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El reino de Dios es como una semilla de mostaza


Academic year: 2021

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50 Lodi Street, Hackensack, NJ 07601

Monday—Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Office closed on weekends 201-343-6243 Fax: 201-343-0854 St.FrancisRCChurch@gmail.com


St. Francis of Assisi Parish

Parroquia San Francisco de Asís

We, the Parish of St. Francis of Assisi, guided by the Holy Spirit, are a Christian Community called by God to take part in the mission of love and truth in the world. With firm faith in Jesus the Christ and the

Holy Gospel, we find our strength through prayer and the Sacraments, that we may become God’s serv-ants to our sisters and brothers


Sunday 8:00 AM 9:15 AM 10:30AM 12:30 PM Monday 8:00 AM 7:00 PM Tuesday 8:00 AM 7:00 PM Wednesday 8:00 AM 7:00 PM Thursday 8:00 AM 7:00 PM Friday 8:00 AM Saturday 8:00 AM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM Sunday 8:00 AM 9:15 AM 10:30AM 12:30 PM Dear Parishioners:

It was the harvest time and a young man was taking a walk through the country when he came across a field of large pumpkins rip-ening in the sun. He sat down in the shade of a giant oak tree and smiling, he thought, “What was God thinking? He has such big pumpkins growing on such flimsy vines and this strong oak tree produces only tiny acorns.” Pondering the folly of God’s wisdom he then drifted off to sleep as he leaned against the massive trunk of the tree. Minutes later he was awak-ened by something that fell and hit him on the head. It was an acorn! He looked at the field of pumpkins and then at the acorn which he held in his hand and laughing said, “Maybe God knew what he was doing after all. What if this had been a pumpkin?”

God likes to start small when doing something big in our world. The savior was born a little baby in Bethlehem and in today’s Gospel the kingdom begins as a seed the size of a mustard seed but grows to have room in its branches for all the birds in the air. His working occurs so qui-etly that it is often unnoticed by those without the spiritual sight needed to observe it.

That little seed was planted in all of us at our baptism. Whether it grows to maturity or not depends on how we care for it. Nourished by prayer, good works and the Sacraments, we become kingdom builders who will produce a rich harvest for the Lord.

Love and Prayers,

Bro. John

June 14th - Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time + Anthony Mayo (Birthday) by Phyllis Sarvis + John Faccone by Jack Ingoglia

+ Remo Montella by parents + Augusto Vincenzi

+ Nancy Villari by Maria Gallorini People of the Parish

+ Elvin Diaz by La Familia

En Accion de Gracias al Divino Niño by Familia Meneses En Accion de Gracias por un año mas de vida by Erika Intriago June 15th

+ Special Intentions

+ Cesar Ureña by Ernestina Florentino + Ruben Perez by Esposa Ernestina Florentino + Gabriel y Juan Florentino by Ernestina Florentino June 16th

+ Dorothy Christmann by Leanne & Doug Christmann + Carmela & Giuseppe Tripodi (Ann.) by daughter & Family + Miraculous Medal/St. Anthony Novena

June 17th

+ Aurelio Tartaglione by wife

+ Lida Rossini by Donna & Pat DiCarlo

+ Franklin Arroyo Mendez (4to Mes) by La Familia + Teresa Barros de Savery by Fania Savery June 18th

+ Anne Scancarella by Joseph Castiglia + Intenciones Especiales

June 19th

+ Corrado, Giovanni & Tina Iozzia by Theresa Iozzia + Anthony Andreolo by Joyce Andreolo

June 20th

+ Special Intentions

+ John Faccone by Louise & Joe Pisciotto + Manuel Delgado by su mama y Familia + Andrea del Carmen Benites by Jorge Benites + Santos y Elida Ortiz by La Familia

En Accion de Gracias por los 60 Años de Francisco Batista by Familia June 21st - Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Father’s Day + John Faccone by Lucy Stamilla

+ Giuseppina Farina by Dal Gruppo Preghiere Padre Pio + Lida Rossini by Mr. & Mrs. John Ingallinera

+ Giovanni Cascione by John Cascione & Family + John Barnas by The Perdomo Family

+ Harvey Sarvis by wife Phyllis Sarvis + Florence & Sam Frapaul by daughter

+ Marguerite, Louis & Marie Rose DeLorenzo by Children + Ruth Alexandra Lazo Fajardo - 1er Mes

by sus padres Jorge y Rosa Lazo + Elvin Diaz by La Familia

+ Francisca Cierra Cueva (1er Año) by Brenda Rivas + Steve Admade by La Familia


Notas del Pastor

Estimados feligreses:

