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October 21, For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many. Mark 10:45


Academic year: 2021

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Saint John the Baptist Saint Thomas the Apostle

San Juan Bautista São Tomé O Apóstolo

October 21, 2018

“For the Son of Man did not come to be

served but to serve and to give his life as a


St. John the Baptist Parish

St. Thomas the Apostle Parish

17 Chestnut Street

3 Margin Street

Peabody, MA 01960 Peabody, MA 01960

Two Parishes, One Mission

• To reach out to everyone with the joyful gospel of God’s saving love.

• To form one another as disciples who encounter Jesus Christ deeply through word, sacrament and service. • To live as a Spirit filled, multicultural community of mercy, justice and compassion within the Catholic Church.


Saturday 4 PM and Sunday 8 AM Masses change: current location is highlighted


Saturday 4 PM Mass: Jan - Feb, Mar- Apr, Jul - Aug, Nov-Dec Saturday 4 PM Mass: Jan-Feb, May-June, Sept-Oct, Nov - Dec Confessions: 3:15 - 3:30 PM before Mass during above months Confessions: 3:15 - 3:30 PM before Mass during above


Sunday 8 AM Mass: Jan - Feb, May-Jun, Sept - Oct. Sunday 8 AM Mass: Mar-Apr, Jul-Aug, Nov - Dec. Sunday 10 AM Family Mass: Every Sunday Sunday 10 AM Family Mass: Every Sunday

Sunday 11:30 AM Mass: Hispanic community Every Sunday Sunday 11:30 AM Mass: Brazilian community Every Sunday Sunday 5:00 PM Mass: Every Sunday (except Easter)

Weekdays: Tues-Wed-Thurs: 6:45 AM Every Week Weekdays: Monday, Friday 8:30 AM Every week

Friday, Saturday 6:45 AM First Friday and Saturday




978-531-0002 978-531-0224

Welcome to our parishes! If you are new to our community I extend our greetings and invite you to learn more about our current activities in these pages. Our staff directory is found on page 13.

If you would like to become a Catholic or join our parish, please call 978-531-0002 and ask for me, Fr. John, or Fr. Kevin (English and Portuguese) or Fr. Paul (English and Spanish). We would like to meet you and help you make your spiritual home with us. If you are a visitor, we hope and pray that your worship with us today brought you closer to God and to the Church. May God bless you! Fr. John MacInnis, Pastor


Dear brothers and sisters,

As I wrote to you earlier this month our parishes are

reaching out to you. We want you to hear and heed

the call to stewardship. We know that all the good

we have comes from our loving and gracious God:

the time he gives us to live, the talents he gives us to

develop and to use, the treasure that he gives us to

enjoy. Jesus taught us that these are gifts given to

share, not to hoard. The really good news is that

what we give to others in the Lord comes back to us

with multiple blessings. I have known this in my life.

Whatever I give away brings a return, starting with

the joy of having made someone else's life better.

By now you have received my letter asking for you

to support out parish with a special gift in our Grand

Annual Appeal. Many of you have already

respond-ed. Thank you for your generosity, especially at this

time when some in our family of faith are pulling

back. You know that what you give to your parish in

our offertory and Grand Annual collections goes

to-tally to the work of our ministries, the staff who

fa-cilitates them and the buildings where we worship,

learn, serve and enjoy bring neighbors and friends in

the Lord.

This weekend I ask you to choose those who are

willing to serve on our Parish Pastoral Councils.

In the pews are ballots with the names of your fellow

parishioners. Please take a moment to select the

names of those who in your opinion will best provide

good advice to me as we implement the vision of our


Besides this role there are many other ways God may

be calling you to serve him. Maybe you are asking

yourself right now...

What can I do? Well, we need everyone to help.

And there are many ways you can serve. In this

bul-letin you will find brief descriptions of ministry and

service opportunities at our two parishes. Take time

to read these over and think about which may appeal

to you.

How do I learn more? Next week after Masses we

will have a Ministry Fair. Tables will be set up

with materials that explain in more detail the

minis-tries and service opportunities of our parishes. At

these tables will be parishioners who participate in

these volunteer activities. They will answer your

questions and help you to decide which opportunity

is right for you.

When do I sign up? The weekend of November 3 -

4 will be "Commitment Weekend." we will have a

brochure in all the pews listing the various ways you

can serve. We will ask everyone to consider signing

up for one or more volunteer roles. There may be a

more limited need in some areas than in others so I

encourage you to check off a few just to be sure that

we will be able to match you up with one that fits!

In today's gospel Jesus shows us the way to follow

him. His disciples James and John ask a favor of

Je-sus. They want the places of glory in his Kingdom.

Jesus asks them if they are willing to drink his cup or

be baptized into his baptism. When their fellow

dis-ciples find out that these brothers are vying for

plac-es of power and honor, they are indignant. Jplac-esus

teaches them all that they should not act like

unbe-lievers who seek power to dominate others. "Rather,"

he said, "whoever wishes to be great among you will

be your servant; whoever wishes to be first will be

the slave of all. For the Son of Man did not come to

be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom

for many."

(Mark 10:44-45)

Now is the time for you to find your place in the

Kingdom of God by serving others. In doing so, you

will enrich the life of our community and come to

know and love more of our parish family. You will

know the joy of Jesus who gave his all to save us all.



