Relevant answer

Bart Smith 1 year ago


So if your time offset in hours is in cell A2, your dates are in B2:B, your times are in C2:C

For the new date:


For the new time:


Or wrap them all together into one:


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Relevant answer

Daphne Melo 1 year ago

Na célula G2, coloca a seguinte fórmula:


obs: Substitui o nome 'Página1' para o nome da aba onde está sua tabela 1 - a que recebe as idades. Ou se as tabelas tiverem na mesma aba, apenas remova o 'Página1' da fórmula.

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Rudyard Gomez 1 year ago

Just try this if it works for you.



Relevant answer

Billy Boerner 1 year ago

Sorry I am having trouble posting. The formula you posted didn't work. It's still only pulling the first Office Expenses. For some reason it's not summing the second one Travel Expenses. Any more formulas you may have? Thank you for your help!


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Will Taylor 1 year ago

try: function myFunction() { var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet(); ss.getRange("B1").setFormula("=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(A1="","",IFERROR(IFERROR(REGEXREPLACE(A1,"(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d{2,4})","$2/$1/$3")*1,A1)*1,A1)))"); var lr = ss.getLastRow(); var filldownRange = ss.getRange(1, 2, lr); ss.getRange("B1").copyTo(filldownRange); }


Relevant answer

Marc Bergiste 1 year ago

Hi, check this out, using QUERY and RANK (which is actualy not necessary, as the names wlll always be ranked in order 1 to 9). =QUERY(B4:C14,"SELECT B, SUM(C) WHERE C IS NOT NULL GROUP BY B ORDER BY SUM(C) DESC",0).

Hope this helps !

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