it works when you input H5 and H9 in C104...

1 year ago 6 Replies
Ade Snow
1 year ago

Hi everyone, it's probably because it's early, but I can't understand why this formula isn't working in cell N104... it works when you input H5 and H9 in C104... can anyone shed any light? Oh, if I remove the last "", it just 'false' messages...



Lionel Lamy 1 year ago

The last IF should test C104 and not H104 IF(C104="H4", ......

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Ade Snow 1 year ago

I've sussed it, sorry, wrong cell reference... staring too long... 😁

Erik Guzik 1 year ago

Better formula =if(c104="","",(i104-h104)-($L$4*(c104="H9"))) Why do the calculation 3 different times... It's already the same unless H9

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Ade Snow (1 year ago)

Erik Guzik it's not, as there's a H4, H5 and a H9, so 3 required, surely...

Erik Guzik (1 year ago)

Ade Snow Right its what it does... if its H4 or H5 you do (I104-H104) so thats 2 of 3 ---- if its H9 then you do (I104-H104)-L4 and that is what it it does. you have no other criteria listed so as long as C104 is not blank, it does the correct calculation. Keep formulas as simple as possible keeps the mistakes of typing H105 and not C104

Ade Snow (1 year ago)

Okay, see now... cheers...