How can I display the names without duplicates and the numbers for each person going across in columns.

1 year ago 26 Replies
Mike Cornish
1 year ago

Excel Question:
If I have the follow data (attached pic). How can I display the names without duplicates and the numbers for each person going across in columns.

For example:
Mike 5 8 5
David 8 7



Biplab Das 1 year ago

Mike Cornish using Name Range

Mayukh Bhattacharya 1 year ago

Mike Cornish refer image below using MS365 formula

• Formula used in cell D2

=LET(_name,A2:A18, IFERROR(UNIQUE(HSTACK(A2:A18, MAKEARRAY(ROWS(_name),MAX(COUNTIF(A2:A18,A2:A18)), LAMBDA(r,c,INDEX(FILTER(B2:B18,_name=INDEX(_name,r)),c))))),""))

1 Like
Mike Cornish (1 year ago)

Mayukh Bhattacharya that formula seems very impressive. I'll definitely try it out. Thanks for your assistance, wow 👌

Mayukh Bhattacharya (1 year ago)

Mike Cornish Sir, you are excel consultant so you know more than me!!!

Mike Cornish (1 year ago)

Mayukh Bhattacharya knowing some things is one thing, haven't met someone who's a master of Excel, yet. Thanks again

Mayukh Bhattacharya (1 year ago)

Mike Cornish Sir, tbh, saw some of your solutions work which gives inspiration and helped to learn as well. thank you very much sir

Mike Cornish (1 year ago)

Mayukh Bhattacharya I have used your formula to remove all duplicate names. Now how do I transpose the numbers to the right of each name?

Mayukh Bhattacharya (1 year ago)

Mike Cornish sorry i havent got any notification, just saw now. Also it has been solved now.

মোঃ হারুন অর রশিদ 1 year ago


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NaBeel GonDal 1 year ago

what is your excel version?

Mike Cornish (1 year ago)

NaBeel GonDal 365

NaBeel GonDal (1 year ago)

Mike Cornish

=+UNIQUE(C2:C8) =TEXTJOIN(" ",,FILTER($D$2:$D$8,E2=$C$2:$C$8))

set ranges

Biplab Das (1 year ago)

Mike Cornish Why you delay & waste time. There several solutions but depends on structure. Show your expected result in Excel format so that we can give you the answers.

Mike Cornish (1 year ago)

Biplab Das why are you suggesting I'm wasting time? The answers I have to received are good but are version dependant

Biplab Das (1 year ago)

Mike Cornish We want to see output sample in Excel Format because Solution depends on output Structure

Mike Cornish (1 year ago)

Biplab Das the output will be; Column 1 Name, Column 2 Result 1, Column 3 Result 2, Column 4 Result 4....

Like I said I need to see what Result is most suitable depending on excel version for the end user

Biplab Das (1 year ago)

Mike Cornish same as this ?

Åm Ān 1 year ago

Please anyone solve this...

Biplab Das 1 year ago

Mike Cornish Use Simple Pivot Table. It can do all very easily

Sample Attached.

Mike Cornish (1 year ago)

Biplab Das yes this did work, thank you

Biplab Das (1 year ago)

Mike Cornish Edit Post & Write #Solved in TOP of the post

Mike Cornish (1 year ago)


Gamal Ebrahim 1 year ago

دالة uniqie

Anil Maurya 1 year ago

to make tha array and use count if formula

Mike Cornish 1 year ago

Thanks guys for your replies, I am working through the best approach unfortunately I'm working with a few computers with different versions of Excel...

Mayukh Bhattacharya (1 year ago)

Mike Cornish Sir, if there is no issue, then I think Power Query can be used as well, which is applicable from Windows Excel 2010+ onwards, however if the end user is very much new to excel, then i think using a combination of IF(), COUNTIF() & VLOOKUP() can also be used.