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Eating Behavior

Olfaction in eating disorders and abnormal eating behavior: a systematic review.

Olfaction in eating disorders and abnormal eating behavior: a systematic review.

... in eating behavior (Berridge, 2009) and reactions to olfactory stimuli (Frank et ...affect eating behavior (Berridge, 2009; Frank et ...dietary behavior such as changes in weight, loss ...


Association of the FTO fat mass and obesity associated gene rs9939609 polymorphism with rewarding value of food and eating behavior in Chilean children

Association of the FTO fat mass and obesity associated gene rs9939609 polymorphism with rewarding value of food and eating behavior in Chilean children

... of eating behavior: Cognitive Restrained (CR; 6 items), Uncon- trolled Eating (UE; 10 items) and Emotional Eating (EA; 3 items) ...for eating; whereas the other four CEBQ subscales (SE, ...


Association between eating behavior scores and obesity in Chilean children

Association between eating behavior scores and obesity in Chilean children

... We conducted a case-control study in the city of San- tiago (Chile) with n = 126 obese and n = 124 normal- weight children (6-12 years-old; both genders; 50% boys), classified according to the IOTF criteria [17] dur- ing ...


The control dilemma in eating behavior: influence of temptation cues in restrained versus unrestrained eaters

The control dilemma in eating behavior: influence of temptation cues in restrained versus unrestrained eaters

... of Eating Behavior’ to explain why restrained eaters who limit their food intake to achieve a desirable weight become less sensitive to hunger and internal satiation signals, and correspondingly more ...


The Histamine H3 Receptor and Eating Behavior

The Histamine H3 Receptor and Eating Behavior

... Eating behavior is driven by a very complex interplay of hierarchically organized brain structures, central neuro- transmitter systems, and peripheral endocrine stimuli mod- ulated by circadian rhythms and ...


Comparing body image and risky eating behavior between Mexican and German women / Comparando imagen corporal y conducta alimentaria de riesgo entre mujeres mexicanas y alemanas

Comparing body image and risky eating behavior between Mexican and German women / Comparando imagen corporal y conducta alimentaria de riesgo entre mujeres mexicanas y alemanas

... Theoretical and empirical findings widely suppor- ted and documented this interrelation (Stice 1994; 2001; 2002). Furthermore, the higher load of influen- ce of body-dissatisfaction upon dieting in the Mexi- can sample ...


Parental feeding practices and their relation to child eating behavior: Problems for explanation / Prácticas alimentarias parentales y su relación con la conducta alimentaria infantil: Problemas para la explicación

Parental feeding practices and their relation to child eating behavior: Problems for explanation / Prácticas alimentarias parentales y su relación con la conducta alimentaria infantil: Problemas para la explicación

... healthy eating since ...children’s eating behavior, we analyzed the behavioral descriptions stated in literature during the last decade (2006-2016) with the purpose to clarify relations among these ...


Relationship of work stress with eating behavior and obesity: Theoretical and empirical considerations / Relación del estrés laboral con la conducta alimentaria y la obesidad: Consideraciones teóricas y empíricas

Relationship of work stress with eating behavior and obesity: Theoretical and empirical considerations / Relación del estrés laboral con la conducta alimentaria y la obesidad: Consideraciones teóricas y empíricas

... with eating behavior and obesity, based on the findings emerging from eight scientific databases and an academic search ...by eating disorder, reflected as obesity or ...and eating behaviour, ...


Fasting effect on eating behavior in university students / Efecto del ayuno sobre la conducta alimentaria en estudiantes universitarios

Fasting effect on eating behavior in university students / Efecto del ayuno sobre la conducta alimentaria en estudiantes universitarios

... Siguiendo con el mismo argumento la reser- va energética, los participantes con IMC entre 25 y 29.99kg/m² llamados Sobre-peso, con un promedio de 81.8kg de peso corporal, pudieron[r] ...


