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Deep eutectic solvents

Physical properties of low viscosity deep eutectic solvents, and its binary mixtures with 1 butanol

Physical properties of low viscosity deep eutectic solvents, and its binary mixtures with 1 butanol

... and deep eutectic solvents (DESs) have captured attention as an option for separations processes (Tang, Zhang, & Row, 2015; Rodr´ıguez, 2015; De Los Rios & Fernandez, 2014), due to their ...


Gas solubility and rheological behavior study of betaine and alanine based natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES)

Gas solubility and rheological behavior study of betaine and alanine based natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES)

... natural deep eutectic solvents ...include eutectic mixtures of amino acids and/or sugars with organic acids[40, ...exotic solvents as well as ILs, they are biodegradable and ...


Electrochemical Behavior Zn(II) at Carbon Steel Electrode in Deep Eutectic Solvents Based on Choline Chloride

Electrochemical Behavior Zn(II) at Carbon Steel Electrode in Deep Eutectic Solvents Based on Choline Chloride

... Deep eutectic solvents prepared by mixture of choline chloride with urea, thiourea and ethylene glycol (1:2 molar ratio) were used to study the electrochemical behavior Zn(II) at carbon steel 1018 ...


Medios alternativos para procesos electroquímicos: sales fundidas, líquidos iónicos y NADES (Naural Deep Eutectic Solvents)

Medios alternativos para procesos electroquímicos: sales fundidas, líquidos iónicos y NADES (Naural Deep Eutectic Solvents)

... 1. L. E. Barrosse-Antle, A. M. Bond, R. G. Compton, A. M. O Mahony, E. I. Rogers,and D. S. Silvester, “Voltammetry in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids: Comparisons and Contrasts with Conventional Electrochemical ...


A detailed study of cholinium chloride and levulinic acid deep eutectic solvent system for CO2 capture via experimental and molecular simulation approaches

A detailed study of cholinium chloride and levulinic acid deep eutectic solvent system for CO2 capture via experimental and molecular simulation approaches

... problems. Deep eutectic solvents (DES) are among the most promising options to overcome these IL problems while retaining their positive properties and the ability of tuning their ...


Parental occupational exposure to organic solvents and anencephaly in Mexico

Parental occupational exposure to organic solvents and anencephaly in Mexico

... organic solvents at some time in their lives, and of these, eight mothers of cases and none from the control group had been exposed during the ARP, for which reason it was not possible to estimate the magnitude of ...


L'activitat empresarial a Barcelona 2013: Informe

L'activitat empresarial a Barcelona 2013: Informe

... més solvents per dur a terme l’estudi de la demografia i el teixit empresarial de la ciutat, que permet una comparació homogènia de resultats amb la província de Barcelona, Catalunya i ...


Deep Learning: una mirada a su contenido social

Deep Learning: una mirada a su contenido social

... The purpose of this research is to delimit the fundamentals of "Deep Learning" (DL) or Deep Learning and its social implications, attending fundamentally to the analysis of its potential for social ...


Deep Learning en imatges mèdiques

Deep Learning en imatges mèdiques

... La realització d’aquest projecte em farà assolir, principalment, tres objectius. El primer dels objectius és aprofundir més en una àrea de la intel·ligència artificial com és el Deep Learning i les xarxes ...


Defect tolerant perovskite solar cells from blade coated non toxic solvents

Defect tolerant perovskite solar cells from blade coated non toxic solvents

... alternating occurrence of locally saturated solution and solute depleted solution as the spherical aggregate grows. Kajioka and co-workers have shown that the periodicity and amplitude of the ring structure is associated ...


Gaseta municipal de Barcelona. Any 088, núm. 03 (30 gen. 2001)

Gaseta municipal de Barcelona. Any 088, núm. 03 (30 gen. 2001)

... són solvents, com assenyala l’Informe de la Inter- venció municipal, perquè les previsions de l’endeu- tament financer no inclouen el préstec a llarg termini concertat pel Patronat Municipal de l’Habitatge amb ...


Development of PLGA/Gemcitabine carriers using solvents and high pressure CO2

Development of PLGA/Gemcitabine carriers using solvents and high pressure CO2

... Gemcitabine encapsulated microparticles were obtained by the double emulsion method because this compound is a hydrophilic drug, which can be dissolved in water but not in organic solvents. This process is also ...


Towards Multi Level Classification in Deep Plant Identification

Towards Multi Level Classification in Deep Plant Identification

... using Deep Learning technologies, which provides additional importance to herbarium institutions around the globe, allowing the usage of "old" data for innovative ...


Merging land and marine controlled-source electromagnetic methods and a physical model for the elusive airwave    Unificando los métodos electromagnéticos marinos y terrestres de fuente controlada y un modelo físico para la elusiva onda de aire

Merging land and marine controlled-source electromagnetic methods and a physical model for the elusive airwave Unificando los métodos electromagnéticos marinos y terrestres de fuente controlada y un modelo físico para la elusiva onda de aire

... the strong decay of the charges with offset. I normalize with respect to the charges for both the shallowest and deepest waters. In the present case the results are remarkable. Figures 37 and 38 present the normalized ...


TítuloVascular damage detection through deep learning

TítuloVascular damage detection through deep learning

... Throughout the document, the different parts that comprise this project were explained. The process began by explaining the motivation of the problem and acquiring a more knowledge of the context, from the HET-CAM test ...


Efficient Nucleophilic Degradation of an Organophosphorus Pesticide "Diazinon" Mediated by Green Solvents and Microwave Heating

Efficient Nucleophilic Degradation of an Organophosphorus Pesticide "Diazinon" Mediated by Green Solvents and Microwave Heating

... organic solvents (COS) by a suitable alternative, has become one of the main topics of modern chemistry (Sheldon, ...sustainable solvents have lately appeared as the most promising approaches for current ...


Implementación de Redes Generativas Adversarias (GANs) para la generación de imágenes de tejido humano

Implementación de Redes Generativas Adversarias (GANs) para la generación de imágenes de tejido humano

... Tensorflow [21] is an open source software library for high performance numerical computation. Its flexible architecture allows easy deployment of computation across a variety of platforms (CPUs, GPUs, TPUs), and from ...


Influence of Chromium and Molybdenum in Solidification and Shrinkage Defects for High Resistance Grey Iron Alloys

Influence of Chromium and Molybdenum in Solidification and Shrinkage Defects for High Resistance Grey Iron Alloys

... pro eutectic austenite and a possible change in the solidification ...of eutectic graphite (necessary for expansion and secondary shrinkage compensation), increase of fraction volume carbides and a possible ...


Modelling of Density Changes of Nodular Cast Iron During Solidification by Cellular Automaton

Modelling of Density Changes of Nodular Cast Iron During Solidification by Cellular Automaton

... The CA-FD model used in this paper can calculate the microstructure of DI for binary Fe-C system during cooling of a casting at a superimposed cooling rate. The model takes into account: the continuous nucleation of ...


Electrodeposition of Indium on W and Cu electrodes in the Deep Eutectic Solvent choline chloride ethylene glycol (1:2)

Electrodeposition of Indium on W and Cu electrodes in the Deep Eutectic Solvent choline chloride ethylene glycol (1:2)

... An alternative to aqueous electroplating solutions is to use as electrolytes low cost room temperature ionic liquids, as the deep eu- tectic solvents (DES) based on combinations of choline chloride with ...


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