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The Body and Blood of Christ


Academic year: 2021

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Parish Office: (323) 664-1305 • Fax: (323) 664-4975 Web Page:


E-mail: sfaparish@gmail.com

Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 9:00 am - 12:00 noon, 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm Saturday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm, Closed Sunday and Monday

Priests are available during office hours or by appointment

Pastor: Fr. Rene Juarez, O.F.M.

Associate Pastor: Fr. Sebastian Sandoval, O.F.M., ext. 18 frsebastian.sfpla@gmail.com

Deacon: John Salazar Music Director: Christine De Leon Receptionist: Liza Alamillo, ext. 10

Director of Religious Education: Vilma Sierra, (323) 662-3345

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School

Leslie De Leonardis, Principal

Web Page: www.stfrancisla.com Phone (323) 665-3601 • Fax (323) 665-4143 School E-mail: ldeleonardis@stfrancisla.com


MASS: English: Sunday 8:00 am, 12:00 pm;

Weekdays: Monday - Saturday, 8:00 am Saturday Vigil, 5:00 pm


MISA: Español: Sábados, 7:00 pm Domingos, 10:00 am RECONCILIATION:

Saturdays/Sábados 4:00 - 4:45 pm, English/Español


BAPTISMS: Please check office for dates and times.

BAUTIZOS: Las fechas y horarios se encuentran en la oficina.


MARRIAGE: Please register in Office six months before intended date MATRIMONIO: Favor de registrarse seis meses antes de la fecha deseada


DEVOTIONS: Taize Contemplative Prayer First Friday, 7:00 pm Rosary Monday - Saturday after 8:00 am Mass

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena Wednesday 7:00 pm QUINCEAÑERAS: Favor de registrarse seis meses antes de la fecha

deseada con Vilma Sierra (323) 662-3345

The Body and

Blood of Christ

June 3, 2018



Liturgical Ministry followed by Ministry Coordinators:  


EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY: Carolina Benson LECTORS: Ben Mamaril, Milagros Gomez MUSIC MINISTRY: Christine de Leon ALTAR SERVERS: Victor Veloz

SACRISTAN: Lydia Emnace, Dumas Pineda, José Valdes CHURCH ENVIRONMENT: Dumas Pineda

CHURCH FLORIST: Greg Llamas and Ellie Miller



GRUPO de ORACIÓN:Maria Luisa Garcia, Tuesday, 7pm

GUADALUPANOS: Silvia Resendiz, 2do & 4to, Domingo, 12 Noon HOLY NAME SOCIETY: Dale Benson, 2nd Sun., 8:00 Mass KOREAN SECULAR FRANCISCANSLucia Jang, 1st Sunday

SECULAR FRANCISCANS: Terri Foster, 2nd Sunday, 2pm SEMILLA DEL REINO: Vilma Sierra, Fri, 7pm (323) 662-3345

YOUTH GROUP: Victor Veloz, Fri, 6pm - 9pm


C.C.D.SaturdaysR.C.I.A.:Colleen McClure, Tuesdays, 7pm

R.I.C.A.: Vilma Sierra, Tuesdays, 7pm



We welcome your ideas for serving those in need.


COMMUNION TO THE SICK: Jorge Guillen & Angelina Morales AIDS MINISTRY: Renee Stampolis

W e e k l y R e f l e c t i o n


Los cristianos creemos que Jesucristo esta físicamente presente en el pan y el vino consagrado durante la Misa. Esta creencia es tan antigua como nuestra Iglesia, pero fue solo en el siglo XIII que los cristianos comenzaron a venerar la presencia sacramentada de Jesús en la hostia. Fue durante esta época que nació la fiesta de Corpus Cristi o la actual celebración del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo. Muchas comunidades cristianas celebran esta fiesta con procesiones y cantos en honor al Santísimo Sacramento del altar.

Recuerdo que en Texas el pueblo

méxicoamericano cantaba: “Bendito, bendito, bendito sea Dios, / los ángeles cantan y alaban a Dios (2x). Yo creo Dios mío que estas en el altar / oculto en la hostia ten vengo adorar (2x)”. Este canto enfatiza la verdadera presencia de Jesús en el pan consagrado, pero sus cantores ignoran el hecho que nosotros también fuimos consagrados en el Bautismo; consagrados para “alter

Cristus” (otro Cristo) en el vecindario. En un mundo donde menos gente asiste a Misa el único Corpus Cristi que la mayoría de la gente secularizada verá es tu cuerpo. Ojalá

podamos comportarnos como buenos testigos de la fe y que proclamemos “bendito, bendito” siempre y en todo lugar.

