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CHURCH OF SAINT MARK 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time November 19, 2017 Fr. Paul Spellman, Pastor Fr. Michael Tang, In Residence Deacon Joseph Girard


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33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

November 19, 2017

Fr. Paul Spellman, Pastor Fr. Michael Tang, In Residence

Deacon Joseph Girard

940 Coeur d’Alene Ave., Venice, CA 90291 Phone: (310) 821-5058

E-mail:info@st-mark.net · website:www.st-mark.net

Parish Staff

Maintenance Antonio Rodriguez ... 821-5058 Rectory Care Maggie Robles ... 821-5058 Church Care Catalina Blasi ... 821-5058 Secretary Gabriela Bravo ... 821-5058 Offertory Program Blanca Meza ... 821-5058 Bookkeeper Joe Stockemer….…….821-5058


Altar Servers Joan Horne... 463-9017 Altar Servers (Sp) Romeo Santos………..720-0084 Altar Society Chris Putziger... 396-3265

Eucharistic Ministry:

In Church MaryAnn Long...……..717-2645 To the Sick (Eng) Fr. Paul Spellman ... 821-5058 In Church Romeo Santos………..720-0084 To the Sick (Sp) Ofelia Gonzalez ... 306-8768

Ministry of the Word

English Michael Shindle ... 821-5058 Spanish Erick Yela ... 463-9080

Wedding Coord. Gabriela Bravo ... 821-5058 Quinceañera Coord. Gabriela Bravo ... 821-5058


Music Director Maeve Becker ... 902-0109 Adult Choir Valerie Vinnard ... 323-804-7720 Spanish Choir Alex Venegas ... 213-675-0564 Organist/Pianist Mark Balling…………..390-3646

Ushers Steve Gunning (Eng) .. 306-9035

Parish School

Principal Mary Ann McQueen .... 821-6612 Secretary Mary Ann Welchhance 821-6612 Secretary Maria Donaldson...…...821-6612

Religious Education

Director Judy Girard…..822-1201 ext 249 Office Secretary Maria Acosta...822-1201 ext 250 Confirmation Jaime Perez ….822-1201ext 248 R.C.I.A. Susan Lewis…822-1201 ext 247

Parish Organization

Bereavement Ministry Fritz Hirt ... 827-1585 Guadalupanas Rosa Gonzalez ... 752-3891

Knights of Columbus Steve Gunning ... 306-9035 Power House of Prayer Barbara Kennedy ... 823-9387 Prayer Group (Esp) Luis Vasquez…….424-216-2961 Legion of Mary Lorene Ross……...…..306-2796

Pastoral Council Tom Suchy. ... 821-5058 Young Adult SaintMarkYAM@gmail.com

St. Vincent de Paul ……….424-272-1629

Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry (Sp) Fernando Guzman…..702-7701

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm Closed 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Sunday Masses: Saturday: (Vigil) 5:30pm

Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am 12 noon (Spanish) & 5:30pm

Daily Masses: Monday - Saturday 8:00am

Holy Day Masses: 8:00am, 12:15pm and

7:00pm (Bilingual)

Eucharistic First Monday of each month

Adoration : 8:30am to 8:30pm

Confessions: Saturday 4:30 - 5:15pm

Baptism: 3rd weekend of each month. Please contact the rectory office.

Marriage: 6 months notice is required. Please contact the rectory office.

Anointing of Sacrament for the sick is celebrated

The Sick: upon request. Please contact the rectory office.

Holy Eucharist Communion is given upon request.


33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Saint Mark Church November 19, 2017

Pastor’s Corner

For the past couple of weeks we have been pre-senting our Parish Pastoral Plan to the members of our St. Mark community. A lot of time and effort went in to preparing this plan, and many people shared their thoughts and ideas. The final product is nothing short of spectacular. Thank you to all who were involved in making this happen!