Queridos hermanos y hermanas,

Como les escribí a principios de este mes, nuestras parro-quias están llegando a ustedes. Queremos que escuchen y presten atención a la llamada a la administración. Sabe-mos que todo lo bueno que teneSabe-mos proviene de nuestro Dios amoroso y bondadoso: el tiempo que nos da para vivir, los talentos que nos da para desarrollar y usar, el

tesoro que nos da para disfrutar. Jesús nos enseñó que

estos son regalos que se dan para compartir, no para ate-sorar. La buena noticia es que lo que damos a los demás en el Señor nos regresa con múltiples bendiciones. Lo he aprendido en mi vida. Todo lo que regale trae un retorno, comenzando con la alegría de haber mejorado la vida de otra persona.

Para este tiempo ya ha recibido mi carta solicitando que apoye a la parroquia con un regalo especial en nuestra

Gran Campaña Anual. Muchos de ustedes ya han

res-pondido. Gracias por su generosidad, especialmente en este momento cuando algunos miembros de nuestra fami-lia de fe se están retirando. Usted sabe que lo que le da a su parroquia en nuestro ofertorio y en la gran colecta anual se destina totalmente al trabajo de nuestros ministe-rios, el personal que los facilita y los edificios donde ado-ramos, aprendemos, servimos, disfrutamos trayendo veci-nos y amigos en el Señor.

Este fin de semana le pido que elija a aquellos que estén dispuestos a participar en nuestros Consejos Pastorales

Parroquiales. En los bancos hay boletas con los nombres

de sus feligreses. Tómese un momento para seleccionar los nombres de aquellos que, en su opinión, me darán me-jores consejos cuando implementemos la visión de nues-tras parroquias.

Además de este rol, hay muchas otras formas en que Dios puede estar llamándote para que le sirvas. Tal vez te estás preguntando ahora mismo...

¿Qué puedo hacer? Bueno, necesitamos que todos ayuden. Y hay muchas maneras en que puedes servir. En este boletín, encontrará breves descripciones de las oportunidades de ministerio y servicio en nuestras dos parroquias. Tómese el tiempo para leer esto y reflexio-nar sobre cuál puede ser de su agrado.

¿Cómo aprendo más? La próxima semana después de las misas tendremos una Feria de Ministros. Se esta-blecerán mesas con materiales que explican con más detalle los ministerios y las oportunidades de servicio de nuestras parroquias. En esta mesa estarán los feli-greses que participan en estas actividades de volunta-riado. Ellos responderán sus preguntas y lo ayudarán a decidir cuál es la oportunidad adecuada para usted. ¿Cuándo me inscribo? El fin de semana del 3 al 4 de noviembre será el "Fin de Semana de Compromiso". Tendremos un folleto en todas las bancas con una lista de las diferentes formas en que puede servir. Pediremos a todos que consideren inscribirse en uno o más roles de voluntario. Puede haber una necesidad más limitada en algunas áreas que en otras, por lo que le recomiendo que marque varias para asegurarse de que podamos em-parejarlo con una que se ajuste a sus necesidades. En el evangelio de hoy, Jesús nos muestra el camino para seguirlo. Sus discípulos Santiago y Juan le piden un favor a Jesús. Quieren los lugares de gloria en su reino. Jesús les pregunta si están dispuestos a beber su copa o ser bautizados en su bautismo. Cuando sus com-pañeros discípulos descubren que estos hermanos están compitiendo por lugares de poder y honor, están indig-nados. Jesús les enseña a todos que no deben actuar como incrédulos que buscan poder para dominar a otros. "Más bien", dijo, "el que quiera ser grande entre ustedes será su siervo; el que quiera ser el primero será el esclavo de todos. Porque el Hijo del Hombre no vino para ser servido sino para servir y para dar su vida co-mo rescate por muchos”.

(Marcos 10: 44-45)

Ahora es el momento para que encuentres tu lugar en el Reino de Dios sirviendo a los demás. Al hacerlo, enri-quecerás la vida de nuestra comunidad y llegarás a co-nocer y amar más a nuestra familia parroquial. Conoce-rás el gozo de Jesús que lo dio su todo para salvarnos a todos.


Além desse papel, há muitas outras maneiras pelas quais Deus pode estar chamando você para servi-lo. Talvez você esteja se perguntando agora ...

O que eu posso fazer? Bem, precisamos de todos para

ajudar. E há muitas maneiras pelas quais você pode servir. Neste boletim você encontrará breves descrições de oportunidades de ministério e serviço em nossas duas paróquias. Tire um tempo para ler e pensar sobre o que pode apelar para você.

Como eu aprendo mais? Na próxima semana, depois

das missas, teremos uma feira do ministério. As tabelas serão montadas com materiais que explicam mais detalhadamente os ministérios e oportunidades de serviço de nossas paróquias. Nessa mesa estarão os paroquianos que participam dessas atividades voluntárias. Eles responderão às suas perguntas e o ajudarão a decidir qual oportunidade é a certa para você.

Quando me inscrevo? O fim de semana de 3 a 4 de

novembro será o "Fim de semana do compromisso". teremos uma brochura em todos os bancos, listando as várias maneiras de servir. Vamos pedir a todos que considerem se inscrever para um ou mais papéis de voluntários. Pode haver uma necessidade mais limitada em algumas áreas do que em outras. Por isso,

recomendo que você marque algumas delas apenas para ter certeza de que poderemos combinar com uma que se encaixe!

