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TEMA 5 ESTRUCTURAS 1ESO 15 16 ENG trad no revisada


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(1)andstructura s. Luis García Molina. I.E.S. Serra Perenxisa (Torrente). 1.

(2) a introducción n d. The world is full of energy. If there's something that resists the energy romp all that hay. Without the structures objects (both natural as artificial) WOULD BE not exist. •. STRUCTURE (definición) Parts of the set to endure a cuerpo destinados FORCES, sufriendo esfuerzos internos but evitando pierda su cuerpo that way.. The construction of disciplines and sciences The architecture Discipline will be dedicated to the construction of buildings of all kinds. The Paths of engineering, channels and ports Discipline will be dedicated to the construction of roads, bridges, vías ... The Strength of Materials Science will be dedicated to the study of different materials aguante Usados under ​ construction. 2.

(3) Vamos to follow next index:. 0.eintroducción 1.efuerzas 2.eesfuerzos internos 3.elending structures 4.ematerials 5.eApplication sometidas them that are in the. cuerpos.. among them is that the structures.. that hacen los hombres. construction. Usado. 3 puent.

(4) 1.e fuerzas. sometidas them that are in the cuerpos.. Los cuerpos sometidos be sold two types of fuerzas: 1.The fuerzas the nature and objects of the extrenos the structure. 2.The FORCES routed the structure, as the weight of the structure. What are you efectos are equipped fuerzas? Apretan, stretch, doblan, twist and Cortana the cuerpo.. Precipitation Peso. Peso de la nieve Empuje del viento. Peso de los Animals. Weights the sheets. Peso de los frutos. Peso trunk. Esto podría deformarlo, romperlo, derribarlo ... 4.

(5) 1.e fuerzas. sometidas them that are in the cuerpos. We can ya hacer las Fuerzas a small list that are in the sometidas cuerpos them: -1.climatológicas: Wind, Rain weight of the water, the peso nieve .... Precipitation Peso. -2.peso Of the objects that are on the structure: -personas -muebles -electrodomésticos -puertas, windows, bricks ... -3.peso The structure (beams, columns ...). Recuerda the structure of a building thousands of kilos weighs muchos y ese peso should be underpinned by the structure routed.. Peso de la nieve Empuje del viento Weights people. Weights the objects. Peso the same building.

(6) 2.e esfuerzos. among them is that the structures. ACTIVITYUNO: Complete the next cuadro abstract FORCES.. Tipo. Description. Drawing. climatológicas. 6.

(7) 2.e esfuerzos. among them is that the structures. FORCES WOULD BE BREAKAGE them cuerpos sin more. No ROMPEN them porque los Parts of the structures opposing resistance, sufriendo, eso yes, esfuerzos internos. Esfuerzo (-definition) are the internal tensions that are experiencing the cuerpos sometidos the actions FORCES. Vamos a ver 5 types: -a.Esfuerzos traction: if the elements of the structure is stretched. -b.Esfuerzos of compression: if ELEMENTS contrae. -c.Esfuerzo of bending: If the structure is bent. -d.Esfuerzo of cutting or shear: if cortado. -e.Esfuerzo torsion: if the elements of the structure is twisted. 7.

(8) 2.e esfuerzos. among them is that the structures. a. ESFUERZO traction. 8.

(9) 2.e esfuerzos. among them is that the structures. b. ESFUERZO of compression. 9.

(10) 2.e esfuerzos. among them is that the structures. c. ESFUERZO flex. 10.

(11) 2.e esfuerzos. among them is that the structures. d. ESFUERZO COURT OF OR Shear. 11.

(12) 2.e esfuerzos. among them is that the structures. e. ESFUERZO torsion. 12.

(13) 2.e esfuerzos. among them is that the structures. ACTIVITYDOS: Complete the next cuadro de los esfuerzos abstract. Esfuerzo. Definición. Drawing. Traction. 13.

(14) 1-2e Analysis. esfuerzos of lending that ca. of external fuerza. Vamos a ir a step and Beyond tratemos to identify for each type of lending fuerza esfuerzos that cause in the Parts of the structures. FUERZA 1.1: The viento. Pushups (levanta the ceilings) Or shear CORTE. Pushups. Or shear CORTE. 14.

