Saturday 6pm-Lectors-Michelle Perez, Ramona Herrera Communion Ministers-Maria Gomez

Salmo–Magda Munoz

Sunday 8:00am-Lectors–Celia Vega, Sr. Rebecca Communion Ministers–Mary Pat Rangel

Mass Servers–Luciano & Mirella Marcelo, Susana Mosqueda

Sunday 9:30am-Lectors–Angeles Escobar, Israel Cortes Communion Ministers–Alejandro Mateus

Salmo–Margarita Flores

Sunday 11:00am-Lectors–Christy Gross, Susie Rodri- guez

Communion Ministers–Deacon Ray Mass Servers–PJ Vargas, Isaac Ortega

Sunday 12:30pm-Lectors–Lizeth Molina, Jose Luis Marquez

Communion Ministers–Lupita Morales Salmo-Ventura Morales


Sat 2/17 4:00pm †Melesio & Severa Marmolejo 6:00pm Por Las Familias De OLG Sun 2/18 8:00am †Pedro & Hilara Barron †Jose Luis Barron

†Deceased Members of The Altar Society

Living & Deceased Members of The Hayden High School Class 1964

9:30am †Daniel Negrete 11:00am †Ray Tinoco 12:30pm †Roberto Jurado Tue 2/20 8:00am †Jose Colon

Wed 2/21 8:00am †Pete & Tillie Gonzales †Manuel & Jovita Martinez 6:30pm Por Los Sacerdotes

Thu 2/22 8:00am †Kenny Del Real 6:30pm †Bicente Tetuan Fri 2/23 8:00am †Michael Escobar Sat 2/24 4:00pm †Ray Tinoco

6:00pm †Angel & Lucia Garcia Sun 2/25 8:00am †John & Jose Rangel 9:30am Por Las Familias De OLG 11:00am †Michael Escobar

12:30pm †Alejandra Alcala

When there is a funeral Mass there is NO daily 8am Mass. Because of this, on occasion it is necessary to reschedule a Mass intention. When this is necessary we will contact you with the new date. Thank you–

The Office Staff.


If you would like to be on our list please call our office at 232-5088. We must have permission of the individual or parents of minors. Names may remain on our list for 2 months. If a longer time on the list is needed, please call the office. Thank you.

Please pray for the sick of the Parish/Por favor orar por los enfermos de la parroquia

Cruz Chavez, Pana Chavez, Mary Frances Dallen, Jennifer Delci, Steve Dominguez, Sue Garcia Casebier, Carol Hernandez, Maria Mendoza, Alex & Joe Oliva- John Padilla, Seferina Padilla Isabel Simecka Augustina Tetuan

Congratulations to Frank & Connie Herrera on their 60



Anniversary, and many more.

Many thanks to Lulac for your donation

of $1,000.00!




MONDAY, February 19

MCBAC-MTR-Legion of Mary 5:30-7:30pm

MCBAC-GYM HF BB Practice 3pm-9pm

SCHOOL-GED Classes 6-8pm

SCHOOL-Bible Study SP 7pm-9pm TUESDAY, February 20

MCBAC-GYM– HF BB Practice 3pm-8pm



SCHOOL–GED Classes 6pm-8pm

CHURCH-Charismatic Prayer Group 7-9pm WEDNESDAY, February 21


MCBAC-GYM– HF BB Practice 3pm-8pm THURSDAY, February, 22


MCBAC-GYM– HF BB Practice 3pm-8pm FRIDAY, February, 23

MCBAC-UP KIT& GYM Altar Society Fish Food Sale All Day


SCHOOL– Spanish Ultreya 6:30pm-9pm SATURDAY, February, 24

MCBAC-Gym Sewing Club Bake & Craft Sale 11am-6pm

Confession– 2:30pm Church SUNDAY, February, 25

MCBAC-BR Lenten Mission (Middle + High School Youth) 7pm-8:30pm


The Bulletin deadline is Friday at Noon for the following Sunday. Thank you.

ARCHBISHOP’S CALL TO SHARE-ACTS Your gift to the Archbishop’s Call to Share is still needed! Thank you to all who have responded to the needs of our Church in northeastern Kansas through the 2018 Achbishop’s Call to Share appeal.

One person or parish could not possible accom- plish all that needs to be done for over 40 minis- tries and services of the Achbishop’s Call to Share.

You are being Called to Share!