This Sunday we are going to explore how we can implement the goals that we have established. Many of these goals are aggressive, but I am confident that we can achieve them, with everyone's help and support. Beginning at the Masses this weekend we will be an-nouncing our Offertory Increase Program. Members of our parish community will be speaking at each of the Masses sharing their experiences and why they contrib-ute their time, talent, and treasure to St. Mark Church and School.

During my first year here at St. Mark we col-lected more in donations than we spent. And, I was hap-py about that. The next year we broke even. Last year, my third year, we operated at a deficit of about

$22,000.00 due to a decrease in our collections and an increase in some of our expenses.

Now that I am in my fourth year as your Pastor, I believe that it is time to approach our parishioners in a plan to ask you to evaluate what you are contributing to the church, and to ask you to increase it, if possible. Last year we had to dip in to our reserve funds to cover the deficit, and that is not a habit that I would like to get into. Rather, I would like each of us to look at the goals of our Pastoral Plan, and then ask ourselves to discern how God is calling us to take an active role in our plan of Growing in Service, Faith, and Mission. The goal of Stewardship is not to keep the lights on. Our goal at St. Mark is to determine how we can share the Light of Christ in our world!

Later this week you will be receiving infor-mation in the mail regarding our Offertory Increase Pro-gram and we will be asking you to make a commitment to increase your donations to support our parish minis-tries. I hope that you will prayerfully consider your pledge for the upcoming year.

During the remainder of this year, let us recog-nize our call to share the Light of Christ with one anoth-er!

Have a blessed Thanksgiving, and we hope you can join us for Mass on Thursday at 9:00 in the morn-ing!

May the Lord continue to bless us always and in all ways,

Father Paul Spellman


La Esquina del Párroco

En las últimas semanas hemos estado presentando nuestro Plan Pastoral de la Parroquia a los miembros de nuestra comunidad de San Marcos. Tomo mucho tiempo y esfuerzo para preparar este plan, y muchas personas com-partieron sus pensamientos e ideas. El producto final no es nada menos de espectacular. Gracias a todos los que parti-ciparon en hacer esto realidad!

Este domingo vamos a explorar cómo podemos implementar los objetivos que hemos establecido. Muchos de estos objetivos son agresivos, pero estoy seguro de que los podemos lograr, con el apoyo y ayuda de todos. Co-menzando en las Misas de este fin de semana anunciare-mos nuestro Programa del Aumento del Ofertorio. Miem-bros de nuestra comunidad hablaran en cada una de las misas para compartir sus experiencias y razones por qué contribuyen de su tiempo, talento y tesoro a la iglesia y la escuela de San Marcos.

Durante mi primer año en San Marcos recogimos en donaciones más de los que gastamos. Y yo estaba feliz. Al año siguiente cubrimos los gastos. El año pasado, mi tercer año, hemos operado a un déficit de unos $22.000,00 debido a una disminución en nuestras colectas y un au-mento en algunos de nuestros gastos.

Ahora que estoy en mi cuarto año como su Pas-tor, creo que es el momento de acercarme a nuestros feli-greses en un plan para pedirle a que evalúen lo que están contribuyendo a la iglesia y hacer aumentar, si es posible. El año pasado tuvimos que usar parte de nuestros fondos de reserva para cubrir el déficit, y eso no es un hábito en el que me gustaría entrar. Más bien, quisiera que cada uno de nosotros mire los objetivos de nuestro Plan Pastoral y discernir cómo Dios nos llama a tomar un papel activo en nuestro plan de crecimiento en servicio, la fe y la misión. El objetivo de la mayordomía no es mantener las luces encendidas. Nuestro objetivo en San Marcos es determinar cómo podemos compartir la luz de Cristo en nuestro mun-do.

Esta semana van a recibir información por correo acerca de nuestro programa de aumento de las donacio-nes y les pediremos que se comprometan a aumentar sus donaciones para apoyar nuestros ministerios parroquiales. Espero que consideren su compromiso para el próximo año.

Durante el resto de este año, reconozcamos nues-tro llamado para compartir la luz de Cristo el uno con el otro.

