PoCT for the Early Detection of Acute Kidney Injury
Dr. Gustavo F Méndez Machado MD MSC FESC
Cardiología / Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology
Sub-Director Médico [Nocturno L-M-V]
Hospital General de Zona No 11 Xalapa IMSS
Evolución en el Diagnóstico Cardiaco y
1950 ’s 1960 ’s 1970 ’s 1980 ’s 1990 ’s 2000The renal testing arena is in need of the introduction of novel, early and more sensitive and specific biomarkers
AMI WBC count LDH, SGOT, SGPT CPK CK - MB Troponin -T Troponin - I AKI
Change in serum creatinine
Change in serum creatinine
Conger JD, Am J Kidney Dis 26:565-576, 1995. Star RA, Kidney Int 54:1817-1831, 1998.
Daño renal agudo (AKI)
AKI, anteriormente denominado
insuficiencia renal aguda, es comun
– Definicion de AKI es subjectiva y condiciona dificultades en la detecion y diagnostico
La disminucion subita de la funcion renal
condiciona la acumulacion de los
desechos nitrogenados, tales como el
nitrogeno ureico, urea y creatinina
La nomenclatura de AKI describe
condiciones con daño estructural y
Devarajan P. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2006;17:1503-1520. Ricci Z, Ronco C. Crit Care. 2008;12:230-236.
Daño Renal Agudo (AKI):
Incidencia y Prevalencia
Incidencia de 1% a 25% en países
– Incidencia de terapia de reemplazo renal (RRT) entre 3.4% a 4.9%
– Mortalidad Hospitalaria secundaria a falla
renal aguda severa con necesidad de terapia de reemplazo 60 al 70% en varios países.
Prevalencia en la Terapia Intensiva (ICU)
– 5% to 6% requieren RRT en ICU
– Mortalidad General en pacientes con AKI de hasta 60.3%
Uchino S. Curr Opin Crit Care. 2006:12:538-543. Uchino S, et al. JAMA. 2005;294:813-818.
Factores que contribuyen a la Falla Renal
48% 34% 27% 26% 19% 6% 3% 12% 0 10 20 30 40 50 Sep tic S hock Maj or S urge ry Car diog enic Sho ck Hyp ovol em ia Dru g-in duce d Hep ator enal Syn drom e Obs truc tive Uro path y Oth er % of Patients6
Age-Adjusted Hospitalization Rates for
Kidney Disease by Type of Kidney Failure
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2008;57:309-312.
Rate of hospitalization from ARF increased from 1.8 per 10,000 population in 1980 to 36.5 in 2005
Mortality in Acute Renal Failure
No ARF ARF 0% 25% 50% 75% M ort al it y
ARF is an independent risk factor for death
Star RA, Kidney Int 54:1817-1831, 1998.
RIFLE Criteria for Defining Acute Renal
Bellomo R, et al. Crit Care. 2004;8:R204-R212. ARF, acute renal failure; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; SCr, serum creatinine
*With an acute rise >0.5 mg/dL
GFR Criteria Urine Output Criteria
Increased SCr x 1.5 or GFR decrease >25% <0.5 mL/kg/h x 6 h Increased SCr x 2 or GFR decrease >50% <0.5 mL/kg/h x 12 h Increased SCr x 3 GFR decrease 75% or SCr ≥4 mg/dL* <0.3 mL/kg/h x 24 h or anuria x 12 hours Persistent ARF = complete loss
of kidney function >4 weeks End stage kidney disease
(>3 months) Risk Injury Failure Loss ESKD High Sensitivity High Specificity
Acute Kidney Injury Network Criteria
for the Definition and Classification of AKI
RRT, renal replacement therapy; SCr, serum creatinine
Stage SCr Criteria Urine Output Criteria Stage 1 Increase in SCr ≥26.4 µmol/L or increase to ≥1.5-2.0-fold from baseline <0.5 mL/kg/h for >6 h
Stage 2 Increase in SCr to >2.0-3.0-foldfrom baseline <0.5 mL/kg/h for >12 h
Stage 3
Increase in SCr to ≥3-fold or SCr ≥354 µmol/L
with an acute rise >44 µmol/L or initiation of RRT
<0.3 mL/kg/h for >24 h or anuria ≥12 h
Serum Creatinine
Gold standard, but far from ideal
Not sensitive to kidney insults that don’t affect filtration•
Creatinine is affected by non-renal factors:– Protein intake
– Muscle mass
– Age
– Race
– Sex
In AKI it takes 24-48 hours for serum creatinine to rise.– As much as 50% of kidney function can be lost in that
Creatinina Serica
AKI es actualmente diagnosticado utilizando la creatinina serica
Indicador no confiable durante cambios agudos
– Concentraciones podrian no cambiar hasta una
reduccion del 50% de la funcion renal
– No refleja de forma aguda la funcion renal hasta que se
alcanza un estado de estabilidad (puede tomar hasta 48 hrs)
– El daño renal ocurre durante el retraso en el
Util marcador para estimar la GFR
Pobre valor en el periodo postquirurgico
El retraso en el diagnostico previene el optimo
traamiento de AKI Bellomo R, et al. Intensive Care Med. 2004;30:33-37. Nguyen MT, et al. Pediatr Nephrol. 2008;23:2151-2157. Star RA. Kidney International. 1998;54:1817-1831.