Gifts of any amount are welcome, although if you are not doing so already, please consider a gift of a dollar a day ($365) or more. Your gift will make everything possible. Please fill out a pledge enve- lope today or donate online at www.calltoshare.org ATTENTION:

Sewing Club will be having a Craft Sale and Bake Sale on February 24th from 11am-6pm in the MCBAC Gym.

Please come and support our efforts to help pay for the Activity center debt. If you would like to donate baked goods we welcome them. Questions Call Lilia Camacho 785-266-4239.


The Amigos invite you to join them at their month- ly Bunco on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 @ 6:30pm in the Banquet Room of the MCBAC. Please bring a snack or dish to share with everyone. Come join in the fun, laughter, and fellowship. Should you have any questions, please contact Mary Lou Escobar at 266-6765. Hope to see you there!

Lent is a penitential time to prepare ourselves for the celebration of Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross and his resurrection. The gospels provide a profound and rich meaning into understanding the person of Jesus and God’s great love for us. Join Fr. Agustin Martinez in the study and reflection of the passion of Jesus according to Mark; we will explore and study the Gospel as well as the Old Testament roots, connections, prophesies and symbolism that could help us better grasp the liturgies of Holy Week and our Christian Faith.

When: March 5th, 12th and 26th. Please bring your own Bible

Where: Marlo Cuevas Balandran Activity Center in the Banquet Room

The Death of the Messiah:

The passion of Christ according to Mark.


Guardián Del Santísimo:

Nuestro Sen or nos da paz y dones del Espí ritu Santo al orar y pasar tiempo con El. Somos afortunados en tener las puertas abiertas del santí simo las 24 horas.

Por favor llamen a A ngel & Mary Valdivia a 273-1629 para las horas de 6:00am –12:00 medio dí a y llama a John & Lupe Jaramillo al 234-5936 para horas de guardia de 6:00pm a la media noche, o a Mo nica &

Marcus de 6:00am– 12:00pm, 273–8448 para horas de guardia de media noche a 6:00am. Horas Disponi- bles: Domingo: 12pm, 8pm, Martes: 3am, 6am, 8am, Miércoles: 10pm, Sábado: 1pm . 7pm cada otro sábado.

Próximo Retiro De Convalidación Para Matrimonio (y con clases para novios):

Febrero 24-25, 2018, en la parroquia de St. Paul, 900 S. Honeysuckle St. Olathe, KS 66061. Se necesi- ta carta de registracio n del sacerdote que prepara el matrimonio. Por cualquier pregunta llamar a la oficina de la parroquia 913-764-0323.


Si no se han registrado en nuestra oficina parro- quial. Por favor pasen a la oficina y ha ganlo. Es importante para adquirir algunos beneficios: bau- tismo, quincean eras, y bodas. Tambie n por si nece- sitan una carta. Recuerden la falta de planificacio n en su parte no constituye una emergencia de nues- tra parte. Gracias.


Las estaciones de la Cruz sera n todos los viernes durante la Cuaresma, comenzando el 16 de febrero a las 6 pm en ingle s y las 7 pm en espan ol.

El Papa en el Ángelus: “Ninguna enfer- medad es causa de impureza”

En el Día Mundial del enfermo 2018, el Papa Francisco invita a “contemplar a Jesús como el verdadero médico de los cuerpos y las almas” antes de rezar la oración mariana del Ángelus.

En el Dí a Mundial del Enfermo de este an o, que adema s coincide con la memoria litu rgica de la Santí sima Virgen de Lourdes, el Papa Francisco invito , antes de rezar la oracio n mariana del A nge- lus, a “contemplar a Jesu s como el verdadero me di- co de los cuerpos y las almas”.

La pa gina del Evangelio de hoy - expreso el Santo Padre asomado desde el balco n del Palacio Aposto - lico, “nos presenta la curacio n de un hombre que sufre de lepra, una enfermedad que en el Antiguo Testamento se consideraba una impureza grave”, ya que la mentalidad de la e poca hací a sentirse al leproso “impuro ante Dios y los hombres”. Comen- tando las lecturas de este sexto domingo del tiem- po ordinario, el Papa Francisco recuerda la impor- tancia de “fijar nuestra atencio n en esta resonancia interior de Jesu s” y explico que no podemos enten- der el trabajo de Cristo “si no entramos en su cora- zo n llenos de compasio n”.

