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Escuela Primaria-Secundaria de Bremen Boletín de Padres


Academic year: 2021

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Escuela Primaria-Secundaria de Bremen

Boletí n de Padres

Mayo 18, 2018

Respeto Mutuo Comunidad de Escuela Solidaria Grandes Expectativas

Próximos Eventos

5/21 4to Grado-Black Pine Animal Sanctuary

5/22 6to Grado-S.Bend Cubs

5/23 Grados 3-5 Regresar la computadoras

5/24 5to Grado-Eastlake Skate

5/24 Grados 6-8 Regresar las computadoras

5/25 7mo Grado-Strikes & Spares

5/28 Día Conmemorativo-no hay clases

5/29 Ultimo Día de Clases

5/30 8vo Grado –Cedar Point


La exhibición de arte de la secundaria estará lista

el martes 22 de mayo y el jueves 24 de mayo! Los

estudiantes también podrán votar por su favorito

en cada grado en este momento.

Una recepción para padres y comunidad para ver y

votar por obras de arte, será de 6:00- 7:30 pm el

jueves, mayo 24. Los Premios para el mas Visto de

cada grado se otorgara al final de la noche. Los

alumnos de 6to y 7mo grado se llevarán su obra de

arte. Las obras de arte de octavo grado

continua-ran exhibiéndose para la graduación de octavo

grado y se llevaran a su casa al finalizar la



El 21 de mayo a las,6:30 p.m.—en el Auditorio

Los estudiantes de sexto deben de llegar a la sala del

co-ro antes de las 6:00 p.m.; los estudiantes de 7/8 grado

deben de estar en la sala de coro a las 5:45. El atuendo

para esta ocasión será casual. Pido que todos los

estu-diantes usen pantalón de mezclilla (sin agujeros o

rasga-duras); camisas de colores solidos y brillantes, NO

CAMI-SETAS, y el calzado puede ser cualquier cosa excepto

sandalias. Este concierto es mandatorio para todos los

estudiantes de coro del 6,7,8 grado. Los estudiantes han

trabajado mucho para este programa y sabemos que

disfrutaran de las piezas que han preparado.



Todos los estudiantes de sexto grado deben de

vacunarse contra el Tdap (tétanos, difteria, y tos

ferina) y Menactra (meningitis) antes del

comien-zo del año escolar. Estos se pueden obtener con

su medico de familia, departamento de salid para

aquellos que no tienen seguro y alguna

ubicacio-nes de CVS y Walgreens. La documentación de

estas vacunas debe entregarse en la enfermería

antes del primer día de clases. Adjunto hay

infor-mación sobre estas enfermedades. Por favor

póngase en contacto con la Sra. Stevens, nuestra

enfermera de la escuela, con preguntas.


Todos los

medicamentos deben ser recogidos en la oficina

de la enfermera antes del final del año escolar

por un padre (o con permiso escrito por parte de

los padres). Cualquier medicamento no recogido

será destruido.


Todos los libros de la biblioteca ya se deben de

regresar lo antes posible! Por favor ayude a su

hijo a buscar y regresar que aun tienen o tendrán

que pagar los libros perdidos o dañados. Gracias.


El sitio abierto de SFSP en la Escuela Primaria Secundaria de Bremen operara desde el 5 de junio de 2018 hasta el 29 de junio de 2018 de 11:00 a.m. a 12:30 p.m. lunes a viernes. Las comidas se servirán en la cafetería de la preparatoria. Un menú esta adjunto al boletín de hoy. Las comidas gratuitas estarán disponibles para todos los niños hasta 18 años de edad o mayores de 18 años de edad que estén inscritos en un programa educativo aprobado por el estado para discapaci-tados mentales o físicos se producirán comidas gratuitas a todos los niños sin discriminación. Los adultos son bienveni-dos a comer por un cargo de $3. todas las comidas se deben de comer en el sitio y no se deben de sacar de la cafetería.


Campamentos de Verano

CAMPAMENTO DE FUTBOL AMERICANO- El campamento de futbol Americano de Bremen será del 11-15 de junio para todos los

estudiantes enterantes a 1-6 grado. La fecha limite de inscripción es el 25 de mayo, para asegurar una camiseta. Los estudiantes pueden inscribirse hasta el 11 de junio.

CAMPAMENTO DE BALONCESTO- El campamento de verano de baloncesto de Bremen se llevara a cabo del 4 de junio al 8 de

junio. El campamento es para niños en los grados 1-8. Mira el volante adjunto al boletín de hoy!


Field bajo las luces! El programa de Futbol Americano de Bremen se complace en brindar esta experiencia a los estudiantes que actualmente cursan los grados 6, 7 y 8. Ve adjunto para mas información y registraciones.

CAMPAMENTO DE FUTBOL- La Asociación de Futbol de Bremen esta trabajando con Coerver Coaching para poner un

campa-mento de futbol en Bremen en Jane’s Park durante el verano. Hay un boletín adjunto. La registraciones están localizadas en el sitio web de futbol de Bremen: www.bremensoccer.net

LECCIONES DE VERANO DE TENNIS BREMEN 2018- Aprende un deporte de por vida mientras de diviertes! Toda la información

e inscripciones se pueden hacer en línea. Los campamentos se ofrecen en sesiones de dos semanas o durante las cuatro semanas. Si tiene alguna pregunta por favor contacta a Brita Miller 574-904-7970. brementennis.weebly.com

MAPSC CLUB DE VERANO DE NATACION- MAPSC club de verano de natación es para estudiantes en grados K-8 que pueden

nadar a lo largo de la alberca. Los nadadores aprenderán técnicas básicas para competencias de natación en un ambiente de aprendizaje divertido y relajado. Esto es un gran comienzo para un gran deporte! Las inscripciones serán en el cuarto grande de la biblioteca publica el martes, 15 de mayo de 5-6 pm. Y el sábado, 19 de mayo de 10-11 am. Por favor asegúrate de estar en un de estos días con un padre para llenar las formas y conocer a los entrenadores.