Adapted from Moran SM, Myers BD. Kidney International. 1985;27:928-937
GFR (mL/min)
Serum Creatinine (SCr) (mg/dL)
Creatininina no es el Biomarcador Ideal
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 20 40 60 80 100
120 Surgery, MI, sepsis
Reversal of ischemia
0 7 14 21 28
Urine Output
May be misleading
Legrand M and Payen D. Ann Intensive Care. 2011;1:13.
A minimum of 6 hours must pass to determine urine output.•
Nonsustained decreases ofurine output do not necessarily imply decreased GFR.
– Can represent a physiological
renal adaptation for homeostasis
AKI Biomarkers
BIOMARKERS IL-18 NGAL KIM1 L-FABP Cystatin C • Early detection • Differential diagnosis • PrognosisMOST AKI MARKERS ARE NOT FDA APPROVED
Possible Utility of New Biomarkers
Early detection
Differential diagnosis
– Predict need for dialysis
– Reversibility
Unmet Clinical Needs
AKI is difficult to assess.
Mortality is high and it carries a very
high cost.
Currently available methodologies
and biomarkers are not meeting
clinical needs.
New biomarkers are on the horizon
Biomarcadores de Daño Renal
Clasificacion ADHF
Definition and Pathophysiology of Cardiorenal Syndrome Subtypes – HF and AKI
Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin
(NGAL), Lipocalin-2, Siderocalin: Physiology
and Clinical Relevance
Member of the lipocalin superfamily
Normally expressed at very low levels in kidney, lungs, heart, stomach, and colon
Increased after injury and ischemia
– One of the most highly induced proteins in kidney after
ischemic or nephrotoxic AKI in animal models
– Highly up-regulated in the distal convoluted tubule during
injury/ischemia, leading to a marked increase of NGAL in the urine
Protective role
– Murine models of renal ischemia-reperfusion showed
amelioration of morphologic and functional injury when treated with NGAL
Early diagnostic biomarker for AKI
Devarajan P. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2008;23:3737-3743. Parikh CR, Devarajan P. Crit Care Med. 2008;36(suppl):S159-S165. Mishra J, et al. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2004;15:3073-3082.
Induction of Mouse Kidney NGAL After
25 kD
55 kD
Mishra J, et al. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2003;14:2534-2543.
Unilateral Ischemia Reperfusion Bilateral Ischemia Reperfusion
NGAL Tubulin NGAL Tubulin 25 kD 55 kD
Con 3 hr 12 hr 24 hr Con 3 12 24 48 72 Hours
Con = control
Ischemic Kidneys Synthesize Renal NGAL
Adapted from Schmidt-Ott KM, et al. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2007;18:407-413.
mRN A L ev els, fo ld chan g e Hours Post-Ischemia *P≤.05 NGAL
FGF2 (basic fibroblast growth factor)
HF (hypoxia-inducible factor)
BMP7 (bone morphogenic protein 7)
0 10 20 30 40 50 * * * * 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 * * * * * * * * * * * *
Function of NGAL
Role in kidney development
– Promotes epithelial differentiation by
targeting a stromal/intestinal/progenitor niche at the periphery of the developing kidney
– Affects the structure of established epithelia
Binds labile iron in cytosol and
pericellular space
Iron-associated NGAL regulates
iron-responsive genes (ferritin, transferrin
Devarajan P. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2008;23:3737-3743. Schmidt-Ott KM, et al. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2007;18:407-413.
