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Autonomous Communities

Reranking and financing of autonomous communities. An approximation.

Reranking and financing of autonomous communities. An approximation.

... of autonomous communities, which supposes also a novelty in the field of the fiscal ...of autonomous communities of common regime produces a inequality that supposes a 40% of the initial ...


Tourist-Cultural Routes and Itineraries in the Official Tourism Portals of the Spanish Autonomous Communities

Tourist-Cultural Routes and Itineraries in the Official Tourism Portals of the Spanish Autonomous Communities

... Spanish autonomous governments play a fundamental ...the Autonomous Communities try to publicize their culture and their tourism ...the Autonomous Communities in their official portals ...


Performance in science, epistemic conceptions, and STEM vocations in Spain’s autonomous communities: evidence from PISA 2015, improvement policies, and practices

Performance in science, epistemic conceptions, and STEM vocations in Spain’s autonomous communities: evidence from PISA 2015, improvement policies, and practices

... The second viewpoint relates to “the ability to engage with science-related issues, and with the ideas of science, as a reflexive citizen” (OECD, 2016b, p. 28). In view of the important penetration of scientific knowl- ...


Regional Leaders and Voting in Two-Party Autonomous Communities (2007-2011)

Regional Leaders and Voting in Two-Party Autonomous Communities (2007-2011)

... The seven Autonomous Communities in- cluded in the study are: Castile and León, Castile-La Mancha, Madrid, Valencia, Ex- tremadura, La Rioja and Murcia. In all of them the Popular Party (PP) and the ...


Inequality and welfare in Spain and its Autonomous Communities

Inequality and welfare in Spain and its Autonomous Communities

... Adviértase que la valoración social de una distribución de la renta resulta así dependiente tanto de la forma de la función de bienestar social (utilitarista, en este caso), como de la[r] ...


Aggregate ranking of Spain’s universities in the Shanghai Ranking (ARWU): Effect on autonomous communities and campuses of international excellence

Aggregate ranking of Spain’s universities in the Shanghai Ranking (ARWU): Effect on autonomous communities and campuses of international excellence

... The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) or Shanghai Ranking is a de facto standard to determine the position of universities worldwide. Improving ranking positions has become the goal of universities and ...


Configuration of an Autonomous Vehicle a Systematic Framework

Configuration of an Autonomous Vehicle a Systematic Framework

... This structuring serves to the integration process. Individual modules can be built and tested separately to fulfill its functionality, which will provide faster and reliable proto- typing of the particular subsystem. ...


The autonomous learning strategies for distance education.

The autonomous learning strategies for distance education.

... in autonomous learning, this part makes clear that autonomous learning does not mean learners simply learn on their ...becoming autonomous need a teacher to support them to reach the highest possible ...


Learning life cycle in autonomous intelligent systems

Learning life cycle in autonomous intelligent systems

... Abstract Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) integrate planning, learning, and execution in a closed loop, showing an autonomous intelligent behavior. A Learning Life Cycle (LLC) Operators, Trained Base ...


Medidor de oleaje autónomo y programableWave meter autonomous programmable

Medidor de oleaje autónomo y programableWave meter autonomous programmable

... En el sistema que se desarrolla (MOle), se pens6 en primera instancia en usar como almacén de datos, una cinta magnética, lo cual implicaba evidentemente el uso de una grabadora, pero de[r] ...


Configuration of an Autonomous Vehicle a Systematic Framework

Configuration of an Autonomous Vehicle a Systematic Framework

... Challenging applications for AVs are in demanding environments that involve from just scientific research to industrious tasks. In agriculture, construction, and mining applications, AVs are required to improve the ...


Development of non linear and autonomous NPC

Development of non linear and autonomous NPC

... The project presents several risks, the first comes in the planning itself, since it is not possible to determine exactly how long it will take to develop all the mechanics proposed, especially as regards AI. I’ve worked ...


Autonomous vehicle control systems for safe crossroads

Autonomous vehicle control systems for safe crossroads

... In this case it would be an ({S}) to indicate that the vehicle that approaches along that road must stop and allow other vehicles to pass. Both, the information of the No Entry signs an[r] ...


Navigation control of a underactuated autonomous underwater vehicle

Navigation control of a underactuated autonomous underwater vehicle

... and control problems challenging [5]. The attributes are (i) the vehicles are underac- tuated, there is no direct actuation on every DOF of the vehicle, (ii) the equations of motion of the vehicle are nonlinear and ...


Autonomous Management of Internet of Things Technologies

Autonomous Management of Internet of Things Technologies

... To set up the evaluation environment, we have considered the reference scenarios shown in Section 5.1. We envision a Fog architecture where an organization has re- sources in different geographical regions. These ...


VAT and irrigation communities: a critical analysis

VAT and irrigation communities: a critical analysis

... El TJUE se decanta, así, por una int erpre tación am- plia del concepto, en virtud de la cual la distribución d e agua no sólo comprende lasta- reas de reparto propi[r] ...


Blockchain technology application to energy communities

Blockchain technology application to energy communities

... This thesis aims to enlighten the possible applications that Blockchain technology has in the power industry focusing with more depth on the local exchange of electricity. Chapter 2 describes Blockchain in an ...


The instrumental dimension in learning communities

The instrumental dimension in learning communities

... En este contexto de confianza en las capacidades del alumnado en su proceso de aprendizaje, es fundamental, como tercer factor que refuerza la dimensión instrumental, que entr[r] ...


Collaborative Development within Open Source Communities

Collaborative Development within Open Source Communities

... The open source collaborative development carried out by open source communities has led to the use and spread of more and more sophisticated collaborative development environments (C[r] ...


01/IV/08. Zseries autonomous proximity marketing system

01/IV/08. Zseries autonomous proximity marketing system

... Los clientes potenciales pueden recibir información sobre productos, ofertas, noticias, novedades, promociones, horarios de apertura y cierre, concursos, eventos, etc, a una distancia[r] ...


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