LADY LIONS CAMPAMENTO DE VERANO DE BALONCESTO- El campamento de niñas de baloncesto estará disponible para todas

las niñas de 2do-8vo grados el próximo año. Un folleto esta adjunto a este boletín para mas información. Revísalo!

b STRONG 18- La 3ra carrera anual de b Strong será el sábado, 28 de julio. Necesitamos voluntarios. Todos los voluntarios

reci-birán una camiseta. Inscríbete para ser voluntario aquí: https://goo.gl/Wb1zj7 o contacta a Jennifer Zumbrun al 574-903-9576. Revisa el boletín adjunto para mas información de la carrera!


El club de verano comenzara el 4 de junio—27 de julio. Las horas serán de 7:30 am a 5:30 pm. El costo de 8– semanas de verano son los siguientes:

Miembros actuales: $300 por niño / 2 o mas hermanos $550 por verano No miembros: $350 por niño / 2 o mas hermanos $650 por verano

Dudas o inscripciones, por favor pasa al club 574-209-1405 o llama al 546-3554 x2013


Ven a mejorar tu juego! Para las niñas entrantes de 7 ° y 8 ° grado los martes y jueves de 9:15 a.m. a 10: 45 a.m. en el

gimnasio de la escuela secundaria (¡Costo: GRATIS!) En: Junio: 5, 7, 12, 14 y julio: 10, 12, 17, 19, 24, 26


El 28 de mayo a las 10:30. Reúnase en la oficina de correos (9:45) y camine hasta el cementerio de Bremen. Se les

pi-de a los niños que pi-decoren bicicletas (rojas, blancas y azules) y carros. 1er grado y los más jóvenes pi-deben ir

acompa-ñados por uno de sus padres. Los niños pueden llevar una foto de un veterano de su familia en el desfile.


Bremen Public Schools

Lunch Menu 2018


1 2 3 4

L. Grilled Cheese L. Chicken Tenders L. Sausage Links L. Taco

Tomato Soup & Crackers Baked Beans & Lima Beans Donut Lettuce Salad

Fresh Carrots w/Dip Cantaloupe & Fruit Juice Hash Browns Mandarin Oranges

Pears & Yogurt Banana Bread Grapes Cookie

Milk Milk Milk Milk

7 8 9 10 11

L. Bosco Sticks w/Marinara Sauce L. Popcorn Chicken L. Ham Sandwich L. Chicken Dinner L. Hamburger

( 2 Mozzarella Stuffed Breadsticks) Broccoli w/Cheese French Fries Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy Cooked Carrots & Pickle Slice

Brussel Sprouts & Corn Mixed Fruit Mandarin Oranges Pinto Beans Applesauce

Peaches Bread & Butter Cookie Pineapple Sunchips

Fruit Snack & Milk Milk Milk Wheat Roll w/Butter & Milk Milk

14 15 16 17 18

L. Chicken Quesadilla L. Pizza L. Mini Corn Dogs L. Sliced Roasted Turkey L. Chicken Fajita

Green Beans Steamed Broccoli w/Cheese Sweet Potato Fries Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy Lettuce Salad /Refried Beans

Apricots & Peaches Sliced Oranges Pears Mandarin Oranges Apple Crisp

Brownie Juice Cup Ice Cream Sandwich Roll w/Butter Fruity Sidekick Slushy

Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk

21 22 23 24 25

L. Hot Dog L. Walking Taco w/Rice L. Cheeseburger L. Chicken Noodles L. Chicken Sandwich

Sweet Potato Slices Iceberg Lettuce Salad Navy Beans & Pickle Slices Mashed Potatoes Romain Lettuce Salad/ Cold Slaw

Strawberries Celery & Peanut Butter Fresh Veggies w/Dip Mixed Fruit Apple Slices w/Carmel Dip

Brownie Pineapple Cantaloupe & Pears Wheat Roll w/Butter Peanut Butter Fluff

Milk Tortilla Scoops & Milk Milk Milk Milk


L. Peanut Butter Uncrustable The Peanut butter & jelly uncrustables are available only on Mondays,

No School Cheese Stick & Goldfish Crackers Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. The uncrustable option includes Full Pay $2.30

Memorial Day Green beans Reduced Pay & .40 , goldfish crackers and a string cheese . Along with the sides

Applesauce Adult $3.50 listed on the menu for the day.

Milk Extra Milk .45

A La Carte Choices For The High School Hot Bar Are And Will Rotate Every Other Week.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Calzone EVERY TUESDAY Cheeseburger EVERY THURSDAY Chicken Patty Sandwich

Cheese Filled Bosco Sticks Sweet & Sour Chicken w/Rice Chicken Tenders Big Daddy Pizza Smoked Sausage w/Mac & Cheese THIS INSTITUTION IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PROVIDER.