Siderophore Labile Iron · O -2 Haber Weiss Fe 3+ Fe 2+ O 2 OH · H O2 2 Fenton Ferric Iron = Fe 3 + ; Ferrous iron= Fe 2 + ; hydrogen peroxide = H 2 O2 ;Hydroxyl radical = OH.Hydroxide anion; = OH- ; oxygen = O
2 ; superoxide anion = . O 2
Oxidative Stress Reactions
+ +
N>100,000 patients
Slide courtesy of Christopher De Filippi
Prevalence of Renal Dysfunction in Patients
with AHF
• Renal dysfunction is a likely element of pathophysiology of
heart failure and highly prevalent as demonstrated in findings from the ADHERE database.
NGAL for the Diagnosis of AKI in the
Emergency Department
Nickolas TL, et al. Ann Intern Med. 2008;148:810-819. N = 635 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 * * * * * * AKI Prerenal Azotemia CKD Normal Kidney Function U ri n e N GA L , μ g /g 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 * * * * * * * * * AKI Prerenal Azotemia CKD Normal Kidney Function Pr esen ti n g Ser u m C reati n in e, mg /d L
Meta-Analysis: Accuracy of NGAL in AKI
Meta-analysis of 19
diagnostic studies (2538 patients)
NGAL was a valuable
and early predictor of AKI, both overall and across a diverse
range of clinical settings
The cutoff NGAL
value for optimum sensitivity and
specificity across all settings was >100 ng/mL A more consistent cutoff value of >150 ng/mL was identified when using standardized
platforms Haase M, et al. Am J Kidney Dis. 2009;54:1012-1024.
Setting Specificity AUC-ROC
Diagnostic Odds Ratio
AKI across settings 85.1 0.815 18.6
AKI after cardiac surgery 75.1 0.775 13.1
AKI in critically ill patients 75.5 0.728 10.0
AKI after contrast infusion 96.3 0.894 92.0
AKI prediction using
serum NGAL 86.6 0.775 17.9 AKI prediction using
urine NGAL 84.3 0.837 18.6
Cardiorenal Syndrome Type 1: Creatinine
Increase in Acute HF Patients.
Gottlieb SS et al. J Card Fail. 2002;8:136. Smith G, J Card Fail. 2003 Feb;9(1):13-25
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 20 40 60 80 100 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 Days % Cr
Small increases in Cr are associated with poor outcomes and occur in 30% of patients
hospitalized for HF
Mishra et al, 2005 (p) 14 3 6 48 > 25 70.0 (45.7-87.2) 94.1 (82.8-98.5) Mishra et al, 2005 (u) 20 1 0 50 > 50 100.0 (80.0-100.0) 98.0 (88.2-99.9) Wagener et al, 2006 11 23 5 42 > 400 68.8 (41.5-87.9) 64.6 (51.7-75.8) Dent et al, 2007 38 5 7 73 > 150 84.4 (69.9-93.0) 93.6 (85.0-97.6) Zappitelli et al, 2007 12 7 4 16 > 10 75.0 (47.4-91.7) 69.6 (47.0-85.9) Hirsch et al, 2007 (p) 8 1 3 79 >100 72.7 (39.3-92.7) 98.8 (92.3-99.9) Hirsch et al, 2007 (u) 8 0 3 80 > 100 72.7 (39.3-92.7) 100.0 (94.3-100.0) Wagener et al, 2008 44 172 24 186 > 450 64.7 (52.1-75.6) 52.0 (46.7-57.2) Bennett et al, 2008 78 8 21 89 >150 78.8 (69.2-86.1) 91.8 (83.9-96.1) Ling et al, 2008 10 8 3 19 -- 76.9 (46.0-93.8) 70.4 (49.7-85.5) Koyner et al, 2008 (p) 8 13 10 41 > 280 44.4 (22.4-68.7) 75.9 (62.1-86.1) Koyner et al, 2008 (u) 12 19 6 35 > 550 66.7 (41.2-85.6) 64.8 (50.6-77.0) Nickolas et al, 2008 20 16 3 502 > 80 87.0 (65.3-96.6) 96.9 (94.9-98.2) Lima et al, 2008 5 12 1 34 -- 83.3 (36.5-99.1) 73.9 (58.6-85.3) Wheeler et al, 2008 19 74 3 47 > 140 86.4 (64.0-96.4) 38.8 (30.3-48.2) Xin et al, 2008 2 8 1 22 > 250 66.7 (12.5-98.2) 73.3 (53.8-87.0) Cruz et al, 2009 47 46 17 191 > 150 73.4 (60.7-83.3) 80.6 (74.9-85.3) Makris et al, 2009 (CIN) 5 6 1 44 60 90.0 (54.1-99.5) 88.0 (75.0-95.0) Makris et al, 2009 (ICU) 6 7 1 17 > 190 85.7 (42.0-99.3) 70.8 (48.8-86.6) Constantin et al, 2009 43 1 9 35 > 155 82.7 (69.2-91.3) 97.2 (83.8-99.9) Tuladhar et al, 2009 (p) 7 13 2 28 > 420 77.8 (40.2-96.1) 68.3 (51.8-81.4) Tuladhar et al, 2009 (u) 8 9 1 32 > 390 88.9 (50.7-99.4) 78.1 (62.0-88.9) Haase-Fielitz et al, 2009 18 17 5 60 > 150 78.3 (55.8-91.7) 77.9 (66.8-86.3)