Era la época de la cosecha y un joven paseaba por el campo cuando se en-contró con un campo de grandes calabazas madurándose al sol. Se sentó a la sombra de un roble gigante y, sonriendo, pensó, "¿Pero qué hace Dios? Él crea tales cala-bazas grandísimas que crecen en vides delgadas y este roble fuerte sólo produce pequeñas bellotas." Reflexionando sobre la locura de la sabiduría de Dios, se quedó dormido respaldado en el enorme tronco del árbol. Minutos después fue despertado por algo que se cayó y le golpeó en la ca-beza. ¡Fue una bellota! Miró al campo de calabazas y después a la bellota que tenía en la mano y riendo dijo: "Tal vez Dios sabía lo que estaba haciendo después de todo. ¿Y si esto había sido una calabaza? "

A Dios le gusta empezar por lo pe-queño cuando quiere hacer algo grande en nuestro mundo. El salvador nació como un bebé en Belén y en el Evangelio de hoy el reino comienza como una semilla del tamaño de un grano de mostaza, pero crece hasta tener suficiente lugar en sus ramas para todos los pájaros del aire. Su trabajo se produce tan discretamente que a menudo es desapercibido por aquellos que no tienen la visión espiritual necesaria pa-ra observar lo que es.

Esa pequeña semilla fue plantada en todos nosotros en nuestro bautismo. Si llega a la madurez o no depende de cómo la cuidamos. Alimentados por la oración, las buenas obras y los sacramentos, nos convertimos en constructores del reino que producirá una buena cosecha para el Señor.

En su amor, Hermano John

How will the parish goals be determined? Parish

goal calculations are based on 100 percent of the 2013, offertory (first collections) using the reported in-formation for unrestricted plate and donations.

How much will my parish receive as part of this campaign? As part of the We Are Living Stones

Capital Campaign, $40 million will be allocated to help parishes meet their local needs. After the Works of

Mercy target is met, 50% of all funds raised will stay at

the parish for projects determined by local leadership.

Is our parish goal an assessment? No, the

estab-lished parish goals are not an assessment. However, the first monies raised at each parish will be allocated to help meet the parish’s “Works of Mercy” target. All parishes are asked to conduct a “good faith effort” and work with their assigned campaign director to achieve their goal. If, after conducting a “good faith effort” the parish does not meet its goal, the parish will not be assessed the balance.

When will parishes begin to receive their 50 per-cent share? Parishes in Block 1 can expect to receive

their first distribution of 50% of monies collected in Oc-tober of 2015. These payments will continue every quarter thereafter until the conclusion of the campaign. If the parish exceeds goal, they will receive 60% of all funds redeemed above the We Are Living Stones goal on the same timeline as stated above.

How will the campaign affect our parish offerto-ry? In the short term, offertory giving should remain

level, with a possible small fluctuation up or down. We make sure we communicate that parishioners are asked to consider a greater sacrifice and commitment to their Archdiocesan Church above and beyond their regular offertory giving, and should not lower their gifts to their parish in order to make a gift to this effort.


Where the Church is, there is the Spirit of God; and where the Spirit of God is, there is the Church and all grace, and the Spirit is truth.


HACKENSACK B.P.O. ELKS #658 Newly Renovated

Large Hall for RENT for any kind of Party. Ample Parking. Full Bar Available


37 Linden Street, Hackensack. Please call 201-487-0658.

Se RENTA salón para fiestas de todo tipo como cum-pleaños, bautizos, etc (acabado de renovar). Tienen dis-ponible una barra amplia. — BUEN PRECIO. Para más información sírvase llamar al número 201-487-0658.



El Grupo de “LA VIRGEN DE FATIMA” de la parroquia “San Francisco de Asís” continúa visi-tando los hogares. Si usted desea ser visitada por la Virgen Madre de Dios y Madre nuestra, escuchar la Palabra de Dios, rezar el rosario y cantar cantos, favor de llamar a los teléfonos de: Lola Santos 201-342-0685 o Gladys Cobos 201-580-7450.


Todos los Martes en la Iglesia nos reunimos para orar, cantar y alabar a Dios. Durante el año tenemos diferentes predicadores, misas de

sanación, etc. Hora: 7:30 PM. Cada último Martes del mes tendremos. Misa en Español a

las 7:30 PM.

HOW SHOULD WE DRESS FOR MASS? People generally have no real problem wearing proper clothing when entering places that de-mand such attire. Would you ever consider at-tending a formal dinner or a wedding dressed in a tee shirt and shorts, or a tank top and swimming trunks? Each Sunday the Lord invites us to His House. Are you dressed properly for this im-portant Sacred Sacrificial Meal?