Bremen Public Schools

Breakfast Menu 2018


30 1 2 3 4

B. Scrambled Eggs w/ Ham B. Strawberry Scone B. Sausage Gravy Pizza B.Cinnamon Roll & Yogurt B. Pancake Sausage Stick

Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit

Fruit Juice Fruit Juice Fruit Juice Fruit Juice Fruit Juice

Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk

7 8 9 10 11

B. Waffles B. Glazed French Toast B. Donuts & Yogurt B. French Toast Sticks B. Biscuits & Gravy

Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit

Fruit Juice Fruit Juice Fruit Juice Fruit Juice Fruit Juice

Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk

14 15 16 17 18

B. Cheese Omelet & Toast B. Blueberry Muffin & Yogurt B. Oatmeal & Toast B. Glazed French Toast B. Mini Pancakes

Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit

Fruit Juice Fruit Juice Fruit Juice Fruit Juice Fruit Juice

Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk

21 22 23 24 25

B. Sausage Gravy Pizza B. Scrambled Eggs & Steak Strips B. Cinnamon Roll & Yogurt B. Double Choc. Chip Muffin & B. Egg & Cheese Bagel

Fruit Toast & Fruit Fruit Yogurt Fruit

Fruit Juice Fruit Juice Fruit Juice Fruit & Fruit Juice Fruit Juice

Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk

28 29

Breakfast Prices :


No School B. French Toast Sticks

Full Pay $1.40


Memorial Day Fruit

Pop - tarts, various cereal bowls, cereal bars,yogurt,

Reduced Pay .30

Fruit Juice

Adult $2.10

toast, with Butter and choice of Jam.


Student Device Information

Collection Information: What: Chromebook, cords, chargers,

cases, tags, if middle school student pencil case.

Who and When:

Grades 3-5 Wednesday, May 23, 2018 Grades: 6-8 Thursday, May 24, 2018


Your teacher will bring you to the Lions Den to turn in your device.

** Grades 4-8 Summer school student- turn in our device with the rest of your class.

Distribution Information:

What: Device Distribution for the school year 2017-2018 Who: Grades 5-12

When: Wednesday, August 1, 2018; 11am-1pm

Thursday, August 2, 2017; 10am-7pm

Where: Bremen Schools, Lion Den. Notes:

 New or 5th Grade students and parents will be watching the 1:1 video and will be signing the responsible use agreement (RUP).

 If an RUP was not signed last year, you will not receive your device until one is turned in.

 You will not receive your device without a receipt (Digital or paper) showing you have paid for the insurance premium.  A student who has not paid for previous damage will not

receive their device until the damage is paid for in full.  Does a parent need to be there?

 Only if:

 You are a new student or in grades 5th  Never turned in signed a RUP.

 Your parent needs to pay for insurance.

 I have a student in Grades 3 or 4. Can we pick up the device?  No, but you can pay the insurance premium and

sign the RUP.

 3rd and 4th Grade students will receive their Chromebook in class. Their insurance must be paid and RUP turned in before receiving the device.

Current School Year Information (2017-2018)

Next School Year Information (2018-2019)

Class of 2028, important device information

3rd-grade students will be taking their device home. They will be

receiving a Chromebook with a charger and case (Dimensions & Weight Depth: 2.5 in Height: 10.5 in Weight: 24.3 oz Width: 12.6 in). Parents/guardians of a student in grades 3-12 will pay an insurance premium.

BEMS payment information:

Please make all checks payable to Bremen

Elementary-Middle School or BPS. Partial Payments are accepted. Credit

Cards are accepted. The Balance needs to be paid in full before your student picks up their device in August.

Payments can be made in the Bremen Elementary School bookstore. The Bremen Elementary School Office is closed the month of July. If you wish to make a payment in July please go to the Bremen Corporation office. You may also mail in payments. Bremen Elementary-Middle School

Attn: Shelly Fitch 700 W. South Street Bremen, IN 46506

Chromebook Damage Cost:

 Power Adapter and Cord: $45.00  Case:$25.00

 LCD Screen: $45.00  Keyboard: $50

 If more than 5 keys are missing or the keys are so damaged they can’t be fixed, the stu-dent will have to pay for a new keyboard. ANY other damages to the device including damages we find internally after turn in, which require it to be turned into the insurance company for repair, will have a $50 deductible.

Want to save time and avoid lines?

Pay for online through Harmony Family Access.  Textbook Rental

 Computer Insurance  PE Uniform

Starting July 25th the K8 office will start accepting money for Computer Insurance and PE Uniform. Please pay at the bookstore window.






- 9:30




- 3




- 11:30




- 6




- 1:30




- 8


COST: $35 per child

All participants will receive a camp t-shirt (Youth S, M, L or Adult S-XL)






GRADE (2018-19):


Please submit registration and payment to Bremen High School

(makes checks payable to Bremen Athletics)

QUESTIONS? Contact Coach Jerry Smith at coach.smith23@yahoo.com

I hereby authorize the instructors of the Bremen Basketball Summer Camp to act for me according to their best

judgment in any emergency requiring medical attention. I also hereby waive and release the camp, instructors and

Bremen Public Schools from any and all liability for any injuries incurred while at or participating in the Bremen

Basketball Summer Camp, including travel to and from the camp. Bremen Public Schools & camp instructors are

not responsible to injury, or any lost or stolen items.











511 W Grant Street, Bremen, IN 46506

574-546-3511 or 574-209-0902



It is time for the annual Bremen Lions Football Camp! Coach Leeper and the football team are excited to offer students

entering grades 1-6 an opportunity to learn fundamentals from the 2018 Bremen Lions.