No evangelho de hoje, Jesus nos mostra o caminho para segui-lo. Seus discípulos Tiago e João pedem um favor a Jesus. Eles querem os lugares de glória em seu reino. Jesus pergunta se eles estão dispostos a beber seu copo ou serem batizados em seu batismo. Quando seus companheiros descobriram que esses irmãos estão disputando lugares de poder e honra, se sentiram

indignados. Jesus ensina a todos eles que não devem agir como incrédulos que buscam poder para dominar os outros. "Em vez disso", disse ele, "quem quiser ser grande entre vós será o teu servo; quem quiser ser o primeiro será o escravo de todos. Pois o Filho do Homem não veio para ser servido, mas para servir e dar o seu a vida como um resgate para muitos ".

(Marcos 10: 44-45)

Agora é a hora de você encontrar seu lugar no Reino de Deus servindo aos outros. Ao fazê-lo, você enriquecerá a vida da nossa comunidade e conhecerá e amará mais a nossa família paroquial. Você conhecerá a alegria de Jesus que deu tudo de si para nos salvar a todos.

Deus abençoe.

Pe. John

Caros irmãos e irmãs

Como escrevi para você no início deste mês, nossas paróquias estão se aproximando de você. Nós queremos que você ouça e atenda ao chamado para servir.

Sabemos que todo o bem que temos vem do nosso amoroso e gracioso Deus: o tempo que ele nos dá para viver, os talentos que ele nos dá para desenvolver e usar, o tesouro que ele nos dá para desfrutar. Jesus nos ensinou que esses são dons dados para compartilhar, não para acumular. A boa notícia é que o que damos aos outros no Senhor volta para nós com múltiplas bênçãos. Eu soube disso na minha vida. Tudo o que eu dou traz um retorno, começando com a alegria de ter feito a vida de outra pessoa melhor.

Até agora você recebeu minha carta pedindo para você apoiar a paróquia com um presente especial em nossa

Grande Coleta Anual. Muitos de vocês já

responderam. Obrigado por sua generosidade,

especialmente neste momento em que alguns membros de nossa família de fé estão recuando. Você sabe que o que você dá à sua paróquia em nosso ofertório e coleções do Grande Anual vai totalmente para o trabalho de nossos ministérios, o pessoal que trabalha neles e os prédios onde adoramos, aprendemos, servimos e desfrutamos trazendo vizinhos e amigos no Senhor.

Neste fim de semana peço que escolham aqueles que estão dispostos a servir em nossos Conselhos Pastorais

Paroquiais. Nos bancos estão as cédulas com os nomes

dos seus companheiros paroquianos. Por favor, dedique um momento para selecionar os nomes daqueles que, em sua opinião, serão melhores em aconselhar, quando implementarmos a visão de nossas paróquias.


THIS WEEK AT SAINT JOHN’S For details please call 978-531-0002


Mon. Oct 22 5:00pm Rosary & Adoration

Tues. Oct 23 6:00pm Novena to the Holy Face of Jesus 6:30pm Church Connect Group

Wed. Oct 24 6:00pm Boy Scout Pack 119

Thurs. Oct 25 6:30pm G.O.D. Group

Fri. Oct 26 12:00pm Community Lunch

Sat. Oct 27 7:30am Men’s Faith Sharing Grp

St. John the Baptist Parish

~Memorial Gifts for the Eucharist~

Oct 2oth/21st

Sacramental Candles -AVAILABLE Bread and Wine -AVAILABLE

Oct 27th/28th

Sacramental Candles -AVAILABLE Bread and Wine -AVAILABLE

Nov 3rd/4th

Sacramental Candles were given in Memory of

James & Beverly Hinchion

Bread and Wine were given in Memory of Mary Walker

Nov 10th/11th

Sacramental Candles –AVAILABLE Bread and Wine –AVAILABLE

If you wish to offer a memorial gift of Bread and Wine Or Sacramental Candles please call

the parish secretary at 978-531-0002.

Sunday Coffee Gathering

following the 10 a.m. Mass at St. John's every Sunday

All are Welcome!

Parish Pay is now WeShare.

We ask that you verify your gifts as there have been changes with the online system. You can easily access your account by following

these instructions:

Go to our website www.stjohnspeabody.com Click on the tab Online Giving. On the right of the screen you will see a green Online giving icon. Click on this for both weekly and second collections. It is here that you can make

any changes. If you need further help please feel free to call the experts at WeShare at 1-800-950-9952. Thank you for your support!

St. John's Church

Thursday 9am-12pm

Fri.’s & Sat.’s 9am-1pm

The Thrift Shop will be having a

Jewelry Sale

Thursday, Friday & Saturday, October 18, 19, 20. There will be a variety of jewelry and watches offered at this event. Please come and take a look, you might be

pleas-antly surprised. Peek in our other rooms too!


This weekend we have a second collection for the

Holy Father & Missionary Efforts

October 14, 2018 Offertory:

$ 8,297.50

Thank you to the school parents who have been giving their $400 to the Offertory in order to receive a

reduction in school tuition.

Regular Monthly Collection: $ 1,620.00

Grand Annual Collection

We are off to a great start towards our goal of

$80,000 with just under $22,000 received in gifts and

pledges from 56 families.

