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Directive 2010/64/EU

Directive 2010/64/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Right to Interpretation and Translation in Criminal Proceedings: Transposition Strategies with regard to Interpretation and Translation

Directive 2010/64/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Right to Interpretation and Translation in Criminal Proceedings: Transposition Strategies with regard to Interpretation and Translation

... In order to understand the content and remit of Directive 2010/64/EU, it may be useful to retrace succinctly some of the crucial steps along the road. Fol- lowing the Amsterdam Treaty (1999), ...


The ImPLI Project, Pre-Trial Intrepreting in Italy and the Transposition of Directive 2010/64 EU

The ImPLI Project, Pre-Trial Intrepreting in Italy and the Transposition of Directive 2010/64 EU

... of directive 2010/64 introduces a particularly inno- vative measure: the right to interpreting is no longer confined to interactions between persons suspected or accused and legal authorities, but is ...


Reflexiones en torno al binomio formación-acreditación como elementos constitutivos de la profesionalización de la interpretación jurídica

Reflexiones en torno al binomio formación-acreditación como elementos constitutivos de la profesionalización de la interpretación jurídica

... of EU Directive 2010/64 on interpreting and translation in criminal proceedings has not yet been accomplished, this paper aims at reviewing some aspects that shape legal interpreter training, ...


El uso de las nuevas tecnologías y su aplicación a la interpretación en la comunicación abogado cliente

El uso de las nuevas tecnologías y su aplicación a la interpretación en la comunicación abogado cliente

... European directive addresses the right to translation of essential ...(Dir. 2010/64/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 October 2010, ...“The Directive also ...


Anàlisi de les transposicions de la Directiva 2010/64/EU a 8 països europeus i la relació amb la seua tradició colonial

Anàlisi de les transposicions de la Directiva 2010/64/EU a 8 països europeus i la relació amb la seua tradició colonial

... the Directive means that the suspect must be able understand their position and be able to communicate effectively with the Service Police, interviewers, legal advisers and appropriate adults in the same way as a ...


Country report, gender equality: How are EU rules transposed into national law?  Spain 2018

Country report, gender equality: How are EU rules transposed into national law? Spain 2018

... to Directive 2010/18, on parental leave, there are several deficiencies: First, nothing has been established in order to guarantee that employers consider and respond to requests for changes to parents’ ...


El efecto de la crisis económica sobre la salud en España según el nivel educativo y la relación con la actividad: ¿importa también la duración de la crisis?

El efecto de la crisis económica sobre la salud en España según el nivel educativo y la relación con la actividad: ¿importa también la duración de la crisis?

... años 2010 y 2014, ya que entre 2006 y 2010 se observa in- variablemente un descenso en los porcentajes de no tener buena salud: la primera tenden- cia sería la de las subpoblaciones en las que empeoró la ...


Country report, gender equality How are EU rules transposed into national law? : Spain 2015

Country report, gender equality How are EU rules transposed into national law? : Spain 2015

... Positive action measures are recognised as legitimate in Article 9.2 of the Spanish Constitution, which expressly refers to the obligation of public authorities to remove the obstacles to achieve real equality. Article ...


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... quando foi para a eleição do Lula. Teve uma copa no ano da eleição do Lula, primeiro ano que ele foi eleito, que era o Felipão que era o técnico e se fala- va que o Brasil ganhou porque o Felipe conseguiu unir, formar ...


Escorpionismo en una institución de tercer nivel del municipio de Ibagué Tolima durante los años 2010 2017

Escorpionismo en una institución de tercer nivel del municipio de Ibagué Tolima durante los años 2010 2017

... Introduction: Scorpionism is known as the inoculation of the scorpion venom in the human body generating manifestations from mild to severe with multisystemic affectation. Objective: To describe the epidemiological and ...


EU social and labour rights and EU internal market law

EU social and labour rights and EU internal market law

... the employer function: the agency employs the worker and the user firm directs her work. However, there is no sharing of responsibility between the two employers. The agency remains the employer responsible for payment, ...


TítuloHPF 2 Support for Dynamic Sparse

TítuloHPF 2 Support for Dynamic Sparse Computations

... The SPARSE directive establishes a link between the sparse matrix (or array) and its storage structure. From this point on, we can choose to hide the storage scheme to programmers, and allow them to write the ...


Modelos de transposición de las Directivas 2002/91/CE y 2010/31/UE “Energy Performance Building Directive” en los Estados miembros de la UE. Consecuencias e implicaciones

Modelos de transposición de las Directivas 2002/91/CE y 2010/31/UE “Energy Performance Building Directive” en los Estados miembros de la UE. Consecuencias e implicaciones

... Además, este sistema en barra de valores continua común a todas las tipologías, fa- cilita el modo de plasmar en el certificado el endurecimiento de requisitos mínimos según la revisión quinquenal prevista en el artículo ...


Environmental Noise Directive in Germany

Environmental Noise Directive in Germany

... Noise mapping and noise action planning are important tools for noise protection in Germany. Noise mapping has been established in the German Federal Immission Control Act since June 2005 and is the basis of informing ...


The EU Directive in combating terrorism and the criminalization of travelling: ajustified exception to the free movement of persons?

The EU Directive in combating terrorism and the criminalization of travelling: ajustified exception to the free movement of persons?

... This has been criticised by the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs: “particularly striking is the lack of an Impact Assessment where the new Directive on Combating ...


The EU Habitats Directive and wolf conservation and management on the Iberian Peninsula: a legal perspective

The EU Habitats Directive and wolf conservation and management on the Iberian Peninsula: a legal perspective

... Habitats Directive, but only when species or habitat types have disappeared on account of ‘natural developments’ over which a member state has no control, such as a volcanic eruption or perhaps climate change ...


Derecho de la víctima para discutir la decisión de no ir a juicio en la etapa anterior al juicio del procedimiento. El caso de España, Colombia y EE.UU.

Derecho de la víctima para discutir la decisión de no ir a juicio en la etapa anterior al juicio del procedimiento. El caso de España, Colombia y EE.UU.

... At this point there is a difference in the procedure that must be used to prosecute the most serious crimes and the one used to prosecute less serious crimes. In the first case the prosecuted is entitled to the right of ...


Mercado de aguas saborizadas en la Argentina: moda o plataforma para nuevas oportunidades

Mercado de aguas saborizadas en la Argentina: moda o plataforma para nuevas oportunidades

... de 64 De acuerdo al informe de Euromonitor (Global Soft Drink: Corporate Strategies, Diversification, Drives Market Dynamics, 2009), los principales factores que impulsan esta proyección son la continua ...


Male pins strip (40×1)

Male pins strip (40×1)

... in EU Directive 2002/95/EC, as amended by Commission Decision 2005/618/EC, unless the substance is in an application that is exempt under EU ...


Epidemiological investigation of bovine tuberculosis causes of herd breakdowns and persistence in Spain

Epidemiological investigation of bovine tuberculosis causes of herd breakdowns and persistence in Spain

... We have analyzed the most likely causes of infection of 816 herds that became infected from 2009 to 2011. This represents around 26% of the breakdowns occurred during the three years period in the whole of Spain.  ...


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