Bamidele Adeola Ajamu
1 year ago

#Calculating #Variance with #DAX

One of the key focus of analysis is comparison. Budget vs Actual, current year performance vs last year, etc.
See below some key elements of the screenshot below:

  1. Learn how to use #comment for cleaner #code and easy knowledge transfer.

  2. #Variables within measures also help performance

  3. Sameperiodlastyear does wonders most times for previous year calculations

  4. Use #divide #function not / to have opportunity of specifying an alternative #value incase of error or division by 0 or null data

  5. You can use conditional format to insert icons (i.e positive or negative or neutral) for a table.

  6. Variance% can also be calculated by (actual/Budget)-1 . From my Maths class.

How would you have solve this?

I hope someone that needs this sees it, kindly #like, #share, #comment and #follow.
#Tool: #Microsopt #PowerBI



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Neil Daw 1 year ago


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Bamidele Adeola Ajamu (1 year ago)

Neil Daw glad you love it.