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boys and adolescents

Evaluation of boys and adolescents with non palpable gonads

Evaluation of boys and adolescents with non palpable gonads

... 17. Elmlinger, M.W.; Kuhnel, W.; Ranke, M.B. Refe- rence ranges for serum concentrations of lutro- pin (LH), follitropin (FSH), estradiol (E2), prolac- tin, progesterone, sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), ...


School management and sexual behavior of teenagers

School management and sexual behavior of teenagers

... implemented and collected by the Universidad del Rosario between February and April ...terviewed adolescents between 14 to 19 years old enrolled in the last three years of high school in private ...


Sleep duration and school performance in Korean adolescents

Sleep duration and school performance in Korean adolescents

... web-page and were first asked if they were willing to ...221 boys and 35 965 ...318 boys and 31 370 girls) were analyzed in this ...


Estudi de la prevalença de l'obesitat juvenil a les Illes Balears

Estudi de la prevalença de l'obesitat juvenil a les illes Balears

... feet and light underwear. Waist circumference (WC) and hip circumference (HC) were measured using a non-stretchable measuring tape (Kawe, 43972, ...margins and the iliac crests at minimal ...Triceps ...


Life style and sports practice in peripubertal boys and girls on bone mineral density and body composition – preleminary study

Life style and sports practice in peripubertal boys and girls on bone mineral density and body composition – preleminary study

... while boys are still below the national average for men (172,9 cm) because had not reached Peak Height Velocity and therefore, it can be said that the bone mass (density and mineral content) will ...


Comparative study of adolescents with and without ADHD

Comparative study of adolescents with and without ADHD

... disorders, and use of pharmacological treatment were ...research and includes the data of patient’s identifi- cation, type of school, grade retention, type of presentation of ADHD, comorbidities, adverse ...


Little High, Little Low: Girls’ and Boys’ Academic Self concept and Performance in English as a Foreign Language

Little High, Little Low: Girls’ and Boys’ Academic Self concept and Performance in English as a Foreign Language

... Lu and Luk’s (2014) study, where they interviewed two low-achieving males and two high-achieving females regarding reading skills, participating females valued reading much more than male peers and ...


Hyperprolactinemia in children and adolescents, current questions and concepts

Hyperprolactinemia in children and adolescents, current questions and concepts

... females and in over 25 % of ...adults and would not be related to a later ...PEG and ultracentrifugation, are the most common methods for detection of PRL ...PRL and BB PRL accounted for 40 to ...


Metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk factors in adolescent students from Buenos Aires

Metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk factors in adolescent students from Buenos Aires

... 943 adolescents from high school (429 women y 541men), ages between 11 and ...(WC) and blood pressure were determined in all ...(apoB) and high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) were ...


Antisocial behavior and alcohol consumption by school adolescents

Antisocial behavior and alcohol consumption by school adolescents

... 4. Villatoro-Velazquez J, Medina-Mora M, Hernández M, Fleiz C, Amador N, Bermúdez P. La encuesta de estudiantes de nivel medio y medio superior de la ciudad de México: Noviembre 2003. Prevalencias y Evolución del consumo ...


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