—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz,

OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

R e f l e x i ó n S e m a n a l


The origins of today’s solemnity lie in

thirteenth-century Belgium. In those days,

people seldom received Holy Communion,

and never from the chalice. A nun in a

troubled convent, Juliana of Liège, devoted

her life to stirring up love for the Eucharist,

lobbying for a feast day to honor the

Blessed Sacrament with Masses and


Juliana may have been inspired by the

Ascension Day processions in nearby

Bruges. Crusaders brought a treasure

home to Bruges from Constantinople in

1204: a reliquary said to contain a cloth

from Joseph of Arimathea with which he

had helped prepare the body of Jesus for

burial. The stain on the cloth was said to be

the holy blood itself, and so the people of

Bruges built a great basilica to house the

relic. Bruges became a great center of

pilgrimage because of this treasure, and

the procession of the Holy Blood is still one

of the greatest festivals in Belgium today.

The bishop carries the relic through the

narrow streets, and the people wear

medieval costumes and act out scenes

from the Bible.

—Rev. James Field,


R E A D I N G S a n d I N T E N T I O N S

Monday, 6/4

2 Pt 1:2-7; Ps 91:1-2, 14-16; Mk 12:1-12 8:00 AM - Buddy Balani (deceased)

Tuesday, 6/5 

2 Pt 3:12-15a, 17-18; Ps 90:2-4, 10, 14, 16; Mk 12:13-17 8:00 AM - Helly Balani (Healing)

Maria Sanchez, Special Intention Wednesday, 6/6  2 Tm 1:1-3, 6-12; Ps 123:1b-2; Mk 12:18-27 8:00 AM - Pro Populo Thursday, 6/7 2 Tm 2:8-15; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-10, 14; Mk 12:28b-34 8:00 AM - Pro Populo Friday, 6/8    Hos 11:1, 3-4, 8c-9; Is 12:2-6; Eph 3:8-12, 14-19; Jn 19:31-37 8:00 AM - Ricardo & Ofelia Aquino t-giving, 50th Wed. Anniv. Saturday, 6/9   2 Tm 4:1-8; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lk 2:41-51 8:00 AM - Pro Populo 5:00 PM - Pro Populo 7:00 PM - Pro Populo Sunday, 6/10      Gn 3:9-15; Ps 130:1-8; 2 Cor 4:13 — 5:1; Mk 3:20-35 8:00 AM - Pro Populo 10:00 AM - Pro Populo 12:00 PM - Pro Populo

3 de Junio de 2018 El Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo Página 2

T O D A Y ' S R E A D I N G S First Reading — This is the blood of the covenant that the Lord has made with you (Exodus 24:3-8).

Psalm — I will take the cup of salvation, and call on the name of the Lord (Psalm 116).

Second Reading — Christ is the mediator of a new covenant (Hebrews 9:11-15).

Gospel — This is my body. This is my blood of the covenant (Mark 14:12-16, 22-26).


Primera lectura — El Señor hace una alianza con su pueblo y la sella con sangre (Exodo 24:3-8).

Salmo — Alzaré la copa de la salvación, invocando tu nombre (Salmo 116 [115]).

Segunda lectura — La sangre de Cristo obtiene la redención eterna para el pueblo (Hebreos 9:11-15).

Evangelio — Jesús, mientras celebraba la Pascua con sus discípulos, establece la nueva Alianza (Marcos 14:12-16, 22-26).

S t . F r a n c i s F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t



5/26-5/27 $3,660

Online Giving: $83

Breakfast: No breakfast sale last weekend

T O G E T H E R I N M I S S I O N 2 0 1 8

U N I D O S E N M I S I Ó N 2 0 1 8

St. Francis of Assisi Parish's goal:


Monies received by Together in Mission: $11.503 Total Pledged $18,974

Please help us reach our goal. Ayúdenos a lograr nuestra meta.

V o c a t i o n s

If you feel that God is calling you to religious or priestly life, please don’t hesitate to talk to Fr. Oscar

or Br. Erick Pilarcik, OFM (408) 903-3422. Vocations@sbfranciscans.org

Vocaciones Si sientes que Dios te llama a la vida religiosa o sacerdotal, favor de hablar con

el Padre René para más información.


Charity is that with which no one is lost, and without which no one is saved.

—St. Robert Bellarmine CARIDAD

Con caridad, nadie se condena; sin caridad nadie se salva.


June 3, 2018 The Body and Blood of Christ Page 3 DID YOU KNOW?

