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Distributed optic fiber sensor

Investigación y desarrollo de un sensor de fibra óptica distribuido para la detección de vibracionesResearch and development of a distributed fiber optic sensor for detection of vibrational disturbance

Investigación y desarrollo de un sensor de fibra óptica distribuido para la detección de vibracionesResearch and development of a distributed fiber optic sensor for detection of vibrational disturbance

... Los sensores de fibra óptica basados en métodos interferométricos, Mach-Zehnder, Michelson, Fabry – Perot y Sagnac, han sido estudiados y mostrado una alta sensibilidad a señales acústicas (Kirkendall y Dandridge, 2004; ...


Transforming the fiber optic network into a dense and ultrasensitive seismic sensor array

Transforming the fiber optic network into a dense and ultrasensitive seismic sensor array

... optical fiber technology, telecom is not the only application of guided ...the fiber temperature and ...the fiber is the aim of a vast research discipline known as distributed optical ...


Distributed fiber sensing technology: Currents and challenges

Distributed fiber sensing technology: Currents and challenges

... the fiber, “fiber optic distributed sensing” can be ...These sensor systems, which are called also as “fiber optic nerve systems,” sense damages induced in materials and ...


Implementation of the Heated Pulsed Theory using actively heated fiber optics: measurements of soil volumetric water content and soil volumetric heat capacity

Implementation of the Heated Pulsed Theory using actively heated fiber optics: measurements of soil volumetric water content and soil volumetric heat capacity

... of Fiber Optics with Distributed Temperature Sensing (FO-DTS), a novel approach which has been receiving growing interest in the last two ...Heated Fiber Optic (AHFO) method, in which FO ...


Strain monitoring on a composite aircraft cabin with fiber optic sensors

Strain monitoring on a composite aircraft cabin with fiber optic sensors

... 5 distributed sensing lines and 24 FBG sensors were installed on the composite cabin surface obtaining a dense optical sensing network around the ...the fiber optic sensors during pressurization ...


Free-edge delamination location and growth montoring with an embedded distributed fiber optic network

Free-edge delamination location and growth montoring with an embedded distributed fiber optic network

... Distributed fiber sensors act as a strain sensor that can provide a full coverage at the region of interest by bonding one optical ...the fiber bonded on the surface undergoes compression and ...


Structural health monitoring in composite structures by fiber-optic sensors

Structural health monitoring in composite structures by fiber-optic sensors

... a sensor to be located just there; it is a very robust technique and very simple to apply, but the area of damage detection is limited to the fiber ...OFDR distributed interrogation ...


Fundamentos para sensor distribuido de fibra óptica basado en efecto Brillouin para medición de temperatura y tensión utlilizando configuración de encadenamiento por inyección ópticaFundamentals for distributed fiber optic sensor based on brillouin backsc

Fundamentos para sensor distribuido de fibra óptica basado en efecto Brillouin para medición de temperatura y tensión utlilizando configuración de encadenamiento por inyección ópticaFundamentals for distributed fiber optic sensor based on brillouin backscattering for temperature and strain ensing using two laser locking            

... En esta secci´on se muestra como el esquema b´asico que se utiliza en la Figura 28 puede ser utilizado de distintas maneras para lograr utilizar diferentes t´ecnicas de medici´on y local- izaci´on. La Figura 32 muestra ...


Sensor distribuido de fibra óptica basado en rejillas de Bragg de reflectancia ultra-bajaDistributed fiber optic sensor based on ultra-low reflectivity fiber bragg gratings

Sensor distribuido de fibra óptica basado en rejillas de Bragg de reflectancia ultra-bajaDistributed fiber optic sensor based on ultra-low reflectivity fiber bragg gratings

... Las fluctuaciones en la intensidad de la fuente ´ optica, b´ asicamente son resultado de la interferencia entre la se˜ nal de bombeo del l´ aser y la emisi´ on espont´ anea generada dentro de la cavidad del l´ aser. ...