¿CÓMO DEBEMOS VESTIR PARA LA MI-SA? La gente en general no tiene ningún

proble-ma en verdad en el uso de ropa adecuada al entrar en lugares que exigen tal atuendo. ¿Alguna vez consideraste ir a una cena formal o una boda ves-tido con una camiseta y pantalones cortos, o una camiseta y pantalones cortos de playa? Cada do-mingo, el Señor nos invita a su casa. ¿Estás vesti-do adecuadamente para este Sacrificio de Cena Sagrada?

PARISH MEMBERSHIP: New Parishioners are requested to register in the Parish as soon as possible. Please notify the Parish office of any changes in address and phone number.

Name ______________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ Town _______________________________________________ Phone # ____________________________________________

Please cut out and return to the Parish center or place in the basket.


I wish to receive a registration form I have a change of address

I am moving out of the parish FATHER’S DAY ENVELOPES

Beginning Sunday, June 7, at the entrance of the Church, you will find Father’s Day envelopes. You can remember your father, grandfather, uncle or other male relatives living or deceased. Fill out the envelope and return it either to the Church office or put it in the collection bas-ket with your donation. We ask for a $10 donation for each remem-brance. These envelopes will be placed on the altar during the month of June.

SOBRES POR EL DÍA DE LOS PADRES Al principio del mes de Junio, usted encontrará sobres por el Día de los Padres en la entrada de la Iglesia. Usted puede recordar a su padre, abuelo, tío o familia-res masculinos que estén vivos o difuntos. Llene el sobre y devuélvalo a la oficina o puede ponerlo en la canasta de limosnas con su donación durante la Misa. Pedimos una donación de $10 por persona. Estos so-bres se mantendrán en el altar durante el mes de Junio.


Donde está la Iglesia, allí está el Espíritu de Dios; y donde está el Espíritu de Dios, allí está la Iglesia y toda gracia.



The Collection for June 6 & 7 was $3,040.57 & the second collection for the Utility Fund was $1,076.


If you would like to have a loved one’s name mentioned in the bulletin, please call the church office at 201-343-6243.

In addition, if you would like an intention to be added to the Apostolate of Prayer list, please send it via e-mail to




This is WEEK #23 of the Christmas Club. You can pick up a set of Christ-mas Club envelopes at the entrances of

the Church after Mass.




Sunday, June 14th Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Flag Day

The Second collection is for the

Utility Fund

Monday, June 15th

7:00 PM Misa en Español

Tuesday, June 16th

7:00 PM Miraculous Medal/St. Anthony Novena

Wednesday, June 17th

7:00 PM Misa en Español Thursday, June 18th

7:00 PM Misa en Español

Friday, June 19th St. Romuald

Saturday, June 20th Blessed Virigin Mary 4 $2,842.2 $2,665.3 $3,000 $1,000 $2,000

Weekly Collections 2014/2015



6/8/14 5/17/15 5/24/15 5/31/14 $3,116.5 6/1/14 5/25/14 5/18/14 6/7/15 $3,040.5 $2,784.8 $2,788.8 $3,037.5 $2,607.8

MEMORIAL GIFTS THIS WEEK The Sanctuary Lamp will burn for

Peter Colombo

Donated by Family

The Sanctuary Lamp will burn for Remo Montella

Donated by parents

The Altar Bread will be consecrated for John Faccone

Donated by Joyce Andreolo

The Altar Flowers are for Augusto Vincenzi PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK POR FAVOR RECEN POR LOS ENFERMOS Pedro V., Dr. Adenike Opaleke, Rosanna Manisera, Angelina Manisera, Lucy, Rose, Shawn Leddy, Doro-thy Peplowski, Frank Gohr, Daisy, Liliana Cilebi, Princeton Crawford, Carlos Rojas, Miriam Ivone Valverde, Patricia Monica Garcia Villafuente, Erika Mercedes Villafuente Pacheco, Yunarli Adames, Ryan L, Jose Tineo, Kevin Hart, Mary Gavilan, Maria Ca-nesa, , Ginny Cattaneo, Anthony Fasulo, Ubelly Cor-dova, Jill Brooks, Daniel Agiar, Bobby Kendricks, Vivian & Gladys Cuesta, Julianna Guerra, Marie Sortino, Anna Mary, Donna Jean, Donna & Family, Debra, Pat, Louisa, Todd, Hanna, Nora Brunal, Alvin Gomez, Matt, Adrienne Marie, Marie Dragan, Louise, , Jean Tusa Giarratana, Aaron Santos, Taylor, Isabella Denisulk, Zoila.



Church name: St. Francis of Assisi - 50 Lodi Street, Hackensack, NJ 07601 Name: Kathy - Parish Secretary

Office Number: 201-343-6243 Bulletin # 228650 June 14th, 2015 Date of Publication: June 14th, 2015 Number of pages transmitted: 6


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