(15) 1-2e Analysis. esfuerzos of lending that ca. of external fuerza. FUERZA 1.1.2: The Precipitation peso-fuerza.. Or shear CORTE. Or shear CORTE Pushups. COMPRESION. COMPRESION. 15.

(16) 1-2e Analysis. esfuerzos of lending that ca. of external fuerza. FUERZA 1.1.3: The weight of nieve. ACTIVITY: drawing deformations and the full number of them esfuerzos causing the peso-fuerzas nieve.. 16.

(17) 1-2e Analysis. esfuerzos of lending that ca. of external fuerza. FUERZA 1.2: The weight of the objects that hay in the building. ACTIVITY: Complete the number of them that cause you are esfuerzos fuerzas.. 17.

(18) 1-2e Analysis. esfuerzos of lending that ca. of external fuerza. ACTIVITY: Drawing the deformations and complete the number of them that cause esfuerzos FORCES-peso of people. ACTIVITY: Haz lo mismo para los esfuerzos that cause FORCESpeso de los materials ACTIVITY: Haz lo mismo para los esfuerzos that cause FORCESpeso de los Parts of the structure. 18.

(19) 1-2e Analysis. esfuerzos of lending that ca. of external fuerza. ACTIVITYTHREE: Complete the next cuadro about them efectos de las Fuerzas External different.. Fuerza external CLIMATOLÓGICAS -Viento -Weight Precipitation -Weight Of nieve.. Place where acts. Sides and roofs. Esfuerzo causes in the vigas. None. Esfuerzos that cause them Pilares. Bending. WEIGHTS EXTERNOS: -Weight Of the objects. -Weight Of people -Weight Of the materials. WEIGHTS INTERNOS -Weight Routed the structure.. 19.

(20) 3.e types of structures that hacen los hombres.. Los hombres hacemos muchas different structures. Not however, may be reached in the clasificarlas Siguientes 6 general grupos: 1.Estructuras half-timbered. (Parts horizontales and vertical) 2.Estructuras trianguladas (In triangles) 3.Estructuras laminar. (Continue on surfaces) Vaulted 4.Estructuras (Arcos and vaults) 5.Estructuras pendants (Which cuelgan straps) 6.Estructuras masivas (De piedra, but internos Spaces). 20.

(21) types of structures 3.e 1.ESTRUCTURAS half-timbered Structures are formed by a base beneath the earth: - Foundations (Shoes) (hormigón of armado) Parts vertical: -pilares (Hormigón of armed opposition (with redondos of steel coarrugado) Parts and horizontales: -vigas (From hormigón armado) -forjado:base hormigón that cubre >Viguetas of steel (double T profile) >bovedillas ceramic material >Mesh of redondos of steel. Are the structures of the buildings.. 21.

(22) types of structures 3.e . 1.ESTRUCTURAS half-timbered (Components and Materials). Mesh (Redondos of steel). forged (From hormigón). Vigueta (Steel profile) Viga (From hormigón armado). Stern (Ceramic). Pilar (From hormigón armado). Foundation (From hormigón). 22.

(23) 3.. types of structures. 2.ESTRUCTURAS TRIANGULADAS Structures are formed by bars that form triangles. They are formed by bars and nudos. rising. nudos. formwork. barras. Tirante Cercha type Howe. Viga type Howe. Cercha type Pratt. Viga type Pratt. 23.

(24) 3.. vs. ADVANTAGES OF USING THE TRIANGULAR (opposite a square solid metal) A-Las structures trianguladas aguantan as well as a solid laminar structure ... Y porque esto es the triangular polygon that holds the best FORCES. ...a square is easily deformed. ...not the triangle. The trick is to turn the square into 2 triangles añadiendo a bar in the middle B-Y ligero y más barato. If steel costs € 30 kilo. ¿Is one of the two solutions is less money is spent? ¿Cual weighs less?. 24.