The cost of the camp will be $25.00. Your child will receive 5 days of football instruction from coaches and current

players! Your child will also be given a Bremen Football Camp T-shirt.

The camp will run the week of June 11-15. The camp will run from 9:00-10:00 am. Grades 1-3 will participate together and

grades 4-6 will work together during the camp.

The camp will be located on Bunge Field, the high school field. Please have your child wear shorts, T-shirt and cleats or

athletic shoes. If there is inclement weather, we will be in Gym A. Please bring tennis shoes if it is raining.

Please fill out the form at the bottom of the page and return to the Elementary Office with your payment.

Make checks payable to: Bremen High School Football

Registration Deadline: May 25, 2016

Any questions can be directed to: Coach Jordan Leeper (574-209-0902) or by email- jleeper@bps.k12.in.us

Coach Marty Andrews (574-546-3554 ext. 1143).


Participant’s Name: ________________________________________ Grade (2018-2019): ______________________

T-Shirt Size (Circle One)

Youth Sizes S M L XL Adult Sizes S M L XL XXL

Additional T-shirts are $15 each (circle sizes above and send payment with form)

Parent/Guardian Name: _____________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________

Emergency Contact (Name & Phone Number): ___________________________________________________________

**I hereby authorize the directors of the Bremen Football Camp to act for me according to their best judgement in any

emergency requiring medical attention. I Also hereby waive and release the camp and all instructors from any and all

liability incurred while at or participating in the football camp, arising out of my traveling to or from the camp.


Bremen Lady Lions Summer Basketball

Camp 2018

Who: All girls 2




grade are welcome (grade next school year)

What you get:

- Basketball instruction from the high school girls basketball staff and players

- Work on fundamentals (shooting, passing, ball handling, basic offense/defense)

- Games and competitions

- Bremen Basketball T-Shirt

- Skills competition (last day of camp)

Camp Director Contact:

- Alex Robinson- Head Basketball Coach



- Phone: 317-946-7814

Dates and times

- 2




Grade (next year):

- June 11


- June 14


(Thursday June 14


will be from 11:00-1:00 due to awards)

- 11:00-12:30 in High School Gym B

- 6




Grade (next year):

- June 18


-June 22nd

- 11:00- 12:30 in High School Gym B

**Price: $25- please make checks payable to Bremen Athletics

-Forms can be submitted to elementary office, home room teacher or Mr. Robinson

Camper Name: _____________________________________________________________Grade next year________

Parent e-mail (phone # if no email):________________________________________________________________

Camper T-Shirt Size (Please circle): YS YM YL YXL AS AM AL AXL

As the parental guardian of ____________________________________ , I give my permission

for her to participate in the Bremen Summer Basketball Camp. I understand that basketball can

be a contact sport and there is a risk of injury during participation. I will not hold Bremen Public

Schools liable for any such injury during participation in camp.


As the school year winds down and summer break approaches Bremen FFA is wrapping things up for the school year and getting ready for the next school year full of fun and excitement. We are hard at work planning out our Diamond anniversary year, yes you heard it our chapter is turning 75! We have a big year for our chapter and our members and officers are hard at work making it our best year yet.

Summer Events

FFA Indiana State Convention

On June 19th we will be taking students on our yearly state

convention trip from June 19th to June 21st. Our very own David

Hochstetler will be receiving his state degree this year and we hope you can join us on this special occasion. If you wish to join us Talk to either Mrs. Verhaeghe or Mr. Berger A.S.A.P.

Fireman’s Festival and Parade

Its almost that time of year, Yes the Fireman’s Festival is fast approaching and our chapter is hard at work planning our tent and float. We are excited to be a part of this year’s festivities and we are counting on your help and support at the Fireman’s Festival. See Mrs. Verhaeghe, Mr. Berger and any of the officers if you have questions or would like to help with this event.

Bremen FFA


May 10



With every summer

comes a new story,

make yours a novel.

– Chase L.


Bremen Kiwanis Kids Triathlon


June 16, 2018

Race begins at 9:00 am


Sunnyside Park

Bremen, IN 46506

Age Divisions

Division 1

Age Groups:

5/6, 7/8, 9/10

Division 2

Age Groups:

11/12, 13/14


Register online at



Registration closes on June 4, 2018


Katie Yelaska--- Race Director

(574) 248-5411


Larry Yelaska—Race Co-Director

(574) 248-2005



Division 1: One length of the park pool, just shy of 25 yards.

Division 2: Two lengths of the park pool, which is just shy of 50 yards.

Non-swimmers must bring their own life jackets.

There is no separate division for non-swimmers.


All bikes must have handlebar grips or end caps; no raw metal edges will be allowed. Approved helmets are required and must be worn. Kickstands are required and must be used in transition areas.

Division 1: 1.6 mile bike course on city streets. Division 2: 2.5 mile bike course on city and country roads.


Division 1: 0.6 mile run on park sidewalks and grassy areas.

Divisions 2: 1 mile run circling the park, mostly on sidewalks and a few grassy areas

Visit Our Website


Race Rules Division 1:

Children in Division 1 are expected to do as much on their own as possible, however one adult per participant is allowed. The adult may move alongside the participant as a guide only. During the swim event, shirts, shoes and helmet must be left with the bike in the transition area. No adults are allowed on the bike course (we have a bike safety crew to assist with any problems your child might have.) The child must be in control of the bike at all times. At no time can an adult maneuver the bike during the race. The child must return the bike to the starting location in the bike transition area when returning from the bike event. An adult can accompany the child on the run with extreme caution not to be in the way of other runners. The adult must break away and let child cross finish line on their own.

