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controlled release

Formulation and evaluation of controlled release matrix tablet of diltiazem HCl by using HPMC and guar gum as polymeric matrix material

Formulation and evaluation of controlled release matrix tablet of diltiazem HCl by using HPMC and guar gum as polymeric matrix material

... the release of water- soluble ...formulating controlled release matrix tablet of Diltiazem HCl, with the controlled release soluble matrix material (HPMC and Guar ...


Development and characterization of controlled release mucoadhesive tablets of captopril

Development and characterization of controlled release mucoadhesive tablets of captopril

... 13. Nafee NA, Ismail FA, Nabila AB, Mortada LM. Mucoadhesive Delivery Systems. II. Formulation and In-Vitro/In-Vivo Evaluation of Buccal Mucoadhesive Tablets Containing Water- Soluble Drugs. Drug Dev Ind Pharm. 2004; 30 ...


Formulation and evaluation of Theophylline controlled release matrix tablets using Guar gum

Formulation and evaluation of Theophylline controlled release matrix tablets using Guar gum

... Theophylline controlled release matrix tablets were prepared with guar gum in two ratios and with three different hardness of 5, 6 and 7kg/cm 2 ...Theophylline controlled release granules were ...


In vitro studies of diclofenac sodium controlled release dosage from biopolymeric hydrophilic matrices

In vitro studies of diclofenac sodium controlled release dosage from biopolymeric hydrophilic matrices

... Treatment of a disease in most cases requires maintaining a desired drug plasma concentration level over a prolonged period of time. Such clinical needs often are satisfied by a multiple dose therapy, which can involve ...


Optimization of in situ forming intragastric oral formulations with different grades of PEGs

Optimization of in situ forming intragastric oral formulations with different grades of PEGs

... oral controlled release gel formulations (ISFIOFs) were prepared with different concentrations of Ethocel 10 FP, triethyl citrate (TEC) and different grades of polyethylene glycols, namely, PEG 400, 1450, ...


Hydrophilic polymers as release modifiers for primaquine phosphate: effect of polymeric dispersion

Hydrophilic polymers as release modifiers for primaquine phosphate: effect of polymeric dispersion

... matrix gradually begins to hydrate from the periphery towards the centre forming a gelatinous swollen mass which controls the diffusion of drug molecules through polymeric materials into aqueous medium. Penetration by ...


Efecto del CIDR (Controlled Internal Drug Release) aplicado después de la inseminación artificial sobre la tasa de preñez en vacas de carne.

Efecto del CIDR (Controlled Internal Drug Release) aplicado después de la inseminación artificial sobre la tasa de preñez en vacas de carne.

... Los objetivos principales de este trabajo fueron aumentar los porcentajes de gestación en bovinos productores de carne en el noreste de México, estableciendo el uso del CIDR (Controlled Internal Drug ...


AVR Software Framework Release Notes 2.8.1

AVR Software Framework Release Notes 2.8.1

... The Atmel® AVR® Software Framework (ASF, www.atmel.com/asf) provides software drivers and libraries to build applications for Atmel megaAVR®, AVR XMEGA® and AVR UC3 devices. It has been designed to help develop and glue ...


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