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Education and Communication

Analysis of Telecollaborative Exchanges among Secondary Education Students: Communication Strategies and Negotiation of Meaning

Analysis of Telecollaborative Exchanges among Secondary Education Students: Communication Strategies and Negotiation of Meaning

... British and Spanish secondary education students during a telecollaborative project funded by the European ...communicative and inter- cultural ...Varonis and Gass (1985) is employed to ...


Can we use creativity to improve generic skills in our higher education students? A proposal based on non-verbal communication and creative movement

Can we use creativity to improve generic skills in our higher education students? A proposal based on non-verbal communication and creative movement

... Madrid and an Education Degree from Universidad Pontificia of Salamanca ...(Classical and Contemporary), working as a professional dancer and instructor of dance for many ...on ...


Political Communication and Education in War Time: The Case of Miguel Hernández

Political Communication and Education in War Time: The Case of Miguel Hernández

... with education and ...municator and educator: 1) journalist, as he wrote in different war newspapers; 2) political communicator due to his responsibility as political commissar; and 3) ...


Share your voice: Online community building during reaffirmation of accreditation

Share your voice: Online community building during reaffirmation of accreditation

... Bonura and James, through their roles at Walden, represented the voice of the ...Commission and was able to help ensure that the team’s efforts and information remained consistent with commission ...


Background materials concerning Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA)

Background materials concerning Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA)

... Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB); Eurosite (the network of European natural heritage management bodies); The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS), Center for International Earth ...


Resolution VIII.31 The Convention’s Programme on communication, education and public awareness (CEPA) 2003-2008

Resolution VIII.31 The Convention’s Programme on communication, education and public awareness (CEPA) 2003-2008

... refine and further elaborate a second CEPA programme, and also those CEPA Focal Points, representatives from Ramsar’s IOPs and other conventions, and other CEPA experts who contributed their ...


Estudios sobre Comunicación y Educación en Iberoamérica: panorama de los cursos de posgrado

Estudios sobre Comunicación y Educación en Iberoamérica: panorama de los cursos de posgrado

... in communication and education, we found that 19 of them have, in their name, a more wide approach related to the field of study (Communication Sciences, Science of Education, Social ...


Brief introduction in plenary – Each session starts for 30 minutes in plenary with an introduction of two different themes

Brief introduction in plenary – Each session starts for 30 minutes in plenary with an introduction of two different themes

... administration and private ...technical and site management issues, in charge of communication, education, awareness and capacity building, from Ramsar International Organisation ...


Las competencias profesionales universitarias y la formación en el programa de negocios internacionales en modalidad virtual

Las competencias profesionales universitarias y la formación en el programa de negocios internacionales en modalidad virtual

... virtual education changes the teaching model, it leans more toward the student’s learning process, which requires and demands mediation, communication, interaction focused on learning, dialogue, ...


El uso de las tecnologías educativas y su impacto en la formación de los profesionales de la Educación Superior

El uso de las tecnologías educativas y su impacto en la formación de los profesionales de la Educación Superior

... Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are considered a strategic ally for ...use and its imminent development is a powerful reason to generate educational proposals that incorporate the ...


Grammatical accuracy improvement in virtual learning environments using screencast feedback

Grammatical accuracy improvement in virtual learning environments using screencast feedback

... English and develop their skills in online contexts, in as much as they need further language support and practice than that required in face -to- face environments to develop their listening, reading, ...


Realidad Aumentada del Conocimiento del Medio Ambiente Social en el salón de clases de Primaria

Realidad Aumentada del Conocimiento del Medio Ambiente Social en el salón de clases de Primaria

... information and communication technologies is now a rea- lity that cannot be ...reality and scenic realism, its addition to class- room methodologies implies the possibili- ty of experiencing the ...


Las campañas de alfabetización y la televisión como estrategia de aprendizaje en Latinoamérica

Las campañas de alfabetización y la televisión como estrategia de aprendizaje en Latinoamérica

... Comunicación social, educación, alfabetización, televisión. Social communication, education, literacy, television. En la configuración de la cultural de una comunidad o de una sociedad t[r] ...


About this series of handbooks

About this series of handbooks

... monitor and report on the implementation of the Convention’s CEPA Programme and to examine and set priorities for communication, education and capacity ...Scientific and ...


"Siempre me critican": barriers to reproductive health in Ocotal, Nicaragua

"Siempre me critican": barriers to reproductive health in Ocotal, Nicaragua

... autonomy and ability to make personal decisions regarding their repro- ductive health, work, and ...VAW and machismo are similar to those found by other studies in Nicaragua showing that gender ...


Vol. 6, Núm. 12 (2014)

Vol. 6, Núm. 12 (2014)

... scope and impact of the broadcasting service of public interest in Colombia”) shows the lack of interest on doing research on this ...the communication field, there are some generations from other knowledge ...


Introducción de la comunicación no verbal en la enseñanza griega: una revisión de la literatura.

Introducción de la comunicación no verbal en la enseñanza griega: una revisión de la literatura.

... elaboration and successful completion of doctoral and postdoctoral studies, the Greek data in research of non-verbal communication in education at postgraduate level, is clearly ...non-verbal ...


Lineamiento sobre tecnologías de comunicación para educación inclusiva en universidades públicas

Lineamiento sobre tecnologías de comunicación para educación inclusiva en universidades públicas

... on communication technologies in the National Open and Distance University and National Pedagogical University, in order to strengthen the inclusive education of the university student ...


TítuloTecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en Educación Física: una revisión teórica

TítuloTecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en Educación Física: una revisión teórica

... Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and physical education was very low, most of its application in the sports world was reduced to the level of athletic performance ...changing, ...


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