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electron microscopy

Monitoring Mitochondrial Membranes Permeability in Live Neurons and Mitochondrial Swelling Through Electron Microscopy Analysis

Monitoring Mitochondrial Membranes Permeability in Live Neurons and Mitochondrial Swelling Through Electron Microscopy Analysis

... Mitochondrial swelling can be detected in vitro with a spectro- photometric assay from isolated mitochondria , as previously described [ 10 ]; however, the amount of material required to obtain high quality purifi ...


Experimental and simulated electron microscopy in the study of metal nanostructures

Experimental and simulated electron microscopy in the study of metal nanostructures

... of electron microscopy but a hands-on guide for researchers interested in the generation of high resolution electron micrographs of metal ...of electron microscopy, the role of ...


Scanning transmission electron microscopy methods for the analysis of nanoparticles

Scanning transmission electron microscopy methods for the analysis of nanoparticles

... Electron microscopy has been improved greatly since 1990s with the correction of the spherical aberration and the chromatic aberration and is now capable of sub-angstrom resolution ( 1 ) ...


Scanning electron microscopy and calcification in amelogenesis imperfecta in anterior and posterior human teeth.

Scanning electron microscopy and calcification in amelogenesis imperfecta in anterior and posterior human teeth.

... This study was designed to use quantitative x-ray microprobe analysis (EPMA) with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) a s a histological approach to determine the morph[r] ...


Identification of Extended Defect Atomic Configurations in Silicon Through Transmission Electron Microscopy Image Simulation

Identification of Extended Defect Atomic Configurations in Silicon Through Transmission Electron Microscopy Image Simulation

... sion electron microscopy images of extended defects in crystalline silicon with their structures at atomic ...mission electron microscopy (HRTEM) simulated images of obtained defects were ...


Three-dimensional spatial distribution of synapses in the neocortex: A dual-beam electron microscopy study

Three-dimensional spatial distribution of synapses in the neocortex: A dual-beam electron microscopy study

... transmission electron microscopy is a well estab- lished and mature technology for obtaining 3-dimensional data from ultrathin sections of brain tissue (Stevens et ...automated electron ...


Atomic structure of three layer Au/Pd nanoparticles revealed by aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy

Atomic structure of three layer Au/Pd nanoparticles revealed by aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy

... The study of nanomaterials can be greatly improved with the use of aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy (TEM), which provides image resolutions at the level of 1 A ˚ and lower. Sub-A ˚ ...


Non cytopathic hepatitis A virus induces surface alterations in LLC MK2 cells revealed by thin sections, negative staining, and scanning electron microscopy

Non cytopathic hepatitis A virus induces surface alterations in LLC MK2 cells revealed by thin sections, negative staining, and scanning electron microscopy

... Previous electron microscopic studies using thin sections of HAV infected cell cul- tures have shown no marked ultrastructural changes in infected cells, with the exception of some cytoplasmic accumulations of ...


Microwave irradiation for shortening the processing time of samples of flagellated bacteria for scanning electron microscopy

Microwave irradiation for shortening the processing time of samples of flagellated bacteria for scanning electron microscopy

... Processing methods to observe bacteria under scanning electron microscopy (SEM) are easier than those for eu- karyotic cells, due to the presence of the bacterial cell wall. Gram positive and Gram negative ...


Aberration corrected electron microscopy of nanoparticles

Aberration corrected electron microscopy of nanoparticles

... industrial electron microscope built by Ruska’s team at the Siemens labs was a microscope with a very disappointing practical performance (see ...transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was close to ...


Advanced methods of electron microscopy in catalysis research

Advanced methods of electron microscopy in catalysis research

... different electron beam extinction ...scanning/transmission electron microscopy (S/TEM), which yields a new level of understanding of the behavior of these systems at the atomic ...


Segmentation of mitochondria in Serial Section Electron Microscopy images of the brain using Deep Neural Networks

Segmentation of mitochondria in Serial Section Electron Microscopy images of the brain using Deep Neural Networks

... While, at one end of the scale, scientist can observe neuroanatomy at nanometer resolution; at the other end the whole brain functional behavior can be monitored over extended periods and under a variety of stimuli. The ...


Observations of the development of Xanthoria farinosa under optical and electron microscopy

Observations of the development of Xanthoria farinosa under optical and electron microscopy

... Xanthoria farinosa is a foliose lichen widely distributed in South America, growing not only on rocks but also on man-made structures. This species has abundant soralia, but it is unknown how development occurs from the ...


Rat macrophage activity against Toxoplasma gondii studied by electron microscopy

Rat macrophage activity against Toxoplasma gondii studied by electron microscopy

... Material was treated with 1% (w/v) 0s04 for 1 ha and then washed, dehydrated in graded ethanol, transfered to propylene oxided and embedded in Epoxy (polyscience Inc.). Ultra thin sections were cut in a Sorvall ...


Ca2+ homeostasis in the endoplasmic reticulum measured with a new low Ca2+ affinity targeted aequorin

Ca2+ homeostasis in the endoplasmic reticulum measured with a new low Ca2+ affinity targeted aequorin

... The specificity of targeting of this probe has been previously shown in HeLa cells by immunocytochemistry [17] and by electron microscopy, using immunogold labeling of ultrathin cryosecti[r] ...


Enforcing secondary and tertiary structure for crystallographic phasing. Developing ARCIMBOLDO and BORGES

Enforcing secondary and tertiary structure for crystallographic phasing. Developing ARCIMBOLDO and BORGES

... or electron microscopy (cryo-EM) from complex ...in microscopy, the product of the crystallographic analysis is not a direct image of the molecules in the ...


Proceedings of the VIII Iberian Conference on Tribology : Conference Proceedings

Proceedings of the VIII Iberian Conference on Tribology : Conference Proceedings

... This paper presents visual examination results and topographic analysis of two 8-valves engines intake and exhaust valves and valve seats in order to characterize wear damages as part of the “FAPESP – Desafios ...


Analysis of type material of Pleurosigma formosum and P. decorum (Pleurosigmataceae, Bacillariophyta) - Sociedad Argentina de Botánica

Analysis of type material of Pleurosigma formosum and P. decorum (Pleurosigmataceae, Bacillariophyta) - Sociedad Argentina de Botánica

... light microscopy (LM) ...Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis shows that both species share several ultrastructural features such as a thick saddle-shaped central raphe nodule, very long ...


The external micro-anatomy of the cephalon of the asellotan isopod Craseriella anops

The external micro-anatomy of the cephalon of the asellotan isopod Craseriella anops

... This study used scanning electron microscopy to examine the external cuticular micro stmctures of the ceph- alon using a modified technique than the one described by Felgenhau[r] ...




... addition, electron microscopy was employed in order to investigate the effect of milling time on the size and morphology of La/Ce phase under milling ...scanning electron microscopy indicate a ...


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