Protecting fiber optic links from third party intrusion using distributed acoustic sensors

Protecting fiber optic links from third party intrusion using distributed acoustic sensors

... Figure 1(a) shows the typical setup used to implement a φOTDR-based sensor. The top arm of the setup generates the coherent optical probe pulse via the modulation of the light emitted by an external cavity laser ...


Sensor de fibra óptica distribuido para detección de fugas de hidrocarburoDistributed fiber optic sensor for hydrocarbon leak measurement

Sensor de fibra óptica distribuido para detección de fugas de hidrocarburoDistributed fiber optic sensor for hydrocarbon leak measurement

... del sensor propuesto puede ser caracterizado como detección distribuida con localización de secciones (Distributed Detection with Section Localization, DDSL) de la ...del sensor DDSL se muestra en la ...


Versatile all fiber slow light assisted sensor

Versatile all fiber slow light assisted sensor

... lossy fiber ring resonator that can be used for sensing a variety of physical magnitudes (displacement, pressure, ...intensiometric fiber sensor can therefore be enhanced with this simple ...


Optical fiber temperature sensor based on a microcavity with polymer overlay

Optical fiber temperature sensor based on a microcavity with polymer overlay

... In the last twenty years lab on a chip (LOC) devices have emerged as a feasible technology for a number of applications such as analytical chemistry [1], point-of-care diagnostics [2], genomic research [3], etc. One of ...


Raman assisted distributed Brillouin sensor in optical fiber for strain and temperature monitoring in civil engineering applications

Raman assisted distributed Brillouin sensor in optical fiber for strain and temperature monitoring in civil engineering applications

... a distributed Brillouin sensor for sensing temperature and ...optical fiber with a resolution of 5 m. To improve the fiber length limitation we introduce Raman amplification into the ...


Reaching pε/√Hz sensitivity in a distributed optical fiberstrain sensor

Reaching pε/√Hz sensitivity in a distributed optical fiberstrain sensor

... sensing fiber and measuring local changes in amplitude of the acquired backscattered ...statistically distributed throughout the fiber. Overall, the sensor is unable to quantify a ...


Estudio de acopladores de fibra óptica para sistemas de comunicacionesStudy of fiber optic couplers for communications systems

Estudio de acopladores de fibra óptica para sistemas de comunicacionesStudy of fiber optic couplers for communications systems

... Para obtener las graficas que se muestran en las figuras 45 y 46 del capitulo V.3, se hizo dos veces todo el proceso de fabricacién, dejando que la flama del soplete fusionara y adelgaza[r] ...


Multiplexado de sensores basados en la interferometría de baja coherenciaMultiplexing of low coherence interferometric fiber optic sensors

Multiplexado de sensores basados en la interferometría de baja coherenciaMultiplexing of low coherence interferometric fiber optic sensors

... el sensor cuando se usa fibra óptica monomodo surge debido a que estás facultan la construcción de interferómetros con la propia fibra, permitiendo la medición de pequeños cambios de fase en la luz transmitida a ...


A Contextual GMM HMM Smart Fiber Optic Surveillance System for Pipeline Integrity Threat Detection

A Contextual GMM HMM Smart Fiber Optic Surveillance System for Pipeline Integrity Threat Detection

... behavior that made suitable for classification. The FFT size was set to 8192 points so that each frequency bin comprises 0.066 Hz (being 542.5 Hz the maximum frequency in the acoustic signal). Then, as in our previous ...


Magneto-optic current sensor with Faraday mirror for linear birefringence compensation

Magneto-optic current sensor with Faraday mirror for linear birefringence compensation

... Los sensores de fibra óptica presentan algunas ventajas en el área de la medición de la corriente eléctrica y el campo magnético. A pesar de estas ventajas se deben tener en cuenta algunos efectos no deseados que se ...


A novel fiber optic based surveillance system for prevention of pipeline integrity threats

A novel fiber optic based surveillance system for prevention of pipeline integrity threats

... Tejedor, J., Macias-Guarasa, J., Martins, H.F., Piote, D., Pastor-Graells, J., Martin-Lopez, S., Corredera, P., Gonzalez-Herraez, M., 2017, "A novel fiber optic based surveillance system for prevention ...


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