Division 2:

No assistance will be allowed for participants in Division 2. They are expected to do everything on their own. Racer’s shirt, shoes and helmet must be left in transition area. Following the bike course, the bike must be returned to the space in which it started.

Packet pick-up

MANDATORY race packet pickup will

be held at the pavilion at Sunnyside

Park on Friday, June 15


from 4pm

until 7pm. Bring your bike helmet

for mandatory inspection. Child

must come to packet pickup to

receive number markings for race.


Event Details

5k Race begins at 8:00 am

1 Mile Walk/Fun Run begins at 9:00 am

Event Fees

1 Mile Walk/Fun Run: $25

5k: $30 after May 1st

Contact Info:

email: bstrong316org@gmail.com

web: www.bstrong316.org

phone: 574-903-9576

Map & Directions

See course maps at www.bstrong316.org

Details & Awards

. Fun family atmosphere

. Commemorative T-Shirt

(*if registered by July 15th)

. Timed by T & H Timing

. Closed course

. Unique age group awards

. Snacks provided afterwards for all participants

. Music provided by All Pro DJs

Follow us on Instagram


Like us on Facebook



Mandatory race packet pickup will be held

at the entrance of Bowen Auditorium in

Bremen High School



4-7 p.m.



6-7:30 a.m.

This is a fun event for the entire family. Together, we will celebrate life, fitness, and community.

Proceeds of this fundraising event will be contributed to Beacon Children’s Hospital and the

b STRONG 31:6 Fund, a component fund of the Marshall County Community Foundation, Inc.

The mission of b STRONG 31:6 is to give hope & encourage others to grow in the Lord’s strength.


What is Coerver Coaching :

Coerver Coaching is a soccer

skills teaching methodology

suited for all ages of all

abilities. It is endorsed and

recommended by the top

federations, associations,

legends/experts of the game,

club teams and corporations

including the French Football

Federation, Football

Federation of Australia,

Chinese Football Association,

Japanese Football Association,

Newcastle United FC, Arsenal

FC and Global partner adidas®.



All events and programs are club neutral


July 9


– July 12



5:00pm – 8:00pm


Bremen Soccer Complex

Woodies Ln, Bremen, IN


Price & Ages:


8U – 16U

Click here to Register today at :


Coerver Coaching

Bremen Summer Camp



Bremen’s Dance of Hope

By S’Miles of Hope




City:______________ State:__________ Zip:_____________


Phone Number:___________________________________

Individual registration $15 ___________ Shirt Size_____________

Family Registration $40 __________ (4 Members )

Family Member Names _______________________Shirt Size_______

__________________ Shirt Size______

-__________________Shirt Size______

__________________Shirt Size______

**$10 additional fee each family member **

# of additional family members________

(attach additional names and shirt sizes please)

Has Riley Hospital for Children affected you? _________

If yes would you be willing to share your experience?________

Paid______ Cash________ Check #_________ Date Received__________

Received By_____________


Bremen Junior Football 2018

Sign Up Form & Waiver 1


– 3



Facebook: Bremen JrFootball Email:


Mail to:

2981 Hummel Drive; Bremen, IN 46506 (574-546-5158) Or In Person

Signup–Tuesday, July 24


5:15–6:30–Bremen Junior Football Fields (Woodies Lane)

Player’s Name __________________________________________

Did you play last year Yes No (Circle One) Team Color: Black Green Gold White

Address ___________________________________ Phone __________________________

Contact Parent #1 ___________________________ Phone(s) __________________________

Contact Parent #2 ___________________________ Phone (s) __________________________

Parent Email _______________________________ Age _______ Date of Birth ___________

Grade ______ Doctor _____________________ Phone _______________ Allergies ___________

End of the Season

Youth Size T-Shirt --- YM (10 – 12) YL (14-16) or (next line)

End of the Season

Adult Size T-Shirt --- SM MED LG XLG XXL XXXL

Parent Interested in Coaching or Assisting Yes No

Fill out Coaches Form Please

Registration Fee

$25.00 if participating in fundraiser.

I do not plan to participate in the raffle fundraiser therefore we are paying an additional

$25 for a

total of

$50 for registration. I understand that $25 worth of tickets will be labeled in my child’s

name for the fundraiser.

Check #____________ Cash ________ Amount Paid ________

*Make Checks Payable to

Bremen Junior Football. Registration fee includes: Secondary

Accidental Health Coverage, equipment (equipment must be returned at the end of the season or you

will receive an invoice for

$50.00) mouthpiece, Bremen Junior Football T-shirt and end of season


**Parents are responsible for the return of the equipment at the end of the season or payment of

$50.00.** Initial here to state you are accepting responsibility of equipment return or payment of

$50.00 should equipment not be returned.__________

You must initial here.


I agree to waive any and all action collectively or individually against the Town of Bremen, Coaches,

Volunteers, fellow participants, fellow participant’s families and Bremen Junior Football League and BJFL

Board members for anything resulting from your child’s participation in this activity. I understand that

football is a contact sport and that an accident may happen and I take full responsibility for my child in this

activity no matter by who or how they are coached.

I am signing below agreeing to the above terms of the Bremen Junior Football League and its affiliates.