Impact of berries production on the eating behavior in a population of Jalisco, Mexico / Impacto de la producción de berries sobre el comportamiento alimentario en una población de Jalisco, México

Impact of berries production on the eating behavior in a population of Jalisco, Mexico / Impacto de la producción de berries sobre el comportamiento alimentario en una población de Jalisco, México

... In Zapotlán el Grande (ZEG) the production of berries has increased drastically, while traditional crops has decrea- sed. The availability of these new foods may change eating habits (EH) of the population. The ...


Autoconcepto físico y conductas alimentarias de riesgo en estudiantes universitarios / Physical self-concept and risk eating  behavior in university students

Autoconcepto físico y conductas alimentarias de riesgo en estudiantes universitarios / Physical self-concept and risk eating behavior in university students

... Risk Eating Behaviors ...Risk Eating Behaviors (BQREB), and (2) Questionnaire of Physical Self-concept ...risk eating behaviors and modera- ted/high levels of physical ...


http://actaspsiquiatria es/repositorio/16/92/ESP/16 92 ESP 267 280 402585 pdf

Family structure and eating behavior disorders

... Results. Families with ED have a different structure from the families in the control group. They have more psychiatric history and poor coping skills. The family hierarchy is not clearly defined and the leadership is ...


Una aproximación a los determinantes sociales de los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria en México  7  /  An approach to the social determinants of disordered eating behavior in Mexico

Una aproximación a los determinantes sociales de los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria en México 7 / An approach to the social determinants of disordered eating behavior in Mexico

... Vargas (1994) menciona que la percepción es la materia prima sobre la cual se incluyen cierto tipo de cualidades y características de los objetos.. algo se califica de [r] ...


Vol. 91, Núm. 3 (2020)

Vol. 91, Núm. 3 (2020)

... as eating behavior, phy- sical exercise, and other lifestyle indicators of Chilean children carriers of this FTO gene polymorphism, and to determine how these behaviors or lifestyles affect the obesity ...


Improving planning interventions: A meta-analytic review in healthy eating

Improving planning interventions: A meta-analytic review in healthy eating

... healthy eating consumer behavior, we found 69 articles that were deemed relevant to the meta-analysis because they had the following ...on eating behavior could be extracted from the ...


Disordered eating behaviors in Mexican patients with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus / Conductas alimentarias de riesgo en pacientes mexicanos con y sin diabetes mellitus tipo 2

Disordered eating behaviors in Mexican patients with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus / Conductas alimentarias de riesgo en pacientes mexicanos con y sin diabetes mellitus tipo 2

... Disordered eating behaviors (DEB) were assessed with the EFRATA (Escala de Factores de Riesgo Asociados a Trastornos ...binge eating, food and weight concern, normal eating behavior, emotional ...


Emotional eating scale for children and adolescents: psychometric characteristics in a Spanish sample

Emotional eating scale for children and adolescents: psychometric characteristics in a Spanish sample

... three eating behavior groups for analysis: those reporting at least one eating episode with overeating (OE) in the past six months (n: 26), one binge eating (BE) episode (n: 28), or no ...


Neuroendocrine metabolic dysfunction and sleep disturbances in neurodegenerative disorders: focus on Alzheimer's disease and melatonin

Neuroendocrine metabolic dysfunction and sleep disturbances in neurodegenerative disorders: focus on Alzheimer's disease and melatonin

... Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is associated with altered eating behavior and metabolic disruption. Amyloid plaques and neurofilament tangles are observed in many hypothalamic nuclei from AD brains. Some of these ...


Improving Fraud Detection Modeling

Improving Fraud Detection Modeling

... We describe now how we may use the above models for classification purposes. Here we would aim at classifying a transaction as fraudulent or not. More generally, we could consider several classes of fraudster ...




... Análisis bibliométrico de los estudios sobre la calidad de los sitios Web sobre trastornos de la conducta alimentaria. Se consideraron adecuados los descriptores Eating Disorders (que incluye la anorexia nerviosa ...


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