Que tengan un Día de Acción De Gracias bende-cido, y esperamos que puedan unirse a nosotros para la Misa del jueves a las 9 de la mañana.

Que el Señor nos siga bendiciendo siempre y en todas las formas,


READINGS FOR THE WEEK SPIRITUAL LIFE LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA VIDA ESPIRITUAL Monday: 1 Mc 1:10-15, 41-43, 54-57, 62-63; Ps 119:53, 61, 134, 150, 155, 158; Lk 18:35-43 Tuesday: 2 Mc 6:18-31; Ps 3:2-7; Lk 19:1-10 Wednesday: 2 Mc 7:1, 20-31; Ps 17:1bcd, 5-6, 8b, 15; Lk 19:11-28 Thursday: 1 Mc 2:15-29; Ps 50:1b-2, 5-6, 14-15; Lk 19:41-44 Thanksgiving Day, Suggested:

Sir 50:22-24; Ps 145:2-11; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Lk 17:11-19 Friday: 1 Mc 4:36-37, 52-59; 1 Chr 29:10bcd, 11-12; Lk 19:45-48 Saturday: 1 Mc 6:1-13; Ps 9:2-4, 6, 16, 19; Lk 20:27-40 Sunday: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3, 5-6; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 Lunes: 1 Mac 1:10-15, 41-43, 54-57, 62-63; Sal 119 (118):53, 61, 134, 150, 155, 158; Lc 18:35-43 Martes: 2 Mac 6:18-31; Sal 3:2-7; Lc 19:1-10

Miércoles: 2 Mac 7:1, 20-31; Sal 17 (16):1bcd, 5-6, 8b, 15;

Lc 19:11-28

Jueves: 1 Mac 2:15-29; Sal 50 (49):1b-2, 5-6, 14-15;

Lc 19:41-44

Día de Acción de Gracias (sugerencia): Sir 50:22-24; Sal 145 (144):2-11; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Lc 17:11-19

Viernes: 1 Mac 4:36-37, 52-59; 1 Cr 29:10bcd, 11-12; Lc 19:45-48

Sábado: 1 Mac 6:1-13; Sal 9:2-4, 6, 16, 19; Lc 20:27-40 Domingo: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Sal 23 (22):1-3, 5-6;

1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46


Es una práctica tradicional en nuestra iglesia católica para dedicar todo el mes de noviembre para recordar y orar por todos nuestros seres queridos que han fallecido. Por favor consideren inscribir a sus seres queridos y amigos en nues-tras Misas especiales. Los sobres especiales se pueden encon-trar en las bancas hoy.


It is a traditional practice in our Catholic Church to dedicate the entire month of November to remembering and praying for all of our beloved deceased. Please consider enrolling your family members and friends in our special Masses. The spe-cial enrollment envelopes are in the pews today.


Our Thanksgiving Loaves and Fishes drive is this weekend. This particular food drive will help families in our own com-munity by providing them with a Thanksgiving basket of food. Donations can be dropped off in the church. We thank you in advance for your generosity.


Este fin de semana tendremos nuestra colecta de pan y peces. Esta colecta en particular ayudara a familias en nuestra comu-nidad proviniéndoles con canastas de comida para el día de acción de gracia. Por favor de traer sus donaciones a la igle-sia. Gracias por su generosidad.


This Thursday, November 23rd, we will celebrate our joyful Thanksgiving Day Mass at 9:00am. All are invited to bring the bread and wine that will be shared with their families this day for a special blessing. If you will be in town, please begin your day with us. There will be complimentary coffee and donuts after mass!


Este jueves, el 23 de noviembre, a las 9.00am celebraremos nuestra Misa de Acción de Gracias. Les invitamos a traer el pan y vino que se compartirá con sus familias este día para una bendición especial. Por favor comience su día con noso-tros. ¡Habrá café y donuts gratis después de la Misa!


