AVERAGE Function

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Fiktur Fox 1 year ago

Jose Joie Rain Lising If those were plain texts, you can use 'find and replace'. If those were numbers with comma as decimal separator, you can change the format. If you want it as is and just get the sum, you can use MAP() or BYROW() functions, replacing/substituting the comma with a period and multiplying it with 1 then wrap with SUM() or AVEGARE() functions.


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Kent Paulsson 1 year ago
  1. Where do you want the Result and in what Format ?
  2. Even if say NEVER will happen, still should include something in Formula/Function to cover that...

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Mayukh Bhattacharya 1 year ago

Lisa J. Emerson i would do something like this

=TEXT(AVERAGE(F2:F800),"0.00")&" g" or use a custom formatting like #,##0.00 "g"

That said I will specifically use custom formatting so that I can further use the value in someother calculations. Making it as text formatting only increases use of functions.


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Kelley Driver 1 year ago

wrap the formula in =IFERROR() function and return a value if there is an error is your formula (not shown so have no idea what the formula is). Other item, if these are merged cells, its going to make copying formulas difficult. Merged cells should really be avoided at almost all times.

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