_____________________________________ _______________

Parent or Legal Guardian Signature



Bremen Junior Football 2018 Sign Up & Waiver Form

DO NOT MAIL: 2981 Hummel Drive, Bremen, IN 46506

574-546-5158 Facebook: Bremen JrFootball



– 6


FULL CONTACT – Athlete Must Show Up in person for sign up

Tuesday, July 24


5:15 – 6:30 – Bremen Junior Football Fields (Woodies Lane)

Player’s Name _______________________________

Weight ______________

Did you play last year Yes No (Circle One) Team Color: Black Green White Gold

Address ____________________________ Phone Number ____________________________

Contact Parent #1_____________________ Phone(s) _________________________________

Contact Parent #2_____________________ Phones(s)_________________________________

Parent Email ________________________Age _______ Date of Birth _______ Grade _______

End of the Season

Youth Size T-Shirt --- YM (10 – 12) YL (14-16) or (next line)

End of the Season

Adult Size T-Shirt --- SM MED LG XLG XXL XXXL

Parent Interested in Coaching or Assisting Yes No

Fill out Coaches Form

Registration Fee

$40.00 if participating in the fund raiser.

I do not plan to participate in the raffle fundraiser therefore we are paying an additional

$25 for a

total of

$65 for registration. I understand that $25 worth of tickets will be labeled in my child’s

name for the fundraiser.

Check #____________ Cash ________ Amount Paid ________

*Make Checks Payable to

Bremen Junior Football. Registration fee includes: Secondary

Accidental Health Coverage, equipment, mouthpiece, Bremen Junior Football T-shirt, and end of

season banquet.

**Parents are responsible for the return of the equipment at the end of the season or payment of

$150.00.** Initial here to state you are accepting responsibility of equipment return or payment of

$150.00 should equipment not be returned.__________ You must initial here please


I agree to waive any action collectively or individually against the Town of Bremen, Coaches,

Volunteers, fellow participants, fellow participant’s families and Bremen Junior Football League and

BJFL Board members for anything resulting from your child’s participation in this activity. I

understand that football is a contact sport and that an accident may happen and I take full

responsibility for my child in this activity no matter by who or how they are coached.

I am signing below agreeing to the above terms of the Bremen Junior Football League and its affiliates.

_____________________________________ _______________


Bremen Junior Football

Schedule 2018

Fundamentals Clinic - All participants need to be present for Clinic.

Thursday, August 9




– 6



Monday, August 13




– 6



Tuesday, August 14


– 1


– 6


Thursday, August 16


– 1


– 6


Teams will be established Thursday 8/16

Practice – All teams practice at the same time 5:30 -7:00pm Sharp!

NO Exceptions and NO practices outside of these times. (Saturday 8/25 &

9/1 4


– 6


may hold voluntary practice between 9am – 12pm for 1 ½ hours.

Coaches will advise) No other practices at a coaches home or in addition to

the below schedule. No scrimmages until after the first game on 9/8.

These rules are for the safety of all the athletes.



– 6


– practice every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday beginning 8/20



– 3


– practice every Tuesday and Thursday beginning 8/21

4th – 6th Half Time Scrimmage Under the Lights Bunge Field 9/7 --- 1st – 3rd announced at half time



– 6


Full Contact Football Schedule █



– 3


Flag Football Schedule

September 8


September 8


9:30am White Vs. Black

9:30am Gold Vs. Green

11:00am Gold Vs. Green

11:00am White Vs. Black

September 15


September 15


9:30am White Vs. Gold

9:30am Green Vs. White

11:00am Black Vs. Green

11:00am Gold Vs. Black

September 22


September 22


9:30am Green Vs. White

9:30am Black Vs. Green

11:00am Gold Vs. Black

11:00am White Vs. Gold

SUNDAY September 23


SUNDAY September 23


1:00pm Green Vs. Gold

1:00pm Black Vs. White

2:30pm Black Vs. White

2:30pm Green Vs. Gold

September 29


September 29


9:30am Black Vs. Gold

9:30am White Vs. Green

11:00am White Vs. Green

11:00am Black Vs. Gold

October 6


October 6


9:30am Green Vs. Black

9:30am Gold Vs. White

11:00am Gold Vs. White

11:00am Green Vs. Black

Sunday, September 23


– Family Day – Hot Dogs and Sandwiches for Sale

All athletes get a free hotdog and a candy or drink on 9/23.

All Cheerleaders get a free hotdog and a candy or drink on 9/23.

All athletes get a candy or drink after each game. They must come to the

concession stand to retrieve it. Remind your child - Single File Please.


Marshall County Junior Golf Tour 2018

The 38th year of the Marshall County Junior Golf Tour includes 7 tournaments and will begin on Monday, June 4th at Woodbury Golf Course (formerly Plymouth Rock).

Boy’s age groups are: 9 & under (play 6 holes), 10-12 (play 6 holes), 13-15 (play 9 holes), and 16-18 (play 18 holes). Girl’s age groups are: 9 & under (play 6 holes), 10-12 (play 6 holes), 13-15 (play 9 holes), and 16-18 (play 18 holes)

Parents are ​welcome​ and ​encouraged​ to walk and help monitor play as well as ​record​ and ​verify​ ​scores​, but will

not be allowed to coach or provide cart rides during the events. ​ All children ages 12 & under will receive an award at each event. Contestants may choose to compete at an elevated age group but not a lower age group than his/her age.

