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and Internet

Uso e impacto de internet = Internet use and impact

Uso e impacto de internet = Internet use and impact

... Respecto de la posible declinación de los medios tradicionales de comunicación, si bien Internet apare- ce restándole tiempo de visionado a la TV, no ocurre lo mismo con la lectura de diarios en papel. Como los ...


Playing cat and mouse: consumer empowerment and marketing interaction on the internet

Playing cat and mouse: consumer empowerment and marketing interaction on the internet

... (IT) and internet use on firms and ...satisfaction and empowerment more closely and, on the other hand, of the consumers behaving more rationally and efficiently in their ...


GMPLS-OBS interoperability and routing acalability in internet

GMPLS-OBS interoperability and routing acalability in internet

... volume and dy- namics. The scalability, convergence, and stability properties of Internet inter-domain routing and addressing systems are concerning many as summarized in the IETF workshop ...


Plagiarism, internet and academic success at the university

Plagiarism, internet and academic success at the university

... frequency and apparent lack of awareness, into the stu- dents, of the moral implications (Perry, ...Degrés and Le Sphinx Développement (2008) showed some significant behaviors of students and ...


Plagiarism, Internet and Academic Success at the University

Plagiarism, Internet and Academic Success at the University

... en Internet han abierto las puertas a un fenómeno que no es nuevo, el plagio se ha incrementado en el campo educativo y al mismo tiempo han surgido herramientas para su ...2007). Internet está presente en ...


China and the African Internet: Perspectives from Kenya and Ethiopia

China and the African Internet: Perspectives from Kenya and Ethiopia

... the Internet and the ...of Internet users and relative stability have quietly promoted an example of how the Internet can be deployed within the larger polit- ical and economic ...


La otra internet

La otra internet

... de Internet para la comunicación aspectos de la gestión de algunas esferas de gobierno, que se viene desarrollando desde hace unos años con la intención de dar más transparencia a la misma, no parece haber tenido ...


Learning in virtual environments: Some discrepancies between laboratory- and Internet-based research on associative learning

Learning in virtual environments: Some discrepancies between laboratory- and Internet-based research on associative learning

... pairings and, after enough training has been provided, their knowledge of these cue-outcome relations is assessed by several ...cue and the ...cue and the to-be-predicted outcome (for a more detailed ...


Standards of use and search for information on Internet addiction / Patrones de uso y búsqueda de información sobre adicciones en Internet

Standards of use and search for information on Internet addiction / Patrones de uso y búsqueda de información sobre adicciones en Internet

... de Internet en la búsqueda de información sobre adicciones, en dos colectivos diferen- ciados, por una parte en estudiantes universitarios de la Comunidad Valencia y en segundo lugar, en profesionales que trabajan ...


Playful embodiment: Body and identity performance on the Internet

Playful embodiment: Body and identity performance on the Internet

... new Internet devices and their related prac- tices is that former chats, electronic forums, virtual communities, ...rights and chances for public ...networks and blog platforms open several ...


Fixed Costs, Product Variety, and Welfare on the Internet

Fixed Costs, Product Variety, and Welfare on the Internet

... the internet, many authors have concentrated on its welfare ...elasticities, and price dispersion at electronic markets and compared them with those from conventional ...(1998), and ...


Internet y el derecho al honor de los menores The Internet and children’s rights

Internet y el derecho al honor de los menores The Internet and children’s rights

... a internet sin alcanzar la edad legalmente estipulada o sin supervisar de manera habitual su acceso a internet no supondría una suerte de negligencia grave por parte de los responsables de dicho ...


Reseña del libro La etnografía virtual revisitada: Internet y las nuevas tecnologías digitales como objetos de estudio, de Christine Hine

Reseña del libro La etnografía virtual revisitada: Internet y las nuevas tecnologías digitales como objetos de estudio, de Christine Hine

... de Internet más allá de los enfoques anteriores, que según Hine, reproducen los dualismos real/virtual, verdad/ficción, auténtico/fabricado, ...en Internet involucrando a un gran número de usuarios que ...


An overview of use, knowledge and perceptions of the Internet in Spain

An overview of use, knowledge and perceptions of the Internet in Spain

... attitudes, and perceptions of the Internet in the entire of Spanish territory (16 – 65 þ ...use and penetration that different digital services have in the Spanish ...of internet access ...


Broadcast Yourself! Internet and playful media practices

Broadcast Yourself! Internet and playful media practices

... popularity and contributed to define the phenomenon ...2006 and rapidly spread over the web, finally becoming a mass phenomenon in Hong ...companies and other media as newspapers and radio ...


Art – Internet and public sphere – Ubayasiri – 2006

Art – Internet and public sphere – Ubayasiri – 2006

... author and the arguable propensity towards mass tyranny many seemingly undermine the very foundation of the public sphere, and its ability to generate, presumably positive public ...sphere and what ...


Analysis and study of data security in the Internet of Things paradigm from a Blockchain technology approach

Analysis and study of data security in the Internet of Things paradigm from a Blockchain technology approach

... indefinitely and others exposed ...presence and avoiding additional costs that occur in traditional contracts with many intermediaries and other administrative ...secure and protected ...


Dirigentas de campamento y actividad mediática : más allá de internet = Female slum community leaders and media activity : beyond the internet

Dirigentas de campamento y actividad mediática : más allá de internet = Female slum community leaders and media activity : beyond the internet

... La irrupción de la llamada Web 2.0 es comúnmente vista como el factor fundamental en la transformación del comportamiento de las audiencias (e.g. Bruns, 2007; Deuze, 2006a; Uricchio, 2004). Las nuevas tecnologías ...


Glo – Terms and acronyms in Future Mobile – Telenor – 2005.pdf

Glo – Terms and acronyms in Future Mobile – Telenor – 2005.pdf

... standard), and thus endorsed by the ...literature and often pronounced ...bindings and message formats required to interact with the web services listed in its ...operations and mes- sages are ...


Terms and Acronyms in Privacy in Telecommunications

Terms and Acronyms in Privacy in Telecommunications

... 3G and global specifications for the radio transmission technologies (RTTs) supported by ...broadband, and Internet Protocol (IP)-based mobile systems featuring network-to-network interconnection, ...


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