ISBLANK Function

Relevant answer

Danilo Carvalho 1 year ago

You can modify the formula to only record the timestamp when the value in column M first becomes "Active" using the IF and ISBLANK functions. Here's an example formula:


This formula checks if M2 is "Active" and if N2 is blank. If both conditions are true, it records the current date and time using the NOW function. If N2 is not blank, it displays the existing timestamp in N2.

If M2 is not "Active", or if M2 is "Active" but N2 already contains a timestamp, the formula returns an empty string, as per your original formula.

Once the timestamp is recorded, it will not change even if the query refreshes and updates the value in column M again in the future.

You can drag the formula down to apply it to other rows in the column.


Relevant answer

Scott Lu 1 year ago

suggest using conditional formatting in column D to remind people there is something missing if the cell beside the first Assy# in B is empty

  1. select D5:D30,
  2. conditional formatting, formula =and(d5="",b5<>b4)
  3. choose color to run

Relevant answer

Prantosh Bhattacharyya 1 year ago

=IF(ISBLANK(I2),"",IF(I2>TODAY(),CONCATENATE("Due in ", DAYS(I2,TODAY()), IF(DAYS(I2,TODAY()) =1," day"," days")), IF(TODAY()-I2=0, "Due Today", "Overdue")))

Use this and paste it on cell "J2", then drag it down till "J8". It should work.


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Fiktur Fox 1 year ago

Ifs() function comes in pairs, logical argument and the value if it is true. Looking at the 3rd pair in your formula for example, the logical argument is not comparing to anything but just texts. Looks like you followed the syntax of an IF() function and applied it on an IFS() function. Might reconsider your formula to have a nested IF() function in that case.


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Kent Paulsson 1 year ago
  1. Where do you want the Result and in what Format ?
  2. Even if say NEVER will happen, still should include something in Formula/Function to cover that...

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