Sensitivity and Specificity of Studies for NGAL to Predict AKI
• Los diferentes métodos existentes son inmunoensayos (reacciones
• Dependiendo de las secuencias del antígeno (uNGAL) que reconocen los anticuerpos utilizados, las concentraciones de uNGAL pueden variar
significativamente método a método
4. Isoformas de NGAL en orina
-Epitelio renal: DRA -Neutrófilos infiltrando epitelio renal: DRA -:Neutrófilos activados: Infección tracto urinario (ITU) -Tejidos extrarrenales MONOMÉRICO (25 KDa) HOMODIMÉRICO (50 KDa) HETERODIMÉRICO (135 KDa) DRA ITU DRA
A Rigorous Discovery-Validation Path
Was Taken
Discovery Study 340 proteins analyzed (including KIM-1, urine
NGAL, plasma NGAL, Cystatin-C, IL-18, pi-GST,
and L-FABP)
Validation Study Primary Endpoint: moderate to severe AKI (KDIGO stage 2-3) within
12 hours of sample collection
(based on serum creatinine and hourly
urine output)
Sapphire Study 35 sites
(20 North America, 15 Europe) Age > 21, Critically Ill3,
no AKI (Stage 2 or 3)4 N = 744 Vienna Cohort Age > 18, in ICU + Sepsis N = 134 Duke Cohort Age > 18, At least 1 risk factor1
N = 123
Mayo Cohort Age > 18, At least 1 risk factor2
N = 265 N = 7285 No AKI N = 416 AKI Stage 1 N = 211 AKI Stage 2 N = 83 AKI Stage 3 N = 18 16 patients excluded (2 withdrew consent, 7 lost to follow-up, 7 with
invalid or missing test results)
Best Two Markers
D is co v er y V a li d a ti o n Within 12 hrs
Revolutionary Biomarkers Were Identified
Biomarkers identified through hypotheses based on AKI pathophysiology
340 candidate biomarkers identified
Biomarkers ranked by ability to predict
development of AKI RIFLE I or F within 12 to 36 hours
All possible combinations of two-four biomarkers (novel or previously described) were ranked
Top performing biomarkers identified
– Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinases-2 (TIMP-2)
– Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding-Protein 7 (IGFBP7)
TIMP-2 and IGFBP7 Outperform Existing
AUC for [TIMP-2]•[IGFBP7] was significantly greater than any existing
biomarkers 46
TIMP-2 and IGFBP7 Work Well In
Important Subgroups
[TIMP-2]•[IGFBP7] Has a Compelling
Specificity Profile
Urine NGAL (ng/mL) [TIMP-2]•[IGFBP7] ((ng/mL)2 / 1000)
[TIMP-2]•[IGFBP7] Has a
Compelling Specificity Profile
Urine KIM-1 (ng/mL) [TIMP-2]•[IGFBP7] ((ng/mL)2 / 1000)
TIMP-2 and IGFBP7 Have Compelling Mechanistic Origins in Early Cellular Injury
Proposed mechanism
IGFBP7 & TIMP-2 are markers of G1 cell cycle arrest during early cell injury Renal tubular cells enter a short
period of G1 cell-cycle arrest following injury G1 cell-cycle arrest presumably prevents the cells from dividing when the DNA may be damaged IGFBP7 & TIMP-2 may also signal in
autocrine and paracrine fashions, spreading ‘alarm’ from the site of injury
These processes and marker signals occur early enough in injury to take action
TIMP-2 and IGFBP7 Remain Highly
Significant In Clinical Models With Risk
51 Variable P-value (Cox PH Model) P-value (GEE Model) [TIMP-2]•[IGFBP7] <0.0001 <0.0001 Age 0.35 0.32APACHE III Score 0.35 0.067
Hypertension 0.004 0.013
Nephrotoxic drugs 0.12 0.013
Liver Disease 0.069 0.057
Sepsis 0.32 0.64
Diabetes 0.29 0.35
Chronic Kidney Disease 0.27 0.64
Serum Creatinine <0.0001 <0.0001
C-stat (AUC) 0.87 0.87
Endpoint was KDIGO 2-3 (RIFLE I/F) within 12 hours. All clinical risk factors with univariate p-value ≤ 0.1 for predicting the endpoint were included in the models. Net reclassification and integrated discrimination improvement analyses were also performed and showed significant enhancement of the models by [TIMP-2][IGFBP7].