Keeping children safe during summer

During the summer, children may spend time at a camp or program. It is important to monitor for potential risks when a child enters a new environment. Ask to see the

organizations written policies for the adults who will be supervising your child, check if there are procedures in place for emergencies and make sure there is a system for open communication between parents and organizers/ leadership. Taking time to check these and other safeguards is key to building safe and nurturing experiences for children. For a copy of the complete VIRTUS® article “Keeping Children Safe” visit http:// www.la-archdiocese.org/org/protecting/Pages/VIRTUS-Current-Online-Articles.aspx.


Mantener a los niños seguros durante el verano

Durante el verano, los niños pueden pasar su tiempo en un campo o en un programa. Es importante monitorearlos para potenciales riesgos que suceden cuando un niño entra a un nuevo ambiente. Solicite ver las políticas de la organización para los adultos que estarán supervisando a su hijo o hija, revise que la organización tenga un plan de seguridad para casos de emergencia, y verifique que exista un sistema para mantener comunicación entre los padres de familia y los organizadores y los líderes. Tomar el tiempo para comprobar estas y otras medidas de

salvaguardias es clave para construir experiencias seguras y sanas para los niños. Para una copia del artículo

completo de VIRTUS® “Keeping Children

Safe” (Manteniendo a los niños seguros) visite http:// www.la-archdiocese.org/org/protecting/Pages/VIRTUS-Current-Online-Articles.aspx.


Sunday, June 10, 2018 - Noon

Farewell Bilingual Mass for Fr. Rene and Fr. Sebastian.

A reception follows in the hall. We are asking the parishioners to help with the Potluck Luncheon. There are sign-up sheets for food donations at the entrance of the church. Thank you for

sharing. If you missed the sign-up sheet, please call Renee at 213-413-3036.

Sign the cards for Fr. Rene and Fr.Sebastian in front of church.

Please check the Transition News Board, at the entrance of the church, for any updates.


10 de Junio - Domingo - 12:00PM - Misa de despedida de los Padres Rene y Sebastian - Sigue una recepción en el salón. Si pueden traer comida para la recepción, favor de llenar la forma en la entrada de la iglesia.

Hay tarjetas para los padres en la entrada principal de la iglesia—favor de firmarlas. FAVOR DE REVISAR LAS NOTICIAS DE LA TRANSICIÓN EN LA ENTRADA PRINCIPAL DE LA IGLESIA.

Online Giving Mobile App is here for iOS and Android!

Download it for free.

You can register with the St. Francis Church ID number 3089. Please call the parish office if you have questions about online giving or if you need help setting up the phone App.

https://www.osvonlinegiving.com/3089 We congratulate all the

newly confirmed youth of St. Francis of Assisi and

St. Teresa of Avila. They received the Sacrament of Confirmaiton

on June 1, 2018.

2nd Collection Next week:

Retirement Fund for Archdiocesan Priests Segunda Colecta: Sacerdoted Jubilados


June 3, 2018 The Body and Blood of Christ Page 4

SFA School News

This past month has continued to be a busy one for our school.

May Crowning

On May 12, our whole student body celebrated May Crowning. Our students remembered that Mary, the mother of God, is always praying for us and is an example of all of us to follow. We showed our love and respect for Mary by saying a rosary, singing songs, and bringing flowers. May Crowning was truly a faith-filled experience for us all, students and teachers alike.

First Holy Communion

On May 19, nine of our students received their First Holy Eucharist. They spent many months preparing for this day with their parents and their teachers. During Mass, they even gave a blessing to their parents as a thank you for their help in their preparation. We congratulate our students for taking their next steps in their faith journey.

Science Fair - On Thursday, May 24. Students from 3rd through 8th grades presented their projects to parents, teachers, and other community members. In addition, a group of teachers from other schools as well as scientists from the community served as judges to pick overall winner in each class. Medals were given to those students who placed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in each class. Over all, the science fair was a great success!

8Th Grade Graduation Trip - The 8th Grade class celebrated their up-coming graduation by going to Disneyland. This trip was one of the last events they will have together at SFA. They will be graduating on June 9th after a 10 am Mass. All are invited to come to Graduation Mass.

Enrollment - SFA is continuing to enroll students for next year. We still have openings in many grades. Financial Aid is also available. If you know any parents who are interested in a quality Catholic education, please have them contact Mr. Nunez at cnunez@stfrancisla.com.

Also, please see the latest SFA news on our website www.stfrancisla.com and/or on Twitter, Instragram, and Facebook using the handle: @SFAschoolLA.


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