The Guadalupe Society of Saint Mark will have a bus for the Annual Archdiocesan Procession in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe. This beautiful celebration will be on Sunday, December 3rd at the Stadi-um of the East Los Angeles College. The cost is $5 per adult and $3 for children over five years old. Families with more than three chil-dren will get a special discount. Payment must be made at the time of reservation. The bus will leave at 8:30am in front of the school and will return at approximately 4:30pm. Please arrive early and bring your lunch, rosaries, flags and native or regional attire from your country. There will be a representative out on the church patio after the 12:00pm mass taking reservations this weekend. For infor-mation and for reservations please call:

Josefina Ramirez 310-578-6499

Gilma Rodas 323-392-3964

Ofelia Gonzalez 310-306-8768


La Sociedad Guadalupana de San Marcos tendrá un autobús para ir a la Procesión anual de la Arquidiócesis en honor de la celebración de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe el domingo 3 de diciembre en el Esta-dio del Colegio del Este de Los Ángeles. El precio por adulto es $5 y $3 por niños mayores de 5 anos. Familias con mas de tres niños se les dará descuento. Se les suplica que paguen por adelantado para garantizar su reservación. El autobús saldrá a las 8:30am de enfrente de la escuela y regresara aproximadamente a las 4:30pm. Se les sugiere que lleven su lonche, rosarios, banderas, y trajes típicos de sus regiones o países. Habrá representantes en el patio de la iglesia después de las misa de 12:00pm para tomar reservaciones este fin de semana. Para mas información y reservaciones por favor llame: Josefina Ramirez 310-578-6499

Gilma Rodas 323-392-3964


Sat. Nov 18 5:30pm Q. J. Jacobs & Family † Sun. Nov 19 7:30am Holy Spirit

9:00am Frank Family † 10:30am All Souls

12:00pm Ramirez Rocha Family 5:30pm Holy Spirit

Mon. Nov 20 8:00am All Souls Tues. Nov 21 8:00am All Souls Wed. Nov 22 8:00am All Souls Thurs. Nov 23 9:00am All Souls Fri. Nov 24 8:00am All Souls

Sat. Nov 25 8:00am Clemente & Renato Neflas †

Sat. Nov 25 5:30pm Fr. Paul Spellman Sun. Nov 26 7:30am Fr. Paul Spellman 9:00am Fr. Paul Spellman 10:30am Fr. Paul Spellman 12:00pm Fr. Paul Spellman 5:30pm Fr. Michael Tang


First Reading — The woman who fears the LORD is to be praised (Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31).

Psalm — Blessed are those who fear the Lord (Psalm 128). Second Reading — Brothers and sisters, you are children of

the light (1 Thessalonians 5:1-6).

Gospel — To all those who have, more will be given, and

they will have an abundance (Matthew 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21]).



Primera lectura — Un esposo es capaz de confiar su corazón

a su esposa que es como una joya (Proverbios 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31).

Salmo — Bendito sean los que temen al Señor (Salmo 128


Segunda lectura — El día del Señor vendrá como el ladrón

en la noche (1 Tesalonicenses 5:1-6).

Evangelio — Porque has sido fiel en lo poco, ven a compartir

la alegría de tu Señor (Mateo 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21]).

This Week at St. Mark’s Nov 20 - Nov 26, 2017

Mon. 8:00am Mass - Church

Meditation Group 7:00pm - School Bible Study 7:00pm - School Spanish Leaders 7:00pm - School Tues. 8:00am Mass - Church

St. Vincent de Paul 7:00pm - School Wed. Legion of Mary 6:00pm - School Thurs. Thanksgiving Day

9:00am Mass - Church Fri. 8:00am Mass - Church Sat. 8:00am Mass - Church

Confessions 4:30pm –5:15pm

Sun. Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Mass Times: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00pm(Sp), 5:30pm

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Saint Mark Church November 19, 2017


Last Sunday the Community of St. Mark officially welcomed adults into the period of the Catechumenate that will lead to the Easter sacraments. They are: Hilary Adams, Kathy Lew-is, Anneke Pribadi, Dennis Swanson, and Angela Tesic. Please keep them in your prayers as they continue their jour-ney of faith. In addition, Inquiry sessions continue each Wednesdays at 6:30pm in the school for anyone who is just now is considering membership in the Catholic Church. Please call the Religious Education Office for more infor-mation