Thank you for your generous support.

Next Weekend we have a single collection

God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:)

We’re Collecting Food for the Needy.

Can You Help?

Canned Goods Drive for Thanksgiving

Each year our St. Vincent de Paul Society organizes a special collection of food to share with low-income

fami-lies in our parish. These non-perishable food items ac-company a turkey dinner given to each family for Thanksgiving. If you can help, please bring your

contri-bution to church on the weekend of November 3/4 or

November 10/11. Children in Religious Education and in

St. John’s School may bring the food to class. The cost of providing a Thanksgiving dinner has increased and we are serving more people. If you would like to help us pay

for these dinners you may send your donation to the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Place your donation in the col-lection basket or mail it directly to the Parish Center.

Thank you for sharing what you have with those in need.

“Imposing” values

“Religious faith has long been a cornerstone of the American experience. From the Mayflower Compact, which begins “In the name of God, Amen,” to our Declaration of Independence, we hear loud echoes of our faith in God. It finds expression in our deep-seated conviction that we have unalienable rights from “Nature and Nature’s God.” …To speak out against racial discrimination, social injustice or threats to the dignity of life is not to force values upon society, but rather to call our society to its own, long-accepted, moral principles and commitment to defend basic human rights, which is the function of law.” – Most Rev. Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington, in homily at Red Mass, October 1, 2006.


Please remember the deceased of our Parish and those who were buried from St. Thomas Parish

during the past week. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through God’s

mercy rest in peace. Amen

THIS WEEK AT ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE For details please call 978-531-0224


Oct 22 8:30AM Mass-Chapel

4:30PM SJB Basket Ball Try-Outs-Gym

6:00PM ESL-Brazilian Community-Media Room 7:00PM Brazilian Charismatic Group

7:00PM Bible Study-Dining Room SLC Oct 23 6:00PM Girl Scouts –Gym

Oct 24 6:00PM Girl Scouts –Gym

Oct 25 4:30PM SJB Basket Ball Try-Outs-Gym 6:00PM Who Am I to Judge

Oct 26 8:30AM Mass—Chapel

4:30PM SJB Basket Ball Try-Outs-Gym Oct 27 Brazilian Youth Celebration Day-Gym

St. Thomas the Apostle Parish


This weekend we have a second collection for

The Holy Father & Missionary Efforts

October 14, 2018 Offertory: $ 6,016.82 Second Collection: $ 1,026.00

Next weekend we have a single collection

Catholic Appeal: We are up to $14,874.00 donated

which is 41% of our goal. Please help us to reach our goal of $35,742.

St. Thomas the Apostle

Thanks to our wonderful community the St. Thomas Thrift Shop is thriving! It is time for the fall cleaning so please keep us in mind. We are always in need of household items and small appliances. NO TELEVISIONS OR COMPUTER EQUIP-MENT PLEASE We will no longer be able to accept stuffed animals or furniture with fabric upholstery. Please be sure that clothing is seasonal

(fall/winter) that is it is clean and in wearable condition. Without your help we would not be able to continue to help support our many Parish

Projects. Thank you for you generosity!

~Memorial Gifts for the Eucharist~.

Oct 20th/21st

Sanctuary Lamp was given in Memory of Chester “Chip” Hincman Candle Oil-AVAILABLE

Bread and Wine was given in Memory of Florence & Dan Pimenta

Oct 27th/28th

Sanctuary Lamp –AVAILABLE

Candle Oil was given in Memory of Kenneth Mizioch

Bread and Wine –AVAILABLE

Nov 3rd/4th

Sanctuary Lamp was given in Memory of Mark McClure Candle Oil was given in Memory of Raymond Labreque

Bread and Wine was given in Memory of Mark McClure

Nov 10th/11th

Sanctuary Lamp was given in Memory of Lucille Kallelis

Bread and Wine & Candle Oil was given in Memory of Thomas Moore POW/MIA

If you wish to offer a memorial gift of Bread and Wine, Candle Oil, the Sanctuary Lamp, or a Mass Card please

call the parish secretary at 978-531-0224.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Friends of St. Thomas Parish Prayer Shawl Ministry provide comfort and healing prayers to anyone in need of warmth and encouragement while healing.

Do you know of someone in need of a Prayer Shawl? Call our office and we will have one delivered to your friend or loved one. Do you knit or crochet? Would you like to join our Ministry Team? Join us on the first Wednesday of each month from 10-11:30AM in the Dining room of the Spiritual life center.

Green Thumbs

The Green Thumbs are cleaning up our church property. Anyone can join, just bring

gloves and see Paul Carlin. He will show you where you can help out.

No special training is needed. The Green Thumbs meet every Monday on

the church property from 3-6:30pm. If you can't make on Monday's and would like to help give Al McCone a call at 978-394-5421 and he will give you your own

area to spruce up. Come on down and help keep our parish grounds beautiful.

Be an Adorer on the First Friday of each new month. Adoration is an opportunity to retreat

from the world and just be one with the Lord.