Key Messages
Both IGFBP7 and TIMP-2 are inducers of G1 cell cycle arrest, a key mechanism implicated in AKI
IGFBP7 and TIMP-2 are new biomarkers for AKI and
perform better than existing biomarkers for predicting the development of moderate or severe AKI (KDIGO stage 2 or 3) within 12 hours of sample collection
[TIMP-2]•[IGFBP7] significantly improved risk
stratification when analyzed using Cox proportional hazards model, generalized estimating equation,
integrated discrimination improvement or net reclassification improvement
Risk for major adverse kidney events within 30 days (MAKE30) elevated sharply above [TIMP-2]•[IGFBP7]
values > 0.3 and doubled when [TIMP-2]•[IGFBP7] values
were > 2.0 52
The NEPHROCHECK® Test System
The NEPHROCHECK® Test quantitatively
measures two urinary biomarkers
--tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 2
(TIMP-2) and insulin-like growth factor
binding protein 7 (IGFBP-7), which are
thought to be involved in G1 cell cycle
arrest in the earliest phases of inju
The NEPHROCHECK® Test System
MediBeacon has created a research grade technique that is clinically applicable for real-time point-of-care Glomerular Filtration Rate measurement (mGFR). MediBeacon has invented a fluorescent tracer agent (MB-102) that is removed from the blood exclusively by the GFR mechanism of the kidneys.
Sìndrome Cardio-Renal
Se requieren predictores tempranos, confiables y exactos de daño renal agudo Biomarcadores.
Cystatina C
Inhibidor proteasa Cysteina
– Sintetizada y liberada dentro de la sangre en rangos constantes por todas las celulas
Cuantificación GFR
– Sus niveles sanguineos no se afectan po rla edad, genero, raza o desarrollo muscular
– Ventajas en los niños, ancioanos, UCI y paciente de alto riesgo (diabetes)
– Detecta camibios ligeros en la funcion renal
Incremento mas temprano que la creatinina
en AKI
Nguyen MT, et al. Pediatr Nephrol. 2008;23:2151-2157. Koyner JL, et al. Kidney Int. 2008;74:1059-1069. Herget-Rosenthal S, et al. Kidney Int. 2004;66:1115-1122.
Interleukin-18 (IL-18)
Citokina proinflamatoria
Inducida y liberada en le tubulo proximal y se detecta en la urina siguiendo AKI isquemico
– Detección 4–6 hours post-cardiopulmonary bypass
– Deteccíon UCI 48 horas antes de AKI
Marcador predictivo temprano de AKI y mortalidad
– Predice desarrollo de AKI 24 horas antes que la creatinina
Puede diferenciar entre necrosis tubular aguda y otros tipos de enfermedad aguda renal
No predice AKI mas rapido que NGAL urinario
Puede ser influenciado por otras variables y estados fisiopatologicos.
Parikh CR, et al. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2005;16:3046-3052. Coca SG, et al. Kidney International. 2008;73:1008-1016. Devarajan P. Expert Opin Med Diagn. 2008;2:387-398.
Kidney Injury Molecule 1 (KIM-1)
Proteina de transmembrana, altamente
sobreexpresada en celulas del tubulo proximal despues de AKI isquemico o nefrotoxico
Bueno para evaluar el diagnostico de AKI
– No es solido para facilitar el diagnostico temprano
KIM-1 urinario distingue AKI isquemico de azoemia prerenal y CKD
Puede predecir los desenlaces adeversos y se
asocia con medidas de severidad de la enfermedad
– Predice el riesgo de mortalidad despues de AKI
Muy especifico en daño isquemico o
nefrotoxico, pero no es sensible en estadios
Nguyen MT, et al. Pediatr Nephrol. 2008;23:2151-2157.Coca SG, et al. Kidney International. 2008;73:1008-1016. Parikh CR, et al. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2005;16:3046-3052. Devarajan P. Expert Opin Med Diagn. 2008;2:387-398.