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Cerebral cortex

Function and Regulation of Bone Morphogenetic Protein 7 (BMP7) in Cerebral Cortex Development

Function and Regulation of Bone Morphogenetic Protein 7 (BMP7) in Cerebral Cortex Development

... A number of BMPs, including Bmp7, are crucial for early dorsal telencephalic development (Furuta et al., 1997; Hebert et al., 2002; Hebert et al., 2003) but their precise expression during CC development has not been ...


Random positions of dendritic spines in human cerebral cortex

Random positions of dendritic spines in human cerebral cortex

... Our results not only rule out helixes but also discard other nonrandom distribution of spine positioning, at least for the samples analyzed. Our study contrasts with a recent analysis of the positions of dendritic spines ...


Random positioning of dendritic spines in the human cerebral cortex

Random positioning of dendritic spines in the human cerebral cortex

... Our results not only rule out helixes but also discard other nonrandom distribution of spine positioning, at least for the samples analyzed. Our study contrasts with a recent analysis of the positions of dendritic spines ...


Cortical response to subjectively unconscious danger

Cortical response to subjectively unconscious danger

... the cerebral cortex; ...the cerebral cortex is not ...visual cortex (see a review on amygdaline- visual connections in LeDoux, 1998) or the prefrontal cortex (see a review in ...


TítuloCortico subcortical synchronization in the chloralose anesthetized cat

TítuloCortico subcortical synchronization in the chloralose anesthetized cat

... the cerebral cortical oscillatory activity during different behavioral states and anesthesia has been preferentially studied in conjunction with reciprocal thalamic rhythmicity 7 (and references therein), few ...


Developmental expression of membrane type 4-matrix metalloproteinase (Mt4-mmp/Mmp17) in the mouse embryo

Developmental expression of membrane type 4-matrix metalloproteinase (Mt4-mmp/Mmp17) in the mouse embryo

... Mt4-mmp expression has been previously reported in the brain at late embryonic and postnatal stages [9,10,15]. Here, we demonstrate that Mt4-mmp is located in the nervous system from the early embryo to postnatal stages ...


Hallazgos por tomografa computada en pacientes con trauma craneoenceflico, su relacin con la evolucin clnica y clculo del edema cerebral

Hallazgos por tomografa computada en pacientes con trauma craneoenceflico, su relacin con la evolucin clnica y clculo del edema cerebral

... edema cerebral por su severidad, por lo que se in- tentó con este trabajo establecer un rango para ...edema cerebral leve evaluado por TC tie- ne valores de 17-22, edema cerebral moderado de 13-16 y ...


La hipertensin arterial y sus consecuencias cerebrales

La hipertensin arterial y sus consecuencias cerebrales

... tejido cerebral, con ello se ha logrado disponer de una valiosa información que ha permitido el desarrollo de importantes estudios epidemioló- gicos que vinculan a la HAS con el daño del ...


Parálisis cerebral: correlación entre aminoacidograma y cartografía cerebral

Parálisis cerebral: correlación entre aminoacidograma y cartografía cerebral

... cartografía cerebral), en una muestra de siete personas con parálisis cerebral, pacientes de una consulta privada, con la intención de profundizar en el estudio de los cerebros dañados para mejorar la ...


TítuloFoci of orientation plasticity in visual cortex

TítuloFoci of orientation plasticity in visual cortex

... visual cortex uses in the face of adaptation to the statistics of natural images29 to prevent a global change in the orientation preference of visual cortical ...


Cortex Insular y su rol putativo en la configuración de Trastornos Alimenticios.

Cortex Insular y su rol putativo en la configuración de Trastornos Alimenticios.

... del cortex orbitofrontal representan el sabor de los alimentos dado por una combinación de input gustativos y ...frontal, cortex gustativo primario en su porción orbitofrontal así como cortex ...


Hemorragia cerebral

Hemorragia cerebral

... Todas estas alteraciones de la pared vascular favorecen la aparición de oclusiones y/o rupturas vasculares con la consecuencia de un infarto cerebral o una HIP. Para que se produzcan las hemorragias deben existir ...


An effect of bilingualism on the auditory cortex

An effect of bilingualism on the auditory cortex

... Bilinguals not only have to master two lexicons but also two phonological systems. This begs the question of whether the parts of the brain supporting phonetic/phonological processes, in the auditory cortex and ...


Estudio de la conectividad cerebral en humanos mediante la técnica de disección de fibras con preservación cortical (Analysis of human brain connectivity with cortex-sparing fiber dissection)

Estudio de la conectividad cerebral en humanos mediante la técnica de disección de fibras con preservación cortical (Analysis of human brain connectivity with cortex-sparing fiber dissection)

... cuadrantanopsia, y en algunos casos una hemianopsia. Esto es debido, en parte, a la variabilidad en la extensión anterior de las radiaciones ópticas (Yogarajah et al. 2009; Peltier et al. 2006; Nilsson et al. 2007). En ...


TítuloSuppression of V1 feedback produces a shift in the topographic representation of receptive fields of LGN cells by unmasking latent retinal drives

TítuloSuppression of V1 feedback produces a shift in the topographic representation of receptive fields of LGN cells by unmasking latent retinal drives

... motor cortex could produce either increased or decreased corticospinal excitability, rTMS has become an excellent procedure for testing and modulating neuronal excitability (Kobayashi and Pascual-Leone ...


TítuloThe operating regime of local computations in primary visual cortex

TítuloThe operating regime of local computations in primary visual cortex

... visual cortex (V1) is a paradigmatic example of such a computation, and the last 4 decades witnessed a vivid and polarized discussion about the underlying cortical mechanisms (Reid and Alonso 1996; Sompolinsky and ...


07   Cortex M0 y Cortex M4

07 Cortex M0 y Cortex M4

... – 32 bits – Arquitectura RISC – ISA ARM (32 bits) y Thumb-2 (16/32 bits) – desde 600 MHz hasta más de 1 GHz – Superescalar (2 issue) – Lanzado en 2009 – Pipelines de 13 etapas – Caches L1: split, 16KB o 32 KB c/u – Cache ...


Modulation of Higher-Order Olfaction Components on Executive Functions in Humans.

Modulation of Higher-Order Olfaction Components on Executive Functions in Humans.

... focal cerebral lesions in the PFC and OFC are unable to acquire this affective learning and remain choosing the disadvantageous decks still after significant losses [43–45], corroborating the role of these areas ...


Memory, decisions and emotions after the administration of cocaine: role of different neuroanatomical structures.

Memory, decisions and emotions after the administration of cocaine: role of different neuroanatomical structures.

... of cerebral structures, among which the amyg- dala, prefrontal cortex and hippocampus stand out, with different consequences in the cogni- tive and emotional functions of the ...


Rol de la insulina interoceptiva en la regulación de la memoria de miedo

Rol de la insulina interoceptiva en la regulación de la memoria de miedo

... prefrontal cortex, and the hippocampal formation (LeDoux 2000; Maren ...prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus have a key role in the regulation of fear responses (Etkin et ...


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