Adoration Coordinator

Elaine Arruda 781-576-0571


BIENVENIDOS A Parroquia de San Juan Bautista

Y que todos: nos comprometamos, cada día, a ser más FAMILIA en JESÚS, Vivo y Resucitado. Para solicitar los Servicios Pastorales, en la Comunidad, por favor hablar,

Con Padre Paúl G. M. McManus: de Viernes a Sábado, en Peabody Tel: 978-826-7522 o por correo electronico a padrepaul@comcast.net

Consejería en español

Judy Keith, una psicóloga que habla español, está aquí por la tarde como voluntaria para hablar con cualquier persona o pareja que quiere consejería en español.

Puede hablar de la depresión, la ansiedad, la muerte de al-guien querido, la comunicación en pareja o de cualquier tema con el cual quiera ayuda.

Para sacar una cita, por favor llámeme en 978-826-7541 y déjeme un mensaje y le devolveré la llamada lo más pronto que sea posible.


Tercer sabado del mes a las 4:00 p.m. Conferencia para padres y padrinos:

Segundo sábado del mes en el Centro parroquial a las 12 p.m.

Se puede conseguir el formulario en la oficina de la parroquia o después de la Misa en la sacristia

Grupo de Oración

Los sábado a las 7 p.m.


Por favor, hable con el Padre Paúl a los menos seis meses antes de la fecha escogida.

Quinceañeras – Visitas Pastorales – Otros Servicios Por favor, hable con el Padre Paúl.

La Santa Misa

Los domingos a las 11:30 a.m. Los viernes a las 7 p.m.


Los viernes de las 6 hasta las 7 p.m. Llame al Padre Paúl 978-826-7522

Adoración de Santísimo Sacramento

Los viernes de las 6 hasta las 7 p.m.


Contenido Católico Digital

• Ve a la página formed.org

• Presiona el botón que dice REGISTER (Registrarse) • Crea tu propia cuenta gratuita usando el Código de la Parroquia y tu correo electrónico

• Nuestro Código de Parroquia es: 64JYHW

¡Disfrútelo con toda la familia!

Si conocen de Alguna Persona que no puede asistir a la Santa Misa por problemas de Salud, y decean que se le lleve la Santa Comunion a su hogar. Favor de hablar con Padre Paul, despues de Misa o

llamarle durante la semana al Centro Parroquial al (978) 531-0002

“Imponiendo” valores

“La fe religiosa por largo tiempo ha sido la

fundación de la experiencia americana. Desde el

Mayflower Compact, el cual comienza “En Nombre

de Dios, Amén” hasta nuestra Declaración de

Independencia, escuchamos fuertes ecos de

nuestra fe en Dios. Encontrando expresión en

nuestras profundas convicciones de que tenemos

derechos inalienables por parte de la “Naturaleza y

por la Naturaleza de Dios”…el hablar contra la

discriminación racial, la injusticia social o las

amenazas a la dignidad de la vida no es imponer

valores sobre la sociedad, sino llamar a nuestra

sociedad a lo que es de ella, a los principios morales

que han sido aceptados desde antaño y el

compromiso a defender los derechos humanos

básicos, lo cual es la función de la ley.” –

Reverendísimo Donald Wuerl, Arzobispo de Washington, en la homilía de la Misa Roja, Octubre 1, 2006.




Contactor con perguntas:

Danise Mendonca 978-531-0224

Deixe uma mensagem, fala Portuguese No escritório quartas e sextas-feiras.

dmendonca@peabodycatholic.org Secretaria Paroquia: paroquiasaothomas@gmail.com Facebook: paroquiasaothomas SACRAMENTAL CONFISSÕES

Contactor o Padre Kevin


Padre John

jmacinnis@peabodycatholic.org BATISMOS

Marcar 1 MÊS Antes

Todo 3* Domingo do Mes as 11:30pm


Contactor o Padre 6 Meses Antes da Data Pretendida

PASTORAL Toda Segunda Feira ÀS 7:30PM


Renildo 978-210-1567


Juliana 978-210-1908

DIZIMO: 4* Domingo do mes

Cristiano/Rita 978-855-8208 PASTORAL FAMILIAR 7pm 3* Sábado do mês Preocupações pastorais Sr. Ellen Dabrieo, SND 978-304-9231

Leituras do Dia

Is 53,10-11

Sl 32

Hb 4,14-16

Mc 10,35-45

O caminho do discípulo é o caminho do Mestre

Jesus caminha subindo para Jerusalém, para a sua morte, para a sua entrega definitiva, e caminha decid-idamente (cf. Mc 8,32-38). Os discípulos, ao contrário,

iam com medo. O medo é falta de fé (cf. 4,35-41). De-pois de cada anúncio da paixão, morte e ressurreição, os discípulos adotam uma atitude inadequada, fruto de

sua incompreensão e do desejo de honra e prestígio, o que contrasta profundamente com a atitude de Jesus

que renunciou a toda honra deste mundo. No evan-gelho de hoje, o foco são os filhos de Zebedeu, Tiago e João, dois dos quatro primeiros discípulos chamados

por Jesus enquanto estavam com o seu pai no barco, no mar da Galileia (cf. Mc 1,16-20). O pedido que eles

fazem a Jesus ocorre depois do terceiro anúncio da paixão. Jesus acaba de anunciar as humilhações e a violência que vai sofrer, e os dois irmãos lhe pedem lugares de honra. Eles não vêm nisso qualquer

contra-dição. Estão cegos. É preciso estarmos atentos, pois isso acontece também conosco, quando buscamos privilégios, vantagens e satisfações pessoais. Tiago e