Concern America Craft Sale

On Sunday, December 10, Concern America will be here at St. Mark Church with a Craft Sale featuring unique quality handcrafts that provide us with the opportunity to purchase conscientiously. The gifts we find for special events, holi-days, or to brighten our own homes are an exchange of caring with impoverished communities in developing countries. This year there will be many new crafts from Bangladesh, El Salvador Guatemala, and Mexico. Inspired by nature, these beautifully handcrafted textiles, ceramics and wood products, honor indigenous traditions, and were selected to be remind-ers that when a Concern America product is purchased we are providing a source of income to materially poor communities; promoting human scale endeavors; eco-friendly work pat-terns; and fair working conditions.




Your prayers are requested for the repose of the soul

Larry McNamee

May his soul rest in peace.

All are invited to attend the Funeral Service here at St. Mark Church on Friday, November 24th at 12:00pm



During the month of November, hygiene items - soap, shampoo, body lotion, and toothpaste are being collected by St. Mark School to benefit the Westside Thanksgiving event (an annual event sponsored by many Westside churches and charitable organizations). Please feel free to drop your hygiene items by the school to benefit the homeless people who will be the recipients of these items. If you travel and have travel size hygiene items to donate we will happily accept them. Should you have any questions about this drive, contact the school office. The school will be participating in the Loaves and Fishes food drive to benefit local families in need as well.


Durante el mes de noviembre, la escuela de San Marcos esta colectando artículos de higiene - jabón, champú, y pasta de dientes para beneficiar al evento de acción de gracias del Westside. Por favor traiga sus donaciones a la escuela. Si usted viaja y tiene artículos de higiene de tamaño de viaje para donar, los aceptaríamos felizmente. Si tienes preguntas sobre esta colecta, póngase en contacto con la oficina de la escuela. La escuela también estará participando en la colecta de pan y peses en beneficio de las familias en necesidad.

Family travel safety rules

If you’re travelling to spend Thanksgiving with friends or family, it’s important that everyone in your group is up to speed on travel safety, and this safety starts at home. Make sure you have plans in place that let friends and family know where you’re headed and set up your house to look “live-in” when you’re on the road. Teach kids to pack smart—avoid brining unneeded valuables and carry only the necessary ID cards and money in the event of an emergency.

For particular help you may call Suzanne Healy, director of Assis-tance Ministry at (213) 637-7650.

Reglas de seguridad para viajar en familia

Si usted viajara para pasar el Día de Acción de Gracias con sus amigos o con su familia, es importante que todos en su grupo estén al día con la seguridad de los viajes y esta seguri-dad comienza en casa. Asegúrese de tener planes que le per-miten a sus amigos y familiares saber a donde se dirige, y preparar su casa para que se mire como que alguien esta aden-tro cuanto todos se hayan ido. Ensene a los niños a empacar inteligentemente: evite llevar objetos de valor innecesarios y lleve solo las tarjetas de identificación necesaria y dinero en caso de una emergencia.

Para obtener ayuda puede llamar a Suzanne Healy, directora del Mi-nisterio de Ayuda al (213) 637-7650.


The careful and responsible management of something en-trusted to one’s care; one of the largest responsibilities God places on our shoulders; something that needs to be an inten-tional effort and priority. Are you a good steward of what God has entrusted to you? Are you grateful? Think of an ex-ample of how you have given of your time, talent and treasure during the past 24 hours.


La gestión cuidadosa y responsable de algo confiado al cuida-do de uno; una de las responsabilidades mas grandes que Dios ha puesto sobre nuestros hombros; algo que necesita ser un esfuerzo intencional y una prioridad. ¿Eres un buen adminis-trador de lo que Dios te ha confiado? ¿Estas agradecido? Piense en un ejemple de como ha dado de su tiempo, talento y tesoro durante las ultimas 24 horas.


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