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Emerging contaminants

Automatic mesofluidic system combining dynamic gastrointestinal bioaccessibility with lab on valve based sorptive microextraction for risk exposure of organic emerging contaminants in filter feeding organisms

Automatic mesofluidic system combining dynamic gastrointestinal bioaccessibility with lab on valve based sorptive microextraction for risk exposure of organic emerging contaminants in filter feeding organisms

... organic emerging contaminants (viz, methyl paraben, butyl paraben, diclofenac and triclosan) from exposed mussels based on the Versantvoort’s fed-state physiologically extraction ...(non-bioaccessible) ...


Determination of emerging contaminants in environmental matrices

Determination of emerging contaminants in environmental matrices

... Emerging contaminants (ECs) are chemicals that may have the potential to cause adverse ecological and/or human health ...considered emerging contaminants because of the discovery of a new ...


Behaviour of emerging contaminants in sewage sludge after anaerobic digestion

Behaviour of emerging contaminants in sewage sludge after anaerobic digestion

... Organic contaminants are receiving an increasing attention with respect to their environmental fate and toxicological properties (Evgenidou et ...so-called emerging contaminants. Emerging ...


Critical evaluation of a simple retention time predictor based on LogKow as a complementary tool in the identification of emerging contaminants in water

Critical evaluation of a simple retention time predictor based on LogKow as a complementary tool in the identification of emerging contaminants in water

... “emerging contaminants” in water, which encompass a wide-range of compounds including drugs for health and personal care, flame retardants, illicit drugs and all kinds of transformation or by- products ...


Efects on vegetables by action of emerging contaminants (pharmaceutical products) present in the irrigation water

Efects on vegetables by action of emerging contaminants (pharmaceutical products) present in the irrigation water

... of emerging contaminants (EC), with special interest of pharmaceutical products, since those are chemical compounds of high production and intensive use, which can be found freely in agricultural irrigation ...


Novel bioavailability tests for risk assessment of organic emerging contaminants in environmental samples and food commodities: a holistic approach

Novel bioavailability tests for risk assessment of organic emerging contaminants in environmental samples and food commodities: a holistic approach

... The rate-determining step of the human exposome workflow is the acquisition of physiologically relevant data (e.g., effect directed analysis), which can be performed retrospectively or with ad hoc experiments. In this ...


Cellulosic nanomaterials for adsorption of emerging contaminants

Cellulosic nanomaterials for adsorption of emerging contaminants

... Con base en los resultados de la adsorción del contaminante emergente tipo ciprofloxacina, se concluye que los nanomateriales celulósicos podrían ser usados en un sistema terci[r] ...


Properly estimating risk in emerging markets

Properly estimating risk in emerging markets

... Risk calculation, in the form of beta estimation, is a key aspect of asset valuation. When assets do not trade as frequently as the market portfolio, the standard OLS beta exhibits thin trading bias. Several beta ...


PRTR-CAT. Registre d Emissions i Transferència de Contaminants de Catalunya

PRTR-CAT. Registre d Emissions i Transferència de Contaminants de Catalunya

... Quina informació declarada pels establiments afectats es farà pública a les bases de dades del PRTR? D’acord amb el Reial Decret 508/2007, les activitats afectades hauran de declarar tots els contaminants de totes ...


Batteries as technological contaminants waste: a challenge for environmental education

Batteries as technological contaminants waste: a challenge for environmental education

... waste contaminants, since depicting an action plan before a task that requires a cognitive activity highlighting the procedural nature that all learning ...


Estudi de la degradació de contaminants emergents mitjançant Processos Avançats d'Oxidació (PAOS)

Estudi de la degradació de contaminants emergents mitjançant Processos Avançats d'Oxidació (PAOS)

... L’aigua és un element central en varies activitats socials i econòmiques de l’ humanitat, és un cercle tancat, el qual es troba actualment en crisis degut a l’ intensificació de les activitats industrials des de la ...


Substitució de llumeneres de vapor de Abrera P J Substitució de llumeneres contaminants

Substitució de llumeneres de vapor de Abrera P J Substitució de llumeneres contaminants

... 21/Y/308039 202110019238 8.322,14 0,00 8.322,14 Castellolí P0806200B Oficina Tècnica de Canvi Climàtic i Sostenibilitat Implantació d'accions sostenibles INSTAL·LACIO PUNT RECARREGA VEHICLE ELECTRIC 21/Y/308592 ...


Emerging organic contaminants in sewage sludge

Emerging organic contaminants in sewage sludge

... En la utilización o cita de partes de la tesis es obligado indicar el nombre de la persona autora.. On having consulted this thesis you’re accepting the following use conditions:[r] ...




... of emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic, mainly of viral origin, and likely to be vec- torborne ...of emerging zoonoses, as their training in disease recognition and popu- lation medicine makes them ...


M&G Global Emerging Markets Fund

M&G Global Emerging Markets Fund

... Gracias a la recuperación del crudo, el sector de la energía fue el de mejor comportamiento del periodo, seguido de consumo básico y la industria financiera. En cambio, las áreas de salud y tecnologías de la información ...


Ecotoxicological effects of microplastics and adsorbed contaminants on aquatic organisms

Ecotoxicological effects of microplastics and adsorbed contaminants on aquatic organisms

... Microplastic (< 5 mm) pollution have raised concern on behalf of the scientific community and the general public. Microplastic occurrence in aquatic environments and organisms have been well documented. However, it is ...


Síntesis i caracterització de Nanopartícules Magnètiques per a la captura de metall pesants contaminants

Síntesis i caracterització de Nanopartícules Magnètiques per a la captura de metall pesants contaminants

... En aquest treball, s’ha aconseguit sintetitzar i caracteritzar 2 receptors aptes per la funcionalització de nanopartícules magnètiques de magnetita, que presenten altes constants d’assoc[r] ...


Colombia in the global videogame industry: more than an emerging industry in more than emerging country

Colombia in the global videogame industry: more than an emerging industry in more than emerging country

... (2011), emerging economies will generate most of the global economic growth by ...of emerging markets have appeared (Diaz & Vassolo, 2012; Gaur and Kumar, ...


Ficha: DWS Invest Emerging Markets Corporates

Ficha: DWS Invest Emerging Markets Corporates

... Debido al hecho de que en la fijación de precios por parte del Depositario el último día de negociación de un mes en algunos fondos se produce una diferencia horaria de hasta diez horas [r] ...


Varicella-Zoster Virus: A Re-Emerging Infection

Varicella-Zoster Virus: A Re-Emerging Infection

... V aricella-zoster virus (VZV) is a human alphaher- pesvirus that causes chickenpox (varicella), becomes latent in cranial nerve and dorsal root ganglia, and can reactivate many years later to produce shingles (zoster) ...


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