João, dominados pela cegueira, querem garantir seu lugar, não qualquer lugar, mas um posto de privilégio

“na glória”. Pelos lugares postulados, à direita e à es-querda, querem ainda participar do julgamento de todo

mundo. Ora, o caminho do discípulo é o caminho do Mestre – pois o “discípulo não é maior que o Mestre, mas basta ser como o Mestre” (Mt 10,24-25). É preci-so participação efetiva e afetiva na paixão/morte de Jesus: “podeis beber o cálice que eu vou beber? Ou ser

batizado com o batismo com o qual eu serei batiza-do?”. Essa é a decisão que importa: “Podemos”. É

De-us quem dá a recompensa. Aos discípulos compete a tarefa de construir uma comunidade de serviço gratui-to e generoso, à imitação de Jesus que “não veio para ser servido, mas para servir e dar vida em resgate de muitos”. Não há participação na glória de Cristo sem

passar com ele pela paixão e morte. Pe. Carlos Alberto Contieri, sj

Junte-se a nós para viver a fé enquanto voltamos à

nossa formação espiritual contínua! Este mês

vamos ver e discutir um poderoso 4-parte série em

English chamada

"quem sou eu para julgar?"

onde vamos responder à pergunta: como podemos

falar sobre moralidade em um mundo que já não

acredita na verdade.

As quatro sessões começarão em 18 de outubro e

continuarão a 25 de outubro, Nov. 1 e 8.

A noite vai incluir uma refeição ligeira e começa às

6:00 PM no centro de vida espiritual em St. Thomas


Quem sou eu para julgar? pode ser acessado em


Oração à Santa Teresa D’ Ávila

Deixando teus pais, Teresa, quisestes aos mouros pregar, trazê-los todos a Cristo, ou teu

sangue derramar. Pena porém mais suave o Esposo a

ti reservou: tombares de amor ferida, ao dardo que te enviou. Acende, pois, nossas almas, na

chama do eterno amor: jamais vejamos do inferno o fogo


Louvamos contigo ao Filho, que ao trino Deus nos conduz, ele é o Jesus


All are welcome in this place

Please consider donating the

follow-ing items which we are currently in need of for our brothers and sisters in


For men and women

GENTLY USED sweatshirts, sweaters, jeans, sneakers,

winter boots or hiking boots, belts, winter hats or gloves

NEW ONLY white crew socks, heavy woolen socks,

sham-poo, deodorant, shaving razors and cream, bars of soap, body wash or shower gel

RELIGIOUS - rosary beads, crucifixes, medals, key chains

If you are interested in making a homemade pot of soup for our Friday lunch, please call Pat Adam, and you can

sched-ule a week which is convenient for you. Our outreach Christmas party will be held on Friday, De-cember 21, in the lower church hall. Donations of $10 gift

cards for Dunkin’ Donuts may be dropped off anytime marked “for outreach program” to the Parish Center or in the offertory basket. We hope each person can receive a gift

card, enabling them to enjoy a coffee and snack that other-wise would not be possible.

Thank you for your generosity and prayers. All donations can be dropped off at St. John’s Parish Center, Monday to Friday, from 9:30-3:30pm OR in a bin marked “for outreach

program” in the upper church foyer after weekend masses. For St. Thomas parishioners, donations may be left at the Spiritual Center during the week. If you need further infor-mation, please call Outreach Coordinator Pat Adam at

(978) 335-2080. May God bless you abundantly!


Join us as we return to our

ongoing spiritual formation!

This month we will view and discuss

a powerful 4-part series called,

“Who Am I to Judge?”

hosted by Dr. Edward Sri

where we will answer the question:

How do we talk about morality in a world that no

longer believes in truth?

The four sessions will begin on Oct. 18th,

and continue Oct. 25, Nov. 1st and 8th.

The evening will include a light meal and begins at

6:00 PM in the Spiritual Life Center

at St. Thomas Parish.

Who Am I to Judge? can be accessed on formed.org


Murder Mystery Dinner in the Rectory

November 3rd cocktails at 6 pm. Raffle Tickets are 10.00 or 3 for 25.00 ONLY 10 will WIN! Winners picked at the Polish


You do not need to be present to win.

Money raised will go towards air conditioning at St. Thomas Call Joyce or the office for tickets or information. Tickets will also be available for sale after all masses.

Joyce- 978-968-5101

Who will Fr. John be???



MAY 16-30, 2019

Fr. Michael Nolan of St. Mary Parish Waltham is

leading a pilgrimage through Jordan and Israel for

young adults; ages of 18-26. Sites include: Madaba,

Wadi Rum, Petra, Mt. Nebo, Dead Sea and Bethany

by the Jordan, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Cana,

Capernaum, Mt. Beatitudes, Sea of Galilee,

Mt. Tabor and Jerusalem. This trip, designed for

young adults, includes trekking, hiking, swimming

and service work.

Trip cost of $2990 includes roundtrip airfare, guides,

meals, lodging, taxes and entrance fees.


