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Brillouin scattering

Simple technique to achieve fast light in gain regime using Brillouin scattering

Simple technique to achieve fast light in gain regime using Brillouin scattering

... the Brillouin gain ...of Brillouin shifts. It is not difficult to find two fibers whose Brillouin shift is separated by at least 1 GHz, such as standard and dispersion compensating fibers, extending ...


Self advanced fast light propagation in an optical fiber based on Brillouin scattering

Self advanced fast light propagation in an optical fiber based on Brillouin scattering

... stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) [5-6], stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) [7] and parametric amplification ...superpose Brillouin gain and loss spectra gives another degree of freedom to ...


Recent advancements in stimulated Brillouin scattering slow light

Recent advancements in stimulated Brillouin scattering slow light

... Stimulated Brillouin scattering has also proven to be able to coherentelly transform the information contained in the optical pulses to an acoustic excitation for a tunable storage time ...the ...


Ultra long range Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis

Ultra long range Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis

... Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS), both pump and probe sig- nals are introduced in the sensing fiber in opposite directions together with the Raman pumps through suitable Wavelength Division ...


Zero gain slow & fast light propagation in an optical fiber

Zero gain slow & fast light propagation in an optical fiber

... stimulated Brillouin scattering to produce slow & fast light makes possible the generation of variable delays with much reduced amplitude ...Raman scattering and parametric amplification, but ...


Nonlinear effects in optical fibers-v1

Nonlinear effects in optical fibers-v1

... Brillouin scattering is a result of the interaction between the optical wave Brillouin scattering is a result of the interaction between the optical wave and the propagating density ...


Estudio de la Influencia de las Vibraciones Mecánicas en la Trasmisión de Luz Dentro de una Fibra Óptica

Estudio de la Influencia de las Vibraciones Mecánicas en la Trasmisión de Luz Dentro de una Fibra Óptica

... Fabien Ravet, Lufan Zoua, Xiaoyi Baoa, Liang Chena, Rong Feng Huang y Heng Aik Khoo, 2006, Detection of Buckling in Steel Pipeline and Column by the Distributed Brillouin Sensor, Optical Fiber Technology, Vol. 12 ...


Arbitrary bandwidth Brillouin slow light in optical fibers

Arbitrary bandwidth Brillouin slow light in optical fibers

... stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) effect ...same Brillouin principle, simply by using a shorter fiber and much higher pump ...natural Brillouin bandwidth being restricted to approximately ...


Ultrasonic Scattering Models for Cancellous Bone

Ultrasonic Scattering Models for Cancellous Bone

... The first approach, proposed by Wear [27], consists in solving the differential propagation equations in the ambient fluid and in the scatterers, and then to use the appropriate boundary conditions at the interface ...


"Raman assisted Vector Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis"

"Raman assisted Vector Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis"

... The request for long-range (> 50 km) distributed fiber optic sensors for civil structure monitoring is progressively increasing every day due to the availability of new infrastructures crossing large unmanned areas. ...


Sincronización de láseres para sensores y sistemas de comunicaciones de fibra óptica avanzadosSynchronization of lasers to sensors and systems foradvanced optical communications

Sincronización de láseres para sensores y sistemas de comunicaciones de fibra óptica avanzadosSynchronization of lasers to sensors and systems foradvanced optical communications

... Cualquier cambio en la potencia de bombeo transmitida está sincronizado y acompañado por un cambio inverso en la potencia reflejada, y la emisión de Stokes está correlacionada fuertemente en el tiempo con el ...


Mathematical modeling of space time variation in acoustic transmission and scattering from schools of swim bladder fish

Mathematical modeling of space time variation in acoustic transmission and scattering from schools of swim bladder fish

... the scattering amplitude and cross ...multiple scattering from bubbles is to solve a coupled differ- ential equation ...multiple scattering effects between bubbles, and coherent interactions of their ...


Color uniformity in spotlights optimized with reflectors and TIR lenses

Color uniformity in spotlights optimized with reflectors and TIR lenses

... Several spotlighting systems comprising three different LED light engines and secondary optics (reflectors and TIR lenses) were optimized to a full width half maximum angle (FWHM) of 20° ± 1° and to high efficiency. On ...


Cálculo del tiempo de vida media de electrones excitados en cobre a partir de primeros principios

Cálculo del tiempo de vida media de electrones excitados en cobre a partir de primeros principios

... de Brillouin, sin embargo, para realizar cálculos prácticos, sólo se requiere un número finito de puntos k para muestrear la zona de ...de Brillouin para obtener un muestreo de la zona de ...


Sensor de fibra óptica distribuido para detección de fugas de hidrocarburoDistributed fiber optic sensor for hydrocarbon leak measurement

Sensor de fibra óptica distribuido para detección de fugas de hidrocarburoDistributed fiber optic sensor for hydrocarbon leak measurement

... dispersión Brillouin para mediciones distribuidas en fibra fue demostrado por Horiguchi y Tateda [Horiguchi y Tateda, ...utilizando Brillouin (BOTDA), fue realizado también por ...dispersión ...


Métodos de Scattering Inverso Electromagnético para Pruebas y Evaluaciones No Destructivas

Métodos de Scattering Inverso Electromagnético para Pruebas y Evaluaciones No Destructivas

... inverse scattering a microondas nos brindan técnicas de diagnóstica no invasivas como una alternativa a aquellas de los rayos X, potencialmente dañinos en dosis elevadas para el paciente y para los ...


Nuevos materiales con potenciales propiedades magnetoeléctricas : influencia de los cationes de los bloques d y f

Nuevos materiales con potenciales propiedades magnetoeléctricas : influencia de los cationes de los bloques d y f

... de menor calidad a algunas otras temperaturas intermedias. Tales patrones fueron colectados en el instrumento HRPT (λ = 1,49214(2) Å) del Instituto Paul Scherrer ubicado en Villigen, Suiza. Entre las motivaciones ...


Acoustic scattering from superspheroidal objects

Acoustic scattering from superspheroidal objects

... symmetric scattering distribution, continues to dominate low frequency scattering even for cylindrically shaped, air-filled, objects with an aspect ratio up to α = ...frequency scattering from fish ...


Model Calculation of backscatter and extinction coefficients for urban aerosols in Cali, Colombia

Model Calculation of backscatter and extinction coefficients for urban aerosols in Cali, Colombia

... predict scattering and absorption characteristics of laser light from environmental aerosols representative of those found over the city of Cali, using input parameters such as refractive index and particle size, ...


Application of slow and fast light effects to microwave photonics

Application of slow and fast light effects to microwave photonics

... We have provided an overall review of the main contributions to the field of nonlinear optics performed by the OQCG-ITEAM in the context of Slow and Fast Light Effects applied to Microwave Photonics. The promising ...


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