La purificación y audacia de Jesús sana al leproso

Francisco puntualiza que el hecho ma s inquietante es que “Jesu s toca al leproso” algo que estaba abso- lutamente prohibido por la ley mosaica ya que sig- nificaba estar infectado incluso dentro en el espí ri- tu, es decir, “volverse impuro”. Y lo ma s sorpren- dente en este caso es que el leproso no transmite el contagio a Jesu s, sino que Jesu s transmite al lepro- so la purificacio n. Una curacio n en la que admira- mos, adema s de la compasio n, “la audacia de Jesu s”, que no esta preocupado con el contagio, sino que se mueve solo “por la voluntad de liberar a ese hombre de la maldicio n que lo oprime” sen alo el Santo Padre.

El pecado nos hace impuros

El Papa adema s afirmo que “ninguna enfermedad es causa de impureza” ni “afecta o impide su relacio n con Dios”, de hecho, sen alo – “una persona enferma puede estar au n ma s unida a Dios”. Sin embargo, lo que sí que nos convierte en impuros es “el pecado”.

Francisco recordo que el egoí smo y el orgullo, incluso entrar en el mundo de la corrupcio n

“son enfermedades del corazo n de las que debemos ser limpiados, recurriendo a Jesu s como el leproso”. Y para liberarnos, debemos acercamos al sacramento de la Reconciliacio n “con un corazo n arrepentido” y es así que la lepra del pecado “desaparece” y volve- mos a vivir con alegrí a nuestra relacio n filial con Dios.

Escucha las palabras del Papa en el Ángelus




Stations of the Cross will be every Friday during Lent, beginning February 16th, at 6pm English and 7pm Spanish.


Holy Hour for our youth will be Sunday 2/18 at 7 pm in the Church. Confirmation candidates as well as high school students / Life teen members are encouraged to attend. This will help Confirmation candidates complete their preparation require- ments. All parishioners are welcome to attend as well

Mark your Calendars:

February 23rd, Meatless Food Sale. In the MCBAC in the Gym from 11:00am to 7:00pm.

Thanks Nancy Gonzalez, Altar Society Secretary.


In the cycle of weekday readings (and in the Divine Office), Lent falls into two parts. The first part, includ- ing the “pre-Lent” of Ash Wednesday and the rest of that week, runs through to Saturday of Week 3. In these three and a half weeks, the Gospel texts are tak- en from the Synoptics and the Old Testament read- ings are chosen accordingly. The message running throughout is a call to a life of Gospel conversion. The pericopes speak of beginning anew, of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving; of conversion; of mutual forgiveness;

of hardness of heart, of love of enemies; of absolute claims of justice and love over ritual and cult; of the call to holiness, and so forth. (Occasionally, what ap- pears to be salvation history narrative is interspersed among these moral texts- a story like the call of Naaman or the workers in the vineyard, for example- but, in this context they are meant to be read as call to conversion rather than as referring to Christ or to the Easter mysteries.)

The readings for the second half of Lent are taken from the Gospel of John, beginning on the Monday of the fourth week of Lent at 4:43 and going through, omitting passages read on Sundays and during East- er, to chapter 13. It is clear that these readings from John do not constitute a kind of “crash course” in the life of Jesus, so much as a presentation of the mystery of Jesus Christ, the Son God, whom John says that all who believe in him will have eternal of life. Christ is presented as the healer and life-giver, as the one who gives life through his confrontation with death and gathers into one the scattered children of God.

How do these two sections of the lectionary fit to- gether and what can they tell us about the spirit of Lent? The shift from the “ethical” to the

“Christological” is no accident. The purpose of the first part of Lent is to bring us to compunction.

“Compunction” is etymologically related to the verb

“to puncture” and suggests the deflation of our inflat- ed egos, a challenge to any self-deceit about the quali- ty of our lives as disciples of Jesus. By hitting us again and again with demands which we not only fail to obey, but which we come to recognize as being quite beyond us, the Gospel passages are meant to trouble us, to confront our illusions about ourselves.

“Remember, you are dust…” From this perspective,

Lenten penance may be more effective if we fail in our resolutions than if we succeed, for its purpose is not to confirm us in our sense of virtue but to bring home to us our radical need of salvation. It is in an- swer to this profound awareness of need that the lec- tionary shifts from the Synoptics to John, from the demands of discipleship to the person of Jesus. John presents Jesus as the Savior, but Jesus can only save those who know, their need for salvation. Confronted with our sickness and powerlessness, we pray for our salvation. Taken from “The Spirit of Lent,” Mark Searle, in Assembly Volume 8:3.

Receipts for Week

February 6th-11th, 2018 Weekly Total Envelope $5,357.00

Plate $1,571.72 Faith Direct $2,860.00 TOTAL $9,788.72

Budgeted Collections $10,653.51

Income Over (Under) Budget -$864.79


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