(25) types of structures 3.e that hacen los hombres. 2.ESTRUCTURAS TRIANGULADAS Las barrras are profiles of steel "T" or "L". Los nudos (unions) are made: Do you know that the angular cartelas remachan profiles. Do you know welding.. Union with screw nut (removable). Union REMACHES with fixed phones to cartela. Union with welding 25.

(26) 3.. types of structures. Laminate 3.ESTRUCTURAS The laminar structures are formed by continuous láminas material. Are the objects that usamos in many Construcciones y: shells of objects, Carrocerías of cars, fuentes, towers .... 26.

(27) 3.e 4.A ARCS. Los lending arco most well known are: -The Arco de medio punto. -The Arco tip.. -Otros: Herradura and El arco the lobed arco (Arabic) 27.

(28) types of structures 3.e . 4.B vaults FOR CONTINUED The vaults of the Surgut CONTINUED INCREASE a way of corridor of Los Arcos. -The Canyon vault (arcos de medio punto seguidos). -The Pointed vault (arcos tip seguidos). 28.

(29) types of structures 3.e 4.B vaults DE CRUCE The vaults of the crossing Surgut intersection of two vaults BELOW. -The Vault edge (two vaults of canyon cruzadas). -The Crucería vault (two vaults apuntadas Cruzadas). 29.

(30) types of structures . 3.e 4.ESTRUCTURAS vaulted. ¿Por qué the arco and the vault? The stone can not stand the bending, it rompe enseguida. Nevertheless holds very well in compression. Piedra bending + = Crack! A arco de piedra passes the bending justamente a compression.. Piedra compression + = Hold!. 30.

(31) 3.e types of structures The arco was to allow for a forward in the structures of stone. Permits cover one-mayores Spaces and increase the light (Huecos) of the structure. Au! Aha!. 2-In endure well the bending of the peso reaches heights varias Permits to build on.. 31.

(32) ACTIVITY THREE y medio: Complete the next cuadro abstract of the structures abovedas. Put the number y haz a small drawing.. ARCOS. Vaults (PASILLO). Vaults (Cruce). In medio punto. 32.

(33) 3.e types of structures that hacen los hombres.. 5.ESTRUCTURAS pendants. Structures that cuelgan cables (tirantes) sujetos pillars altos. Son principalmente bridges. They are lightweight, cheap, great distancias. Tirante catenary. 33.

(34) 3.. types of structures. 6.ESTRUCTURAS MASIVAS. Structures formed BLOCKS material, but hardly Spaces between ellos. Permitieron las primeras great construcciones altas Algunos ejemplos: pyramids, ziggurats, towers .... 34.

(35) 3.elending esfructuras among them is that the structures. ACTIVITYFOUR: Complete the next cuadro abstract of lending structures. Tipo. Description. Drawing. Half-timbered. 35.

(36) 4.e materials. of construction.. The main materials Usados under ​ construction are: (I) .Piedras Piedra natural. (Bloques de piedra, marble ...) Piedras crushed -Gravas (Arid) -Arenas -Arcilla: (Ceramic materials: bricks, tile, tile) -Cemento (Clay + limestone) -Morteros (+ Cemento arena) -Hormigón (Mortar + gravel) -Hormigón Armado (+ hormigón metal bars) -Vidrio (Está hecho de arenas silíceas) -Yeso (Ii) .Madera (Beams, columns, bars, boards, windows ...) (Iii) .Metales. (Beams, columns, bars hormigón the Navy, windows ...) (Vi) nuevos materials.. 36.

(37) 4.e materials. Mineral férricos. of construction.. Barras de hierro. HORMIGÓN Armed. records Rocas (arid). arena Clay. of limestone rocks. of aljez. HORMIGÓN MORTERO CEMENT (bonded). Limestone. AGUA (Añade be a todo). CAL. plaster. GYPSUM (bonded). ESCAYOLA. 37.

(38) 4.e materials. Usados under ​ construction. ACTIVITYSEIS: Complete the next cuadro about them in construction materials Usados. Tipo. Description. USES. TODAY. Piedra. 38.

(39) is estructurer NotguaNTO bien. I dropped. Hasta pronto. 39.



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