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Artificial Intelligence and Law

Investigaciones de Michele Taruffo y de la “Artificial Intelligence and Law”

Investigaciones de Michele Taruffo y de la “Artificial Intelligence and Law”

... Afortunadamente, hay quienes han asumido frontalmente la misión de explorar las complejidades del razonamiento probatorio en el derecho. De entre quienes cultivan este tópico en nuestra tradición jurídica podemos ...


Artificial intelligence impact on the legal sphere

Artificial intelligence impact on the legal sphere

... the artificial intelligence leads to the significant transformation in the whole social ...Undoubtedly, artificial intelligence becomes the indicator of success and permeates much of ...


Combining artificial intelligence and robust techniques with MRAC in fault tolerant control

Combining artificial intelligence and robust techniques with MRAC in fault tolerant control

... surfaces and can be divided in single faults (aileron or elevator stuck) or double faults (aileron and elevator ...This Artificial Neural Network controller employs a feedback error learning method ...


Micromechanics as a testbed for artificial intelligence methods evaluation

Micromechanics as a testbed for artificial intelligence methods evaluation

... The main idea of low cost micromechanical equipment manufacturing is the following: each new micro device should be manufactured by micromachine tools and micro assembly devices which have the overall sizes ...


Game Artificial Intelligence: Challenges for the Scientific Community

Game Artificial Intelligence: Challenges for the Scientific Community

... psychology and player satisfaction, marketing and gamication, articial in- telligence, computer graphics and even education and health (serious ...


Artificial intelligence and human rights: are they convergent or parallel to each other?

Artificial intelligence and human rights: are they convergent or parallel to each other?

... Inteligencia Artificial (IA) ha sido central en el diálogo sobre un marco legal que aborde la creación de un equilibrio entre la IA y los derechos humanos por parte de los gobiernos del ...inteligencia ...


Can PARLASUR change it all? : an analysis of its impacts on the integration process of Mercosur in the light of the evolution of the european parliament

Can PARLASUR change it all? : an analysis of its impacts on the integration process of Mercosur in the light of the evolution of the european parliament

... community law is left to each country to answer, which poses a new problem due to the lack of correspondence among the criteria adopted by the member ...binding and shall have primacy over domestic ...


Learning-Based Perception, Control, and Navigation for Autonomous Missions in Aerial Robotics

Learning-Based Perception, Control, and Navigation for Autonomous Missions in Aerial Robotics

... Wang and Zhang, 2016; Prasad and Rao, 2016; Zhao et ...identification and analysis. In Wang and Zhang, 2016, Gabor features were used to train an SVM classifier for insulator ...insulator ...


Agent based manufacturing systems: a generic platform and its methodology for technological migration from FMS to RMS

Agent based manufacturing systems: a generic platform and its methodology for technological migration from FMS to RMS

... scale and rapid changes in process technology requires creating production systems that are themselves easily upgradable and into which new technologies and new functions can be readily ...Ulsoy, ...


Identifying Desert locust breeding areas by means of Earth Observation in Mauritania

Identifying Desert locust breeding areas by means of Earth Observation in Mauritania

... crop and pasture losses, as well as reducing control spending, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) highlights the necessity to implement preventive strategies over the countries ...


Emotional intelligence and leadership

Emotional intelligence and leadership

... emotions and emotions of others in the best way, affects different aspects as the performance at work, helping you to lead and motivate others or navigate and manage the social complexities of the ...


2019 Ardila Intelligence

2019 Ardila Intelligence

... Binet and named them the Stanford Revision of the Binet Scale, or ...measure intelligence, including the Stanford–Binet Intelligence Scales, the Raven’s Progressive Matrices, the Wechsler Adult ...


Automatic detection of signals by using artificial intelligence techniques

Automatic detection of signals by using artificial intelligence techniques

... (RBFs) and 1 output neuron are considered. Since coherent data are processed and real-arithmetic is used in the RBFN, K = 2N in this ...K and H are studied in the thesis to determine the best ...


Artificial intelligence (AI) methods in optical networks: A comprehensive survey

Artificial intelligence (AI) methods in optical networks: A comprehensive survey

... switched and an optical circuit-switched network live together, machine learning-based fl ow classi fi cation may be a decisive so- lution to improve speed and accuracy, besides improving adapt- ability to ...


Evidence Admissibility Based On Results Of Law Enforcement Intelligence Operations

Evidence Admissibility Based On Results Of Law Enforcement Intelligence Operations

... LEIO and information obtained already during the criminal ...for law enforcement intelligence operations, and then for the criminal process, the same person reports, they have a different ...


Concept and theoretical aspects of international migration law

Concept and theoretical aspects of international migration law

... formation and development of international migration law, which we think are controversial and ...subjective and objective theoretical views of various scholars on the field, and ...




... errors and multiple entries on the Amazon site; it thus needed human labour to correctly tag and classify its catalogue ...of artificial intelligence that spurred the need for human input, ...


The Learning Machine and the Spaceship in the Garden  AI and the design of planetary 'nature'

The Learning Machine and the Spaceship in the Garden AI and the design of planetary 'nature'

... data and data into design: data that can be collected, processed, analysed and, in the most ambitious imagin- ings, physically manipulated via these feedback systems back out in the “real” or “natural” ...


Implementación de Redes Generativas Adversarias (GANs) para la generación de imágenes de tejido humano

Implementación de Redes Generativas Adversarias (GANs) para la generación de imágenes de tejido humano

... In practice, a known dataset serves as the initial training data for the discriminator. Training the discriminator involves presenting it with samples from the dataset, until it reaches some level of accuracy. Typically ...


Computational intelligence for simulating a LiDAR sensor

Computational intelligence for simulating a LiDAR sensor

... (Hightower and Borriello 2001), Time of Arrival (Pottie and Kaiser 2000), Time Difference of Arrival (Priyantha et ...2000) and Angle of Arrival (Savvides et ...consumption and the ...


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