Proper golf attire (collared shirt or jacket) is required along with proper bottoms. No denim or gym shorts please! *POINTS SYSTEM (format used to determine season champions)​: There are 7 tour events but only the player’s best 5 point total finishes will be used to determine the season champion in each division. First place for each event is equal to the number of participants playing on each date in his or her division, not to exceed 10 points; second place is half the number of participants; third place is one point less than second, etc. Example 10 participants 1​st​=10 points, 2nd​=5 points,

3​rd​=4 points, 4th​=3 points, 5th​=2 points, 6th​-10th​=1 point. Ties for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd will be broken by sudden death holes,

putt-offs, or chip-offs. All other ties will be decided by the last hole played. Division champions will be presented awards at the final tour stop, Swan Lake Resort, on Wednesday, June 27th.

Tour dates and locations:

June 4, Monday – Woodbury Golf Course (formerly Plymouth Rock, Plymouth) 574-936-4405 June 7, Thursday – Tri-Way Golf Club (Plymouth) 574-936-9517

June 12, Tuesday – Mystic Hills Golf Club (Culver) 574-842-2687

June 14, Thursday – Pretty Lake Golf Club (formerly Plymouth Country Club, Plymouth) 574-935-3705 June 20, Wednesday – McCormick Creek Golf Course (Nappanee) 574-773-2725

June 25, Monday – Round Barn Golf Club @ Mill Creek (Rochester) 574-223-5717 June 27, Wednesday – Swan Lake Resort - Silver Course (Plymouth) 574-936-9798

…​below is the tentative plan and​ approximate tee times...players must report 10 minutes prior to scheduled tee time 16-18 boys: 18-holes (first tee time approximately at 7:15 AM from Hole #1)

13-15 boys: 9-holes (first tee time approximately at 7:30 AM from Hole #1) 16-18 girls: 18-holes (first tee time approximately at 7:50 AM from Hole #1) 10-12 boys: 6-holes (first tee time approximately at 8:00 AM from Hole #10) 13-15 girls: 9-holes (first tee time approximately at 8:20 AM from Hole #1) 10-12 girls: 6-holes (first tee time approximately at 8:45 AM from Hole #1) 9 & under boys: 6-holes (first tee time approximately at 9:00 AM from Hole #1) 9 & under girls: 6-holes (first tee time appoximately at 9:30 AM from Hole #1)

Tee times reflect numbers from previous years events and are subject to change. Please complete your check-in process no later than 10 minutes prior to the above tee time schedule. After each event, times may be adjusted to accommodate the number of players in each age group.

IN CASE OF INCLEMENT WEATHER: ​Call the golf course!

Photos, results, and FUN posted on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/mcjgt/timeline For more information contact - Andrew Dreibelbis:



2018 Rules Page

Rules for Boys and Girls 16-18, as well as Boys and Girls 13-15 Age Groups

Out of Bounds Rule​: All Out of Bounds stakes; red, white, yellow or any other, will be played as a lateral hazard. Please decided with your playing partners where you think it crossed the hazard and drop a new ball one club length from the decided location.

Double Par+ Rule​: Max shots from tee to green is double par. For Par 3’s this is 6, Par 4’s this is 8, and Par 5’s this is 10. If you have hit your 6th/8th/10th shot and the ball is still not on the green, pick it up and place it on the front of the green. Your first putt will be your 7th/9th/11th stroke and you will continue until the ball is in the hole. ● Parent Rule​: Parents are not allowed to provide advice about non-rule related issues and cannot offer you a ride

in their cart or carry your bag in their cart. You must push, pull, or carry your own bag at all times. It is suggested that parents stay about 100 yards ahead of play so that they can assist with finding lost balls when necessary. There is also a 3 minute limit for searching for a lost ball.

Unplayable Lie Rule​: If your swing is obstructed by a man-made object or something else out of your control, such as a large branch, and everyone in the group agrees, take one club length without penalty and continue playing.

Swing & Miss Rule​: If you take a legitimate swing at the ball, not a practice swing, it does count toward your total for the hole.

● Ready Golf Rule​: ​Golf etiquette dictates that the person furthest away from the hole “goes next,” but to speed up play we don’t need to follow this etiquette except when putting.

● Par 3 Courtesy Holes​: On Par 3’s, ​if a group is on the tee behind you, mark your ball once you get on the green, get out of the way and let the next group tee off, then you can putt out after they’ve hit. Mark and replace their golf balls, if necessary.

Rules for Boys and Girls 9 & Under, as well as Boys and Girls 10-12 Age Groups

Out of Bounds Rule​: All Out of Bounds stakes; red, white, yellow or any other, will be played as a lateral hazard. Please decided with your playing partners where you think it crossed the hazard and drop a new ball one club length from the decided location.

Double Par+ Rule (Ammended)​: Max shots from tee to green is 8. If you have hit your 8th shot and the ball is still not on the green, pick it up and place it on the front of the green. Your first putt will be your 9th stroke and you will continue until the ball is in the hole.

Parent Rule​: Parents are not allowed to provide advice about non-rule related issues and cannot offer you a ride in their cart or carry your bag in their cart. You must push, pull, or carry your own bag at all times. It is suggested that parents stay about 100 yards ahead of play so that they can assist with finding lost balls when necessary. There is also a 3 minute limit for searching for a lost ball.

Unplayable Lie Rule​: If your swing is obstructed by a man-made object or something else out of your control, such as a large branch, and everyone in the group agrees, take one club length without penalty and continue playing.

Swing & Miss Rule​: If you take a legitimate swing at the ball, not a practice swing, it does count toward your total for the hole.

