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Electricity sector

Corporate social responsibility in the electricity sector

Corporate social responsibility in the electricity sector

... the electricity sector´s companies in their corporate social responsibility ...that sector improvements in environmental performance are superior to the economic and social ...


La Eficiencia del Sector Eléctrico en México 2008-2015 (Electricity Sector Efficiency in Mexico 2008-2015 A sector-based approach)

La Eficiencia del Sector Eléctrico en México 2008-2015 (Electricity Sector Efficiency in Mexico 2008-2015 A sector-based approach)

... Mexico’s electricity sector in period 2008-2015, using Data Envelopment Analysis methodology with bootstrap in order to give more validity to observations ...the sector in the study ...


Responsabilidad social corporativa en el sector eléctricosocial responsibility in the electricity sector

Responsabilidad social corporativa en el sector eléctricosocial responsibility in the electricity sector

... the electricity sector´s companies in their corporate social responsibility ...that sector improvements in environmental performance are superior to the economic and social ...


Libre mercado y regulación : la experiencia en el sector eléctrico español = Market and regulation : the experience in the spanish electricity sector

Libre mercado y regulación : la experiencia en el sector eléctrico español = Market and regulation : the experience in the spanish electricity sector

... RESUMEN: Se describe a la regulación como instrumento de intervención administrativa en un panorama de liberalización de los servicios económicos esenciales, en especial del sector eléctrico. Desde esta ...


Serie documentos de trabajo

Serie documentos de trabajo

... Even though the evidence on the benefits of privatization around the world has been established in the literature in a robust manner, public opinion surveys show a widely negative perception of the reform process in ...


Reshuffling democracy : exploring deliberative environmental governance in Costa Rica’s electric sector

Reshuffling democracy : exploring deliberative environmental governance in Costa Rica’s electric sector

... become increasingly polarized leading to a deadlock in the development of electricity infrastructure and in a fundamental “disconnect” about the direction that the electricity sector‟s development ...


Strategic Behaviour, Resource Valuation and Competition in Electricity Markets

Strategic Behaviour, Resource Valuation and Competition in Electricity Markets

... to electricity markets (Hortacsu and Puller [2008] and Wolak ...many electricity markets. For example, we explicitly model electricity auctions as discrete bid ...


Methodology for modeling electricity markets using concurrent constraint programming

Methodology for modeling electricity markets using concurrent constraint programming

... Until now, the target was to demonstrate that it was possible to use CCP to simulate a competitive electricity market with SFE and leaving a modeling methodology using this programming paradigm. For this purpose, ...


Empirical studies of competition in the Chilean electricity market

Empirical studies of competition in the Chilean electricity market

... Esta estimación sería perfectible mediante la obtención de mayor detalle de las estimaciones de largo plazo del precio del carbón para el período de análisis, como también de las otras v[r] ...


Electricity Cross-Subsidies in Colombia : an alternative targeting proposal

Electricity Cross-Subsidies in Colombia : an alternative targeting proposal

... Recently a consulting group, Economía Urbana (2015), made an attempt to test the impact of several focalization methods which included SISBEN application, stratum 3 elimination and increasing subsistence consumption, ...


Operation of a photovoltaic system in the mexican electricity market

Operation of a photovoltaic system in the mexican electricity market

... The energy reform brought a profound modification of articles 25, 27 and 28 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States. To meet the needs of increasing the rate of economic growth, increase productivity ...


Forecasting Electricity Prices and their volatilities using Unobserved Components.

Forecasting Electricity Prices and their volatilities using Unobserved Components.

... The Con- ditionally Heteroskedastic Seasonal Dynamic Factor Analysis (GARCH- SeaDFA) here presented is able to jointly model conditional mean and variance, allowing unobserved common fa[r] ...


Descubriendo conceptos erróneos en física de primer curso mediante cuestionarios conceptuales

Descubriendo conceptos erróneos en física de primer curso mediante cuestionarios conceptuales

... Resumen. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de la aplicación del cuestionario conceptual BEMA (Brief Electricity and Magnetism Assessment) a alumnos de primer curso de Grados de Ingeniería en la ...


Does it take volume to move European electricity spot prices?

Does it take volume to move European electricity spot prices?

... The electricity prices series used in our study was obtained directly from the official ...spot electricity market, and they represent the cost to obtain a certain quantity of electricity in a ...


Predicting the electricity demand response via data-driven inverse optimization

Predicting the electricity demand response via data-driven inverse optimization

... • A methodology evaluation on a data set corresponding to a cluster of price-responsive buildings equipped with a heat pump. The non-linearity between price and aggregate load is well de[r] ...


Strategic Generation Investment and equilibria in oligopolistic electricity markets

Strategic Generation Investment and equilibria in oligopolistic electricity markets

... ria in an electricity market. The objective of this work is to investigate the impact of four key parameters on the generation investment equilibria and on the supply security. Such parameters are: 1) profit risk, ...


Electricity Price Forecasting by Averaging Dynamic Factor Models

Electricity Price Forecasting by Averaging Dynamic Factor Models

... of electricity markets, forecasting prices is ...that electricity prices would be better forecast by a combination of models for the factors than by a single ...


Aportes históricos y epistemológicos para un estudio de casos: el principio de correspondencia

Aportes históricos y epistemológicos para un estudio de casos: el principio de correspondencia

... Esto está muy muy bien graficado por uno de los protagonistas· de ese período, sir James Jeans, quien en su texto Electricity and Magnetism (1925} expresaba que : "The limi[r] ...


Price based market clearing in pool-based electricity markets

Price based market clearing in pool-based electricity markets

... straints including price uplifts. Similar to [105], revenue terms were approx- imated to mixed-integer linear expressions through the use of a binary ex- pansion approach [100], thereby increasing the number of binary ...


Effects of electricity dynamic pricing : from time of use to real time pricing

Effects of electricity dynamic pricing : from time of use to real time pricing

... the electricity supply curve is estimated econometrically and the electricity demand is calibrated hourly and assumed to be iso-elastic, allowing an exact match with wholesale real market ...producing ...


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