For more information and registration please contact



Sept 20th—Overview/Registration Oct.11 &18, Nov 8 &15, Dec 6 &13

Young Adult Men 7 week Fall Faith Formation Series

“Man Enough”,

6:30-8 pm in St Johns lower rectory. Contact Fr. Kevin for more info

The Adult Choir sings at the 4:00 p.m. Mass on

Saturdays, and rehearses prior to Mass at 3:15 p.m. Please consider offering the gift of song at our


The Children's Choir sings at the 10:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday

morn-ings at St. John's. Students Grade 3 are welcome to sing with us. We rehearse at 9:15 a.m.,

prior to the Sunday liturgy. All are welcome! Our first meeting will be on Sunday, September

PARENTS:Come to our 10 AM Mass!

These are our Family Masses for all kinds of families.

Relax! God put the wiggle in children; do not feel you have to suppress it in God’s house.

All are welcome!

Sit towards the front where it is easier for your little ones to see and hear what is going on in the


Quietly explain the parts of the Mass and the actions of the priest, altar servers, cantor, lector, etc. Children’s missals are available at the back of the church to help your little ones understand the order of the Mass.

Sing the hymns, pray and voice your responds loudly and clearly.

Children learn liturgical behavior by copying you.

Need to step out for a moment with your child during Mass? Please

do so freely as needed. We have a children's corner with a rocker and kiddie's books. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me!”

To all Members of Our Parishes:

Remember: the way we welcome children in church directly affects the way they respond. Let them know that they can feel at home in God’s house. The presence of children is a gift to the Church. They are a reminder that our parish is growing. Your church is their church as well. Please welcome our children and give a smile of encourage-ment to them and to their parents.

NEW! On the following Sundays, our parishes will offer a Children's Liturgy of the Word at our 10 AM Family Masses for all children in grades 1 through 6. Children from both public and Catholic schools are invited.

Dates for Children's Liturgy of the Word (in both parishes):

October 28 and December 23, 2018, January 6, March 31, and April 14, 2019.

On these Sundays, children will come with family to Mass on these days at 10AM.

* Children will leave the main church after the opening prayer. * They will go to the chapel or church hall to hear and learn about

the Scripture readings in a way they can understand.


Worldwide Marriage Encounter

The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace. Find peace in your marriage by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next Weekends are:

Dec 7-9, 2018 in Duxbury, MA

Jan 18-20, 2019 in South Kingstown, RI.

For more information, call Stephen & Michelle O'Leary at 800-710-9963 or visit them at https://wwmema.org/

Bishop Mark O'Connell is offering to all sessions to bring your questions and concerns.

The last “Meet a Bishop” session is:

October 25 at Most Blessed Sacrament, Wakefield

from 7:00 to 8:30pm

Everyone is invited to hear Anne Barrett Doyle of Bishop Accountability speak on

“Documenting the Abuse in the Roman Catholic Church”

on Sunday, Oct. 28, 2018 from 2pm-4pm at St. Rose of Lima Church in Topsfield. Refreshments served Free will offering!

For more info contact John & Barbara Gould 978-535-2321 or JAGBAG630@verizon.net

Are you interested in Becoming a Catholic? Or Completing Your Sacraments?

Are you interested in joining the Catholic Church? Do you have a family member or friend who is curious about the

Catholic Faith?

Are you already Baptized, but haven’t received First Holy Commun-ion or ConfirmatCommun-ion?

Throughout the year, we offer sessions in which we discuss the basic practices and teachings of the Church. We also read scripture togeth-er and considtogeth-er difficult issues of the Faith. At the Easttogeth-er Vigil, par-ticipants may step forward to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, and/

or Eucharist and Confirmation, and are welcomed into the Church. We hope you will consider joining us on your faith journey. Even if you feel you are not ready, or have questions or reservations about the

Catholic Church, we welcome you. There is no pressure or “recruiting,” and we promote open and honest discussion.

To learn more about these sessions (RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults), please contact Fr. John MacInnis at 978-531-0002.

Peabody Skating Rink Learn to Skate

Tues. 10/9-12/4 4:15pm-5:05pm 8 weeks $125

Sun. 9/23-11/25 11:05am-11:55am 10 weeks $150

All ages! On-going registration. $10 discount for siblings

10th Annual Halloween Skating Party

Oct. 28th 2:10pm-3:40pm Wear your costume Prizes, Music, Face Painting


St. John the Baptist

School News

2019 Raffle Calendars

St. John the Baptist School 2019 Raffle Calendars are now on sale. Calendars are $25 each. Your name will be entered into drawings for cash prizes for 10 months of 2019. (excluding July and August) Prizes range from $35 to $500. These calendars make great gifts! Calendars are available in the back of the church and in the Parish Office. They can also be purchased by calling the school office at (978) 531-0444 ext 340. We deliver!

Will you sponsor a child?

Every school year St. John School receives many requests for tui-tion assistance. This year there is a substantial increase in the need

for tuition financial assistance. Many families want their children to have the Catholic education experience but the tuition expense is a financial burden and they struggle to keep their children in our

school year to year.

If you or someone you know would like to be a contributor to a Catholic school education for one of our deserving students, please contact the school office at (978) 531-0444. Ext. 336. Any amount

donated toward tuition assistance is greatly appreciated.

New student registration for the 2018-2019 school year. Early morning care and after school extended day pro-grams are available for all students. We have openings in

our 3 year old program through grade 8. Please visit us and see the quality of a

Catholic education.