● Ready Golf Rule​: ​Golf etiquette dictates that the person furthest away from the hole “goes next,” but to speed up play we don’t need to follow this etiquette except when putting.

Water Hazard Rule​: If you hit a ball in the water, do not hit over the water again, walk to the other side of the water and hit from there. You will still be assessed a penalty stroke and be allowed to drop a ball one club length from the hazard.

Bunker Rule​: Max shots out of a sand trap is 3. If you have taken 3 attempts and can’t hit it out, take the ball out and place it in the grass next to the bunker and continue playing. There will not be a penalty stroke assessed for this.

Individual Stroke Rule​: You are allowed to roll the ball no more than 6 inches, without changing the cut (a ball in the rough must stay in the rough, etc) on each shot that is not on the green. This does include the fringe, you can roll the ball on the fringe even if you are going to putt the ball.


2018 Marshall County Junior Golf Tour Registration Form

Two payment options:

1. Complete series ($75) - OR -

2. Individual events at $12 per event (pay early or day of event)

Entire series $75.00 (INCLUDES T-SHIRT & GOLF TOWEL) ​Return form & payment by Sunday, June 3rd ​or check

individual events at $12.00 per event you plan to attend and return with payment or pay the day of the event.* ______ June 4, Monday – Woodbury Golf Course (formerly Plymouth Rock, Plymouth) 574-936-4405 ______ June 7, Thursday – Tri-Way Golf Club (Plymouth) 574-936-9517

______ June 12, Tuesday – Mystic Hills Golf Club (Culver) 574-842-2687

______ June 14, Thursday – Pretty Lake Golf Club (formerly Plymouth Country Club, Plymouth) 574-935-3705 ______ June 20, Wednesday – McCormick Creek Golf Course (Nappanee) 574-773-2725

______ June 25, Monday – Round Barn Golf Club @ Mill Creek (Rochester) 574-223-5717 ______ June 27, Wednesday – Swan Lake Resort - Silver Course(Plymouth) 574-936-9798

_____ Total amount enclosed -

Return completed form with payment.

* Golfers can add events at any time.

Return to: Andrew Dreibelbis, 445 Crimson Ln, Plymouth, IN 46563 Checks payable to ​Marshall County Junior Golf Tour Questions: ​marshallcojrtour@gmail.com​ or (574) 274-2086

Player’s Name _________________________________ ​M or F​ (​circle one​)​ Age ​(​as of March 12th​)​ _____ Name of School _____________________________________________________

Address ___________________________________________________________ City _____________________________ State _____ Zip Code _______________

Parent’s (Guardian) Name(s) _______________________________________________________________ Emergency Phone Number(s) (_____) _______-___________ (_____) _______-_______________

E-mail address ___________________________________@______________________________________

Shirts for those paying ($75) for entire series by Sunday, June 3rd.​ ​(Please check size) ___Youth Medium ___Youth Large ___Adult Small

___Adult Medium ___Adult Large ___Adult Extra Large

I understand that golf is a game of integrity (high moral standard and honesty) and ​I WILL NOT CHEAT​ or behave in such a manner unacceptable according to golfing standards. Such unacceptable behavior will result in forfeiture of the right to continue playing in the MCJGT as well as a forfeiture of previously paid fees. ​Proper golf attire​ ​(collared shirt or jacket) is required. No denim or gym shorts please!

Participant’s Signature ________________________________ I, we, _______________________________, the parent(s) or guardian(s) of ______________________ release the Marshall County Junior Golf Tour, its members, volunteers, the participating golf courses, and anyone associated with the MCJGT from any liability for any event or consequence whatsoever in any way arising from or relating to the applicant’s entry or participation in the MCJGT. In the case of an emergency occurring during an event, we, the parents or

guardians, authorize a qualified medical doctor to take all necessary measures in the treatment of the applicant. Parent or Guardian’s Signature ________________________________________







Bremen Public Schools

2018 Summer Food Service Program will run From :

June 5 - June 29. Lunch Times are 11:00 A.M. - 12:30 P.M



6 7 8

L. Hamburger L. Chicken Tenders L. Taco Wedges L. Pizza

Green Beans Baked Beans Celery & P.Butter Corn

Mandarin Oranges Applesauce Peaches Pears

Milk Banana Bread Cookie Milk

Milk Milk

11 12 13 14 15

L. P.Butter Sandwich L. Mini Corn Dogs L. Popcorn Chicken L. Chicken Quesadilla L. Bosco Sticks

Yogurt Sweet Potato Fries Mashed Potatoes Tator Tots Corn

Cucumbers w/Dip Pears Peaches Mixed Fruit Fresh Orange Slices

Strawberries Milk Muffin Milk Milk

Goldfish Crackers &Milk Milk

18 19 20 21 22

L. Chicken Sandwich L. Hot Dog L. Cheeseburger L. Grilled Cheese L. Ravioli California Blend Sweet Potato Slices Cheesy Potatoes Carrots w/Dip Green Beans

Sliced Apples w/ Cantaloupe Applesauce Yogurt Mixed Fruit

Carmel Cup Milk Pickle Slices Pears Bread Stick

Milk Milk Milk Milk

25 26 27 28 29

L. Smoked Sausage L. Corn Dog L. Tenderloin L. Chicken Nuggets L. Pizza

Sandwich Carrots French Fries Peas Corn

Macaroni & Cheese Peaches Applesauce Mandarin Oranges Mixed Fruit

Broccoli & Pears Milk Milk Muffin Cookie

Milk Milk Milk


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