Call Admissions at (978) 531-0444 ext 340

for more information or visit www.stjohns-peabody.com

St. John the Baptist School – 19 Chestnut Street Peabody, Ma 01960

St. John the Baptist Parish CYO Basketball Sign Ups

We are back for another year of CYO Basketball for boys and girls!

We are currently fielding teams for both boys and girls Bantam (5th and 6th grade)

and Cadet (7th and 8th grade) teams.

St. John’s school gym from 6:30 to 7:30 pm (enter double doors from parking lot) For any inquiries please email either

Jim Rush jamestrush10@comcast.net Mitch Getchell at mgetch16@gmail.com

St. Thomas the Apostle G1-5

Oct 21st: Class starts at 8:45am

Oct 28th: Family and Children’s Liturgy 10am

Nov 4th: Class starts at 8:45 am

Nov 11th: NO CLASS

Please call 978-531-0224 x315 for Information

St. John’s Religious Education News

“If we don't teach our children to follow

Christ, the world will teach them not to.”

You may email Karen Hinton


Gr. 8th & 9th Youth Ministry Program

Alpha for Youth begins with 5PM Mass

At St. John the Baptist

Followed by a gathering in lower church

hall. For video presentation.

Please sign up on-line to donate a light dinner for class

Oct. 21st God the Father 3:30-6PM Nov. 11th Creation of the Spiritual World

Nov. 16th Service-Thanksgiving drive Nov. 23rd Service -ADVENT Set-up

Missal Change


r. 10 Confirmation Youth Ministry Program

Orientation day for Students and Parents

Sunday, October 21st 6:15PM

in the Lower Church Hall, St. John the Baptist.

*Weekly Mass Attendance at either parish& signing in is expected

February Vacation

Mission Trip to the

Dominican Republic


Fr. Kevin 978-531-0002


Join us the 1st Friday of the month! 11/2, 12/7, 2/1, 3/1, 4/5

7pm-9pm St. Thomas the Apostle for Praise and Worship Music

Engaging Speakers Adorating of Blessed Sacrament


“I have come to set the world ON-FIRE, and how I wish it were already ablaze!” Lk 12:49


Parish Staff

Rev. John E. MacInnis, Pastor

Rev. Kevin Leaver, Parochial Vicar

Padre Paúl G.M. McManus, Parochial Vicar, Hispanic Ministry

Deacon Leo Martin, Deacon Chuck Hall

Deacon Timothy Hynes

St. John the Baptist

Karen Hinton Director of Religious Ed 1-5 Dawn Alves Coordinator of Youth Ministry Tracy Palen Office Administrator

Kathleen Wilkinson Parish Secretary Janet O’Connor Parish Secretary

Dr. Holly Zagaria Director of Music Ministry Raisa Ferreras Music Ministry (Spanish) Aida Vargas Spanish Religious Ed Lucy Cortez Spanish Religious Ed

Parish Office: 978-531-0002 Parish Fax: 978-531-5199

Website: www.stjohnspeabody.org Email: secretarysjtb@parishmail.com

Maureen Kelleher Principal, St. John’s School

St. John’s School: 978-531-0444

Linda McKenzie Brooksby Village Pastoral Assoc.

Brooksby Catholic Ministry: 978-536-7947

Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30am-3:30pm

St. Thomas the Apostle

Dawn Alves Pastoral Associate

Coordinator of Youth Ministry

Br. David Wiggin, CFX Parish Accountant

Dr. Holly Zagaria Director of Music Ministry Renildo Paiva Music Ministry (Brazilian) Lisa Ann Trainor Coordinator of Religious Ed Tracy Palen Office Administrator Linda Cavallon Administrative Assistant Danise Mendonca Administrative Assistant

Parish Office: 978-531-0224 Parish Fax: 978-531-6517

Website: www.stthomaspeabody.org Email: stthomas344p@comcast.net

Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm

Saint John's and Saint Thomas'

have purchased a gift for you!

Enjoy a free subscription to formed.org - an incredible online giveaway to the best Catholic content, all in one place. With FORMED you can:

Prepare for Sunday Mass by watching an insightful five minute video by renowned Catholic teachers

Enjoy a movie with your family that is both entertaining and nourishing

Enrich your marriage with an award winning video series Be-loved

Help your children grow in character and embrace the beauty and wonder of our faith

FORMED provides amazing content 24/7 for you to grow in faith.

Visit FORMED.ORG with a web browser Click on REGISTER (Lower right page) Enter our Parish Access Code 64JYHW

Enter your email and create a password (you'll need this to login later!)

Enjoy and share with others in our local community!

Week of

October 21, 2018

21 SUN Is 53:10-11/Heb 4:14-16/Mk 10:35-45 22 Mon Eph 2:1-10/Lk 12:13-21 23 Tue Eph 2:12-22/Lk 12:35-38 24 Wed Eph 3:2-12/Lk 12:39-48 25 Thu Eph 3:14-21/Lk 12:49-53 26 Fri Eph 4:1-6/Lk 12:54-59 27 Sat Eph 4:7-16/Lk 13:1-9

28 SUN Jer 31:7-9/Heb 5:1-6/Mk 10:46-52

Faith Enrichment wordonfire.org

(Bishop Robert Baron)

dynamiccatholic.com (Matthew Kelly) mycatholictube.com (Ascension Presents) reallifecatholic.com www.loyolapress.com



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prayer, faith education, &

uplifting Catholic content



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